context("Test summary") library(utils) ## use capture.output to test the summary() method test_that("test summary() method", { cds <- CDS(date = as.Date("2014-05-07"), tenor = 5, spread = 50, coupon = 100) output <- capture.output(summary(cds)) ## below expectations are hard coded, but are fine, because all we need to care about ## is that summary() still produces the same output after we redesign the class. expect_that(output[1], equals("Contract Type: SNAC Date: 2014-05-07")) expect_that(output[2], equals("Entity Name: NA RED: NA")) expect_that(output[3], equals("Currency: USD End Date: 2019-06-20")) expect_that(output[4], equals("Spread: 50 Coupon: 100")) expect_that(output[5], equals("Upfront: -259,647 Spread DV01: 5,022")) expect_that(output[6], equals("IR DV01: 64.44 Rec Risk (1 pct): 87.88")) } )