context("Add a variable to a dataset") test_that("toVariable parses R numerics", { expect_identical( toVariable(2L:4L, name = "Numbers!", alias = "num"), structure(list( values = 2L:4L, type = "numeric", name = "Numbers!", alias = "num" ), class = "VariableDefinition") ) expect_equivalent( toVariable(2L:4L, name = "Numbers!", alias = "num"), list(values = 2L:4L, type = "numeric", name = "Numbers!", alias = "num") ) }) test_that("toVariable parses R characters", { expect_identical( toVariable(letters[1:3]), structure(list(values = c("a", "b", "c"), type = "text"), class = "VariableDefinition" ) ) }) test_that("toVariable parses factors", { expect_identical( toVariable(as.factor(c(rep(LETTERS[2:3], 3), NA))), VarDef( values = c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, -1L), type = "categorical", categories = list( list(id = 1L, name = "B", numeric_value = 1L, missing = FALSE), list(id = 2L, name = "C", numeric_value = 2L, missing = FALSE), list(id = -1L, name = "No Data", numeric_value = NULL, missing = TRUE) ) ) ) }) test_that("toVariable parses logical", { expect_equivalent( toVariable(c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, NA, TRUE)), VarDef(values = c(1L, 0L, 0L, -1L, 1L), type = "categorical", categories = list( list(id = 1L, name = "True", numeric_value = 1L, missing = FALSE, selected = TRUE), list(id = 0L, name = "False", numeric_value = 0L, missing = FALSE), list(id = -1L, name = "No Data", numeric_value = NULL, missing = TRUE) )) ) }) test_that("toVariable parses AsIses", { expect_identical( toVariable(I(1:5)), structure(list(values = 1L:5L, type = "numeric"), class = "VariableDefinition" ) ) expect_identical( toVariable(I(letters[1:3])), structure(list(values = c("a", "b", "c"), type = "text"), class = "VariableDefinition" ) ) }) test_that("toVariable parses haven::labelled", { labelled <- haven::labelled( rep(LETTERS[1:3], 3), structure(LETTERS[1:3], names = LETTERS[1:3]) ) expect_equivalent( toVariable(labelled), list(values = rep(1:3, 3), type = "categorical", categories = list( list(id = 1L, name = "A", numeric_value = 1L, missing = FALSE), list(id = 2L, name = "B", numeric_value = 2L, missing = FALSE), list(id = 3L, name = "C", numeric_value = 3L, missing = FALSE), list(id = -1L, name = "No Data", numeric_value = NULL, missing = TRUE) )) ) # backwards compatilbity with old class names class(labelled) <- "labelled" expect_equivalent( toVariable(labelled), list(values = rep(1:3, 3), type = "categorical", categories = list( list(id = 1L, name = "A", numeric_value = 1L, missing = FALSE), list(id = 2L, name = "B", numeric_value = 2L, missing = FALSE), list(id = 3L, name = "C", numeric_value = 3L, missing = FALSE), list(id = -1L, name = "No Data", numeric_value = NULL, missing = TRUE) )) ) # even if only some values are labelled, the values are still used labelled <- haven::labelled( rep(LETTERS[1:3], 3), structure(LETTERS[2], names = LETTERS[2]) ) expect_equivalent( toVariable(labelled), list(values = rep(1:3, 3), type = "categorical", categories = list( list(id = 1L, name = "A", numeric_value = 1L, missing = FALSE), list(id = 2L, name = "B", numeric_value = 2L, missing = FALSE), list(id = 3L, name = "C", numeric_value = 3L, missing = FALSE), list(id = -1L, name = "No Data", numeric_value = NULL, missing = TRUE) )) ) # If the values are numeric, we still get a categorical labelled <- haven::labelled( rep(1:3, 3), structure(2, names = LETTERS[2] ) ) expect_equivalent( toVariable(labelled), list(values = rep(1:3, 3), type = "categorical", categories = list( list(id = 1L, name = "1", numeric_value = 1L, missing = FALSE), list(id = 2L, name = "2", numeric_value = 2L, missing = FALSE), list(id = 3L, name = "3", numeric_value = 3L, missing = FALSE), list(id = -1L, name = "No Data", numeric_value = NULL, missing = TRUE) )) ) }) test_that("toVariable parses haven::labelled_spss", { labelled <- haven::labelled_spss(rep(LETTERS[1:3], 3), structure(LETTERS[2:3], names = LETTERS[2:3] ), na_values = LETTERS[1] ) expect_equivalent( toVariable(labelled), list(values = rep(1:3, 3), type = "categorical", categories = list( list(id = 1L, name = "A", numeric_value = 1L, missing = TRUE), list(id = 2L, name = "B", numeric_value = 2L, missing = FALSE), list(id = 3L, name = "C", numeric_value = 3L, missing = FALSE), list(id = -1L, name = "No Data", numeric_value = NULL, missing = TRUE) )) ) # backwards compatilbity with old class names class(labelled) <- c("labelled_spss", "labelled") # hack to make the the method act like the old one if we have a newer # haven if (packageVersion("haven") > "1.1.2") { <<- } expect_equivalent( toVariable(labelled), list(values = rep(1:3, 3), type = "categorical", categories = list( list(id = 1L, name = "A", numeric_value = 1L, missing = TRUE), list(id = 2L, name = "B", numeric_value = 2L, missing = FALSE), list(id = 3L, name = "C", numeric_value = 3L, missing = FALSE), list(id = -1L, name = "No Data", numeric_value = NULL, missing = TRUE) )) ) # even if only some values are labelled, the values are still used labelled <- haven::labelled_spss(rep(LETTERS[1:3], 3), structure(LETTERS[2], names = LETTERS[2] ), na_values = LETTERS[1] ) expect_equivalent( toVariable(labelled), list(values = rep(1:3, 3), type = "categorical", categories = list( list(id = 1L, name = "A", numeric_value = 1L, missing = TRUE), list(id = 2L, name = "B", numeric_value = 2L, missing = FALSE), list(id = 3L, name = "C", numeric_value = 3L, missing = FALSE), list(id = -1L, name = "No Data", numeric_value = NULL, missing = TRUE) )) ) # If the values are numeric, we still get a categorical labelled <- haven::labelled_spss(rep(1:3, 3), structure(2, names = LETTERS[2] ), na_values = 1 ) expect_equivalent( toVariable(labelled), list(values = rep(1:3, 3), type = "categorical", categories = list( list(id = 1L, name = "1", numeric_value = 1L, missing = TRUE), list(id = 2L, name = "2", numeric_value = 2L, missing = FALSE), list(id = 3L, name = "3", numeric_value = 3L, missing = FALSE), list(id = -1L, name = "No Data", numeric_value = NULL, missing = TRUE) )) ) }) test_that("toVariable handles duplicate factor levels", { ## Duplicate factor labels were deprecated and are forbidden in the `factor` ## constructor function starting in R 3.4.0, but create one anyway in case ## older versions are encountered, and because it apparently is still ## technically possible to create one like this: v <- structure(1:4, .Label = c("a", "b", "b", "c"), class = "factor") expect_warning( expect_equivalent( toVariable(v), list(values = 1:4, type = "categorical", categories = list( list(id = 1L, name = "a", numeric_value = 1L, missing = FALSE), list(id = 2L, name = "b", numeric_value = 2L, missing = FALSE), list(id = 3L, name = "b (1)", numeric_value = 3L, missing = FALSE), list(id = 4L, name = "c", numeric_value = 4L, missing = FALSE), list(id = -1L, name = "No Data", numeric_value = NULL, missing = TRUE) )) ), "Duplicate factor levels given: disambiguating them in translation to Categorical type" ) }) test_that("categoriesFromLevels parses levels correctly", { expect_identical( categoriesFromLevels(levels(iris$Species)), list( list(id = 1L, name = "setosa", numeric_value = 1L, missing = FALSE), list(id = 2L, name = "versicolor", numeric_value = 2L, missing = FALSE), list(id = 3L, name = "virginica", numeric_value = 3L, missing = FALSE), ) ) }) test_that("toVariable parses R Date class", { expect_equivalent( toVariable(as.Date(c("2014-12-16", "2014-12-17"))), list( values = c("2014-12-16", "2014-12-17"), type = "datetime", resolution = "D" ) ) }) test_that("toVariable handles POSIX datetimes (and timezones)", { numtime <- 1454238117.123 expect_equivalent( toVariable(as.POSIXct(numtime, origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "UTC")), list( values = "2016-01-31T11:01:57.123", type = "datetime", resolution = "ms" ) ) # We store times as UTC when they go between R and crunch's database, but we assume # they actually refer to local times, so when we convert a variable of eg 5AM central # time it gets stored as 5AM UTC expect_equivalent( toVariable(as.POSIXct(numtime, origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "America/Chicago")), list( values = "2016-01-31T05:01:57.123", type = "datetime", resolution = "ms" ) ) expect_equivalent( toVariable(as.POSIXct(numtime, origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "America/New_York")), list( values = "2016-01-31T06:01:57.123", type = "datetime", resolution = "ms" ) ) }) test_that("POSTNewVariable rejects invalid categories", { expect_error( POSTNewVariable( "", list( type = "categorical", name = "bad ids", categories = list( list(id = -1L, name = "B", numeric_value = 1L, missing = FALSE), list(id = 2L, name = "C", numeric_value = 2L, missing = FALSE), list(id = -1L, name = "No Data", numeric_value = NULL, missing = TRUE) ) ) ), "Invalid category ids: must be unique" ) expect_error( POSTNewVariable( "", list( type = "categorical", name = "bad names", categories = list( list(id = 1L, name = "Name 1", numeric_value = 1L, missing = FALSE), list(id = 2L, name = "Name 1", numeric_value = 2L, missing = FALSE), list(id = -1L, name = "No Data", numeric_value = NULL, missing = TRUE) ) ) ), "Invalid category names: must be unique" ) }) test_that("checkVarDefErrors errors correctly", { test_errs <- lapply(list("a", "b", 29), function(x) try(log(x), silent = TRUE)) expect_error( checkVarDefErrors(test_errs), "The following variable definitions errored on upload: 1, 2" ) test_errs <- lapply(list(29, 23, 24), function(x) try(log(x), silent = TRUE)) expect_silent(checkVarDefErrors(test_errs)) }) with_mock_crunch({ ds <- cachedLoadDataset("test ds") test_that("assignment restrictions", { expect_error( ds[[2]] <- 1:25, "Only character \\(name\\) indexing supported" ) }) test_that("Input length validation", { expect_error( ds$newvar <- 1:13, "replacement has 13 rows, data has 25" ) expect_error( ds$newvar <- rep(6, 11), "replacement has 11 rows, data has 25" ) }) test_that("Adding a variable with all the same values gets sent more concisely", { expect_POST( ds$newvar <- rep(5, 25), "", '{"values":5,"type":"numeric","name":"newvar","alias":"newvar"}' ) }) test_that("Adding a variable with all missing doesn't send 'values'", { expect_POST( ds$newvar <- NA_real_, "", '{"type":"numeric","name":"newvar","alias":"newvar"}' ) expect_POST( ds$newvar <- rep(NA_real_, 25), "", '{"type":"numeric","name":"newvar","alias":"newvar"}' ) }) }) with_test_authentication({ ds <- newDataset(df) test_that("addVariable creates a new remote numeric variable", { ds <- addVariables( ds, VariableDefinition(df$v3, name = "New var", alias = "newVar") ) expect_true("newVar" %in% names(ds)) nv <- ds$newVar expect_true(is.Numeric(nv)) expect_true(is.Numeric(ds[["v3"]])) expect_identical(as.vector(nv), as.vector(ds$v3)) }) test_that("addVariable creates text variables from character", { ds <- addVariables( ds, VariableDefinition(df$v2, name = "New var2", alias = "newVar2") ) expect_true("newVar2" %in% names(ds)) nv <- ds$newVar2 expect_true(is.Text(nv)) expect_identical( as.vector(nv)[1:15], as.vector(ds$v2)[1:15] ) ## note that NAs aren't getting caught in the CSV importer ## anymore, but they're right in the addVariable method }) test_that("addVariable creates categorical from factor", { ds <- addVariables( ds, VariableDefinition(df$v4, name = "New var3", alias = "newVar3") ) expect_true("newVar3" %in% names(ds)) nv <- ds$newVar3 expect_true(is.Categorical(nv)) expect_identical(as.vector(nv), as.vector(ds$v4)) }) test_that("addVariable creates datetime from Date", { ds <- addVariables( ds, VariableDefinition(df$v5, name = "New var4", alias = "newVar4") ) expect_true("newVar4" %in% names(ds)) nv <- ds$newVar4 expect_true(is.Datetime(nv)) expect_identical(as.vector(nv), as.vector(ds$v5)) }) test_that("addVariable creates datetime from POSIXct", { skip("Can't support POSIXt until the app supports timezones") ds <- addVariables(ds, VariableDefinition(as.POSIXct(df$v5), name = "New var 5", alias = "newVar5" )) expect_true("newVar5" %in% names(ds)) nv <- ds$newVar5 expect_true(is.Datetime(nv)) expect_identical(as.vector(nv), as.vector(ds$v5)) }) test_that("[[<- adds variables", { ds$newvariable <- 20:1 expect_true(is.Numeric(ds$newvariable)) expect_identical(mean(ds$newvariable), 10.5) }) test_that("adding variable with duplicate name fails", { expect_error( addVariables(ds, VariableDefinition(df$v5, name = "New var4", alias = "newVar4" )), "Variable with name: New var4 already exists" ) }) test_that("Variable lengths must match, in an R way", { expect_error( ds[["not valid"]] <- 1:7, "replacement has 7 rows, data has 20" ) ds$ok <- 1 expect_identical(as.vector(ds$ok), rep(1, 20)) }) test_that("Adding text variables (debugging)", { ds <- newDataset(data.frame(x = 1:1024)) ds$a_text_var <- "12345 Some text that is definitely >4 characters" ds$a_factor <- factor("Different text") ds$the_name <- name(ds) ds$another <- factor(rep(c(NA, "Longer text"), 512)) expect_true(is.Text(ds$a_text_var)) expect_true(is.Categorical(ds$a_factor)) expect_true(is.Text(ds$the_name)) expect_true(is.Categorical(ds$another)) expect_equal( as.array(crtabs(~a_text_var, data = ds)), array(1024L, dim = 1L, dimnames = list(a_text_var = "12345 Some text that is definitely >4 characters") ) ) expect_equal( as.array(crtabs(~a_factor, data = ds)), array(1024L, dim = 1L, dimnames = list(a_factor = "Different text") ) ) expect_equal( as.array(crtabs(~the_name, data = ds)), array(1024L, dim = 1L, dimnames = list(the_name = name(ds)) ) ) expect_equal( as.array(crtabs(~another, data = ds, useNA = "always")), array(c(512L, 512L), dim = 2L, dimnames = list(another = c("Longer text", "No Data")) ) ) expect_identical( head(as.vector(ds$a_text_var), 1), "12345 Some text that is definitely >4 characters" ) }) ds <- newDataset(df) test_that("Categorical to R and back", { v4 <- as.vector(ds$v4) expect_identical(levels(v4), c("B", "C")) ds$v4a <- v4 expect_equivalent(as.vector(ds$v4), as.vector(ds$v4a)) }) exclusion(ds) <- ds$v3 == 10 test_that("Categorical to R and back with an exclusion", { v4b <- as.vector(ds$v4) expect_identical(levels(v4b), c("B", "C")) expect_length(v4b, 19) ds$v4b <- v4b expect_equivalent(as.vector(ds$v4b), as.vector(ds$v4a)) }) })