context("Append datasets") test_that("crunchTimeout", { with( temp.option(crunch = list(crunch.timeout = 7)), expect_identical(crunchTimeout(), 7) ) with( temp.option(crunch = list(crunch.timeout = NULL)), expect_identical(crunchTimeout(), 900) ) with( temp.option(crunch = list(crunch.timeout = list())), expect_identical(crunchTimeout(), 900) ) }) with_mock_crunch({ ds <- cachedLoadDataset("test ds") test_that("Cannot append dataset to itself", { expect_error( appendDataset(ds, ds), "Cannot append dataset to itself" ) }) ds1 <- cachedLoadDataset("test ds") ds2 <- cachedLoadDataset("ECON.sav") test_that("append DELETEs the pk", { expect_DELETE( appendDataset(ds2, ds1), "" ) }) test_that("append doesn't DELETE the pk if upsert=TRUE", { expect_POST( appendDataset(ds2, ds1, upsert = TRUE), "", '{"element":"shoji:entity","body":{"dataset":', '""}}' ) }) }) with_test_authentication({ part1 <- newDataset(df) part2 <- newDataset(df) cats <- categories(part1$v4) ## Set a primary key to test that it gets unset pk(part2) <- part2$v3 v3.1 <- as.vector(part1$v3) v3.2 <- as.vector(part2$v3) test_that("Setup for appending (mostly) identical datasets", { expect_true(is.numeric(v3.1)) expect_true(is.numeric(v3.2)) expect_equivalent(v3.1, df$v3) expect_equivalent(v3.2, df$v3) expect_identical(dim(part1), dim(part2)) expect_identical(dim(part1), dim(df)) expect_length(batches(part1), 1) expect_length(batches(part2), 1) expect_equal(pk(part2), part2$v3) }) out <- appendDataset(part1, part2) test_that("append handles two identical Datasets", { expect_true(is.dataset(out)) expect_identical(self(out), self(part1)) expect_length(batches(out), 2) expect_identical(dim(out), c(nrow(df) * 2L, ncol(df))) expect_identical(getNrow(out), nrow(df) * 2L) expect_identical(nrow(out), length(as.vector(out$v3))) expect_identical(categories(out$v4), cats) expect_equivalent(as.vector(out$v3), rep(df$v3, 2)) expect_identical(as.vector(out$v3), c(v3.1, v3.2)) }) test_that("append removes the primary key if there is one", { expect_null(pk(out)) }) })