test_that("Connect R6 class preserves provided values", { server <- "http://myhost.example.com" api_key <- "fake" con <- Connect$new(server = server, api_key = api_key) expect_identical(con$server, server) expect_identical(con$api_key, api_key) }) test_that("trailing slash removed from server", { con <- Connect$new(server = "http://myhost.example.com/", api_key = "fake") con2 <- Connect$new(server = "http://myhost.example.com", api_key = "fake") expect_identical(con$server, con2$server) }) test_that("error if protocol not defined", { con <- Connect$new(server = "https://myhost.example.com", api_key = "fake") expect_error( Connect$new("test.example.com", "fake"), "protocol" ) expect_error( Connect$new("://test.example.com", "fake"), "protocol" ) }) test_that("version is validated", { skip("not implemented yet") }) test_that("Handling error responses", { con <- Connect$new(server = "https://connect.example", api_key = "fake") resp <- fake_response("https://connect.example/__api__/", status_code = 400L) expect_error(con$raise_error(resp), "Bad Request") }) test_that("Handling deprecation warnings", { rlang::reset_warning_verbosity("X-Deprecated-Endpoint") on.exit(rlang::reset_warning_verbosity("X-Deprecated-Endpoint")) # No warning here resp <- fake_response("https://connect.example/__api__/", headers = list( `Content-Type` = "application/json" )) expect_warning(check_debug(resp), NA) # Yes warning here resp <- fake_response("https://connect.example/__api__/", headers = list( `X-Deprecated-Endpoint` = "/v1" )) expect_warning( check_debug(resp), paste( "https://connect.example/__api__/ is deprecated and will be removed in a", "future version of Connect. Please upgrade `connectapi` in order to use", "the new APIs." ), class = "deprecatedWarning" ) # No warning if you do it again because we only warn the first time expect_warning(check_debug(resp), NA) }) with_mock_api({ test_that("browse URLs", { con <- Connect$new(server = "https://connect.example", api_key = "fake") # Inject into this function something other than utils::browseURL # so we can assert that it is being called without actually trying to open a browser suppressMessages(trace("browse_url", where = connectapi::browse_solo, tracer = quote({ browseURL <- # nolint: object_name_linter function(x) { warning(paste("Opening", x)) } }), at = 1, print = FALSE)) expect_warning( browse_connect(con), "Opening https://connect.example" ) expect_warning( browse_api_docs(con), "Opening https://connect.example/__docs__/api" ) suppressMessages(untrace("browse_url", where = connectapi::browse_solo)) }) test_that("httr_config", { con <- Connect$new(server = "https://connect.example", api_key = "fake") con$httr_config(httr::add_headers(MY_MAGIC_HEADER = "value")) expect_header( expect_GET( con$GET("v1/content"), "https://connect.example/__api__/v1/content" ), "MY_MAGIC_HEADER: value" ) }) test_that("client$version is NA when server settings lacks version info", { con <- Connect$new(server = "https://connect.example", api_key = "fake") expect_message(v <- con$version, "Version information is not exposed by this Posit Connect instance") expect_true(is.na(v)) }) }) test_that("client$version is returns version when server settings exposes it", { with_mock_dir("2024.09.0", { con <- Connect$new(server = "https://connect.example", api_key = "fake") expect_equal(con$version, "2024.09.0") }) }) test_that("Visitor client can successfully be created running on Connect", { with_mock_api({ withr::local_envvar( CONNECT_SERVER = "https://connect.example", CONNECT_API_KEY = "fake", RSTUDIO_PRODUCT = "CONNECT" ) client <- connect(token = "my-token") expect_equal( client$server, "https://connect.example" ) expect_equal( client$api_key, "visitor-api-key" ) }) }) test_that("Visitor client uses fallback api key when running locally", { with_mock_api({ withr::local_envvar( CONNECT_SERVER = "https://connect.example", CONNECT_API_KEY = "fake" ) # With default fallback expect_message( client <- connect(token = NULL), "Called with `token` but not running on Connect. Continuing with fallback API key." ) expect_equal( client$server, "https://connect.example" ) expect_equal( client$api_key, "fake" ) # With explicitly-defined fallback expect_message( client <- connect(token = NULL, token_local_testing_key = "fallback_fake"), "Called with `token` but not running on Connect. Continuing with fallback API key." ) expect_equal( client$server, "https://connect.example" ) expect_equal( client$api_key, "fallback_fake" ) }) }) test_that("Visitor client code path errs with older Connect version", { with_mock_dir("2024.09.0", { withr::local_envvar( CONNECT_SERVER = "https://connect.example", CONNECT_API_KEY = "fake", RSTUDIO_PRODUCT = "CONNECT" ) expect_error( client <- connect(token = "my-token"), "This feature requires Posit Connect version 2025.01.0 but you are using 2024.09.0" ) }) })