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Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(cpr) > > x1 <- seq(0, 5.9999, length = 500) > x2 <- seq(0, 6 - sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), length = 123) > bmat1 <- bsplines(x = x1, iknots = c(1, 1.5, 2.3, 4, 4.5), bknots = c(0, 6)) > bmat2 <- bsplines(x = x2, iknots = c(1, 1.5, 2.3, 4, 4.5), bknots = c(0, 6)) > theta <- c(1, 0, 3.5, 4.2, 3.7, -0.5, -0.7, 2, 1.5) > > cp1 <- cp(bmat1, theta) > cp2 <- cp(bmat2, theta) > > spline <- get_spline(cp1, n = 123) > > stopifnot(isTRUE( + all.equal( + spline + , + data.frame(x = x2, y = as.numeric(bmat2 %*% theta)) + ) + )) > > # control net > initial_cn <- cn(log10(pdg) ~ btensor(list(day, age, ttm) + , df = list(8, 6, 3) + , bknots = list(c(-1, 1), c(44, 53), c(-9, -1)) + , order = list(3, 4, 2) + ) + , data = spdg) > > if (interactive()) { + old_par <- par() + par(mfrow = c(3, 1)) + get_spline(initial_cn, n = 100) |> plot(type = "l") + get_spline(initial_cn, margin = 2, n = 100) |> plot(type = "l") + get_spline(initial_cn, margin = 3, n = 100) |> plot(type = "l") + par(old_par) + + #get_spline(initial_cn, n = 10) |> dput() + #get_spline(initial_cn, margin = 2, n = 10) |> dput() + #get_spline(initial_cn, margin = 3, n = 10) |> dput() + } > > expected <- structure(list(x = c(-1, -0.777777779433462, -0.555555558866925, -0.333333338300387, -0.111111117733849, 0.111111102832688, 0.333333323399226, 0.555555543965764, 0.777777764532301, 0.999999985098839), y = c(-0.133762887106663, -0.320552726835096, -0.453930169776096, -0.461840210183064, -0.332093945041971, 0.139354295999598, 0.496456762997947, 0.686489715816332, 0.534159573348981, 0.0146225055203891)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -10L)) > stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(expected, get_spline(initial_cn, n = 10)))) > > expected <- structure(list(x = c(44, 44.9999999983443, 45.9999999966886, 46.9999999950329, 47.9999999933773, 48.9999999917216, 49.9999999900659, 50.9999999884102, 51.9999999867545, 52.9999999850988), y = c(0.686285778255235, 0.00445867954416262, -0.196819616993946, -0.14570083255892, -0.0703366883505854, -0.139325216264028, -0.22418621303892, -0.188094354192221, -0.0451158549211667, 0.175094646687039)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -10L)) > stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(expected, get_spline(initial_cn, margin = 2, n = 10)))) > > expected <- structure(list(x = c(-9, -8.1111111127668, -7.22222222553359, -6.33333333830039, -5.44444445106718, -4.55555556383398, -3.66666667660077, -2.77777778936757, -1.88888890213437, -1.00000001490116), y = c(-0.121538778218393, -0.114302628952598, -0.107066479686803, -0.0998303304210085, -0.0925941811552136, -0.0864796293184603, -0.0812970496621639, -0.0761144700058674, -0.070931890349571, -0.0657493106932745)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -10L)) > stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(expected, get_spline(initial_cn, margin = 3, n = 10) ))) > > ################################################################################ > # expected an error if length(margin) > 1 > > test <- tryCatch(get_spline(initial_cn, margin = 2:3, n = 100), error = function(e) e) > stopifnot(inherits(test, "error")) > stopifnot(identical(test$message, "use get_surface when length(margin) > 1.")) > > ################################################################################ > # expect an error if derivative is not 0, 1, or 2 > test <- tryCatch(get_spline(cp1, derivative = 0:1), error = function(e) e) > stopifnot(inherits(test, "error")) > stopifnot(identical(test$message, "length(derivative) == 1L is not TRUE")) > > test <- tryCatch(get_spline(cp1, derivative = 3), error = function(e) e) > stopifnot(inherits(test, "error")) > stopifnot(identical(test$message, "derivative needs to be 0, 1, or 2")) > > ################################################################################ > # derivatives are as expected > f0 <- function(x) { + #(x + 2) * (x - 1) * (x - 3) + x^3 - 2 * x^2 - 5 * x + 6 + } > f1 <- function(x) { + 3 * x^2 - 4 * x - 5 + } > f2 <- function(x) { + 6 * x - 4 + } > > x <- sort(runif(n = 100, min = -3, max = 5)) > bknots = c(-3, 5) > bmat <- bsplines(x, bknots = bknots) > theta <- coef(lm(f0(x) ~ bsplines(x, bknots = bknots) + 0) ) > > cp0 <- cp(bmat, theta) > spline0 <- get_spline(cp0, derivative = 0) > spline1 <- get_spline(cp0, derivative = 1) > spline2 <- get_spline(cp0, derivative = 2) > > stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(f0(spline0$x), spline0$y))) > stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(f1(spline1$x), spline1$y))) > stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(f2(spline2$x), spline2$y))) > > ################################################################################ > # Standard errors > test <- tryCatch(get_spline(cp0, se = TRUE), warning = function(w) w) > stopifnot(inherits(test, "warning")) > stopifnot(identical(test$message, "vcov_theta of cp0 is NULL")) > > set.seed(742) > x <- sort(runif(n = 2222, min = -3, max = 5)) > sdata <- data.frame(x = x, y = f0(x) + rnorm(2222, sd = 25)) > cp0 <- cp(y ~ bsplines(x, bknots = bknots), data = sdata) > spline0 <- get_spline(cp0, se = TRUE, derivative = 0, n = 20) > > stopifnot( + isTRUE( + all.equal( + spline0$se + , + predict(cp0, newdata = data.frame(x = spline0$x), se.fit = TRUE)$se.fit + , + check.attributes = FALSE + ) + ) + ) > > spline1 <- get_spline(cp0, se = TRUE, derivative = 1, n = 20) > spline2 <- get_spline(cp0, se = TRUE, derivative = 2, n = 20) > > if (interactive()) { + old_par <- par() + + par(mfrow = c(1, 3)) + + plot(x, f0(x), type = "l", main = "spline") + lines(spline0$x, spline0$y, pch = 2, col = 'blue') + lines(spline0$x, spline0$y + 1.96 * spline0$se, pch = 1, col = 'red') + lines(spline0$x, spline0$y - 1.96 * spline0$se, pch = 1, col = 'green') + + plot(x, f1(x), type = "l", main = "first derivative") + lines(spline1$x, spline1$y, pch = 2, col = 'blue') + lines(spline1$x, spline1$y + 1.96 * spline1$se, pch = 1, col = 'red') + lines(spline1$x, spline1$y - 1.96 * spline1$se, pch = 1, col = 'green') + + plot(x, f2(x), type = "l", main = "second derivative") + lines(spline2$x, spline2$y, pch = 2, col = 'blue') + lines(spline2$x, spline2$y + 1.96 * spline2$se, pch = 1, col = 'red') + lines(spline2$x, spline2$y - 1.96 * spline2$se, pch = 1, col = 'green') + + par(old_par) + } > > ################################################################################ > # End of File # > ################################################################################ > > proc.time() user system elapsed 3.76 0.57 4.32