library(cpr) A <- matrix(1:4, nrow = 10, ncol = 20) B <- matrix(1:6, nrow = 10, ncol = 6) # verify that passing in one matrix returns that matrix x <- tryCatch(build_tensor(A, 1:10), error = function(e) e) stopifnot(inherits(x, "error")) stopifnot(identical(x$message, "All arguments passed to build_tensor need to be matrices.")) # verify that passing in one matrix returns that matrix tA <- build_tensor(A) stopifnot(identical(tA, A)) # Two ways of building the same tensor product tAB <- build_tensor(A, B) tAB2 <-,list(A, B)) stopifnot(all.equal(tAB, tAB2)) # direction matters tBA <- build_tensor(B, A) stopifnot(!isTRUE(all.equal(tBA, tAB))) # three and four matrix tensor product tABA <- build_tensor(A, B, A) tABAA <- build_tensor(A, B, A, A) # verify to established matrices rdsAB <- readRDS("tensorAB.rds") rdsBA <- readRDS("tensorBA.rds") rdsABA <- readRDS("tensorABA.rds") rdsABAA <- readRDS("tensorABAA.rds") stopifnot(identical(tAB, rdsAB)) stopifnot(identical(tBA, rdsBA)) stopifnot(identical(tABA, rdsABA)) stopifnot(identical(tABAA, rdsABAA)) ################################################################################ # End of File # ################################################################################