testthat::test_that("`cor_df()` works", { data(vi, vi_predictors) vi <- vi[1:1000, ] #without response df <- cor_df( df = vi, predictors = vi_predictors ) testthat::expect_true( is.data.frame(df), info = "Result should be a data frame." ) testthat::expect_true( all(names(df) %in% c("x", "y", "correlation")), info = "Data frame should have columns 'x', 'y', and 'correlation'." ) testthat::expect_true( nrow(df) > 0, info = "There should be correlations calculated." ) #with response df <- cor_df( df = vi, response = "vi_mean", predictors = vi_predictors ) testthat::expect_true( is.data.frame(df), info = "Result should be a data frame." ) testthat::expect_true( all(names(df) %in% c("x", "y", "correlation")), info = "Data frame should have columns 'x', 'y', and 'correlation'." ) testthat::expect_true( nrow(df) > 0, info = "There should be correlations calculated." ) })