R Under development (unstable) (2025-02-21 r87787 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2025 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(testthat) > library(countries) > > test_check("countries") In total 1 unique country names were provided 1/1 have been matched with EXACT matching 0/1 have been matched with FUZZY matching The following country IDs do not have a match in one or more of the requested naming conventions, NA returned: (To avoid NAs, use - to = 'simple'- or set - na_fill = TRUE) - Taiwan All values in argument - x - are NA or NULL There is low confidence on the matching of some country names, keeping the original names in - x. Set - verbose - to TRUE for more details There is low confidence on the matching of some country names, returning the closest match. Set - verbose - to TRUE for more details Identifying columns to merge No merging keys were found. Will try merging all columns with matching names! The following columns are being merged: ======= ==== \ freq ======= ==== Table 1 freq Table 2 freq ======= ==== Performing merge: 1/1 Merge complete Identifying columns to merge No merging keys were found. Will try merging all columns with matching names! The following columns are being merged: ======= ==== \ freq ======= ==== Table 1 freq Table 2 freq ======= ==== Performing merge: 1/1 Merge complete (Set merging_info to TRUE to save merging details) Identifying columns to merge No merging keys were found. Will try merging all columns with matching names! The following columns are being merged: ======= ==== \ freq ======= ==== Table 1 freq Table 2 freq ======= ==== Performing merge: 1/1 Merge complete (Set merging_info to TRUE to save merging details) Identifying columns to merge No merging keys were found. Will try merging all columns with matching names! The following columns are being merged: ======= ==== \ freq ======= ==== Table 1 freq Table 2 freq ======= ==== Performing merge: 1/1 Merge complete (Set merging_info to TRUE to save merging details) Identifying columns to merge No merging keys were found. Will try merging all columns with matching names! The following columns are being merged: ======= ==== \ freq ======= ==== Table 1 freq Table 2 freq ======= ==== Performing merge: 1/1 Merge complete (Set merging_info to TRUE to save merging details) Identifying columns to merge No merging keys were found. Will try merging all columns with matching names! The following columns are being merged: ======= ==== \ freq ======= ==== Table 1 freq Table 2 freq ======= ==== Performing merge: 1/1 Merge complete (Set merging_info to TRUE to save merging details) Identifying columns to merge Table 2 - countries detected in column names, pivoting columns: France, Italy, US Converting country names No merging key found for Table 1. Data will be appended. The following columns are being merged: ======= ======================= \ country ======= ======================= Table 1 Table 2 Table2_pivoted_colnames ======= ======================= Performing merge: 1/1 Merge complete (Set merging_info to TRUE to save merging details) Identifying columns to merge Table 2 - countries detected in column names, pivoting columns: France, Italy, US Converting country names No merging key found for Table 1. Data will be appended. The following columns are being merged: ======= ======================= \ country ======= ======================= Table 1 Table 2 Table2_pivoted_colnames ======= ======================= Performing merge: 1/1 Merge complete (Set merging_info to TRUE to save merging details) Identifying columns to merge Table 2 - countries detected in column names, pivoting columns: France, Italy, US Converting country names No merging key found for Table 1. Data will be appended. The following columns are being merged: ======= ======================= \ country ======= ======================= Table 1 Table 2 Table2_pivoted_colnames ======= ======================= Performing merge: 1/1 Merge complete Identifying columns to merge Table 2 - countries detected in column names, pivoting columns: France, Italy, US Converting country names No merging key found for Table 1. Data will be appended. The following columns are being merged: ======= ======================= \ country ======= ======================= Table 1 Table 2 Table2_pivoted_colnames ======= ======================= Performing merge: 1/1 Merge complete Identifying columns to merge Table 2 - countries detected in column names, pivoting columns: France, Italy, US Converting country names No merging key found for Table 1. Data will be appended. The following columns are being merged: ======= ======================= \ country ======= ======================= Table 1 Table 2 Table2_pivoted_colnames ======= ======================= Performing merge: 1/1 Merge complete Identifying columns to merge Table 2 - countries detected in column names, pivoting columns: France, Italy, US Converting country names No merging key found for Table 1. Data will be appended. The following columns are being merged: ======= ======================= \ country ======= ======================= Table 1 Table 2 Table2_pivoted_colnames ======= ======================= Performing merge: 1/1 Merge complete (Set merging_info to TRUE to save merging details) Identifying columns to merge Table 2 - countries detected in column names, pivoting columns: France, Italy, US Converting country names No merging key found for Table 1. Data will be appended. The following columns are being merged: ======= ======================= \ country ======= ======================= Table 1 Table 2 Table2_pivoted_colnames ======= ======================= Performing merge: 1/1 Merge complete (Set merging_info to TRUE to save merging details) Identifying columns to merge No merging keys were found. Will try merging all columns with matching names! Data type for variable HS differ across tables - converting to character Data type for variable freq differ across tables - converting to character The following columns are being merged: ======= === ==== \ HS freq ======= === ==== Table 1 HS freq Table 2 HS Table 3 HS freq ======= === ==== Performing merge: 1/2 Performing merge: 2/2 Merge complete Identifying columns to merge No merging keys were found. Will try merging all columns with matching names! Data type for variable HS differ across tables - converting to character Data type for variable freq differ across tables - converting to character The following columns are being merged: ======= === ==== \ HS freq ======= === ==== Table 1 HS freq Table 2 HS Table 3 HS freq ======= === ==== Performing merge: 1/2 Performing merge: 2/2 Merge complete Identifying columns to merge No merging keys were found. Will try merging all columns with matching names! Data type for variable HS differ across tables - converting to character The following columns are being merged: ======= === \ HS ======= === Table 1 HS Table 2 HS ======= === Performing merge: 1/1 Merge complete (Set merging_info to TRUE to save merging details) Identifying columns to merge No merging keys were found. Will try merging all columns with matching names! Data type for variable HS differ across tables - converting to character The following columns are being merged: ======= === \ HS ======= === Table 1 HS Table 2 HS ======= === Performing merge: 1/1 Merge complete (Set merging_info to TRUE to save merging details) Identifying columns to merge Table 1 - countries detected in column names, pivoting columns: France, Italy, US Table 2 - years detected in column names, pivoting columns: France1992, France1993, France1994 Converting country names Checking time columns The following columns are being merged: ======= ======================= ===================== \ country time ======= ======================= ===================== Table 1 Table1_pivoted_colnames Table 2 year_pivoted_colnames ======= ======================= ===================== Performing merge: 1/1 Merge complete Identifying columns to merge Table 2 - countries detected in column names, pivoting columns: France, Italy, US Converting country names No merging key found for Table 1. Data will be appended. The following columns are being merged: ======= ======================= \ country ======= ======================= Table 1 Table 2 Table2_pivoted_colnames ======= ======================= Performing merge: 1/1 Merge complete (Set merging_info to TRUE to save merging details) Identifying columns to merge Table 1 - countries detected in column names, pivoting columns: Japan, Norway, Germany, US Table 2 - countries detected in column names, pivoting columns: France, Italy, US Converting country names Checking time columns The following columns are being merged: ======= ======================= ==== \ country time ======= ======================= ==== Table 1 Table1_pivoted_colnames Date Table 2 Table2_pivoted_colnames ======= ======================= ==== Performing merge: 1/1 Merge complete (Set merging_info to TRUE to save merging details) Identifying columns to merge Checking time columns No merging key found for Table 2. Data will be appended. The following columns are being merged: ======= ==== \ time ======= ==== Table 1 Date Table 2 ======= ==== Performing merge: 1/1 Merge complete (Set merging_info to TRUE to save merging details) Identifying columns to merge Checking time columns No merging key found for Table 2. Data will be appended. The following columns are being merged: ======= ==== \ time ======= ==== Table 1 Date Table 2 ======= ==== Performing merge: 1/1 Merge complete countries detected in column names, pivoting columns: France, Italy, US countries detected in column names, pivoting columns: France, Italy, US countries detected in column names, pivoting columns: France, Italy, US countries detected in column names, pivoting columns: France, Italy, US countries detected in column names, pivoting columns: France, Italy, US countries detected in column names, pivoting columns: France, Italy, US countries detected in column names, pivoting columns: France, Italy, US countries detected in column names, pivoting columns: France, Italy, US No column was pivoted No column was pivoted No column was pivoted year detected in column names, pivoting columns: France1992, France1993, France1994 year detected in column names, pivoting columns: France1992, France1993, France1994 year detected in column names, pivoting columns: France1992, France1993, France1994 year detected in column names, pivoting columns: France1992, France1993, France1994 [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 2 | PASS 146 ] ══ Skipped tests (2) ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ • empty test (2): 'test_function_output.R:249:1', 'test_function_output.R:258:1' [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 2 | PASS 146 ] > > proc.time() user system elapsed 7.56 0.59 15.76