context("cut function") with_mock_crunch({ ds <- cachedLoadDataset("test ds") gen <- ds$gender test_that("cut labels are generated correcty", { expect_identical( generateNumCutLabels(5, c(2.111111, 3, 4, 5), 4, FALSE, FALSE), c("[2.1111,3)", "[3,4)", "[4,5)") ) expect_identical( generateNumCutLabels(2, c(2.111111, 3, 4, 5), 4, FALSE, FALSE), c("[2.1,3)", "[3,4)", "[4,5)") ) expect_identical( generateNumCutLabels(2, c(2, 3, 4, 5), 4, FALSE, FALSE), c("[2,3)", "[3,4)", "[4,5)") ) expect_identical( generateNumCutLabels(5, c(2.111111, 3, 4, 5), 4, TRUE, TRUE), c("[2.1111,3]", "(3,4]", "(4,5]") ) expect_identical( generateNumCutLabels(5, c(2.111111, 3, 4, 5), 4, FALSE, TRUE), c("[2.1111,3)", "[3,4)", "[4,5]") ) # if the breaks are all the same at up to 12 decimal points # generateNumCutLabels will use Range_n lagles. expect_identical( generateNumCutLabels( 5, c( 2.111111111111, 2.111111111112, 2.111111111113, 2.111111111114 ), 4, FALSE, FALSE ), c("Range_1", "Range_2", "Range_3") ) }) test_that("cut throws error when no variable name supplies", { expect_error( cut(ds$birthyr, 3), "Must provide the name for the new variable" ) }) test_that("cut returns expected output", { ##################### EXPECTED OUTPUT ###################################### basic_output <- list( derivation = list( `function` = "case", args = list( list( column = I(1:3), type = list( value = list( class = "categorical", categories = list( list( id = 1L, name = "one", numeric_value = NULL, missing = FALSE ), list( id = 2L, name = "two", numeric_value = NULL, missing = FALSE ), list( id = 3L, name = "three", numeric_value = NULL, missing = FALSE ) ) ) ) ), list( `function` = "and", args = list( list( `function` = ">", args = list( list(variable = ""), # nolint structure(list(value = -1.4998629), class = "zcl") ) ), list( `function` = "<=", args = list( list(variable = ""), # nolint structure(list(value = -0.4424), class = "zcl") ) ) ) ), list( `function` = "and", args = list( list( `function` = ">", args = list( list(variable = ""), # nolint structure(list(value = -0.4424), class = "zcl") ) ), list( `function` = "<=", args = list( list(variable = ""), # nolint structure(list(value = 0.6119), class = "zcl") ) ) ) ), list( `function` = "and", args = list( list( `function` = ">", args = list( list(variable = ""), # nolint structure(list(value = 0.6119), class = "zcl") ) ), list( `function` = "<=", args = list( list(variable = ""), # nolint structure(list(value = 1.6693629), class = "zcl") ) ) ) ) ) ), name = "new_var" ) right_false <- list( derivation = list( `function` = "case", args = list( list( column = I(1:3), type = list( value = list( class = "categorical", categories = list( list( id = 1L, name = "one", numeric_value = NULL, missing = FALSE ), list( id = 2L, name = "two", numeric_value = NULL, missing = FALSE ), list( id = 3L, name = "three", numeric_value = NULL, missing = FALSE ) ) ) ) ), list( `function` = "and", args = list( list( `function` = ">=", args = list( list(variable = ""), # nolint structure(list(value = -1.4998629), class = "zcl") ) ), list( `function` = "<", args = list( list(variable = ""), # nolint structure(list(value = -0.4424), class = "zcl") ) ) ) ), list( `function` = "and", args = list( list( `function` = ">=", args = list( list(variable = ""), # nolint structure(list(value = -0.4424), class = "zcl") ) ), list( `function` = "<", args = list( list(variable = ""), # nolint structure(list(value = 0.6119), class = "zcl") ) ) ) ), list( `function` = "and", args = list( list( `function` = ">=", args = list( list(variable = ""), # nolint structure(list(value = 0.6119), class = "zcl") ) ), list( `function` = "<", args = list( list(variable = ""), # nolint structure(list(value = 1.6693629), class = "zcl") ) ) ) ) ) ), name = "new_var" ) set_breaks <- list( derivation = list( `function` = "case", args = list( list( column = I(1:2), type = list( value = list( class = "categorical", categories = list( list( id = 1L, name = "one", numeric_value = NULL, missing = FALSE ), list( id = 2L, name = "two", numeric_value = NULL, missing = FALSE ) ) ) ) ), list( `function` = "and", args = list( list( `function` = ">=", args = list( list(variable = ""), # nolint structure(list(value = -1.4967), class = "zcl") ) ), list( `function` = "<", args = list( list(variable = ""), # nolint structure(list(value = 0), class = "zcl") ) ) ) ), list( `function` = "and", args = list( list( `function` = ">=", args = list( list(variable = ""), # nolint structure(list(value = 0), class = "zcl") ) ), list( `function` = "<", args = list( list(variable = ""), # nolint structure(list(value = 1.6662), class = "zcl") ) ) ) ) ) ), name = "new_var" ) dig_lab <- list( derivation = list( `function` = "case", args = list( list( column = I(1:3), type = list( value = list( class = "categorical", categories = list( list( id = 1L, name = "(-1.5,-0.44]", numeric_value = NULL, missing = FALSE ), list( id = 2L, name = "(-0.44,0.61]", numeric_value = NULL, missing = FALSE ), list( id = 3L, name = "(0.61,1.7]", numeric_value = NULL, missing = FALSE ) ) ) ) ), list( `function` = "and", args = list( list( `function` = ">", args = list( list(variable = ""), # nolint structure(list(value = -1.4998629), class = "zcl") ) ), list( `function` = "<=", args = list( list(variable = ""), # nolint structure(list(value = -0.4424), class = "zcl") ) ) ) ), list( `function` = "and", args = list( list( `function` = ">", args = list( list(variable = ""), # nolint structure(list(value = -0.4424), class = "zcl") ) ), list( `function` = "<=", args = list( list(variable = ""), # nolint structure(list(value = 0.6119), class = "zcl") ) ) ) ), list( `function` = "and", args = list( list( `function` = ">", args = list( list(variable = ""), # nolint structure(list(value = 0.6119), class = "zcl") ) ), list( `function` = "<=", args = list( list(variable = ""), # nolint structure(list(value = 1.6693629), class = "zcl") ) ) ) ) ) ), name = "new_var" ) ######################################################################## basic_cut <- cut(ds$birthyr, 3, name = "new_var", label = c("one", "two", "three") ) expect_is(basic_cut, "VariableDefinition") expect_equivalent(basic_cut, basic_output) expect_equivalent( right_false, cut(ds$birthyr, 3, name = "new_var", label = c("one", "two", "three"), right = FALSE ) ) expect_equivalent( set_breaks, cut(ds$birthyr, c(-1.4967, 0, 1.6662), name = "new_var", label = c("one", "two"), right = FALSE ) ) expect_equivalent( dig_lab, cut(ds$birthyr, 3, dig.lab = 2, name = "new_var" ) ) }) test_that("cut input validation", { expect_error( cut(ds$birthyr, breaks = c(-1.4967), name = "new_var", right = TRUE ), "invalid number of breaks" ) expect_error( cut(ds$birthyr, breaks = c(-1.4967, 0, 1.6662, 3), name = "new_var", label = c("one", "two"), right = TRUE ), paste0( "There are 3 resulting categories but you only supplied 2 ", "labels. Change number of breaks or the number of labels." ) ) expect_error( cut(ds$birthyr, breaks = c(1, 1, 1), name = "new_var", label = c("one", "two"), right = TRUE ), paste0(sQuote("breaks"), " must be unique") ) }) test_that("isoweekyear gets weeks dates right", { expect_equal( isoweekyear(as.Date(c("2020-01-01", "2020-01-08"))), c("2020-W01", "2020-W02") ) # crossing year boundary expect_equal( isoweekyear(as.Date(c("2016-01-01", "2017-01-01", "2019-12-30"))), c("2015-W53", "2016-W52", "2020-W01") ) }) test_that("parse_break_units works", { expect_equal(parse_break_units("month"), list(quantity = 1, unit = "month")) expect_equal(parse_break_units("weeks"), list(quantity = 1, unit = "week")) expect_equal(parse_break_units("7 days"), list(quantity = 7, unit = "day")) }) test_that("cut date catdates are correct", { expect_equal( generateCatdates( "week", as.Date(c("2020-02-03", "2020-02-10", "2020-02-18")) ), c("2020-W06", "2020-W07", "2020-W08") ) expect_equal( generateCatdates( "month", as.Date(c("2020-02-03", "2020-03-10", "2020-04-18")) ), c("2020-02", "2020-03", "2020-04") ) date_seq <- as.POSIXct( c("2020-01-01 00:01:00", "2020-01-04 00:01:00", "2020-01-08 00:01:00"), tz = "UTC" ) expect_equal( generateCatdates(date_seq, date_seq), c("2020-01-01,2020-01-03", "2020-01-04,2020-01-07") ) }) test_that("cut date labels are correct", { expect_equal( generateDateCutLabels( "week", as.Date(c("2020-02-03", "2020-02-10", "2020-02-18")) ), c("2020/02/03 - 2020/02/09", "2020/02/10 - 2020/02/17", "2020/02/18 - 2020/02/24") ) expect_equal( generateDateCutLabels( "month", as.Date(c("2020-02-01", "2020-03-01", "2020-04-01")) ), c("2020/02/01 - 2020/02/29", "2020/03/01 - 2020/03/31", "2020/04/01 - 2020/04/30") ) date_seq <- as.POSIXct( c("2020-01-01 00:01:00", "2020-01-04 00:01:00", "2020-01-08 00:01:00"), tz = "UTC" ) expect_equal( generateDateCutLabels(date_seq, date_seq), c("2020/01/01 - 2020/01/03", "2020/01/04 - 2020/01/07") ) }) test_that("cut date returns expected output", { ds_catdate <- loadDataset("cat date test") simple_date_cut <- structure(list( derivation = list( `function` = "case", args = list( list( column = structure(1:2, class = "AsIs"), type = list( value = list( class = "categorical", categories = list( list( id = 1L, name = "2020/01/01 - 2020/01/31", numeric_value = NULL, missing = FALSE, date = "2020-01" ), list( id = 2L, name = "2020/02/01 - 2020/02/29", numeric_value = NULL, missing = FALSE, date = "2020-02" ) ) ) ) ), list( `function` = "and", args = list( list( `function` = ">=", args = list( list(variable = ""), # nolint structure(list(value = "2020-01-01"), class = "zcl") ) ), list( `function` = "<", args = list( list(variable = ""), # nolint structure(list(value = "2020-02-01"), class = "zcl") ) ) ) ), list( `function` = "and", args = list( list( `function` = ">=", args = list( list(variable = ""), # nolint structure(list(value = "2020-02-01"), class = "zcl") ) ), list( `function` = "<", args = list( list(variable = ""), # nolint structure(list(value = "2020-03-01"), class = "zcl") ) ) ) ) ) ), name = "cut month" ), class = "VariableDefinition") expect_equal( cut(ds_catdate$true_date, "month", name = "cut month"), simple_date_cut ) }) }) with_test_authentication({ ds <- newDataset(df) test_that("cut returns the same thing for Crunch variables and identical vectors", { ds$cat_var1 <- cut(ds$v1, 3, name = "new_var1", label = c("one", "two", "three") ) expect_identical( cut(df$v1, 3, label = c("one", "two", "three")), as.vector(ds$cat_var1) ) ds$cat_var2 <- cut(ds$v1, 3, name = "new_var2", label = c("one", "two", "three"), right = FALSE ) expect_identical( cut(df$v1, 3, label = c("one", "two", "three"), right = FALSE), as.vector(ds$cat_var2) ) ds$cat_var3 <- cut(ds$v1, c(-1.4967, 0, 1.6662), name = "new_var3", label = c("one", "two"), right = FALSE ) expect_identical( cut(df$v1, c(-1.4967, 0, 1.6662), label = c("one", "two"), right = FALSE), as.vector(ds$cat_var3) ) ds$cat_var4 <- cut(ds$v1, 3, dig.lab = 2, name = "new_var4" ) expect_identical( cut(df$v1, 3, dig.lab = 2), as.vector(ds$cat_var4) ) ds$cat_var5 <- cut(ds$v1, 3, include.lowest = TRUE, name = "new_var5" ) expect_identical( cut(df$v1, 3, include.lowest = TRUE), as.vector(ds$cat_var5) ) df$age <- sample(1:100, 20) ds$age <- df$age ds$age4 <- cut( df$age, c(0, 30, 45, 65, 200), c("youth", "adult", "middle-aged", "elderly") ) expect_identical( cut( df$age, c(0, 30, 45, 65, 200), c("youth", "adult", "middle-aged", "elderly") ), as.vector(ds$age4) ) }) })