make_tmp_pkg <- function(dir, name, type = c("source", "win.binary")) { type <- match.arg(type) ## Package root directory dir.create(tmp <- tempfile()) on.exit(unlink(tmp, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE) dir.create(file.path(tmp, name)) ## DESCRIPTION desc <- desc::description$new("!new") desc$set( Package = name, Version = "1.0.0", Title = "Foobar Package is the Best", Maintainer = "Jo Doe ", Description = "I need a package for testing. And this section must also contain some complete sentences.", License = "GPL (>=2)", URL = "", BugReports = "" ) desc$write(file.path(tmp, name, "DESCRIPTION")) ## NAMESPACE cat("# nothing here, really\n", file = file.path(tmp, name, "NAMESPACE")) ## tar it up, we need to create this file, otherwise normalizePAth ## does not work :/ pkgfile <- file.path( dir, paste0(name, if (type == "source") "_1.0.0.tar.gz" else "") ) cat("", file = pkgfile) pkgfile <- normalizePath(pkgfile) withr::with_dir(tmp, { unlink(pkgfile) if (type == "source") { utils::tar(pkgfile, name, compression = "gzip", tar = "internal") } else { zip::zip(pkgfile, name) } }) pkgfile }