context("Getting values to make local R objects") with_mock_crunch({ ds <- cachedLoadDataset("Vegetables example") test_that("setup", { expect_identical(nrow(ds), 210L) expect_identical(ncol(ds), 12L) expect_identical( names(ds), c( "wave", "age", "healthy_eater", "enjoy_mr", "veg_enjoy_ca", "ratings_numa", "funnel_aware_mr", "funnel_consider_mr", "funnel_buy_mr", "weight", "last_vegetable", "last_vegetable_date" ) ) }) test_that("as.vector on Numeric Variable", { expect_true(is.numeric(as.vector(ds$age))) }) test_that("as.vector on Categorical Variable", { expect_true(is.factor(as.vector(ds$healthy_eater))) expect_true(all( levels(as.vector(ds$healthy_eater)) %in% names(categories(ds$healthy_eater)) )) }) test_that("as.vector on Categorical Array", { expect_true(is.CA(ds$veg_enjoy_ca)) vec <- as.vector(ds$veg_enjoy_ca) expect_true( expect_identical(nrow(vec), 210L) # if veg_filling doesn't have correct factor levels there may have been a mistake lvls <- c("Strongly Disagree", "Disagree", "Neither", "Agree", "Strongly Agree") expected <- data.frame( veg_enjoy_ca_healthy = structure(c(3, 1, 1, 1, 5), .Label = lvls, class = "factor"), veg_enjoy_ca_tasty = structure(c(5, 1, 1, 1, 1), .Label = lvls, class = "factor"), veg_enjoy_ca_filling = structure(c(1, 1, 1, 3, 4), .Label = lvls, class = "factor"), veg_enjoy_ca_env = structure(c(3, 2, NA, 3, 4), .Label = lvls, class = "factor") ) expect_identical(vec[1:5, ], expected) }) test_that("as.vector on Multiple Response", { expect_true(is.MR(ds$enjoy_mr)) vec <- as.vector(ds$enjoy_mr) expect_true( ## Check that getting subvar by $ from the as.vector of the array ## is the same as just getting the subvar as.vector directly expect_identical( vec$enjoy_mr_savory, as.vector(ds$enjoy_mr$enjoy_mr_savory) ) lvls <- c("Yes", "No") expected <- data.frame( enjoy_mr_savory = structure(c(1, 2, 1, 2, 1), .Label = lvls, class = "factor"), enjoy_mr_spicy = structure(c(2, 1, 2, 1, 2), .Label = lvls, class = "factor"), enjoy_mr_sweet = structure(c(2, 1, 1, 1, 1), .Label = lvls, class = "factor") ) expect_identical(vec[1:5, ], expected) }) test_that("as.vector on Multiple Response with mode", { expected <- data.frame( enjoy_mr_savory = c(1, 2, 1, 2, 1), enjoy_mr_spicy = c(2, 1, 2, 1, 2), enjoy_mr_sweet = c(2, 1, 1, 1, 1) ) vec <- as.vector(ds$enjoy_mr, mode = "id") expect_identical(vec[1:5, ], expected) expect_identical( vec$enjoy_mr_savory, as.vector(ds$enjoy_mr$enjoy_mr_savory, mode = "id") ) }) test_that(" on CrunchDataset yields CrunchDataFrame", { expect_false( expect_is(, "CrunchDataFrame") expect_identical(dim(, c(210L, length(allVariables(ds)))) expect_identical(names(, aliases(allVariables(ds))) expect_identical($age, as.vector(ds$age)) expect_identical( evalq(healthy_eater,, as.vector(ds$healthy_eater) ) }) test_that(" = TRUE) generates a POST", { expect_POST(, force = TRUE, include.hidden = FALSE), "", '{"filter":null,"options":{"use_category_ids":true}}' ) }) test_that("csvToDataFrame produces the correct data frame", { csv_df <- read.csv(datasetFixturePath("veg.csv"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) expected <- readRDS(datasetFixturePath("veg_df.rds")) vars <- c( "wave", "age", "healthy_eater", "enjoy_mr", "veg_enjoy_ca", "ratings_numa", "last_vegetable", "last_vegetable_date" ) cdf <-[, vars]) # test local CDF variables cdf$newvar <- expected$newvar <- c(1:209, NA) expect_equal(csvToDataFrame(csv_df, cdf), expected) }) test_that("csvToDataFrame respects include.hidden", { # mock the include.hidden=FALSE by removing variables from csv_df csv_df <- read.csv(datasetFixturePath("veg-no-hidden.csv"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) expected <- readRDS(datasetFixturePath("veg_hidden_df.rds")) cdf <-, include.hidden = FALSE) actual <- csvToDataFrame(csv_df, cdf) actual <- actual[, !grepl("^funnel", names(actual))] # funnel vars added after test added expect_equal(actual, expected) }) test_that(" when a variable has an apostrophe in its alias", { t2 <- forceVariableCatalog(ds) t2@variables@index[[2]]$alias <- "Quote 'unquote' alias" expect_is(, "CrunchDataFrame") }) test_that("write.csv(ds)", { expect_POST( write.csv(ds, file = ""), "", '{"filter":null,"options":{"use_category_ids":false}}' ) }) test_that(" works with hidden variables", { new_ds <- cachedLoadDataset("test ds") new_ds$gender@tuple[["discarded"]] <- TRUE new_ds_df <-, include.hidden = TRUE) expect_equal( names(new_ds_df), aliases(allVariables(new_ds)) ) expect_equal(ncol(new_ds_df), 7) }) test_that(".crunchPageSize", { expect_identical(.crunchPageSize(ds$age), 100000L) expect_identical(.crunchPageSize(ds$healthy_eater), 200000L) expect_identical(.crunchPageSize(ds$last_vegetable), 5000L) expect_identical(.crunchPageSize(ds$enjoy_mr), 200000L %/% 3L) expect_identical(.crunchPageSize(ds$veg_enjoy_ca), 200000L %/% 4L) expect_identical(.crunchPageSize(ds$last_vegetable_date), 100000L) expect_identical(.crunchPageSize(2016 - ds$birthyr), 50000L) }) test.df <- test_that("model.frame thus works on CrunchDataset", { expect_identical( model.frame(age ~ healthy_eater, data = test.df), model.frame(age ~ healthy_eater, data = ds) ) }) test_that("so lm() should work too", { test.lm <- lm(age ~ healthy_eater, data = ds) expected <- lm(age ~ healthy_eater, data = test.df) expect_is(test.lm, "lm") expect_identical(names(test.lm), names(expected)) for (i in setdiff(names(expected), "call")) { expect_identical(test.lm[[i]], expected[[i]]) } }) }) with_test_authentication({ ds <- newDataset(df) # change the alias of v6 to be something that includes spaces/punctuation alias(ds$v6) <- "vee six !" test_that("Check the types of our imported data", { expect_true(is.Numeric(ds[["v1"]])) expect_true(is.Text(ds[["v2"]])) expect_true(is.Numeric(ds[["v3"]])) expect_true(is.Categorical(ds[["v4"]])) expect_true(is.Datetime(ds$v5)) }) test_that("as.vector on Numeric", { expect_true(is.numeric(as.vector(ds$v1))) expect_identical(sum($v1))), 5L) expect_equivalent(as.vector(ds$v1), df$v1) }) test_that("as.vector on Text", { expect_true(is.character(as.vector(ds$v2))) expect_identical(sum($v2))), 5L) expect_equivalent(as.vector(ds$v2), df$v2) }) test_that("as.vector on a different Numeric", { expect_true(is.numeric(as.vector(ds$v3))) expect_equivalent(as.vector(ds$v3), df$v3) }) ## Test on a version with missings ds$v4b <- df$v4 ds$v4b[3:5] <- "No Data" values(categories(ds$v4b)[1:2]) <- c(5, 3) test_that("as.vector on a Categorical", { expect_true(is.factor(as.vector(ds$v4b))) expect_equivalent(as.vector(ds$v4b)[-(3:5)], df$v4[-(3:5)]) # nolint expect_true(all($v4b)[3:5]))) }) test_that("as.vector with mode specified on Categorical", { expect_identical( as.vector(ds$v4b, mode = "id"), c(1, 2, -1, -1, -1, 2, rep(1:2, 7)) ) expect_identical( as.vector(ds$v4b, mode = "numeric"), c(5, 3, NA, NA, NA, 3, rep(c(5, 3), 7)) ) }) ## Delete v4b for the later tests (should just make a fresh ds) with(consent(), ds$v4b <- NULL) test_that("as.vector on Datetime", { expect_is(as.vector(ds$v5), "Date") expect_equivalent(as.vector(ds$v5), df$v5) }) test_that(" with API", { expect_false( expect_is(, "CrunchDataFrame") expect_identical(dim(, dim(df)) expect_identical(names(, aliases(variables(ds))) # check that all of the values are the same expect_identical($v1, as.vector(ds$v1)) expect_identical($v2, as.vector(ds$v2)) expect_identical($v3, as.vector(ds$v3)) expect_identical($v4, as.vector(ds$v4)) expect_identical($v5, as.vector(ds$v5)) expect_identical($`vee six !`, as.vector(ds$`vee six !`)) }) test_that(" with API", { skip_on_local_backend("Vagrant host doesn't serve files correctly") expect_true( df <-, force = TRUE) expect_true( # check that all of the values are the same expect_identical(df$v1, as.vector(ds$v1)) # we only compare the non-na (1:15) in the text variable, becuase the NA # values come down as "No Data". This should probably be fixed to be NAs # at some point expect_identical(df$v2[1:15], as.vector(ds$v2)[1:15]) expect_identical(df$v3, as.vector(ds$v3)) expect_identical(df$v4, as.vector(ds$v4)) expect_identical(df$v5, as.vector(ds$v5)) expect_identical(df$`vee six !`, as.vector(ds$`vee six !`)) }) ds$hidden_var <- 1:20 ds <- hideVariables(ds, "hidden_var") test_that(" retrieves hidden variables", { skip_on_local_backend("Vagrant host doesn't serve files correctly") expect_equal(hiddenVariables(ds), "hidden_var") df <-, force = TRUE, include.hidden = FALSE) expect_equal(names(df), c("v1", "v2", "v3", "v4", "v5", "vee six !")) expect_warning( df <-, force = TRUE, include.hidden = TRUE), "Variable hidden_var is hidden" ) expect_equal(names(df), c("v1", "v2", "v3", "v4", "v5", "vee six !", "hidden_var")) expect_warning( df <-[, c("v1", "hidden_var")], force = TRUE), "Variable hidden_var is hidden" ) expect_equal(names(df), c("v1", "hidden_var")) }) test_that("Multiple response variables in", { skip_on_local_backend("Vagrant host doesn't serve files correctly") mrds <- mrdf.setup(newDataset(mrdf, name = "test-mrdfmr"), selections = "1.0") mrds_df <-, force = TRUE) expect_equal(ncol(mrds_df), 4) expect_equal(names(mrds_df), c("mr_1", "mr_2", "mr_3", "v4")) expect_equal(mrds_df$mr_1, as.vector(mrds$MR$mr_1)) expect_equal(mrds_df$mr_2, as.vector(mrds$MR$mr_2)) expect_equal(mrds_df$mr_3, as.vector(mrds$MR$mr_3)) expect_equal(mrds_df$v4, as.vector(mrds$v4)) }) v2 <- ds$v2 # Force variable catalog so that it'll get stale ds <- forceVariableCatalog(ds) with_consent(delete(v2)) test_that("CrunchDataFrame lazily fetches columns", { expect_true("v2" %in% names(ds)) ## ds is stale expect_is(, "CrunchDataFrame") ## This should error because it will try to get values for v2 expect_error(, force = TRUE)) }) ds <- forceVariableCatalog(ds) uncached({ with_mock(`crunch::.crunchPageSize` = function(x) 5L, { with(temp.option(httpcache.log = ""), { avlog <- capture.output(v1 <- as.vector(ds$v1)) }) test_that("getValues can be paginated", { logdf <- loadLogfile(textConnection(avlog)) ## GET entity to get /values/ URL, then GET /values/ 4x ## to get data, then a 5th GET /values/ that returns 0 ## values, which breaks the pagination loop expect_identical(logdf$verb, rep("GET", 6)) expect_identical(grep("values", logdf$url), 2:6) }) test_that("getValues returns the same result when paginated", { expect_equivalent(v1, df$v1) }) }) }) test_that("model.frame thus works on CrunchDataset over API", { ## would like this to be "identical" instead of "equivalent" expect_equivalent( model.frame(v1 ~ v3, data = ds), model.frame(v1 ~ v3, data = df) ) }) test_that("so lm() should work too over the API", { test.lm <- lm(v1 ~ v3, data = ds) expected <- lm(v1 ~ v3, data = df) expect_is(test.lm, "lm") expect_identical(names(test.lm), names(expected)) ## would like this to be "identical" instead of "equivalent" for (i in setdiff(names(expected), "call")) { expect_equivalent(test.lm[[i]], expected[[i]]) } }) })