get_attribs <- function(widget) widget$x$tag$attribs content_sample <- data.frame( guid = c( "991f16c5-dc7e-4403-89d0-c54d10968460", "4b5345cc-8dc5-46fa-80ed-1a389d80e21b", "100881c9-0162-4f3f-b973-6870085d48ff" ), url = c( "", "", "" ), title = c("One", "Two", "Three") ) test_that("rsc_search handles invalid/missing args", { # missing content param expect_error(rsc_search()) # not a data frame or crosstalk object expect_error(rsc_search("marshmallow")) # warning for empty data expect_warning(rsc_search(data.frame())) expect_warning( rsc_search(content_sample), NA ) }) test_that("should warn on large content", { over_max_size <- 501 content <- data.frame( guid = rep("100881c9-0162-4f3f-b973-6870085d48ff", times = over_max_size), title = rep("Test", times = over_max_size), url = rep( "", times = over_max_size ), owner_username = rep("bob", times = over_max_size), description = rep("Lorem ipsum", times = over_max_size), updated_time = rep("Sat Oct 03 2020", times = over_max_size) ) expect_warning( rsc_search(content), "exceeds maximum" ) }) test_that("rsc_search container", { widget <- rsc_search(content_sample) attrs <- get_attribs(widget) expect_equal(attrs$data$guid, content_sample$guid) expect_equal(attrs$data$url, content_sample$url) expect_equal(attrs$data$title, content_sample$title) expect_equal(length(attrs$crosstalkKey), 3) expect_true(length(attrs$crosstalkGroup) > 0) }) test_that("rsc_search supports crosstalk", { sh <- crosstalk::SharedData$new( content_sample, key = ~guid, group = "searchpluzzz" ) widget <- rsc_search(sh) attrs <- get_attribs(widget) expect_true("991f16c5-dc7e-4403-89d0-c54d10968460" %in% attrs$crosstalkKey) expect_true("4b5345cc-8dc5-46fa-80ed-1a389d80e21b" %in% attrs$crosstalkKey) expect_true("100881c9-0162-4f3f-b973-6870085d48ff" %in% attrs$crosstalkKey) expect_equal(attrs$crosstalkGroup, "searchpluzzz") }) test_that("rscsearchOutput", { output <- rscsearchOutput("mysearch") # HTML dependencies should be intact deps <- htmltools::htmlDependencies(output) expect_true(length(deps) > 0) # Output container should have data-reactable-output ID set name <- output[[1]]$name id <- htmltools::tagGetAttribute(output[[1]], "id") cls <- htmltools::tagGetAttribute(output[[1]], "class") expect_equal(name, "div") expect_equal(id, "mysearch") expect_match(cls, "rsc_search html-widget html-widget-output") })