test_that("unordered checks work", { expect_true(is.unordered(gl(5, 1))) expect_false(is.unordered(gl(5, 1, ordered = TRUE))) }) test_that("unordered coercions work", { # Convert an ordered factor to unordered expect_true(is.unordered(as.unordered(gl(5, 1, ordered = TRUE)))) # If level order is pre-specified differently from default alphabetical order # then the ordering will be retained expect_equal(c("c", "a", "b"), levels(as.unordered(ordered(c("a", "b", "c"), levels = c("c", "a", "b"))))) # Otherwise the vector will be converted to an unordered factor with levels # in the default alphabetical order expect_equal(c("a", "b", "c"), levels(as.unordered(c("c", "a", "b")))) expect_equal(as.character(1:4), levels(as.unordered(4:1))) })