context("Test values in rates data frame") data(rates) test_that("test that rates data frame has correct variable names and types", { expect_equal(names(rates), c("date", "currency", "expiry", "rate")) expect_equal(unname(sapply(rates, class)), c("Date", "character", "character", "numeric")) }) test_that("test that rates data frame variables currency and expiry have only allowed values", { expect_true(all(rates$currency %in% c("USD", "JPY", "EUR"))) expect_true(all(rates$expiry %in% c("1M", "2M", "3M", "6M", "9M", "1Y", "2Y", "3Y", "4Y", "5Y", "6Y", "7Y", "8Y", "9Y", "10Y", "12Y", "15Y", "20Y", "25Y", "30Y"))) }) ## independence day test case test_that("test that holidays are covered in rates.RData", { ## if we trade on 2012-07-05, then we should use the previous business day's ## interest rate, which is 2012-07-03. But notice here, that the interest ## rate of 2012-07-03 is not stored in rates.RData as the row with date ## 2012-07-03; instead, it's the row with 2012-07-04 that contains the ## true interest rate of 2012-07-03, because we have to adjust one ## business day after 2012-07-03 in rates.RData rate.holi.1 <- rates[rates$currency == "USD" & rates$date == as.Date("2012-07-05") & rates$expiry == "1M", ]$rate rate.holi.2 <- rates[rates$currency == "USD" & rates$date == as.Date("2012-07-04") & rates$expiry == "1M", ]$rate expect_equal(rate.holi.1, rate.holi.2) }) ## a random weekend test case. Done for each currency separately, ## on separate week-ends. test_that("test that weekends are covered correctly", { ## a random weekend for USD ## we want to see that for sunday, 2014-08-10, its interest rate should be same with ## saturday, 2014-08-09, because their previous business days are both ## friday, 2014-08-08. rate.weekend.1 <- rates[rates$currency == "USD" & rates$date == as.Date("2012-08-12") & rates$expiry == "1M", ]$rate rate.weekend.2 <- rates[rates$currency == "USD" & rates$date == as.Date("2012-08-11") & rates$expiry == "1M", ]$rate expect_equal(rate.weekend.1, rate.weekend.2) ## a random weekend for JPY rate.weekend.3 <- rates[rates$currency == "JPY" & rates$date == as.Date("2012-08-05") & rates$expiry == "1M", ]$rate rate.weekend.4 <- rates[rates$currency == "JPY" & rates$date == as.Date("2012-08-04") & rates$expiry == "1M", ]$rate expect_equal(rate.weekend.3, rate.weekend.4) ## a random weekend for EUR rate.weekend.5 <- rates[rates$currency == "EUR" & rates$date == as.Date("2012-08-25") & rates$expiry == "1M", ]$rate rate.weekend.6 <- rates[rates$currency == "EUR" & rates$date == as.Date("2012-08-26") & rates$expiry == "1M", ]$rate expect_equal(rate.weekend.5, rate.weekend.6) }) test_that("Test to show there are no missing dates", { expect_equal(length(unique(rates$date)), as.numeric(max(rates$date) - min(rates$date) + 1)) }) test_that("test that rates don't move `too much' day-over-day", { ## Problem with this test is that what is `too much' movement depends on the ## expiry. sample.df <- rates[rates$currency == "EUR" & rates$expiry == "20Y",] <- sample(sample.df$date, size = 1) <- + 1 rates.1 <- rates[rates$date == & rates$currency == "EUR" & rates$expiry == "20Y", ]$rate rates.2 <- rates[rates$date == & rates$currency == "EUR" & rates$expiry == "20Y", ]$rate expect_true(abs(rates.2-rates.1)/rates.1 < 0.1) })