context("Automation") test_that("string_is_file_like behaves", { expect_true(string_is_file_like("test.txt")) expect_true(string_is_file_like("test.crunch")) expect_false(string_is_file_like("RENAME v1 TO age;\nSET EXCLUSION v1 > 21;")) expect_false(string_is_file_like("test1.txt\ntest2.txt")) expect_false(string_is_file_like("test")) }) with_mock_crunch({ ds <- cachedLoadDataset("test ds") # 1 successful script ds2 <- cachedLoadDataset("ECON.sav") # no successful scripts script_text_vector <- c( "RENAME starttime TO interviewtime; ", "SET EXCLUSION birthyr > 2000;" ) script_text <- paste(script_text_vector, collapse = "\n") temp <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt") writeLines(script_text, temp) # httptest converts the "\n" to "\\n" in its capturing script_text_from_request <- gsub("\n", "\\\\n", script_text) test_that("Query shape is right when coming from string", { expect_POST( fixed = TRUE, runCrunchAutomation(ds, script_text), "", '{"element":"shoji:entity",', '"body":{"body":"', script_text_from_request, '"}}' ) # Make sure this doesn't fail when there's no error expect_message(showScriptErrors(), NA) # or when reset reset_automation_error_env() expect_message(showScriptErrors(), NA) }) test_that("Query shape is right when coming from string (with argument named: dataset)", { # Previously, runCrunchAutomation only worked on Crunch datasets, # so its first argument was called dataset; # For backwards compatibility, we want this to still work expect_POST( fixed = TRUE, suppressWarnings( runCrunchAutomation(dataset = ds, script_text, foo = 1, bar = 2) ), "", '{"element":"shoji:entity",', '"body":{"body":"', script_text_from_request, '","foo":1,"bar":2}}' ) # Make sure this doesn't fail when there's no error expect_message(showScriptErrors(), NA) # or when reset reset_automation_error_env() expect_message(showScriptErrors(), NA) }) test_that("Query shape is right when coming from a file", { expect_POST( runCrunchAutomation(ds, temp), "", '{"element":"shoji:entity",', '"body":{"body":"', script_text_from_request, '"}}' ) }) test_that("Query shape is right when overriding the is_file argument", { expect_POST( runCrunchAutomation(ds, "file.txt", is_file = FALSE), "", '{"element":"shoji:entity",', '"body":{"body":"file.txt"}}' ) }) test_that("Query shape is right when coming from vector", { expect_POST( fixed = TRUE, runCrunchAutomation(ds, script_text_vector), "", '{"element":"shoji:entity",', '"body":{"body":"', script_text_from_request, '"}}' ) }) test_that("Can retrieve a non-empty scripts catalog", { ds_scripts <- scripts(ds) expect_is(ds_scripts, "ScriptCatalog") # On catalog expect_equal( timestamps(ds_scripts), as.POSIXlt("2020-05-06 17:36:27.237 UTC", tz = "UTC") ) # On single script expect_is(ds_scripts[[1]], "Script") expect_true(is.script(ds_scripts[[1]])) expect_equal( timestamps(ds_scripts[[1]]), as.POSIXlt("2020-05-06 17:36:27.237 UTC", tz = "UTC") ) expect_equal(scriptBody(ds_scripts[[1]]), script_text) }) test_that("Scripts catalog print method", { # Better error message for problem in R 4.1 and macos-arm64 formatted <- formatScriptCatalog( scripts(ds), from = strptime("2020-05-09", "%Y-%m-%d", tz = "UTC"), body_width = 10 ) expect_equal(formatted$Timestamp, "2 days ago") # full test expect_identical( formatted, data.frame( Timestamp = c("2 days ago"), mutations = TRUE, items_created = 0, scriptBody = paste0(strtrim(script_text, 7), "..."), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) ) }) test_that("query shape - script savepoint version", { expect_GET( scriptSavepoint(scripts(ds)[[1]]), "" ) }) test_that("query shape - undoScript", { expect_DELETE( undoScript(ds, 1), "" ) expect_DELETE( undoScript(ds, scripts(ds)[[1]]), "" ) }) test_that("query shape - revertScript", { expect_POST( revertScript(ds, 1), "" ) expect_POST( revertScript(ds, scripts(ds)[[1]]), "" ) }) test_that("Can interpret information from 1 script failure", { expect_error( runCrunchAutomation(ds2, "RENAME wrong_var_name TO age;"), "Crunch Automation Error" ) expect_message( failures <- showScriptErrors(), "- \\(line 1\\) Variables wrong_var_name don't exist in the specified source" ) expect_equal( failures, list( last_attempted_script = "RENAME wrong_var_name TO age;", file = NULL, errors = data.frame( column = NA, command = 1L, line = 1L, message = "Variables wrong_var_name don't exist in the specified source", stringsAsFactors = FALSE ), script = "RENAME wrong_var_name TO age;" ) ) }) test_that("Can interpret information from 2 script failures", { expect_error( runCrunchAutomation( ds2, "RENAME wrong_var_name TO age;\nRENAME wrong_var_name2 TO age;" ), "Crunch Automation Error" ) expect_message( failures <- showScriptErrors(), paste( "\\(line 1\\) Variables wrong_var_name don't exist in the specified source.+", "\\(line 2\\) Variables wrong_var_name2 don't exist in the specified source", collapse = "" ) ) expect_equal( failures, list( last_attempted_script = paste0( "RENAME wrong_var_name TO age;\nRENAME wrong_var_name2 TO age;" ), file = NULL, errors = data.frame( column = c(NA, NA), command = c(1L, 2L), line = c(1L, 2L), message = c( "Variables wrong_var_name don't exist in the specified source", "Variables wrong_var_name2 don't exist in the specified source" ), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ), script = "RENAME wrong_var_name TO age;\nRENAME wrong_var_name2 TO age;" ) ) }) test_that("Can interpret error from async script failures", { # Override progress with a pre-generated JSON at the url with_mock( `crunch::crPOST` = function(..., progress.handler = NULL) { capture.output(crunch::pollProgress( "", wait = 0.01, error_handler = progress.handler )) }, { expect_error( ds <- runCrunchAutomation(ds, "NOT A COMMAND"), "Crunch Automation Error" ) } ) expect_message( failures <- showScriptErrors(), "\\(line 1\\) Invalid command: NOT", ) }) test_that("Get message on success when dry_run is TRUE", { with_POST( "", # Don't actually need to load anything, just need no POST error expect_message( runCrunchAutomation(ds, "# no commands", dry_run = TRUE), "Script dry run was successful" ) ) }) test_that("error truncation works", { expected <- " - (line 1) Error 1\n - (line 2) Error 2\n - ... (Showing first 2 of 3 errors)" attr(expected, "truncated") <- TRUE expect_equal( automation_errors_text( data.frame( column = NA, command = 1:3, line = 1:3, message = c("Error 1", "Error 2", "Error 3") ), 2 ), expected ) }) test_that("folder-level operation fails on root", { root_project_folder <- projects() script <- "CREATE FOLDER 'My not-to-be folder';" expect_error( runCrunchAutomation(root_project_folder, script), "not support Crunch Automation scripts" ) }) test_that("folder-level operation works with string script", { project_folder <- cd(projects(), 'Project One') script <- "CREATE FOLDER 'My to-be folder';" expected_url <- "" expected_body <- paste0( '{"element":"shoji:view",', paste0('"value":', '"', script, '"'), '}' ) expect_POST( runCrunchAutomation(project_folder, script), expected_url, expected_body, fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("extra arguments result in an error for folder-level operations", { project_folder <- cd(projects(), 'Project One') script <- "CREATE FOLDER 'My to-be folder';" expected_url <- "" expected_body <- paste0( '{"element":"shoji:view",', paste0('"value":', '"', script, '"'), '}' ) expect_error( expect_POST( runCrunchAutomation(project_folder, script, foo = 1, bar = '2'), expected_url, expected_body, fixed = TRUE ), 'not supported' ) }) test_that("folder-level operation works with character vector (length > 1) script", { project_folder <- cd(projects(), 'Project One') script <- c( "CREATE FOLDER 'My to-be folder';", "CREATE FOLDER 'Another folder';" ) expected_url <- "" # # httptest converts the '\n' to '\\n' in its capturing, that's why # there is '\\n' instead of '\n' below expected_body <- paste0( '{"element":"shoji:view",', paste0('"value":', '"', paste(script, collapse = '\\n'), '"'), '}' ) expect_POST( runCrunchAutomation(project_folder, script), expected_url, expected_body, fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("folder-level operation works with file script", { project_folder <- cd(projects(), 'Project One') script <- "CREATE FOLDER 'My to-be folder';" temp <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt") writeLines(script, temp) expected_url <- "" expected_body <- paste0( '{"element":"shoji:view",', paste0('"value":', '"', paste(script, collapse = '\n'), '"'), '}' ) expect_POST( runCrunchAutomation(project_folder, temp), expected_url, expected_body, fixed = TRUE ) }) }) with_test_authentication({ skip("Automation can sometimes time out, so skip for now") ds <- newDatasetFromFixture("apidocs") test_that("We can run a simple automation script and then undo it", { ds <- runCrunchAutomation( ds, 'CREATE LOGICAL q1 == "Cat" OR q1 == "Dog" AS mammal;' ) expect_identical( names(categories(ds$mammal)), c("Selected", "Other", "No Data") ) expect_equivalent( as.array(crtabs(~q1, data = ds)), array(c(6, 4, 3), dim = 3, dimnames = list(q1 = c("Cat", "Dog", "Bird")) ) ) expect_equivalent( as.array(crtabs(~mammal, data = ds)), array(c(10, 3), dim = 2, dimnames = list(combined_pets = c("Selected", "Other")) ) ) ds <- undoScript(ds, scripts(ds)[[1]]) expect_false("mammal" %in% names(ds)) }) test_that("Failures work okay", { expect_error( ds <- runCrunchAutomation(ds, "FAKE CRUNCH AUTOMATION COMMAND"), "Crunch Automation Error" ) expect_message(errors <- showScriptErrors()) expect_is(errors$errors, "data.frame") expect_equal(names(errors$errors), c("column", "command", "line", "message")) expect_true(!$errors$message)) }) test_that("We can revert a simple script", { ds <- runCrunchAutomation( ds, 'CREATE LOGICAL q1 == "Cat" AS cat_lgl;' ) expect_true("cat_lgl" %in% names(ds)) ds <- revertScript(ds, scripts(ds)[[1]]) expect_false("cat_lgl" %in% names(ds)) }) })