context("Crosstabbing") cubedf <- df cubedf$v7 <- as.factor(c(rep("C", 10), rep("D", 5), rep("E", 5))) cubedf$v8 <- as.Date(0:1, origin = "1955-11-05") test_that("bin CrunchExpr", { x <- list(variable = "test") ## "ZCL" expect_is(bin(x), "CrunchExpr") expect_identical( zcl(bin(x)), list(`function` = "bin", args = list(list(variable = "test"))) ) }) test_that("cube missing functions set @useNA", { cube <- loadCube(test_path("cubes/cat-x-mr-x-mr.json")) expect_equal(cube@useNA, "no") cube <- showMissing(cube) expect_equal(cube@useNA, "always") expect_equal(hideMissing(cube)@useNA, "no") }) with_mock_crunch({ ds <- cachedLoadDataset("test ds") test_that("formulaToCubeQuery", { expect_identical( formulaToCubeQuery(mean(birthyr) ~ gender, data = ds), list( dimensions = list(zcl(ds$gender)), measures = list(mean = zfunc("cube_mean", ds$birthyr)) ) ) expect_identical( formulaToCubeQuery(~gender, data = ds), list( dimensions = list(zcl(ds$gender)), measures = list(count = zfunc("cube_count")) ) ) expect_identical( formulaToCubeQuery(n() ~ gender, data = ds), list( dimensions = list(zcl(ds$gender)), measures = list(count = zfunc("cube_count")) ) ) expect_identical( formulaToCubeQuery(list(mean(birthyr), n()) ~ gender, data = ds), list( dimensions = list(zcl(ds$gender)), measures = list( mean = zfunc("cube_mean", ds$birthyr), count = zfunc("cube_count") ) ) ) }) test_that("formulaToCubeQuery preserves name and appends official name", { expect_identical( formulaToCubeQuery(list(avg = mean(birthyr), cts = n()) ~ gender, data = ds), list( dimensions = list(zcl(ds$gender)), measures = list( avg__mean = zfunc("cube_mean", ds$birthyr), cts__count = zfunc("cube_count") ) ) ) }) }) adims <- CubeDims(list( v4 = list( name = c("B", "C"), missing = rep(FALSE, 2), references = list(name = "v4", alias = "v4", type = "categorical") ), v7 = list( name = c("C", "D", "E", "No Data"), missing = c(rep(FALSE, 3), TRUE), references = list(name = "v7", alias = "v7", type = "categorical") ) )) a1 <- CrunchCube( arrays = list("count" = array(c( 8, 6, 3, 2, 2, 3, 0, 0 ), dim = c(2L, 4L))), dims = adims ) attr(a1@arrays[[1]], "measure_type") <- "count" # v7 # v4 C D E No Data # B 8 3 2 0 # C 6 2 3 0 df.dims <- list( v3 = c("5-10", "10-15", "15-20", "20-25", "25-30"), v4 = c("B", "C"), v7 = LETTERS[3:5], v8 = c("1955-11-05", "1955-11-06") ) arrayify <- function(data, dims) { ## dims are names (aliases) of dims defined above dn <- df.dims[dims] # nolint array(data, dim = vapply(dn, length, integer(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE), dimnames = dn) } test_that("simple margin.table", { expect_equivalent(as.array(margin.table(a1, 1)), margin.table(a1@arrays[[1]], 1)) expect_identical( as.array(margin.table(a1, 1)), cubify(13, 11, dims = df.dims["v4"]) ) expect_identical( as.array(margin.table(a1, 2)), cubify(14, 5, 5, dims = df.dims["v7"]) ) expect_equivalent(margin.table(a1), margin.table(a1@arrays[[1]])) expect_identical(margin.table(a1), 24) }) test_that("margin.table with missing", { a2 <- a1 a2@dims[[2]]$missing[2] <- TRUE ## "D" expect_identical(a2@useNA, "no") ## The default. expect_identical( as.array(margin.table(a2, 1)), cubify(10, 9, dims = df.dims["v4"]) ) expect_identical( as.array(margin.table(a2, 2)), cubify(14, 5, dims = list(v7 = c("C", "E"))) ) expect_identical(margin.table(a2), 19) a2@useNA <- "ifany" ## Should be the same as first tests expect_identical( as.array(margin.table(a2, 1)), cubify(13, 11, dims = df.dims["v4"]) ) expect_identical( as.array(margin.table(a2, 2)), cubify(14, 5, 5, dims = df.dims["v7"]) ) expect_identical(margin.table(a2), 24) a2@useNA <- "always" expect_identical( as.array(margin.table(a2, 1)), cubify(13, 11, dims = df.dims["v4"]) ) expect_identical( as.array(margin.table(a2, 2)), cubify(14, 5, 5, 0, dims = list(v7 = c(LETTERS[3:5], "No Data"))) ) expect_identical(margin.table(a2), 24) }) with_test_authentication({ ds <- newDataset(cubedf) test_that("cubedf setup", { expect_identical( names(categories(ds$v7)), c("C", "D", "E", "No Data") ) }) test_that("We can get a univariate categorical cube", { kube <- crtabs(~v7, data = ds) expect_is(kube, "CrunchCube") expect_equal(as.array(kube), cubify(10, 5, 5, dims = df.dims["v7"])) ## Not sure why not identical, str makes them look the same }) test_that("We can get a bivariate categorical cube", { kube <- crtabs(~ v4 + v7, data = ds) expect_is(kube, "CrunchCube") expect_identical( as.array(kube), cubify( 5, 3, 2, 5, 2, 3, dims = list( v4 = c("B", "C"), v7 = c(LETTERS[3:5]) ) ) ) }) ## Make a category with data be missing$v7)) <- "D" ## Update it in the dimensions map df.dims$v7 <- c("C", "E") test_that("univariate datetime cube", { kube <- crtabs(~v8, data = ds) expect_is(kube, "CrunchCube") expect_equivalent(as.array(kube), arrayify(c(10, 10), "v8")) }) test_that("bivariate cube with datetime", { expect_equivalent( as.array(crtabs(~ v8 + v7, data = ds)), arrayify(c(5, 5, 2, 3), c("v8", "v7")) ) expect_equivalent( as.array(crtabs(~ v8 + v7, data = ds, useNA = "ifany")), array(c(5, 5, 3, 2, 2, 3), dim = c(2L, 3L), dimnames = list( v8 = c("1955-11-05", "1955-11-06"), v7 = LETTERS[3:5] ) ) ) # Replace this `expect_true(isTRUE(all.equal(new)) || isTRUE(all.equal(old)))` # construction with `expect_equivalent(new)` once the "default values" # ticket is released. expect_true( isTRUE(all.equal( as.array(crtabs(~ v8 + v7, data = ds, useNA = "always")), array(c( 5, 5, 0, 3, 2, 0, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ), dim = c(3L, 4L), dimnames = list( v8 = c("1955-11-05", "1955-11-06", ""), v7 = c(LETTERS[3:5], "No Data") ) ), check.attributes = FALSE )) # Legacy output, if "No Data" categories are not automatically added: || isTRUE(all.equal( as.array(crtabs(~ v8 + v7, data = ds, useNA = "always")), array(c( 5, 5, 3, 2, 2, 3, 0, 0 ), dim = c(2L, 4L), dimnames = list( v8 = c("1955-11-05", "1955-11-06"), v7 = c(LETTERS[3:5], "No Data") ) ), check.attributes = FALSE )) ) }) test_that("datetime rollup cubes", { ## Default rollup resolution for this should be same as ## its resolution, given the date range expect_equivalent( as.array(crtabs(~ rollup(v8) + v7, data = ds)), as.array(crtabs(~ v8 + v7, data = ds)) ) expect_equivalent( as.array(crtabs(~ rollup(v8, "M") + v7, data = ds)), array(c(10, 5), dim = c(1L, 2L), dimnames = list( v8 = "1955-11", v7 = c("C", "E") ) ) ) expect_equivalent( as.array(crtabs(~ rollup(v8, "Y") + v7, data = ds)), array(c(10, 5), dim = c(1L, 2L), dimnames = list( v8 = "1955", v7 = c("C", "E") ) ) ) }) test_that("univariate cube with binned numeric", { kube <- crtabs(~ bin(v3), data = ds) expect_is(kube, "CrunchCube") expect_equivalent( as.array(kube), arrayify(c(2, 5, 5, 5, 3), "v3") ) }) test_that("bivariate cube with binned numeric", { expect_equivalent( as.array(crtabs(~ bin(v3) + v7, data = ds)), arrayify(c( 2, 5, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3 ), c("v3", "v7")) ) expect_equivalent( as.array(crtabs(~ bin(v3) + v7, data = ds, useNA = "ifany")), array(c( 2, 5, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3 ), dim = c(5L, 3L), dimnames = list( v3 = c("5-10", "10-15", "15-20", "20-25", "25-30"), v7 = c("C", "D", "E") ) ) ) # Replace this `expect_true(isTRUE(all.equal(new)) || isTRUE(all.equal(old)))` # construction with `expect_equivalent(new)` once the "default values" # ticket is released. expect_true( isTRUE(all.equal( as.array(crtabs(~ bin(v3) + v7, data = ds, useNA = "always")), array(c( 2, 5, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ), dim = c(6L, 4L), dimnames = list( v3 = c("5-10", "10-15", "15-20", "20-25", "25-30", ""), v7 = c(LETTERS[3:5], "No Data") ) ), check.attributes = FALSE )) # Legacy output, if "No Data" categories are not automatically added: || isTRUE(all.equal( as.array(crtabs(~ bin(v3) + v7, data = ds, useNA = "always")), array(c( 2, 5, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ), dim = c(5L, 4L), dimnames = list( v3 = c("5-10", "10-15", "15-20", "20-25", "25-30"), v7 = c(LETTERS[3:5], "No Data") ) ), check.attributes = FALSE )) ) }) test_that("unbinned numeric", { expect_equivalent( as.array(crtabs(~v1, data = ds)), array(rep(1, 15), dim = 15L, dimnames = list(v1 = df$v1[6:20])) ) expect_equivalent( as.array(crtabs(~v1, data = ds, useNA = "ifany")), array(c(rep(1, 15), 5), dim = 16L, dimnames = list(v1 = c(df$v1[6:20], "")) ) ) }) test_that("Weighted cubes", { weight(ds) <- ds$v3 expect_equivalent( as.array(crtabs(~ v8 + v7, data = ds)), arrayify(c(60, 65, 50, 75), c("v8", "v7")) ) expect_equivalent( as.array(crtabs(~ v8 + v7, data = ds, weight = NULL)), arrayify(c(5, 5, 2, 3), c("v8", "v7")) ) weight(ds) <- NULL expect_equivalent( as.array(crtabs(~ v8 + v7, data = ds)), arrayify(c(5, 5, 2, 3), c("v8", "v7")) ) expect_equivalent( as.array(crtabs(~ v8 + v7, data = ds, weight = ds$v3)), arrayify(c(60, 65, 50, 75), c("v8", "v7")) ) }) test_that("Numeric aggregates", { expect_equivalent( as.array(crtabs(mean(v3) ~ v8 + v7, data = ds)), arrayify(c(12, 13, 25, 25), c("v8", "v7")) ) expect_equivalent( as.array(crtabs(sum(v3) ~ v8 + v7, data = ds)), arrayify(c(60, 65, 50, 75), c("v8", "v7")) ) expect_equivalent( as.array(crtabs(min(v3) ~ v8 + v7, data = ds)), arrayify(c(8, 9, 24, 23), c("v8", "v7")) ) expect_equivalent( as.array(crtabs(median(v3) ~ v8 + v7, data = ds)), arrayify(c(12, 13, 25, 25), c("v8", "v7")) ) }) test_that("Numeric aggregates on categoricals with numeric values", { expect_equivalent( as.array(crtabs(mean(v4) ~ v4, data = ds)), arrayify(c(1, 2), "v4") ) }) test_that("Missing values in cubes", { expect_equivalent( round(as.array(crtabs(sd(v3) ~ bin(v3) + v7, data = ds )), 3), arrayify(c( 0.707, 1.581, 1, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, 0.707, 1 ), c("v3", "v7")) ) }) test_that("round cubes", { expect_equivalent( round(crtabs(sd(v3) ~ bin(v3) + v7, data = ds), 3), arrayify(c( 0.707, 1.581, 1, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, 0.707, 1 ), c("v3", "v7")) ) }) test_that("Cube with variables and R objects", { skip("object 'd4' not found") d4 <- cubedf$v4 expect_equivalent( as.array(crtabs(~ d4 + v7, data = ds)), arrayify(c(5, 5, 2, 3), c("v4", "v7")) ) }) test_that("Cube with transformations", { expect_equivalent( as.array(crtabs(~ bin(v3 + 5), data = ds)), arrayify(c(2, 5, 5, 5, 3), "v3") ) }) test_that("prop.table on univariate cube", { expect_equivalent( as.array(prop.table(crtabs(~ bin(v3 + 5), data = ds))), arrayify(c(2, 5, 5, 5, 3) / 20, "v3") ) }) test_that("prop.table on crosstab", { expect_equivalent( as.array(prop.table(crtabs(~ bin(v3) + v7, data = ds))), arrayify(c( 2, 5, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3 ) / 15, c("v3", "v7")) ) expect_equivalent( as.array(prop.table(crtabs(~ bin(v3) + v7, data = ds), margin = 1)), arrayify(c( 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 ), c("v3", "v7")) ) expect_equivalent( as.array(prop.table(crtabs(~ bin(v3) + v7, data = ds), margin = 2)), arrayify(c( .2, .5, .3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .4, .6 ), c("v3", "v7")) ) }) test_that("Univariate stats", { expect_equivalent(as.array(crtabs(mean(v3) ~ 1, data = ds)), 17.5) }) test_that("scorecard query works", { # Setup a dataset for scorecards ds_scorecard <- newDataset( data.frame( x1 = factor(c("a", "b", "c", "a", "c"), letters[1:3]), x2 = factor(c("c", "c", "b", "c", "b"), letters[1:3]) ), "scorecard test" ) ds_scorecard$x_sel_a <- deriveArray( ds_scorecard[c("x1", "x2")], "x mr - a", selections = "a" ) ds_scorecard$x_sel_b <- deriveArray( ds_scorecard[c("x1", "x2")], "x mr - b", selections = "b" ) scorecard_cube <- crtabs(~scorecard(x_sel_a, x_sel_b), ds_scorecard) expect_equal(dimnames(scorecard_cube)[[1]], c("x1", "x2")) expect_equal(dimnames(scorecard_cube)[[2]], c("x mr - a", "x mr - b")) scorecard_values <- as.array(scorecard_cube) dimnames(scorecard_values) <- NULL expect_equal(scorecard_values, matrix(c(2, 0, 1, 2), ncol = 2)) }) })