colon_colon <- `::` `::` <- function(x, y) { x_sym <- ensym(x) y_sym <- ensym(y) tryCatch( inject(colon_colon(!!x_sym, !!y_sym)), packageNotFoundError = function(e) { skip_if_not_installed(as_string(x_sym)) } ) } # we want regular behavior of internal generics in the tests `[` <- base::`[` `$` <- base::`$` length <- base::length expect_snapshot <- function(code) { eval.parent(substitute( testthat::expect_snapshot( code, transform = function(out) { out <- gsub("%>%", "|>", out, fixed = TRUE) out <- gsub("= [.]([,)])", "= _\\1", out) out } ) )) } # have a copy in the global env for some examples in CI .GlobalEnv$expect_snapshot <- expect_snapshot