set.seed(1) ct = tibble(letter=rep(letters[1:10],3), x=rnorm(30), y=rnorm(30), z=rnorm(30)) %>% apply_labels(x="the X", y="the Y", z="the Z") %>% crosstable(by=letter) ct_c = tibble(letter=rep(letters[1:10],3), x=factor(rbinom(30, 1, .5), 0:1, c("A", "B")), y=factor(rbinom(30, 1, .5), 0:1, c("A", "B")), z=factor(rbinom(30, 1, .5), 0:1, c("A", "B"))) %>% apply_labels(x="the X", y="the Y", z="the Z") %>% crosstable(by=letter) test_that("transpose works", { expect_snapshot({ ct2 = t(ct) class(ct2) ct2 af(ct2)$header$dataset }) }) test_that("transpose is interchangeable (numeric)", { ct2 = ct %>% t() %>% t() #by_table because of attributes(ct2)[c("by_table", "transposed_id_labels", "inner_labels")] = NULL attributes(ct)[c("by_table")] = NULL class(ct2) = class(ct) expect_equal(ct, ct2, ignore_attr=FALSE) }) test_that("transpose is interchangeable (categorical)", { ct2 = ct_c %>% t() %>% t() #by_table because of attributes(ct2)[c("by_table", "transposed_id_labels", "inner_labels")] = NULL attributes(ct_c)[c("by_table")] = NULL class(ct2) = class(ct_c) expect_equal(ct_c, ct2, ignore_attr=FALSE) }) test_that("transpose errors", { crosstable(mtcars2, c(mpg, drat), by=vs) %>% ct_compact() %>% t() %>% expect_error(class="crosstable_transpose_compact") crosstable(mtcars2, c(mpg, am), by=c(vs)) %>% t() %>% expect_error(class="crosstable_transpose_multi_var") crosstable(mtcars2, c(mpg, drat)) %>% t() %>% expect_error(class="crosstable_transpose_no_by") tibble(letter=rep(letters[1:10],3), x=rnorm(30), y=rnorm(30), z=rnorm(30)) %>% apply_labels(x="the X", y="the X", z="the Z") %>% crosstable(by=letter) %>% t() %>% expect_error(class="crosstable_transpose_labels") })