test_that("ocr works", { skip_on_cran() file <- system.file("examples", "test2.png", package = "cpp11tesseract") numbers <- tesseract() expect_match(paste(ocr(file), collapse = " "), "test.*123") }) test_that("ocr works with whitelisted characters", { skip_on_cran() file <- system.file("examples", "test2.png", package = "cpp11tesseract") numbers <- tesseract(options = list(tessedit_char_whitelist = "-$.0123456789")) expect_match(paste(ocr(file), collapse = " "), "123") expect_type(engine_info_internal(numbers)$datapath, "character") }) test_that("ocr works with raw image", { skip_on_cran() file <- system.file("examples", "test2.png", package = "cpp11tesseract") raw <- readBin(file, "raw", file.info(file)$size) expect_match(paste(ocr(file), collapse = " "), "123") }) test_that("ocr fails with bad parameters", { skip_on_cran() file <- system.file("examples", "test2.png", package = "cpp11tesseract") expect_error(ocr(file, engine = "enochian")) expect_error(ocr(NULL)) })