crew_test("valid monad from crew_eval()", { monad <- crew_eval(quote(1L + 1L)) expect_silent(monad_validate(monad)) }) crew_test("keep track of seconds", { monad <- crew_eval(quote(1L + 1L)) out <- monad$seconds expect_true(is.numeric(out)) expect_equal(length(out), 1L) }) crew_test("run without error", { monad <- crew_eval(quote(1L + 1L)) expect_equal(monad$result, list(2L)) expect_true(anyNA(monad$error)) expect_true(anyNA(monad$trace)) }) crew_test("run with error", { monad <- crew_eval(quote(stop(12345))) expect_equal(monad$result, list(NA)) expect_true(any(grepl("12345", monad$error))) expect_true(any(grepl("12345", monad$trace))) }) crew_test("error with no message", { monad <- crew_eval(quote(stop())) expect_equal(monad$result, list(NA)) expect_equal(monad$error, ".") expect_true(is.character(monad$trace)) expect_true(length(monad$trace) > 0L) expect_true(any(nzchar(monad$trace))) }) crew_test("run with warning, warning recorded", { skip_on_cran() monad <- crew_eval(quote(warning("12345"))) expect_true(any(grepl("12345", monad$warnings))) }) crew_test("warning with no message, warning recorded", { skip_on_cran() monad <- crew_eval(quote(warning())) expect_equal(monad$warnings, ".") }) crew_test("warning character limit", { skip_on_cran() monad <- crew_eval( quote( lapply( seq_len(1e3), function(i) warning(paste(rep("a", 65), collapse = "")) ) ) ) expect_equal(nchar(monad$warnings), crew_eval_max_nchar) }) crew_test("encoding issue error handling", { skip_on_cran() monad <- crew_eval( quote(warning("<<\"pT\xbf\xbfD\x80QY\x94C\xd1")) ) expect_true(grepl("text encoding issue", monad$warnings)) }) crew_test("crew_eval() seed", { out1 <- crew_eval(quote( = 1e9L, size = 1L)), seed = 1L) out2 <- crew_eval(quote( = 1e9L, size = 1L)), seed = 1L) out3 <- crew_eval(quote( = 1e9L, size = 1L)), seed = 2L) expect_equal(out1$seed, 1L) expect_equal(out2$seed, 1L) expect_equal(out3$seed, 2L) expect_equal(out1$result[[1]], out2$result[[1]]) expect_true(abs(out1$result[[1]] - out3$result[[1]]) > 1L) }) crew_test("crew_eval() environment variables", { skip_on_cran() envvars <- c("CREW_LAUNCHER", "CREW_WORKER", "CREW_INSTANCE") previous <- Sys.getenv(envvars) Sys.unsetenv(envvars) on.exit( = Sys.setenv, args = as.list(previous))) out <- crew_eval(quote(L)) expect_equal(out$launcher, NA_character_) expect_equal(out$worker, NA_integer_) expect_equal(out$instance, NA_character_) Sys.setenv(CREW_LAUNCHER = "x1", CREW_WORKER = "2", CREW_INSTANCE = "x3") out <- crew_eval(quote(L)) expect_equal(out$launcher, "x1") expect_equal(out$worker, 2L) expect_equal(out$instance, "x3") })