context("Cube subsets") # Skip tests on windows (because they're slow and CRAN complains) if (tolower([["sysname"]]) != "windows") { test_that("replaceMissingWithTRUE", { expect_identical( replaceMissingWithTRUE(alist(, 1)), list(TRUE, 1) ) expect_error( replaceMissingWithTRUE(alist(, non_object))[[2]], "object 'non_object' not found" ) }) test_that("replaceCharWithNumeric", { dimnames <- c("cats", "dogs", "llamas") expect_equal( replaceCharWithNumeric(dimnames, c("dogs", "cats", "llamas")), c(2, 1, 3) ) expect_equal( replaceCharWithNumeric(dimnames, c("cats", "llamas"), visible = c(T, F, T)), c(1, 2) ) expect_error( replaceCharWithNumeric(dimnames, c("apple", "bananas")), "Invalid categories: apple and bananas" ) expect_error( replaceCharWithNumeric(dimnames, c("dogs", "dogs", "cats")), "Index is not unique. Cube subetting is only supported for unique indices." ) expect_error( replaceCharWithNumeric(dimnames, c(1, 1, 1, 1)), "Index is not unique. Cube subetting is only supported for unique indices." ) expect_error( replaceCharWithNumeric( c("cats", "cats", "cats"), c("cats"), "Duplicate categories detected, please use a numeric or logical subset." ) ) }) test_that("translateHidden", { not_hidden <- c(T, T, F, F) expect_equal(translateHidden(1:2, not_hidden), c(1, 2)) expect_equal(translateHidden(2:1, not_hidden), c(2, 1)) expect_equal(translateHidden(1, not_hidden, drop = FALSE), c(1, 3, 4)) expect_equal(translateHidden(2, not_hidden, drop = FALSE), c(2, 3, 4)) not_hidden <- c(F, T, F, F, T, T) expect_equal(translateHidden(1:2, not_hidden), c(2, 5)) expect_equal(translateHidden(c(3, 1), not_hidden), c(6, 2)) expect_equal(translateHidden(c(3, 1, 2), not_hidden), c(6, 2, 5)) expect_error(translateHidden(1:20, not_hidden), "Incorrect number of dimensions") not_hidden <- c(F, T, T) expect_equal(translateHidden(2, not_hidden, drop = TRUE), 3) expect_equal(translateHidden(2, not_hidden, drop = FALSE), c(1, 3)) expect_equal(translateHidden(1:2, not_hidden, drop = TRUE), c(2, 3)) }) test_that("translate hidden handles ifAny", { not_hidden <- c(F, T, T, F) # in the ifAny case, there are some categories which are hidden, but are # visible because there are some cases. visible <- c(T, T, T, F) expect_equal(translateHidden(c(1, 2), not_hidden), c(2, 3)) expect_equal(translateHidden(c(1, 2), not_hidden, vis = visible), c(1, 2)) }) cat_x_mr_x_mr <- loadCube(test_path("cubes/cat-x-mr-x-mr.json")) catarray_x_mr <- loadCube(test_path("cubes/catarray-x-mr.json")) test_that("subsetArrayDimension categorical dimension", { expected <- list( name = c("cats", "No Data"), missing = c(FALSE, TRUE), references = list( alias = "animal", name = "animal", type = "categorical", categories = list( list( numeric_value = 1L, missing = FALSE, id = 1L, name = "cats" ), list( numeric_value = NULL, missing = TRUE, id = -1L, name = "No Data" ) ) ) ) expect_identical(subsetArrayDimension(cat_x_mr_x_mr@dims[[1]], 1:2, "categorical"), expected) }) test_that("subsetArrayDimension MR dimension", { expected <- list( name = c("rest_opinion", "play_opinion"), missing = c(FALSE, FALSE), references = list( description = "", format = list( summary = list(digits = 0L) ), subreferences = list( "rest_opinion__1" = list(alias = "rest_opinion__1", name = "rest_opinion"), "play_opinion__1" = list(alias = "play_opinion__1", name = "play_opinion") ), notes = "", name = "opinion MR", discarded = FALSE, alias = "opinion_mr", view = list( show_counts = FALSE, include_missing = FALSE, column_width = NULL ), type = "subvariable_items", subvariables = c("food_opinion__1/", "rest_opinion__1/", "play_opinion__1/") ) ) expect_identical(subsetArrayDimension(cat_x_mr_x_mr@dims[[2]], 2:3, "mr_items"), expected) }) test_that("subsetArrayDimension categorical array dimension", { expected <- list( name = c("cat_feeling"), missing = c(FALSE), references = list( subreferences = list( "cat_feeling" = list(alias = "cat_feeling", name = "cat_feeling") ), name = "feeling CA", alias = "feeling_ca", type = "subvariable_items", subvariables = c("cat_feeling/", "dog_feeling/") ) ) expect_identical(subsetArrayDimension(catarray_x_mr@dims[[1]], 1, "ca_items"), expected) expected <- list( name = c("Somewhat Happy", "Neutral"), missing = c(FALSE, FALSE), references = list( subreferences = list( "cat_feeling" = list(alias = "cat_feeling", name = "cat_feeling"), "dog_feeling" = list(alias = "dog_feeling", name = "dog_feeling") ), name = "feeling CA", alias = "feeling_ca", type = "categorical", subvariables = c("cat_feeling/", "dog_feeling/"), categories = list( list( numeric_value = 2L, id = 2L, name = "Somewhat Happy", missing = FALSE ), list( numeric_value = 3L, id = 3L, name = "Neutral", missing = FALSE ) ) ) ) expect_identical( subsetArrayDimension(catarray_x_mr@dims[[2]], c(2:3), "ca_categories"), expected ) }) test_that("translateCubeIndex", { expect_identical( translateCubeIndex(cat_x_mr_x_mr, alist(1, , ), drop = FALSE), alist(1, , TRUE, , TRUE) ) expect_identical( translateCubeIndex(cat_x_mr_x_mr, alist(1:2, 1:2, 1:2), drop = FALSE), alist(1:2, 1:2, TRUE, 1:2, TRUE) ) expect_identical( translateCubeIndex(cat_x_mr_x_mr, alist(1:2, 1, 2), drop = FALSE), alist(1:2, 1, TRUE, 2, TRUE) ) # MR selection entries are set to index 1 when the indicator is dropped expect_identical( translateCubeIndex(cat_x_mr_x_mr, alist(1:2, 1, 2), drop = TRUE), alist(1:2, 1, 1, 2, 1) ) expect_identical( translateCubeIndex(cat_x_mr_x_mr, alist(c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), c(TRUE, FALSE)), drop = TRUE ), alist(c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), TRUE, c(TRUE, FALSE), TRUE) ) }) test_that("cube [ method errors correctly", { cube <- cat_x_mr_x_mr expect_equal(length(dim(cube)), 3) expect_error( cube[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], paste0( "You must supply 3 dimensions to subset a 3 ", "dimensional cube; you supplied 6." ) ) err <- paste0(c( "Invalid subset:", "- At position 1 you tried to select element 3 when the dimension has 2 elements.", "- At position 2 you tried to select element 4 when the dimension has 3 elements." ), collapse = "\n" ) expect_error(cube[3, 4, 1], err) expect_error(cube[rep(TRUE, 3), 4, 1], err) expect_silent(showMissing(cube)[3, 1, 1]) }) test_that("[ method for cat by cat cubes", { cube <- cube_withNA <- loadCube(test_path("cubes/cat-x-cat.json")) cube_withNA@useNA <- "always" subset_cube <- showMissing(cube)[1:2, ] # drop the No Data row expect_is(subset_cube, "CrunchCube") expect_equal(dim(subset_cube), c(2, 4)) expect_equal(dim(subset_cube), c(2, 4)) expect_equal(as.array(subset_cube), as.array(showMissing(cube))[1:2, ]) # drop a non-missing row subset_cube <- cube[1, , drop = FALSE] # drop the second row (C) expect_is(subset_cube, "CrunchCube") expect_equal(dim(subset_cube), c(1, 2)) # since the cube retains the missing dimension, it defaults behavior to # `drop = FALSE`, though this isn't true of the the array since only one # element is being selected from that dimension expect_equal(as.array(subset_cube), as.array(cube)[1, , drop = FALSE]) # check that useNA doesn't impact subset_cube_withNA <- cube_withNA[c(1, 3), ] # drop the second row (C) expect_equal(as.array(subset_cube_withNA), as.array(cube_withNA)[c(1, 3), ]) # drop, selecting a missing category on columns drop_cube <- cube[1:2, 1:2] expect_is(subset_cube, "CrunchCube") expect_equal(dim(drop_cube), c(2, 2)) expect_equal(as.array(drop_cube), as.array(cube)[1:2, 1:2, drop = FALSE]) # no drop, selecting a missing category on columns no_drop_cube <- cube[1, 1:2, drop = FALSE] expect_is(no_drop_cube, "CrunchCube") expect_equal(dim(no_drop_cube), c(1, 2)) expect_equal(as.array(no_drop_cube), as.array(cube)[1, 1:2, drop = FALSE]) }) test_that("[ method for MR cubes", { cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA <- cat_x_mr_x_mr cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA@useNA <- "always" # subset rows # drop the No Data row which is #2 here! d subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr <- showMissing(cat_x_mr_x_mr)[c(1, 3), , ] expect_is(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr, "CrunchCube") expect_equal(dim(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr), c(2, 3, 2)) expect_equal(as.array(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr), as.array(cat_x_mr_x_mr)[1:2, , ]) subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA <- cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA[c(1, 3), , ] expect_equal(as.array(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA), as.array(cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA)[c(1, 3), , ]) subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA <- cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA[c(1, 2), , ] expect_equal(as.array(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA), as.array(cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA)[c(1, 2), , ]) # subset cols # drop the No Data row which is #2 here! subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr <- cat_x_mr_x_mr[, c(1, 3), ] expect_is(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr, "CrunchCube") expect_equal(dim(showMissing(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr)), c(3, 2, 2)) expect_equal(as.array(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr), as.array(cat_x_mr_x_mr)[, c(1, 3), ]) subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA <- cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA[, c(1, 3), ] expect_equal(as.array(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA), as.array(cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA)[, c(1, 3), ]) subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA <- cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA[, c(1, 2), ] expect_equal(as.array(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA), as.array(cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA)[, c(1, 2), ]) # subset cols with drop subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr <- cat_x_mr_x_mr[, 3, ] expect_is(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr, "CrunchCube") expect_equal(dim(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr), c(2, 2)) expect_equal(as.array(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr), as.array(cat_x_mr_x_mr)[, 3, ]) subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA <- cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA[, 3, ] expect_equal(as.array(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA), as.array(cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA)[, 3, ]) subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA <- cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA[, 2, ] expect_equal(as.array(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA), as.array(cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA)[, 2, ]) # subset slices subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr <- cat_x_mr_x_mr[, , 2] expect_is(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr, "CrunchCube") expect_equal(dim(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr), c(2, 3)) expect_equal(as.array(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr), as.array(cat_x_mr_x_mr)[, , 2]) subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA <- cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA[, , 2] expect_equal(as.array(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA), as.array(cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA)[, , 2]) }) test_that("[ method for cat array cubes", { cube <- cube_withNA <- loadCube(test_path("cubes/catarray-x-cat.json")) cube_withNA@useNA <- "always" # subset rows # drop the No Data row which is #2 here! subset_cube <- cube[2, , ] expect_is(subset_cube, "CrunchCube") expect_equal(dim(subset_cube), c(5, 2)) expect_equal(as.array(subset_cube), as.array(cube)[2, , ]) subset_cube_withNA <- cube_withNA[2, , ] expect_equal(as.array(subset_cube_withNA), as.array(cube_withNA)[2, , ]) # subset cols subset_cube <- cube[, c(1, 3), ] expect_is(subset_cube, "CrunchCube") expect_equal(dim(subset_cube), c(2, 2, 2)) expect_equal(as.array(subset_cube), as.array(cube)[, c(1, 3), ]) subset_cube_withNA <- cube_withNA[, c(1, 3), ] expect_equal(as.array(subset_cube_withNA), as.array(cube_withNA)[, c(1, 3), ]) subset_cube_withNA <- cube_withNA[, c(1, 2), ] expect_equal(as.array(subset_cube_withNA), as.array(cube_withNA)[, c(1, 2), ]) # subset cols with drop subset_cube <- cube[, 3, ] expect_is(subset_cube, "CrunchCube") expect_equal(dim(subset_cube), c(2, 2)) expect_equal(as.array(subset_cube), as.array(cube)[, 3, ]) subset_cube_withNA <- cube_withNA[, 3, ] expect_equal(as.array(subset_cube_withNA), as.array(cube_withNA)[, 3, ]) # subset slices subset_cube <- cube[, , 1:2] expect_is(subset_cube, "CrunchCube") expect_equal(dim(subset_cube), c(2, 5, 2)) expect_equal(dim(showMissing(subset_cube)), c(2, 6, 2)) expect_equal(as.array(subset_cube), as.array(cube)[, , 1:2]) subset_cube_withNA <- cube_withNA[, , 1:2] expect_equal(as.array(subset_cube_withNA), as.array(cube_withNA)[, , 1:2]) }) test_that("subsetting with reordering works", { cat_x_cat <- loadCube(test_path("cubes/cat-x-cat.json")) expect_equal(as.array(cat_x_cat[c(2, 1), ]), as.array(cat_x_cat)[c(2, 1), ]) expect_equal(as.array(cat_x_cat[c(2, 1), c(2, 1)]), as.array(cat_x_cat)[c(2, 1), c(2, 1)]) catarray_x_mr <- loadCube(test_path("cubes/catarray-x-mr.json")) expect_equal( as.array(catarray_x_mr[c(2, 1), , ]), as.array(catarray_x_mr)[c(2, 1), , ] ) expect_equal( as.array(catarray_x_mr[, , c(3, 1, 2)]), as.array(catarray_x_mr)[, , c(3, 1, 2)] ) expect_equal( as.array(catarray_x_mr[, 5:2, ]), as.array(catarray_x_mr)[, 5:2, ] ) expect_equal( as.array(catarray_x_mr[, 5:2, ]), as.array(catarray_x_mr)[, 5:2, ] ) expect_equal( as.array(catarray_x_mr[2:1, c("Extremely Happy", "Somewhat Happy"), 1:2]), as.array(catarray_x_mr)[2:1, c("Extremely Happy", "Somewhat Happy"), 1:2] ) catarray_x_mr_ifany <- catarray_x_mr expect_equal( as.array(catarray_x_mr_ifany[2:1, 2:3, 1:2]), as.array(catarray_x_mr_ifany)[2:1, 2:3, 1:2] ) }) test_that("subsetting works when @useNA == 'ifany'", { cube <- loadCube("cubes/univariate-categorical.json") expect_equal(dim(cube), 2) cube_ifany <- showIfAny(cube) expect_equal(dim(cube_ifany), 3) expect_equal(as.array(cube_ifany[1]), as.array(cube_ifany)[1]) expect_equal(as.array(cube_ifany[1:2]), as.array(cube_ifany)[1:2]) # multivariate cube <- loadCube("cubes/cat-x-cat.json") expect_equal(dim(cube), c(2, 2)) cube_ifany <- showIfAny(cube) expect_equal(dim(cube_ifany), c(2, 3)) expect_equal(as.array(cube_ifany[1:2, ]), as.array(cube_ifany)[1:2, ]) expect_equal(as.array(cube_ifany[1:2, 1]), as.array(cube_ifany)[1:2, 1]) # make sure hidden categories are not displayed when output is a vector expect_equal(as.array(cube_ifany[1, ]), as.array(cube_ifany)[1, ]) expect_equal(as.array(cube[1, ]), as.array(cube)[1, ]) }) test_that("[ method with variables because `eval` needs the right frame", { cube <- cube_withNA <- loadCube("cubes/cat-x-cat.json") x <- 1 y <- 2 subset_cube <- cube[, c(x, y)] # drop the No Data row expect_equal(as.array(subset_cube), as.array(cube)[, c(1, 2)]) inside_function <- function() { x_new <- 1 y_new <- 2 return(cube[, c(x_new, y_new)]) } expect_equal(as.array(inside_function()), as.array(cube)[, c(1, 2)]) }) }