crew_test("custom launcher", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") skip_if_not_installed("processx") if (isTRUE(as.logical(Sys.getenv("CI", "false")))) { skip_on_os("mac") } custom_launcher_class <- R6::R6Class( classname = "custom_launcher_class", inherit = crew::crew_class_launcher, public = list( launch_worker = function(call, name, launcher, worker) { bin <- if_any( tolower([["sysname"]]) == "windows", "R.exe", "R" ) path <- file.path(R.home("bin"), bin) processx::process$new(command = path, args = c("-e", call)) }, terminate_worker = function(handle) { handle$signal(signal = crew::crew_terminate_signal()) } ) ) crew_controller_custom <- function( name = "custom controller name", workers = 1L, host = "", port = NULL, tls = crew::crew_tls(mode = "none"), seconds_interval = 0.5, seconds_timeout = 5, seconds_launch = 30, seconds_idle = Inf, seconds_wall = Inf, tasks_max = Inf, tasks_timers = 0L, reset_globals = TRUE, reset_packages = FALSE, reset_options = FALSE, garbage_collection = FALSE, crashes_error = 5L ) { client <- crew::crew_client( host = host, port = port, tls = tls, seconds_interval = seconds_interval, seconds_timeout = seconds_timeout ) launcher <- custom_launcher_class$new( name = name, workers = workers, seconds_interval = seconds_interval, seconds_timeout = seconds_timeout, seconds_launch = seconds_launch, seconds_idle = seconds_idle, seconds_wall = seconds_wall, tasks_max = tasks_max, tasks_timers = tasks_timers, reset_globals = reset_globals, reset_packages = reset_packages, reset_options = reset_options, garbage_collection = garbage_collection, crashes_error = crashes_error, tls = tls ) controller <- crew::crew_controller(client = client, launcher = launcher) controller$validate() controller } controller <- crew_controller_custom() controller$start() on.exit({ controller$terminate() rm(controller) gc() crew_test_sleep() }) controller$push(name = "pid", command = ps::ps_pid()) controller$wait(seconds_timeout = 10) out <- controller$pop()$result[[1]] handle <- controller$launcher$instances$handle[[1]] exp <- handle$get_pid() expect_equal(out, exp) expect_true(handle$is_alive()) controller$launcher$terminate() crew_retry( ~!handle$is_alive(), seconds_interval = 0.1, seconds_timeout = 5 ) expect_false(handle$is_alive()) controller$terminate() }) crew_test("custom launcher with local asyncs launch errors", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_covr() # Avoid clashes with NNG and covr child processes. skip_on_os("windows") skip_if_not_installed("processx") if (isTRUE(as.logical(Sys.getenv("CI", "false")))) { skip_on_os("mac") } custom_launcher_class <- R6::R6Class( classname = "custom_launcher_class", inherit = crew::crew_class_launcher, public = list( launch_worker = function(call, name, launcher, worker) { self$async$eval( command = "okay value", packages = "this package does not exist" ) }, terminate_worker = function(handle) { } ) ) crew_controller_custom <- function( name = "custom controller name", workers = 1L, host = "", port = NULL, tls = crew::crew_tls(mode = "none"), seconds_interval = 0.5, seconds_timeout = 5, seconds_launch = 30, seconds_idle = Inf, seconds_wall = Inf, tasks_max = Inf, tasks_timers = 0L, reset_globals = TRUE, reset_packages = FALSE, reset_options = FALSE, garbage_collection = FALSE, crashes_error = 5L, processes = NULL ) { client <- crew::crew_client( host = host, port = port, tls = tls, seconds_interval = seconds_interval, seconds_timeout = seconds_timeout ) launcher <- custom_launcher_class$new( name = name, workers = workers, seconds_interval = seconds_interval, seconds_timeout = seconds_timeout, seconds_launch = seconds_launch, seconds_idle = seconds_idle, seconds_wall = seconds_wall, tasks_max = tasks_max, tasks_timers = tasks_timers, reset_globals = reset_globals, reset_packages = reset_packages, reset_options = reset_options, garbage_collection = garbage_collection, crashes_error = crashes_error, tls = tls, processes = processes ) controller <- crew::crew_controller( client = client, launcher = launcher ) controller$validate() controller } controller <- crew_controller_custom(processes = 1L) controller$start() on.exit({ try(suppressWarnings(controller$terminate()), silent = TRUE) rm(controller) gc() crew_test_sleep() }) envir <- new.env(parent = emptyenv()) crew_retry( ~ tryCatch( expr = { controller$push(command = TRUE) envir$result <- FALSE FALSE }, crew_error = function(condition) { envir$result <- TRUE TRUE } ), seconds_interval = 1, seconds_timeout = 30 ) expect_true(envir$result) }) crew_test("custom launcher with local asyncs termination errors", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_covr() # Avoid clashes with NNG and covr child processes. skip_on_os("windows") skip_if_not_installed("processx") if (isTRUE(as.logical(Sys.getenv("CI", "false")))) { skip_on_os("mac") } custom_launcher_class <- R6::R6Class( classname = "custom_launcher_class", inherit = crew::crew_class_launcher, public = list( launch_worker = function(call, name, launcher, worker) { list(abstract = TRUE) }, terminate_worker = function(handle) { self$async$eval( command = stop("termination error"), packages = "processx" ) } ) ) crew_controller_custom <- function( name = "custom controller name", workers = 1L, host = "", port = NULL, tls = crew::crew_tls(mode = "none"), seconds_interval = 0.5, seconds_timeout = 5, seconds_launch = 30, seconds_idle = Inf, seconds_wall = Inf, tasks_max = Inf, tasks_timers = 0L, reset_globals = TRUE, reset_packages = FALSE, reset_options = FALSE, garbage_collection = FALSE, crashes_error = 5L, processes = NULL ) { client <- crew::crew_client( host = host, port = port, tls = tls, seconds_interval = seconds_interval, seconds_timeout = seconds_timeout ) launcher <- custom_launcher_class$new( name = name, workers = workers, seconds_interval = seconds_interval, seconds_timeout = seconds_timeout, seconds_launch = seconds_launch, seconds_idle = seconds_idle, seconds_wall = seconds_wall, tasks_max = tasks_max, tasks_timers = tasks_timers, reset_globals = reset_globals, reset_packages = reset_packages, reset_options = reset_options, garbage_collection = garbage_collection, crashes_error = crashes_error, tls = tls, processes = processes ) controller <- crew::crew_controller( client = client, launcher = launcher ) controller$validate() controller } controller <- crew_controller_custom(processes = 1L) controller$start() on.exit({ try(suppressWarnings(controller$terminate()), silent = TRUE) rm(controller) gc() crew_test_sleep() }) controller$launch(n = 1L) expect_warning(controller$terminate(), class = "crew_warning") }) crew_test("custom launcher with async internal launcher tasks", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_ci() skip_on_covr() # Avoid clashes with NNG and covr child processes. skip_on_os("windows") skip_if_not_installed("processx") custom_launcher_class <- R6::R6Class( classname = "custom_launcher_class", inherit = crew::crew_class_launcher, public = list( launch_worker = function(call, name, launcher, worker, instance) { bin <- if_any( tolower([["sysname"]]) == "windows", "R.exe", "R" ) path <- file.path(R.home("bin"), bin) self$async$eval( command = { handle <- process$new( command = path, args = c("-e", call), cleanup = FALSE ) while (!handle$is_alive()) { Sys.sleep(0.025) } list(pid = handle$get_pid(), status = "started") }, data = list( path = path, call = call ), packages = "processx" ) }, terminate_worker = function(handle) { pid <- handle$pid self$async$eval( command = { crew::crew_terminate_process(pid) list(pid = pid, status = "terminated") }, data = list(pid = pid) ) } ) ) crew_controller_custom <- function( name = "custom controller name", workers = 1L, host = "", port = NULL, tls = crew::crew_tls(mode = "none"), seconds_interval = 0.5, seconds_timeout = 5, seconds_launch = 30, seconds_idle = Inf, seconds_wall = Inf, tasks_max = Inf, tasks_timers = 0L, reset_globals = TRUE, reset_packages = FALSE, reset_options = FALSE, garbage_collection = FALSE, crashes_error = 5L, processes = NULL ) { client <- crew::crew_client( host = host, port = port, tls = tls, seconds_interval = seconds_interval, seconds_timeout = seconds_timeout ) launcher <- custom_launcher_class$new( name = name, workers = workers, seconds_interval = seconds_interval, seconds_timeout = seconds_timeout, seconds_launch = seconds_launch, seconds_idle = seconds_idle, seconds_wall = seconds_wall, tasks_max = tasks_max, tasks_timers = tasks_timers, reset_globals = reset_globals, reset_packages = reset_packages, reset_options = reset_options, garbage_collection = garbage_collection, crashes_error = crashes_error, tls = tls, processes = processes ) controller <- crew::crew_controller( client = client, launcher = launcher ) controller$validate() controller } controller <- crew_controller_custom(processes = 1L) controller$start() on.exit({ controller$terminate() rm(controller) gc() crew_test_sleep() }) controller$push(name = "pid", command = ps::ps_pid()) controller$wait(seconds_timeout = 10) envir <- new.env(parent = emptyenv()) crew_retry( ~ { envir$pid <- controller$pop()$result[[1L]] !is.null(envir$pid) }, seconds_interval = 0.25, seconds_timeout = 15 ) handle <- controller$launcher$instances$handle[[1L]] pid <- handle$pid expect_equal(envir$pid, pid) expect_equal(handle$status, "started") controller$launcher$terminate() }) crew_test("can terminate a lost worker with an async launch", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") skip_on_covr() # Avoid clashes with NNG and covr child processes. if (isTRUE(as.logical(Sys.getenv("CI", "false")))) { skip_on_os("mac") } custom_launcher_class <- R6::R6Class( classname = "custom_launcher_class", inherit = crew::crew_class_launcher, public = list( launch_worker = function(call, name, launcher, worker) { }, terminate_worker = function(handle) { ps::ps_kill(p = ps::ps_handle(handle$pid)) } ) ) crew_controller_custom <- function( name = "custom controller name", workers = 1L, host = "", port = NULL, tls = crew::crew_tls(mode = "none"), seconds_interval = 0.5, seconds_timeout = 5, seconds_launch = 30, seconds_idle = Inf, seconds_wall = Inf, tasks_max = Inf, tasks_timers = 0L, reset_globals = TRUE, reset_packages = FALSE, reset_options = FALSE, garbage_collection = FALSE, crashes_error = 5L ) { client <- crew::crew_client( host = host, port = port, tls = tls, seconds_interval = seconds_interval, seconds_timeout = seconds_timeout ) launcher <- custom_launcher_class$new( name = name, workers = workers, seconds_interval = seconds_interval, seconds_timeout = seconds_timeout, seconds_launch = seconds_launch, seconds_idle = seconds_idle, seconds_wall = seconds_wall, tasks_max = tasks_max, tasks_timers = tasks_timers, reset_globals = reset_globals, reset_packages = reset_packages, reset_options = reset_options, garbage_collection = garbage_collection, crashes_error = crashes_error, tls = tls ) controller <- crew::crew_controller( client = client, launcher = launcher ) controller$validate() controller } x <- crew_controller_custom() x$start() on.exit({ x$terminate() rm(x) gc() crew_test_sleep() }) private <- crew_private(x$launcher) bin <- ifelse( tolower([["sysname"]]) == "windows", "R.exe", "R" ) path <- file.path(R.home("bin"), bin) handle <- mirai::mirai( .expr = { Sys.sleep(0.5) handle <- processx::process$new( command = path, args = c("-e", "Sys.sleep(90)"), cleanup = FALSE ) list(pid = handle$get_pid()) }, .args = list(path = path) ) private$.instances <- tibble::add_row( private$.instances, handle = list(handle), id = 99L, start = - Inf, online = FALSE, discovered = FALSE ) crew_retry( ~ { x$scale() !nanonext::.unresolved(handle) }, seconds_interval = 0.1, seconds_timeout = 15 ) expect_true(is.integer(handle$data$pid)) crew_retry( ~ { x$scale() tryCatch( !ps::ps_is_running(p = ps::ps_handle(handle$data$pid)), error = function(condition) { TRUE } ) }, seconds_interval = 0.1, seconds_timeout = 15 ) expect_equal(nrow(x$launcher$instances), 0L) x$client$terminate() })