library(cpr) # Test if the CPR algorithm can recover a known spline recover_spline <- function(k = 4L, start_with = 100L, seed, theta_dist_sd = 100, ...) { if (missing(seed)) { seed <- round(stats::runif(1) * 1e9) } set.seed(seed) n_iknots <- sample(seq(1, floor(start_with / 4), by = 1L), 1L) true_iknots <- sort(stats::runif(n_iknots)) true_theta <- stats::rnorm(n_iknots + k, sd = theta_dist_sd) xvec <- runif(10000) true_bmat <- bsplines(xvec, iknots = true_iknots, bknots = c(0, 1), order = k) true_cp <- cp(true_bmat, true_theta) s_data <- data.frame(x = xvec, y = as.numeric(true_bmat %*% matrix(true_theta, ncol = 1))) initial_iknots <- sort(c(stats::runif(start_with - n_iknots), true_iknots)) f <- substitute(y ~ bsplines(x, iknots = IKNOTS, bknots = c(0, 1), order = K), list(IKNOTS = initial_iknots, K = k)) f <- stats::as.formula(f) environment(f) <- environment() initial_cp <- suppressWarnings(, list(formula = f, data = s_data))) cpr_run <- cpr(initial_cp) found_cp <- cpr_run[[n_iknots + 1L]] out <- list(recovered = isTRUE(all.equal(as.matrix(true_cp$cp), as.matrix(found_cp$cp))), call =, n_iknots = n_iknots, start_with = start_with, true_cp = true_cp, initial_cp = initial_cp, found_cp = found_cp, cpr_run = cpr_run, seed = seed ) out } stopifnot( recover_spline(start_with = 40L, seed = 42)$recovered ) ################################################################################ ## End of File ## ################################################################################