test_that("xts", { skip_if(!is_installed("xts")) # xts object convert character dates to POSIXct with local timezone, needs # to be stabilized for the CI tests withr::local_timezone("UTC") expect_snapshot({ mat <- matrix( c( 50.0397819115463, 50.2304961977954, 50.420955209067, 50.3734680543285, 50.2443255196795, 50.1321122972067, 50.0355467742705, 49.9948860954217 ), nrow = 2L, ncol = 4L, dimnames = list( c( "2007-01-02", "2007-01-03" ), c("Open", "High", "Low", "Close") ) ) x <- xts::as.xts(mat) construct(x) construct(x, opts_xts("as.xts.data.frame")) construct(x, opts_xts("xts")) construct(x, opts_xts(".xts")) construct(x, opts_xts("xts"), one_liner = TRUE) construct(x, opts_xts(".xts"), one_liner = TRUE) construct(x, opts_xts("next")) construct_dput(x) construct_base(x) }) })