context("Compiled") test_that("Compiled code coverage is reported including code in headers", { skip_on_cran() skip_if(is_win_r41()) cov <-"TestCompiled", relative_path = TRUE)) simple_cc <- cov[cov$filename == "src/", ] expect_equal(simple_cc[simple_cc$first_line == "10", "value"], 4) expect_equal(simple_cc[simple_cc$first_line == "16", "value"], 3) expect_equal(simple_cc[simple_cc$first_line == "19", "value"], 0) expect_equal(simple_cc[simple_cc$first_line == "21", "value"], 1) expect_equal(simple_cc[simple_cc$first_line == "23", "value"], 4) # This header contains a C++ template, which requires you to run gcov for # each object file separately and merge the results together. simple_h <- cov[cov$filename == "src/simple-header.h", ] expect_equal(simple_h[simple_h$first_line == "12", "value"], 4) expect_equal(simple_h[simple_h$first_line == "18", "value"], 3) expect_equal(simple_h[simple_h$first_line == "21", "value"], 0) expect_equal(simple_h[simple_h$first_line == "23", "value"], 1) expect_equal(simple_h[simple_h$first_line == "25", "value"], 4) expect_true(all(unique(cov$filename) %in% c("R/TestCompiled.R", "src/simple-header.h", "src/", "src/"))) }) test_that("Can pass path to relative_path argument", { skip_on_cran() skip_if(is_win_r41()) cov <-"TestCompiled", relative_path = ".")) expect_true(all(unique(cov$filename) %in% c( "TestCompiled/R/TestCompiled.R", "TestCompiled/src/simple-header.h", "TestCompiled/src/", "TestCompiled/src/" ))) }) test_that("Source code subdirectories are found", { skip_on_cran() skip_if(is_win_r41()) cov <-"TestCompiledSubdir", relative_path = TRUE)) expect_equal(cov[cov$first_line == "9", "value"], 4) expect_equal(cov[cov$first_line == "15", "value"], 3) expect_equal(cov[cov$first_line == "18", "value"], 0) expect_equal(cov[cov$first_line == "20", "value"], 1) expect_equal(cov[cov$first_line == "22", "value"], 4) }) test_that("Compiled code coverage is reported under non-standard char's", { skip_on_cran() skip_if(is_win_r41()) cov <-"Test+Char/TestCompiled", relative_path = TRUE)) expect_equal(cov[cov$first_line == "9", "value"], 4) expect_equal(cov[cov$first_line == "15", "value"], 3) expect_equal(cov[cov$first_line == "18", "value"], 0) expect_equal(cov[cov$first_line == "20", "value"], 1) expect_equal(cov[cov$first_line == "22", "value"], 4) }) test_that("Error thrown for missing gcov", { skip_on_cran() withr::with_options(c(covr.gcov=''), expect_error(package_coverage("TestCompiled", relative_path=TRUE), "gcov not found") ) }) test_that("Warning thrown for empty gcov output", { skip_on_cran() withr::with_options(c(covr.gcov_args='-n'), expect_warning(package_coverage("TestCompiled", relative_path=TRUE), "parsed gcov output was empty") ) })