testthat::test_that("`vif_df()` works", { data(vi, vi_predictors) vi <- vi[1:1000, ] # Test with only numeric predictors df <- vif_df( df = vi, predictors = vi_predictors ) # Check that the result is a data frame testthat::expect_true(is.data.frame(df)) # Check that the data frame has the expected structure testthat::expect_equal( ncol(df), 2, info = "Expected two columns" ) testthat::expect_true( all(c("variable", "vif") %in% colnames(df)), info = "Expected 'variable' and 'vif' columns" ) # Check that all VIF values are numeric testthat::expect_true( all(is.numeric(df$vif)), info = "Expected all VIF values to be numeric" ) # Test with response variable included df <- vif_df( df = vi, response = "vi_mean", predictors = vi_predictors ) # Check that the result is a data frame testthat::expect_true(is.data.frame(df)) # Check that the data frame has the expected structure testthat::expect_equal( ncol(df), 2, info = "Expected two columns" ) testthat::expect_true( all(c("variable", "vif") %in% colnames(df)), info = "Expected 'variable' and 'vif' columns" ) # Check that all VIF values are numeric testthat::expect_true( all(is.numeric(df$vif)), info = "Expected all VIF values to be numeric" ) })