crew_test("abstract launcher class", { skip_on_cran() out <- crew_launcher(reset_options = -1) expect_crew_error(out$validate()) }) crew_test("validate a started launcher", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") out <- crew_launcher(processes = 1L) out$start(url = "url", profile = "profile") on.exit(out$terminate()) expect_s3_class(out$async, "crew_class_async") expect_s3_class(out$throttle, "crew_class_throttle") expect_silent(out$async$validate()) expect_silent(out$throttle$validate()) expect_silent(out$validate()) }) crew_test("active bindings for covr", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") out <- crew_launcher(processes = 1L, r_arguments = "--vanilla") expect_true(is.character(out$name)) expect_equal(out$workers, 1L) expect_true(is.numeric(out$seconds_interval)) expect_true(is.numeric(out$seconds_timeout)) expect_true(is.numeric(out$seconds_launch)) expect_true(is.numeric(out$seconds_idle)) expect_true(is.numeric(out$seconds_wall)) expect_true(is.numeric(out$tasks_max)) expect_true(is.numeric(out$tasks_timers)) expect_true(is.logical(out$reset_globals)) expect_true(is.logical(out$reset_packages)) expect_true(is.logical(out$reset_options)) expect_true(is.logical(out$garbage_collection)) expect_true(inherits(out$tls, "crew_class_tls")) expect_equal(out$processes, 1L) expect_equal(out$r_arguments, "--vanilla") expect_s3_class( out$options_metrics, c("crew_options_metrics", "crew_options") ) expect_null(out$url) expect_null(out$profile) expect_true($instances)) expect_null(out$id, 0L) expect_null(out$async) expect_null(out$throttle) }) crew_test("preemptive async termination for covr", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") out <- crew_launcher(processes = 1L) private <- crew_private(out) private$.async <- crew_async() on.exit({ private$.async$terminate() out$terminate() }) out$start(url = "url", profile = "profile") expect_true(TRUE) }) crew_test("default launch_launcher() method", { skip_on_cran() launcher <- crew_class_launcher$new(seconds_interval = 0.5) out <- launcher$launch_worker( call = "a", name = "b", launcher = "c", worker = 57L ) expect_equal(out$abstract, TRUE) }) crew_test("default terminate_launcher() method", { launcher <- crew_class_launcher$new(seconds_interval = 0.5) expect_equal(launcher$terminate_worker(handle = crew_null)$abstract, TRUE) }) crew_test("launcher settings", { launcher <- crew_class_launcher$new( name = "my_launcher_name", seconds_interval = 0.5, seconds_launch = 1, seconds_idle = 2, seconds_wall = 3, tasks_max = 7, tasks_timers = 8, reset_globals = TRUE, reset_packages = TRUE, reset_options = TRUE, garbage_collection = TRUE, tls = crew_tls() ) launcher$start(url = "url", profile = "profile") on.exit(launcher$terminate()) expect_equal(launcher$name, "my_launcher_name") settings <- launcher$settings() expect_equal(settings$url, "url") expect_equal(settings$maxtasks, 7) expect_equal(settings$idletime, 2000) expect_equal(settings$walltime, 3000) expect_equal(settings$timerstart, 8) expect_equal(settings$cleanup, 15L) expect_equal(settings$id, 1L) }) crew_test("launcher alternative cleanup", { launcher <- crew_class_launcher$new( name = "my_launcher_name", seconds_interval = 0.5, seconds_launch = 1, seconds_idle = 2, seconds_wall = 3, tasks_max = 7, tasks_timers = 8, reset_globals = FALSE, reset_packages = TRUE, reset_options = FALSE, garbage_collection = TRUE, tls = crew_tls() ) launcher$start(url = "url", profile = "profile") on.exit(launcher$terminate()) settings <- launcher$settings() expect_equal(settings$cleanup, 10L) }) crew_test("launcher alternative cleanup 2", { launcher <- crew_class_launcher$new( name = "my_launcher_name", seconds_interval = 0.5, seconds_launch = 1, seconds_idle = 2, seconds_wall = 3, tasks_max = 7, tasks_timers = 8, reset_globals = TRUE, reset_packages = FALSE, reset_options = TRUE, garbage_collection = FALSE, tls = crew_tls() ) launcher$start(url = "url", profile = "profile") on.exit(launcher$terminate()) settings <- launcher$settings() expect_equal(settings$cleanup, 5L) }) crew_test("launcher alternative cleanup 3", { launcher <- crew_class_launcher$new( name = "my_launcher_name", seconds_interval = 0.5, seconds_launch = 1, seconds_idle = 2, seconds_wall = 3, tasks_max = 7, tasks_timers = 8, reset_globals = FALSE, reset_packages = FALSE, reset_options = FALSE, garbage_collection = FALSE, tls = crew_tls() ) launcher$start(url = "url", profile = "profile") on.exit(launcher$terminate()) settings <- launcher$settings() expect_equal(settings$cleanup, 0L) }) crew_test("launcher call", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") launcher <- crew_class_launcher$new( name = "my_launcher_name", seconds_interval = 0.5, seconds_launch = 1, seconds_idle = 0.001, seconds_wall = 3, tasks_max = 7, tasks_timers = 8, reset_globals = TRUE, reset_packages = FALSE, reset_options = FALSE, garbage_collection = FALSE, tls = crew_tls() ) launcher$start(url = "url", profile = "profile") on.exit(launcher$terminate()) out <- launcher$call(worker = "cba033e58") expect_true(is.character(out)) expect_true(!anyNA(out)) expect_equal(length(out), 1L) expect_true(all(nzchar(out))) expect_true(grepl(pattern = "^crew::crew_worker\\(", x = out)) }) crew_test("launcher update() with no new events", { skip_on_cran() instances <- expand.grid( submitted = FALSE, online = c(TRUE, FALSE), discovered = c(TRUE, FALSE), start = c(Inf, -Inf) ) instances$id <- seq_len(nrow(instances)) instances$handle <- replicate(nrow(instances), list(), simplify = FALSE) instances <- instances[, colnames(launcher_empty_instances)] instances <- tibble::as_tibble(instances) launcher <- crew_class_launcher$new( seconds_launch = 9999, seconds_interval = 1 ) launcher$start(url = "url", profile = "profile") on.exit(launcher$terminate()) private <- crew_private(launcher) private$.instances <- instances launcher$update(status = list()) instances$submitted <- TRUE names <- setdiff(colnames(launcher_empty_instances), "handle") expect_equal( launcher$instances[, names], instances[c(1L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 7L), names] ) expect_true(all(launcher$instances$submitted)) }) crew_test("launcher update() with connects", { skip_on_cran() instances <- expand.grid( submitted = FALSE, online = c(FALSE, FALSE), discovered = c(FALSE, FALSE), start = c(Inf, Inf) ) instances$id <- rev(seq_len(nrow(instances)) + 100L) instances$handle <- replicate(nrow(instances), list(), simplify = FALSE) instances <- instances[, colnames(launcher_empty_instances)] instances <- tibble::as_tibble(instances) launcher <- crew_class_launcher$new( seconds_launch = 9999, seconds_interval = 1 ) launcher$start(url = "url", profile = "profile") on.exit(launcher$terminate()) private <- crew_private(launcher) private$.instances <- instances launcher$update(status = list(events = c(102L, 103L, 107L))) expect_equal( launcher$instances$online, instances$id %in% c(102L, 103L, 107L) ) expect_equal( launcher$instances$discovered, instances$id %in% c(102L, 103L, 107L) ) expect_true(all(launcher$instances$submitted)) }) crew_test("launcher update() with connects and disconnects", { skip_on_cran() set.seed(0L) instances <- expand.grid( submitted = FALSE, online = c(FALSE, FALSE), discovered = c(FALSE, FALSE), start = c(Inf, Inf) ) instances$id <- sample(seq_len(nrow(instances))) instances$handle <- replicate(nrow(instances), list(), simplify = FALSE) instances <- instances[, colnames(launcher_empty_instances)] instances <- tibble::as_tibble(instances) launcher <- crew_class_launcher$new( seconds_launch = 9999, seconds_interval = 1 ) launcher$start(url = "url", profile = "profile") on.exit(launcher$terminate()) private <- crew_private(launcher) private$.instances <- instances launcher$update(status = list(events = c(2L, 3L, 7L, -7L))) expect_equal(launcher$instances$id, setdiff(instances$id, 7L)) expect_equal( launcher$instances$online, launcher$instances$id %in% c(2L, 3L) ) expect_equal( launcher$instances$discovered, launcher$instances$id %in% c(2L, 3L) ) expect_true(all(launcher$instances$submitted)) }) crew_test("launcher update() with just disconnects", { skip_on_cran() set.seed(0L) instances <- expand.grid( submitted = FALSE, online = c(TRUE, TRUE), discovered = c(TRUE, TRUE), start = c(Inf, Inf) ) instances$id <- sample(seq_len(nrow(instances))) instances$handle <- replicate(nrow(instances), list(), simplify = FALSE) instances <- instances[, colnames(launcher_empty_instances)] instances <- tibble::as_tibble(instances) launcher <- crew_class_launcher$new( seconds_launch = 9999, seconds_interval = 1 ) launcher$start(url = "url", profile = "profile") on.exit(launcher$terminate()) private <- crew_private(launcher) private$.instances <- instances launcher$update(status = list(events = c(-4L, -6L))) expect_equal(launcher$instances$id, setdiff(instances$id, c(4L, 6L))) expect_equal(launcher$instances$online, rep(TRUE, 6L)) expect_equal(launcher$instances$discovered, rep(TRUE, 6L)) expect_true(all(launcher$instances$submitted)) }) crew_test("deprecate seconds_exit", { suppressWarnings(crew_launcher(seconds_exit = 1)) expect_true(TRUE) }) crew_test("deprecated crashes() method", { x <- crew_launcher_local() expect_equal(x$crashes(index = 1L), 1L) }) crew_test("deprecated set_name() method", { x <- crew_launcher_local(name = "x") x$set_name(name = "y") expect_equal(x$name, "y") })