context("as_package") test_that("it throws error if no package", { expect_error(as_package("arst11234"), "`path` is invalid:.*arst11234") }) test_that("it returns the package if given the root or child directory", { expect_equal(as_package("TestS4")$package, "TestS4") expect_equal(as_package("TestS4/")$package, "TestS4") expect_equal(as_package("TestS4/R")$package, "TestS4") expect_equal(as_package("TestS4/tests")$package, "TestS4") expect_equal(as_package("TestS4/tests/testthat")$package, "TestS4") }) context("local_branch") test_that("it works as expected", { with_mock(`covr:::system_output` = function(...) { "test_branch " }, { expect_equal(local_branch("TestSummary"), "test_branch") }) }) context("current_commit") test_that("it works as expected", { with_mock(`covr:::system_output` = function(...) { " test_hash" }, { expect_equal(current_commit("TestSummary"), "test_hash") }) }) context("get_source_filename") test_that("it works", { # R 4.0.0 changes this behavior so `getSrcFilename()` will actually return # "test-utils.R" skip_if(getRversion() >= "4.0.0") x <- eval(bquote(function() 1)) expect_identical(getSrcFilename(x), character()) expect_identical(get_source_filename(x), "") }) test_that("per_line removes blank lines and lines with only punctuation (#387)", { skip_on_cran() cov <- package_coverage(test_path("TestFunctional")) line_cov <- per_line(cov) expect_equal(line_cov[[1]]$coverage, c(NA, 0, 0, 2, NA, 1, NA, 1, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)) })