context("flm and fFtest") if(!is.null(attributes(identical(FALSE, TRUE)))) stop("OECD label issue") y <- mtcars$mpg x <- qM(mtcars[c("cyl","vs","am","carb","hp")]) w <- mtcars$wt lmr <- lm(mpg ~ cyl + vs + am + carb + hp, mtcars) lmw <- lm(mpg ~ cyl + vs + am + carb + hp, weights = wt, mtcars) NCRAN <- identical(Sys.getenv("NCRAN"), "TRUE") test_that("flm works as intended", { if(NCRAN) for(i in 1:6) expect_equal(drop(flm(y, x, add.icpt = TRUE, method = i)), coef(lmr)) if(NCRAN) for(i in 1:6) expect_equal(drop(flm(y, x, w, add.icpt = TRUE, method = i)), coef(lmw)) expect_equal(flm(y, x, method = 1L, return.raw = TRUE),, y)) expect_equal(flm(y, x, method = 2L, return.raw = TRUE), solve(crossprod(x), crossprod(x, y))) expect_equal(flm(y, x, method = 3L, return.raw = TRUE), qr.coef(qr(x), y)) expect_equal(flm(y, x, method = 5L, return.raw = TRUE), cinv(crossprod(x)) %*% crossprod(x, y)) if(NCRAN) { # This is to fool very silly checks on CRAN scanning the code of the tests afmlp <- eval(parse(text = paste0("RcppArmadillo", ":", ":", "fastLmPure"))) efmlp <- eval(parse(text = paste0("RcppEigen", ":", ":", "fastLmPure"))) expect_equal(flm(y, x, method = 4L, return.raw = TRUE), afmlp(x, y)) expect_equal(flm(y, x, method = 6L, return.raw = TRUE), efmlp(x, y, 3L)) } if(NCRAN) for(i in 1:6) expect_visible(flm(y, x, w, method = i, return.raw = TRUE)) ym <- cbind(y, y) for(i in c(1:3, 5L)) expect_visible(flm(ym, x, w, method = i)) expect_error(flm(y[-1L], x, w)) expect_error(flm(y, x, w[-1L])) expect_error(flm(y, x[-1L, ], w)) }) test_that("fFtest works as intended", { r <- fFtest(iris$Sepal.Length, gv(iris, -1L)) rlm <- summary(lm(Sepal.Length ~., iris)) expect_equal(unattrib(r)[1:4], unattrib(c(rlm$r.squared, rlm$fstatistic[c(2:3, 1L)]))) # Same with weights: w <- abs(rnorm(fnrow(iris))) r <- fFtest(iris$Sepal.Length, gv(iris, -1L), w = w) rlm <- summary(lm(Sepal.Length ~., weights = w, iris)) expect_equal(unattrib(r)[1:4], unattrib(c(rlm$r.squared, rlm$fstatistic[c(2:3, 1L)]))) # Repeat with missing values set.seed(101) iris <- na_insert(iris) r <- fFtest(iris$Sepal.Length, gv(iris, -1L)) rlm <- summary(lm(Sepal.Length ~., iris)) expect_equal(unattrib(r)[1:4], unattrib(c(rlm$r.squared, rlm$fstatistic[c(2:3, 1L)]))) # Same with weights: set.seed(101) w <- na_insert(w) r <- fFtest(iris$Sepal.Length, gv(iris, -1L), w = w) rlm <- summary(lm(Sepal.Length ~., weights = w, iris)) expect_equal(unattrib(r)[1:4], unattrib(c(rlm$r.squared, rlm$fstatistic[c(2:3, 1L)]))) rm(iris) if(NCRAN) { r <- fFtest(wlddev$PCGDP, qF(wlddev$year), wlddev[c("iso3c","LIFEEX")]) # Same test done using lm: data <- na_omit(get_vars(wlddev, c("iso3c","year","PCGDP","LIFEEX")), na.attr = TRUE) full <- lm(PCGDP ~ LIFEEX + iso3c + qF(year), data) rest <- lm(PCGDP ~ LIFEEX + iso3c, data) ranv <- anova(rest, full) expect_equal(unattrib(r[1L, 1:4]), unlist(summary(full)[c("r.squared", "fstatistic")], use.names = FALSE)[c(1L, 3:4, 2L)]) expect_equal(unattrib(r[2L, 1:4]), unlist(summary(rest)[c("r.squared", "fstatistic")], use.names = FALSE)[c(1L, 3:4, 2L)]) expect_equal(rev(unattrib(r[1:2, 3L])), ranv$Res.Df) expect_equal(r[3L, 2L], na_rm(ranv$Df)) expect_equal(r[3L, 4L], na_rm(ranv$F)) expect_equal(r[3L, 5L], na_rm(ranv$`Pr(>F)`)) # Same with weights: w <- abs(rnorm(fnrow(wlddev))) r <- fFtest(wlddev$PCGDP, qF(wlddev$year), wlddev[c("iso3c","LIFEEX")], w) full <- lm(PCGDP ~ LIFEEX + iso3c + qF(year), weights = w[-attr(data, "na.action")], data) rest <- lm(PCGDP ~ LIFEEX + iso3c, weights = w[-attr(data, "na.action")], data) ranv <- anova(rest, full) expect_equal(unattrib(r[1L, 1:4]), unlist(summary(full)[c("r.squared", "fstatistic")], use.names = FALSE)[c(1L, 3:4, 2L)]) expect_equal(unattrib(r[2L, 1:4]), unlist(summary(rest)[c("r.squared", "fstatistic")], use.names = FALSE)[c(1L, 3:4, 2L)]) expect_equal(rev(unattrib(r[1:2, 3L])), ranv$Res.Df) expect_equal(r[3L, 2L], na_rm(ranv$Df)) expect_equal(r[3L, 4L], na_rm(ranv$F)) expect_equal(r[3L, 5L], na_rm(ranv$`Pr(>F)`)) } })