crew_test("warnings and errors", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") x <- crew_controller_local( seconds_idle = 360 ) on.exit({ x$terminate() rm(x) gc() crew_test_sleep() }) expect_silent(x$validate()) expect_null(x$client$started) x$start() expect_equal(x$summary()$tasks, 0L) expect_equal(x$summary()$errors, 0L) expect_equal(x$summary()$warnings, 0L) x$push(command = { warning("this is a warning") stop("this is an error") }, name = "warnings_and_errors") x$wait(seconds_timeout = 5) out <- x$pop(scale = FALSE) expect_equal(x$summary()$tasks, 1L) expect_equal(x$summary()$errors, 1L) expect_equal(x$summary()$warnings, 1L) expect_equal(out$name, "warnings_and_errors") expect_true(is.numeric(out$seconds)) expect_false(anyNA(out$seconds)) expect_true(out$seconds >= 0) expect_equal(out$error, "this is an error") expect_equal(out$warnings, "this is a warning") expect_false(anyNA(out$trace)) handle <- x$launcher$workers$handle[[1]] x$terminate() expect_false(x$client$started) crew_retry( ~!handle$is_alive(), seconds_interval = 0.1, seconds_timeout = 5 ) }) crew_test("can relay task errors as local errors", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") x <- crew_controller_local( seconds_idle = 360 ) on.exit({ x$terminate() rm(x) gc() crew_test_sleep() }) x$start() x$push(command = stop("this is an error"), name = "warnings_and_errors") x$wait(seconds_timeout = 5) expect_crew_error(x$pop(scale = FALSE, error = "stop")) }) crew_test("can relay task errors as local warnings", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") x <- crew_controller_local( seconds_idle = 360 ) on.exit({ x$terminate() rm(x) gc() crew_test_sleep() }) x$start() x$push(command = stop("this is an error"), name = "warnings_and_errors") x$wait(seconds_timeout = 5) expect_warning( x$pop(scale = FALSE, error = "warn"), class = "crew_warning" ) }) crew_test("can terminate a lost worker", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") if (isTRUE(as.logical(Sys.getenv("CI", "false")))) { skip_on_os("mac") } x <- crew_controller_local( workers = 1L, seconds_idle = 360, seconds_launch = 180 ) x$start() on.exit({ x$terminate() rm(x) gc() crew_test_sleep() }) private <- crew_private(x$launcher) private$.workers$launches <- 1L bin <- if_any(tolower([["sysname"]]) == "windows", "R.exe", "R") path <- file.path(R.home("bin"), bin) call <- "Sys.sleep(300)" handle <- processx::process$new(command = path, args = c("-e", call)) crew_retry( ~handle$is_alive(), seconds_interval = 0.1, seconds_timeout = 5 ) private$.workers$handle[[1L]] <- handle private$.workers$socket[1L] <- x$client$summary()$socket private$.workers$start[1L] <- - Inf private$.workers$launches[1L] <- 1L private$.workers$launched[1L] <- TRUE private$.workers$terminated[1L] <- FALSE expect_true(handle$is_alive()) x$launcher$rotate() crew_retry( ~!handle$is_alive(), seconds_interval = 0.1, seconds_timeout = 60 ) expect_false(handle$is_alive()) }) crew_test("deprecate auto_scale", { skip_on_cran() suppressWarnings( crew_controller( client = crew_client(host = ""), launcher = crew_launcher_local(), auto_scale = "demand" ) ) expect_true(TRUE) }) crew_test("task collection and results stack work", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") x <- crew_controller_local(seconds_idle = 120) x$start() on.exit({ x$terminate() rm(x) gc() crew_test_sleep() }) n <- 200L for (i in seq_len(3L)) { for (index in seq_len(n)) { name <- paste0("task_", index) x$push(name = name, command = index, data = list(index = index)) } results <- list() while (length(results) < n) { out <- x$pop() if (!is.null(out)) { results[[length(results) + 1L]] <- out } } results <- tibble::as_tibble(, results)) results$result <- as.integer(results$result) expect_equal(sort(results$result), seq_len(200L)) } x$terminate() }) crew_test("controller walk()", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") x <- crew_controller_local( workers = 1L, seconds_idle = 360 ) on.exit({ x$terminate() rm(x) gc() crew_test_sleep() }) x$start() f <- function(x, y) x + y out <- x$walk( command = f(x, y) + a + b, iterate = list(x = c(1L, 2L), y = c(3L, 4L)), data = list(a = 5L), globals = list(f = f, b = 6L), seed = 0L ) expect_true(is.list(out)) expect_s3_class(out[[1L]], "mirai") expect_s3_class(out[[2L]], "mirai") x$wait(mode = "all") task1 <- x$pop() task2 <- x$pop() expect_true(tibble::is_tibble(task1)) expect_true(tibble::is_tibble(task2)) expect_equal( sort(c(task1$result[[1L]], task2$result[[1L]])), c(15L, 17L) ) }) crew_test("controller collect() success", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") on.exit({ x$terminate() rm(x) gc() crew_test_sleep() }) x <- crew_controller_local(workers = 1L, seconds_idle = 30L) x$start() for (index in seq_len(2L)) x$push("done") x$wait(mode = "all") for (index in seq_len(2L)) x$push(Sys.sleep(120)) out <- x$collect() expect_equal(nrow(out), 2L) expect_equal(as.character(out$result), rep("done", 2)) expect_null(x$collect()) expect_crew_error(x$collect(error = "bad")) }) crew_test("controller collect() silent error", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") on.exit({ x$terminate() rm(x) gc() crew_test_sleep() }) x <- crew_controller_local(workers = 1L, seconds_idle = 30L) x$start() x$push("success") x$push(stop("failure 1")) x$push(stop("failure 2")) x$wait(mode = "all") expect_silent(out <- x$collect(error = "silent")) expect_true("failure 1" %in% out$error) }) crew_test("controller collect() error as warning", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") on.exit({ x$terminate() rm(x) gc() crew_test_sleep() }) x <- crew_controller_local(workers = 1L, seconds_idle = 30L) x$start() x$push("success") x$push(stop("failure 1")) x$push(stop("failure 2")) x$wait(mode = "all") suppressWarnings( expect_warning(x$collect(error = "warn"), class = "crew_warning") ) }) crew_test("controller collect() stop on error", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") on.exit({ x$terminate() rm(x) gc() crew_test_sleep() }) x <- crew_controller_local(workers = 1L, seconds_idle = 30L) x$start() x$push("success") x$push(stop("failure 1")) x$push(stop("failure 2")) x$wait(mode = "all") expect_crew_error(x$collect(error = "stop")) }) crew_test("controller map() works", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") x <- crew_controller_local( workers = 1L, seconds_idle = 360 ) on.exit({ x$terminate() rm(x) gc() crew_test_sleep() }) x$start() f <- function(x, y) x + y out <- x$map( command = f(x, y) + a + b, iterate = list(x = c(1L, 2L), y = c(3L, 4L)), data = list(a = 5L), globals = list(f = f, b = 6L), seed = 0L, verbose = TRUE ) x$terminate() expect_null(x$error) expect_true(tibble::is_tibble(out)) expect_equal(nrow(out), 2L) expect_equal(colnames(out), monad_names) expect_equal(out$name, c("1", "2")) expect_equal(out$command, rep(NA_character_, 2L)) expect_equal(out$result, list(15L, 17L)) expect_true(all(out$seconds >= 0)) expect_true(is.integer(out$seed)) expect_true(anyDuplicated(out$seed) < 1L) expect_equal(out$error, rep(NA_character_, 2L)) expect_equal(out$trace, rep(NA_character_, 2L)) expect_equal(out$warnings, rep(NA_character_, 2L)) expect_equal(out$worker, rep(1L, 2L)) expect_equal(out$launcher, rep(x$launcher$name, 2L)) expect_false(anyNA(out$instance)) sum <- x$summary() expect_equal(sum$worker, 1L) expect_equal(sum$tasks, 2L) expect_equal(sum$errors, 0L) expect_equal(sum$warnings, 0L) }) crew_test("map() works with errors and names and command strings", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") x <- crew_controller_local( workers = 1L, seconds_idle = 360 ) on.exit({ x$terminate() rm(x) gc() crew_test_sleep() }) x$start() f <- function(x, y) { warning("message") x + y } x$map( command = f(x, y) + a + b, iterate = list(x = c(1L, 2L), y = c(3L, 4L), id = c("z", "w")), data = list(a = 5L), globals = list(f = f), save_command = TRUE, names = "id", error = "silent", warnings = FALSE, verbose = FALSE ) expect_null(x$error) expect_error( x$map( command = f(x, y) + a + b, iterate = list(x = c(1L, 2L), y = c(3L, 4L), id = c("z", "w")), data = list(a = 5L), globals = list(f = f), save_command = TRUE, names = "id", error = "stop", warnings = FALSE, verbose = TRUE ), class = "crew_error" ) expect_true($error)) expect_warning( out <- x$map( command = f(x, y) + a + b, iterate = list(x = c(1L, 2L), y = c(3L, 4L), id = c("z", "w")), data = list(a = 5L), globals = list(f = f), save_command = TRUE, names = "id", error = "warn", warnings = FALSE, verbose = TRUE ), class = "crew_warning" ) x$terminate() expect_true(tibble::is_tibble(out)) expect_equal(nrow(out), 2L) expect_equal(colnames(out), monad_names) expect_equal(out$name, c("z", "w")) expect_equal(out$command, rep("f(x, y) + a + b", 2L)) expect_equal(out$result, list(NA, NA)) expect_true(all(out$seconds >= 0)) expect_true(is.integer(out$seed)) expect_true(all($seed))) expect_false(anyNA(out$error)) expect_false(anyNA(out$trace)) expect_false(anyNA(out$warnings)) expect_equal(out$worker, rep(1L, 2L)) expect_equal(out$launcher, rep(x$launcher$name, 2L)) expect_false(anyNA(out$instance)) sum <- x$summary() expect_equal(sum$worker, 1L) expect_equal(sum$tasks, 6L) expect_equal(sum$errors, 6L) expect_equal(sum$warnings, 6L) }) crew_test("map() tasks attributed to correct workers", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") x <- crew_controller_local( workers = 4L, seconds_idle = 360 ) on.exit({ x$terminate() rm(x) gc() crew_test_sleep() }) x$start() f <- function(x, y) { warning("message") Sys.sleep(0.25) x + y } x$launcher$launch(index = 3L) out <- x$map( command = f(x, y) + a + b, iterate = list(x = 1L, y = 3L, id = "z"), data = list(a = 5L), globals = list(f = f), save_command = TRUE, names = "id", error = "silent", warnings = FALSE ) sum <- x$summary() expect_equal(sum$worker, seq_len(4L)) expect_equal(sum$tasks, c(0L, 0L, 1L, 0L)) expect_equal( sum$seconds > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE) ) expect_equal(sum$errors, c(0L, 0L, 1L, 0L)) expect_equal(sum$warnings, c(0L, 0L, 1L, 0L)) }) crew_test("map() does not need a started controller", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") x <- crew_controller_local( workers = 1L, seconds_idle = 360 ) on.exit({ x$terminate() rm(x) gc() crew_test_sleep() }) results <- x$map(command = TRUE, iterate = list(x = c(1, 2))) expect_equal(nrow(results), 2L) }) crew_test("map() needs an empty controller", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") x <- crew_controller_local( workers = 1L, seconds_idle = 360 ) on.exit({ x$terminate() rm(x) gc() crew_test_sleep() }) x$start() x$push(command = TRUE) x$wait(seconds_timeout = 30) expect_equal(x$unresolved(), 0L) expect_equal(x$resolved(), 1L) expect_crew_error(x$map(command = TRUE, iterate = list(x = c(1, 2)))) }) crew_test("map() can relay warnings", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") x <- crew_controller_local( workers = 1L, seconds_idle = 360 ) on.exit({ x$terminate() rm(x) gc() crew_test_sleep() }) x$start() f <- function(x, y) { warning("message") x + y } expect_warning( x$map( command = f(x, y) + a + b, iterate = list(x = c(1L, 2L), y = c(3L, 4L), id = c("z", "w")), data = list(a = 5L), globals = list(f = f), save_command = TRUE, names = "id", error = "silent", warnings = TRUE, verbose = FALSE ), class = "crew_warning" ) }) crew_test("backlog with no tasks", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") x <- crew_controller_local( workers = 2L, seconds_idle = 360 ) on.exit({ x$terminate() rm(x) gc() crew_test_sleep() }) x$start() expect_equal(x$backlog, character(0L)) expect_equal(x$pop_backlog(), character(0L)) tasks <- paste0("my_task", seq_len(4L)) for (task in tasks) { x$push_backlog(name = task) } expect_equal(x$backlog, tasks) expect_equal(x$pop_backlog(), tasks[c(1L, 2L)]) expect_equal(x$backlog, tasks[c(3L, 4L)]) expect_equal(x$pop_backlog(), tasks[c(3L, 4L)]) expect_equal(x$backlog, character(0L)) expect_equal(x$pop_backlog(), character(0L)) }) crew_test("backlog with one task and no saturation", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") x <- crew_controller_local( workers = 2L, seconds_idle = 360 ) on.exit({ x$terminate() rm(x) gc() crew_test_sleep() }) x$start() x$push(Sys.sleep(30), scale = FALSE) expect_equal(x$backlog, character(0L)) expect_equal(x$pop_backlog(), character(0L)) tasks <- paste0("my_task", seq_len(4L)) for (task in tasks) { x$push_backlog(name = task) } expect_equal(x$backlog, tasks) expect_equal(x$pop_backlog(), tasks[1L]) expect_equal(x$backlog, tasks[c(2L, 3L, 4L)]) expect_equal(x$pop_backlog(), tasks[2L]) expect_equal(x$backlog, tasks[c(3L, 4L)]) expect_equal(x$pop_backlog(), tasks[3L]) expect_equal(x$backlog, tasks[4L]) expect_equal(x$pop_backlog(), tasks[4L]) expect_equal(x$backlog, character(0L)) expect_equal(x$pop_backlog(), character(0L)) }) crew_test("backlog with saturation", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") x <- crew_controller_local( workers = 2L, seconds_idle = 360 ) on.exit({ x$terminate() rm(x) gc() crew_test_sleep() }) x$start() for (index in seq_len(2L)) { x$push(Sys.sleep(30), scale = FALSE) } tasks <- paste0("my_task", seq_len(4L)) expect_equal(x$backlog, character(0L)) expect_equal(x$pop_backlog(), character(0L)) for (task in tasks) { x$push_backlog(name = task) } for (index in seq_len(4L)) { expect_equal(x$backlog, tasks) expect_equal(x$pop_backlog(), character(0L)) x$push(Sys.sleep(30), scale = FALSE) } }) crew_test("descale", { controller <- crew_controller_local() expect_null(controller$autoscaling) controller$descale() expect_false(controller$autoscaling) }) crew_test("cancel() all", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") x <- crew_controller_local( workers = 1L, seconds_idle = 360 ) on.exit({ x$terminate() rm(x) gc() crew_test_sleep() }) x$start() for (index in seq_len(4L)) { x$push(Sys.sleep(1000)) } x$cancel(all = TRUE) x$wait(mode = "all", seconds_timeout = 30) tasks <- x$collect() expect_equal(nrow(tasks), 4L) expect_true(all(grepl("operation canceled", tolower(tasks$error)))) }) crew_test("cancel() named", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") x <- crew_controller_local( workers = 1L, seconds_idle = 360 ) on.exit({ x$terminate() rm(x) gc() crew_test_sleep() }) x$start() for (index in seq_len(2)) { x$push(Sys.sleep(1000), name = "x") } for (index in seq_len(2)) { x$push(Sys.sleep(1000), name = "z") } x$push(Sys.sleep(1000), name = "y") x$cancel(names = c("x", "z")) for (index in seq_len(4L)) { x$wait(mode = "one", seconds_timeout = 30) } tasks <- x$collect() expect_equal(nrow(tasks), 4L) expect_equal(sort(tasks$name), sort(c("x", "x", "z", "z"))) expect_true(all(grepl("operation canceled", tolower(tasks$error)))) expect_equal(names(x$tasks), "y") })