context("radixorder, GRP, qF, qG") # print(str(wlddev)) # rm(list = ls()) if(!is.null(attributes(identical(FALSE, TRUE)))) stop("OECD label issue") NCRAN <- Sys.getenv("NCRAN") == "TRUE" set.seed(101) mtcNA <- na_insert(na_insert(na_insert(mtcars), 0.05, value = Inf), 0.05, value = -Inf) wlddev2 <- slt(wlddev, -date) num_vars(wlddev2) <- round(num_vars(wlddev2), 8) num_vars(wlddev2) <- na_insert(na_insert(num_vars(wlddev2), 0.01, value = Inf), 0.01, value = -Inf) wldNA <- na_insert(wlddev2) GGDCNA <- na_insert(GGDC10S) unlab <- function(x) `attr<-`(x, "label", NULL) test_that("radixorder works like order(.., method = 'radix')", { wldNA$ones = 1 wldNA$sequ = 1:fnrow(wldNA) # Ordering single variable expect_identical(lapply(wldNA, function(x) unattrib(radixorder(x))), lapply(wldNA, order, method = "radix")) expect_identical(lapply(wldNA, function(x) unattrib(radixorder(x, decreasing = TRUE))), lapply(wldNA, order, method = "radix", decreasing = TRUE)) expect_identical(lapply(wldNA, function(x) unattrib(radixorder(x, na.last = FALSE))), lapply(wldNA, order, method = "radix", na.last = FALSE)) expect_identical(lapply(wldNA, function(x) unattrib(radixorder(x, decreasing = TRUE, na.last = FALSE))), lapply(wldNA, order, method = "radix", decreasing = TRUE, na.last = FALSE)) expect_identical(lapply(wldNA, function(x) unattrib(radixorder(x, na.last = NA))), lapply(wldNA, order, method = "radix", na.last = NA)) expect_identical(lapply(wldNA, function(x) unattrib(radixorder(x, decreasing = TRUE, na.last = NA))), lapply(wldNA, order, method = "radix", decreasing = TRUE, na.last = NA)) # get starts expect_identical(lapply(wldNA, function(x) unattrib(radixorder(x, starts = TRUE))), lapply(wldNA, order, method = "radix")) expect_identical(lapply(wldNA, function(x) unattrib(radixorder(x, decreasing = TRUE, starts = TRUE))), lapply(wldNA, order, method = "radix", decreasing = TRUE)) expect_identical(lapply(wldNA, function(x) unattrib(radixorder(x, na.last = FALSE, starts = TRUE))), lapply(wldNA, order, method = "radix", na.last = FALSE)) expect_identical(lapply(wldNA, function(x) unattrib(radixorder(x, decreasing = TRUE, na.last = FALSE, starts = TRUE))), lapply(wldNA, order, method = "radix", decreasing = TRUE, na.last = FALSE)) # get group.sizes expect_identical(lapply(wldNA, function(x) unattrib(radixorder(x, group.sizes = TRUE))), lapply(wldNA, order, method = "radix")) expect_identical(lapply(wldNA, function(x) unattrib(radixorder(x, decreasing = TRUE, group.sizes = TRUE))), lapply(wldNA, order, method = "radix", decreasing = TRUE)) expect_identical(lapply(wldNA, function(x) unattrib(radixorder(x, na.last = FALSE, group.sizes = TRUE))), lapply(wldNA, order, method = "radix", na.last = FALSE)) expect_identical(lapply(wldNA, function(x) unattrib(radixorder(x, decreasing = TRUE, na.last = FALSE, group.sizes = TRUE))), lapply(wldNA, order, method = "radix", decreasing = TRUE, na.last = FALSE)) # get starts and group.sizes expect_identical(lapply(wldNA, function(x) unattrib(radixorder(x, starts = TRUE, group.sizes = TRUE))), lapply(wldNA, order, method = "radix")) expect_identical(lapply(wldNA, function(x) unattrib(radixorder(x, decreasing = TRUE, starts = TRUE, group.sizes = TRUE))), lapply(wldNA, order, method = "radix", decreasing = TRUE)) expect_identical(lapply(wldNA, function(x) unattrib(radixorder(x, na.last = FALSE, starts = TRUE, group.sizes = TRUE))), lapply(wldNA, order, method = "radix", na.last = FALSE)) expect_identical(lapply(wldNA, function(x) unattrib(radixorder(x, decreasing = TRUE, na.last = FALSE, starts = TRUE, group.sizes = TRUE))), lapply(wldNA, order, method = "radix", decreasing = TRUE, na.last = FALSE)) randcols <- function(n = 3) replicate(n,,, 1)), simplify = FALSE) order2 <- function(x, ...), c(gv(wldNA, x), list(...))) # Ordering by multiple variables rc <- randcols() expect_identical(lapply(rc, function(x) unattrib(radixorderv(gv(wldNA, x)))), lapply(rc, order2, method = "radix")) rc <- randcols() expect_identical(lapply(rc, function(x) unattrib(radixorderv(gv(wldNA, x), decreasing = TRUE))), lapply(rc, order2, method = "radix", decreasing = TRUE)) rc <- randcols() expect_identical(lapply(rc, function(x) unattrib(radixorderv(gv(wldNA, x), na.last = FALSE))), lapply(rc, order2, method = "radix", na.last = FALSE)) rc <- randcols() expect_identical(lapply(rc, function(x) unattrib(radixorderv(gv(wldNA, x), decreasing = TRUE, na.last = FALSE))), lapply(rc, order2, method = "radix", decreasing = TRUE, na.last = FALSE)) rc <- randcols() expect_identical(lapply(rc, function(x) unattrib(radixorderv(gv(wldNA, x), na.last = NA))), lapply(rc, order2, method = "radix", na.last = NA)) rc <- randcols() expect_identical(lapply(rc, function(x) unattrib(radixorderv(gv(wldNA, x), decreasing = TRUE, na.last = NA))), lapply(rc, order2, method = "radix", decreasing = TRUE, na.last = NA)) # get starts expect_identical(lapply(rc, function(x) unattrib(radixorderv(gv(wldNA, x), starts = TRUE))), lapply(rc, order2, method = "radix")) rc <- randcols() expect_identical(lapply(rc, function(x) unattrib(radixorderv(gv(wldNA, x), decreasing = TRUE, starts = TRUE))), lapply(rc, order2, method = "radix", decreasing = TRUE)) rc <- randcols() expect_identical(lapply(rc, function(x) unattrib(radixorderv(gv(wldNA, x), na.last = FALSE, starts = TRUE))), lapply(rc, order2, method = "radix", na.last = FALSE)) rc <- randcols() expect_identical(lapply(rc, function(x) unattrib(radixorderv(gv(wldNA, x), decreasing = TRUE, na.last = FALSE, starts = TRUE))), lapply(rc, order2, method = "radix", decreasing = TRUE, na.last = FALSE)) # get group.sizes expect_identical(lapply(rc, function(x) unattrib(radixorderv(gv(wldNA, x), group.sizes = TRUE))), lapply(rc, order2, method = "radix")) rc <- randcols() expect_identical(lapply(rc, function(x) unattrib(radixorderv(gv(wldNA, x), decreasing = TRUE, group.sizes = TRUE))), lapply(rc, order2, method = "radix", decreasing = TRUE)) rc <- randcols() expect_identical(lapply(rc, function(x) unattrib(radixorderv(gv(wldNA, x), na.last = FALSE, group.sizes = TRUE))), lapply(rc, order2, method = "radix", na.last = FALSE)) rc <- randcols() expect_identical(lapply(rc, function(x) unattrib(radixorderv(gv(wldNA, x), decreasing = TRUE, na.last = FALSE, group.sizes = TRUE))), lapply(rc, order2, method = "radix", decreasing = TRUE, na.last = FALSE)) # get starts and group.sizes expect_identical(lapply(rc, function(x) unattrib(radixorderv(gv(wldNA, x), starts = TRUE, group.sizes = TRUE))), lapply(rc, order2, method = "radix")) rc <- randcols() expect_identical(lapply(rc, function(x) unattrib(radixorderv(gv(wldNA, x), decreasing = TRUE, starts = TRUE, group.sizes = TRUE))), lapply(rc, order2, method = "radix", decreasing = TRUE)) rc <- randcols() expect_identical(lapply(rc, function(x) unattrib(radixorderv(gv(wldNA, x), na.last = FALSE, starts = TRUE, group.sizes = TRUE))), lapply(rc, order2, method = "radix", na.last = FALSE)) rc <- randcols() expect_identical(lapply(rc, function(x) unattrib(radixorderv(gv(wldNA, x), decreasing = TRUE, na.last = FALSE, starts = TRUE, group.sizes = TRUE))), lapply(rc, order2, method = "radix", decreasing = TRUE, na.last = FALSE)) }) test_that("GRP works as intended", { expect_visible(GRP(unname(as.list(mtcars)))) expect_visible(GRP(unname(as.list(mtcars)), 8:9)) expect_equal(GRPnames(GRP(mtcars$cyl)), c("4","6","8")) expect_equal(GRPnames(GRP(mtcars$cyl), FALSE), c(4, 6, 8)) expect_identical(GRPnames(GRP(mtcars$cyl, return.groups = FALSE)), NULL) expect_output(print(GRP(mtcars, ~ cyl + am))) expect_output(print(GRP(mtcars, ~ cyl + am, return.groups = FALSE))) # expect_invisible(plot(GRP(mtcars, ~ cyl + am))) expect_identical(GRP(GRP(mtcars$mpg)), GRP(mtcars$mpg)) expect_identical(GRP.default(GRP(mtcars$mpg)), GRP(mtcars$mpg)) expect_equal(GRP(mtcars$mpg)[[2]], unattrib(as.factor(mtcars$mpg))) expect_equal(GRP(mtcars$cyl)[[2]], unattrib(as.factor(mtcars$cyl))) expect_equal(GRP(wlddev2$country)[[2]], unattrib(as.factor(wlddev2$country))) expect_equal(GRP(wlddev2$PCGDP)[[2]], unattrib(factor(wlddev2$PCGDP, exclude = NULL))) expect_equal(GRP(mtcars$mpg)[[1]], attributes(qG(mtcars$mpg))[[1]]) expect_equal(GRP(mtcars$cyl)[[1]], attributes(qG(mtcars$cyl))[[1]]) expect_equal(GRP(wlddev2$country)[[1]], attributes(qG(wlddev2$country))[[1]]) expect_equal(GRP(wlddev2$PCGDP)[[1]], attributes(qG(wlddev2$PCGDP, na.exclude = FALSE))[[1]]) expect_equal(GRP(mtcars$mpg)[[4]][[1]], attributes(qG(mtcars$mpg, return.groups = TRUE))[["groups"]]) expect_equal(GRP(mtcars$cyl)[[4]][[1]], attributes(qG(mtcars$cyl, return.groups = TRUE))[["groups"]]) expect_equal(GRP(wlddev2$country)[[4]][[1]], attributes(qG(wlddev2$country, return.groups = TRUE))[["groups"]]) expect_equal(GRP(wlddev2$PCGDP)[[4]][[1]], attributes(qG(wlddev2$PCGDP, na.exclude = FALSE, return.groups = TRUE))[["groups"]]) expect_visible(GRP(1:10)) expect_visible(GRP(1:10, decreasing = TRUE)) expect_visible(GRP(mtcNA$mpg)) expect_visible(GRP(mtcNA$mpg, return.groups = FALSE)) expect_visible(GRP(mtcNA$mpg, return.groups = FALSE, return.order = TRUE)) expect_visible(GRP(mtcNA$mpg, na.last = FALSE)) expect_visible(GRP(mtcNA$mpg, na.last = FALSE, decreasing = TRUE)) expect_visible(GRP(mtcNA$mpg, na.last = FALSE, decreasing = TRUE, return.order = TRUE)) expect_visible(GRP(list(a = 1:3, b = 1:3))) expect_visible(GRP(mtcars)) expect_visible(GRP(mtcNA)) expect_visible(GRP(mtcNA, return.groups = FALSE)) expect_visible(GRP(mtcNA, return.groups = FALSE, return.order = TRUE)) expect_visible(GRP(mtcNA, na.last = FALSE)) expect_visible(GRP(mtcNA, na.last = FALSE, decreasing = TRUE)) expect_visible(GRP(mtcNA, na.last = FALSE, decreasing = TRUE, return.order = TRUE)) expect_visible(GRP(wlddev2)) expect_visible(GRP(wlddev2, return.groups = FALSE)) expect_true(all_obj_equal(GRP(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am)[1:7], GRP(mtcars, c("cyl","vs","am"))[1:7], GRP(mtcars, c(2,8:9))[1:7])) }) test_that("GRP gives errors for wrong input", { expect_error(GRP(mtcars$mpg, na.last = NA)) expect_error(GRP(~ bla)) expect_error(GRP(1:10, 1)) expect_error(GRP(1:10, ~ cyl)) expect_error(GRP(1:10, "cyl")) expect_error(GRP(mtcars, TRUE)) expect_error(GRP(mtcars, ~ cyl + bla)) expect_error(GRP(mtcars, c("bal","cyl"))) expect_error(GRP(mtcars, 11:12)) expect_error(GRP(list(a = 1:3, b = 1:4))) expect_visible(GRP(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs, order = -1L)) }) test_that("fgroup_by works as intended", { ca <- function(x) { nam <- names(x[[4L]]) attributes(x[[4L]]) <- NULL names(x[[4L]]) <- nam x } expect_output(print(fgroup_by(mtcars, cyl, vs, am))) expect_equal(GRP(fgroup_by(mtcars, cyl, vs, am)), ca(GRP(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am, call = FALSE))) expect_equal(GRP(fgroup_by(mtcars, c("cyl", "vs", "am"))), ca(GRP(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am, call = FALSE))) expect_equal(GRP(fgroup_by(mtcars, c(2, 8:9))), ca(GRP(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am, call = FALSE))) expect_identical(fungroup(fgroup_by(mtcars, cyl, vs, am)), mtcars) expect_equal(fgroup_by(fgroup_by(mtcars, cyl, vs, am), cyl), fgroup_by(mtcars, cyl)) # The issue is that GRP.grouped_df does not reclass the groups... take up another time. # This is to fool very silly checks on CRAN scanning the code of the tests # group_by <- eval(parse(text = paste0("dplyr", ":", ":", "group_by"))) # expect_equal(GRP(group_by(mtcars, cyl, vs, am), call = FALSE), GRP(as.list(mtcars), ~ cyl + vs + am, call = FALSE)) # expect_equal(GRP(group_by(mtcNA, cyl, vs, am)), GRP(mtcNA, ~ cyl + vs + am, call = NULL)) # expect_equal(GRP(group_by(GGDC10S, Variable, Country)), GRP(GGDC10S, ~ Variable + Country, call = FALSE)) # expect_equal(GRP(group_by(GGDCNA, Variable, Country)), GRP(GGDCNA, ~ Variable + Country, call = NULL)) # expect_equal(GRP(group_by(wlddev, region, year)), GRP(wlddev, ~ region + year, call = NULL)) # expect_equal(GRP(group_by(wldNA, region, year)), GRP(wldNA, ~ region + year, call = NULL)) }) gdat <- gby(GGDCNA, Variable, Country) test_that("fgroup_vars works as intended", { expect_identical(fgroup_vars(gdat), slt(GGDCNA, Variable, Country)) expect_identical(fgroup_vars(gdat, "unique"), funique(slt(GGDCNA, Variable, Country), sort = TRUE)) expect_identical(fgroup_vars(gdat, "names"), .c(Variable, Country)) expect_identical(fgroup_vars(gdat, "indices"), c(4L, 1L)) expect_identical(fgroup_vars(gdat, "named_indices"), setNames(c(4L, 1L), .c(Variable, Country))) expect_identical(fgroup_vars(gdat, "logical"), `[<-`(logical(fncol(GGDCNA)), c(4L, 1L), TRUE)) expect_identical(fgroup_vars(gdat, "named_logical"), setNames(`[<-`(logical(fncol(GGDCNA)), c(4L, 1L), TRUE), names(GGDC10S))) expect_error(fgroup_vars(gdat, "bla")) }) test_that("GRP <> factor conversions run seamlessly", { expect_identical(unclass(iris$Species), unclass(as_factor_GRP(GRP(iris$Species)))) # as_factor_GRP always adds class "na.included" expect_identical(unclass(wlddev$iso3c[1:200]), unclass(as_factor_GRP(GRP(wlddev$iso3c[1:200])))) # as_factor_GRP always adds class "na.included" expect_identical(unclass(fdroplevels(wlddev$iso3c[1:200])), unclass(as_factor_GRP(GRP(wlddev$iso3c[1:200], drop = TRUE)))) # as_factor_GRP always adds class "na.included" expect_identical(unclass(`vlabels<-`(wlddev2$iso3c, "label", NULL)), unclass(as_factor_GRP(GRP(wlddev2$iso3c)))) set.seed(101) int <-,100,TRUE) expect_identical(unclass(qF(int)), unclass(as_factor_GRP(GRP(int)))) expect_identical(unclass(qF(int)), unclass(as_factor_GRP(GRP(qF(int))))) intNA <- int set.seed(101) intNA[sample(100,20)] <- NA expect_identical(unclass(qF(intNA, na.exclude = FALSE)), unclass(as_factor_GRP(GRP(intNA)))) expect_identical(unclass(qF(intNA, na.exclude = FALSE)), unclass(as_factor_GRP(GRP(qF(intNA))))) dblNA <- as.double(intNA) if(NCRAN) expect_false(unattrib(identical(unclass(qF(dblNA)), unclass(as_factor_GRP(GRP(dblNA)))))) # qF with na.exclude = TRUE retains double NA's... if(NCRAN) expect_false(unattrib(identical(unclass(qF(dblNA)), unclass(as_factor_GRP(GRP(qF(dblNA))))))) expect_identical(qF(dblNA, na.exclude = FALSE), as_factor_GRP(GRP(dblNA))) expect_identical(qF(dblNA, na.exclude = FALSE), as_factor_GRP(GRP(qF(dblNA)))) expect_identical(qF(dblNA, na.exclude = FALSE), as_factor_GRP(GRP(qF(dblNA, na.exclude = FALSE)))) }) # could also do qG to GRP, but qG is same as factor.. and is a programmers function anyway.. test_that("qF and qG work as intended", { af <- lapply(wlddev2, function(x) as.factor(x)) expect_equal(af[!fact_vars(wlddev2, "logical")], lapply(gv(wlddev2, !fact_vars(wlddev2, "logical")), function(x) unlab(qF(x, method = "radix")))) expect_equal(af[!fact_vars(wlddev2, "logical")], lapply(gv(wlddev2, !fact_vars(wlddev2, "logical")), function(x) unlab(qF(x, method = "hash")))) af <- lapply(af, unattrib) expect_identical(af, lapply(wlddev2, function(x) unattrib(qF(x, method = "radix")))) expect_identical(af, lapply(wlddev2, function(x) unattrib(qF(x, method = "hash")))) expect_identical(af, lapply(wlddev2, function(x) unattrib(qG(x, method = "radix")))) expect_identical(af, lapply(wlddev2, function(x) unattrib(qG(x, method = "hash")))) afNA <- lapply(wldNA, function(x) as.factor(x)) expect_equal(afNA[!fact_vars(wlddev2, "logical")], lapply(gv(wldNA, !fact_vars(wlddev2, "logical")), function(x) unlab(qF(x, method = "radix")))) expect_equal(afNA[!fact_vars(wlddev2, "logical")], lapply(gv(wldNA, !fact_vars(wlddev2, "logical")), function(x) unlab(qF(x, method = "hash")))) afNA <- lapply(afNA, unattrib) expect_identical(afNA, lapply(wldNA, function(x) unattrib(qF(x, method = "radix")))) expect_identical(afNA, lapply(wldNA, function(x) unattrib(qF(x, method = "hash")))) expect_identical(afNA, lapply(wldNA, function(x) unattrib(qG(x, method = "radix")))) expect_identical(afNA, lapply(wldNA, function(x) unattrib(qG(x, method = "hash")))) afnoNA <- lapply(wldNA, function(x) factor(x, exclude = NULL)) expect_equal(lapply(afnoNA[!fact_vars(wlddev2, "logical")], unclass), lapply(gv(wldNA, !fact_vars(wlddev2, "logical")), function(x) unclass(unlab(qF(x, method = "radix", na.exclude = FALSE))))) expect_equal(lapply(afnoNA[!fact_vars(wlddev2, "logical")], unclass), lapply(gv(wldNA, !fact_vars(wlddev2, "logical")), function(x) unclass(unlab(qF(x, method = "hash", na.exclude = FALSE))))) afnoNA <- lapply(afnoNA, unattrib) expect_identical(afnoNA, lapply(wldNA, function(x) unattrib(qF(x, method = "radix", na.exclude = FALSE)))) expect_identical(afnoNA, lapply(wldNA, function(x) unattrib(qF(x, method = "hash", na.exclude = FALSE)))) expect_identical(afnoNA, lapply(wldNA, function(x) unattrib(qG(x, method = "radix", na.exclude = FALSE)))) expect_identical(afnoNA, lapply(wldNA, function(x) unattrib(qG(x, method = "hash", na.exclude = FALSE)))) countryf <- as.factor(wlddev2$country) expect_identical(countryf, unlab(qF(wlddev2$country))) expect_identical(countryf, unlab(qF(wlddev2$country, method = "radix"))) expect_identical(countryf, unlab(qF(wlddev2$country, method = "hash"))) # identical(as.factor(wlddev2$iso3c), wlddev2$iso3c) expect_identical(levels(wlddev2$iso3c), levels(unlab(qF(wlddev2$iso3c)))) expect_identical(unattrib(wlddev2$iso3c), unattrib(unlab(qF(wlddev2$iso3c)))) expect_identical(class(wlddev2$iso3c), class(unlab(qF(wlddev2$iso3c)))) expect_equal(lapply(wlddev2, function(x) qF(x, method = "radix")), lapply(wlddev2, function(x) qF(x, method = "hash"))) expect_equal(lapply(wldNA, function(x) qF(x, method = "radix")), lapply(wldNA, function(x) qF(x, method = "hash"))) expect_equal(lapply(wlddev2, function(x) qG(x, method = "radix")), lapply(wlddev2, function(x) qG(x, method = "hash"))) expect_equal(lapply(wldNA, function(x) qG(x, method = "radix")), lapply(wldNA, function(x) qG(x, method = "hash"))) expect_equal(lapply(wlddev2, function(x) qF(x, method = "radix", na.exclude = FALSE)), lapply(wlddev2, function(x) qF(x, method = "hash", na.exclude = FALSE))) expect_equal(lapply(wldNA, function(x) qF(x, method = "radix", na.exclude = FALSE)), lapply(wldNA, function(x) qF(x, method = "hash", na.exclude = FALSE))) expect_equal(lapply(wlddev2, function(x) qG(x, method = "radix", na.exclude = FALSE)), lapply(wlddev2, function(x) qG(x, method = "hash", na.exclude = FALSE))) expect_equal(lapply(wldNA, function(x) qG(x, method = "radix", na.exclude = FALSE)), lapply(wldNA, function(x) qG(x, method = "hash", na.exclude = FALSE))) # Testing reordering of factor levels expect_identical(qF(wlddev$iso3c), wlddev$iso3c) riso3 <- rev(wlddev$iso3c) expect_identical(qF(riso3), riso3) expect_identical(qF(riso3, sort = FALSE), factor(riso3, levels = funique(riso3))) iso3na <- na_insert(wlddev$iso3c) expect_identical(qF(iso3na), iso3na) expect_identical(unclass(qF(iso3na, na.exclude = FALSE, keep.attr = FALSE)), unclass(addNA(iso3na))) riso3na <- na_insert(riso3) expect_identical(qF(riso3na), riso3na) expect_identical(unclass(qF(riso3na, na.exclude = FALSE, keep.attr = FALSE)), unclass(addNA(riso3na))) expect_identical(qF(riso3na, sort = FALSE), factor(riso3na, levels = funique(riso3))) expect_identical(unclass(qF(riso3na, sort = FALSE, na.exclude = FALSE)), unclass(factor(riso3na, levels = funique(riso3na), exclude = NULL))) expect_identical(unclass(qF(riso3na, sort = FALSE, na.exclude = FALSE)), unclass(factor(riso3na, levels = unique(riso3na), exclude = NULL))) }) # Could still refine this code, but is not at all critical !! date <- qG(wlddev$date, return.groups = TRUE) dateg <- GRP(date, call = FALSE) dateg$ordered <- NULL date <- wlddev$date vlabels(date) <- NULL dateg2 <- GRP(date, call = FALSE) dateg2$ordered <- NULL test_that("GRP <> qG and factor <> qG conversions work", { # expect_equal(dateg, dateg2) expect_equal(qF(unattrib(wlddev$country)), as_factor_qG(qG(unattrib(wlddev$country), return.groups = TRUE))) expect_equal(qF(unattrib(wlddev$country)), qF(qG(unattrib(wlddev$country), return.groups = TRUE))) expect_equal(qG(unattrib(wlddev$country)), qG(qF(unattrib(wlddev$country)))) expect_equal(qG(unattrib(wlddev$country), return.groups = TRUE), qG(qF(unattrib(wlddev$country)), return.groups = TRUE)) }) base_group <- function(x, sort = FALSE, group.sizes = FALSE) { if(sort) o <- if(is.list(x)), c(x, list(method = "radix"))) else order(x, method = "radix") if(is.list(x)) x <-, c(x, list(sep = "."))) ux <- unique(if(sort) x[o] else x) r <- match(x, ux) attr(r, "N.groups") <- length(ux) if(group.sizes) attr(r, "group.sizes") <- tabulate(r, length(ux)) if(!sort) oldClass(r) <- c("qG", "na.included") r } test_that("group() works as intended", { wlduo <- wlddev[order(rnorm(nrow(wlddev))), ] wlduoNA <- na_insert(wlduo) dlist <- c(mtcNA, wlddev, wlduo, GGDCNA, airquality) # Single grouping variable expect_identical(lapply(dlist, group, group.sizes = TRUE), lapply(dlist, base_group, group.sizes = TRUE)) # Multiple grouping variables g <- replicate(70,,, 1)), simplify = FALSE) expect_identical(lapply(g, function(i) group(.subset(mtcars, i), group.sizes = TRUE)), lapply(g, function(i) base_group(.subset(mtcars, i), group.sizes = TRUE))) expect_identical(lapply(g, function(i) group(.subset(mtcNA, i), group.sizes = TRUE)), lapply(g, function(i) base_group(.subset(mtcNA, i), group.sizes = TRUE))) g <- replicate(50,,, 1)), simplify = FALSE) expect_identical(lapply(g, function(i) group(.subset(wlduo, i), group.sizes = TRUE)), lapply(g, function(i) base_group(.subset(wlduo, i), group.sizes = TRUE))) expect_identical(lapply(g, function(i) group(.subset(wlduoNA, i), group.sizes = TRUE)), lapply(g, function(i) base_group(.subset(wlduoNA, i), group.sizes = TRUE))) g <- replicate(50,, 3, replace = TRUE), simplify = FALSE) expect_identical(lapply(g, function(i) group(.subset(wlduo, i), group.sizes = TRUE)), lapply(g, function(i) base_group(.subset(wlduo, i), group.sizes = TRUE))) expect_identical(lapply(g, function(i) group(.subset(wlduoNA, i), group.sizes = TRUE)), lapply(g, function(i) base_group(.subset(wlduoNA, i), group.sizes = TRUE))) # Positive and negative values give the same grouping nwld <- nv(wlduo) expect_identical(lapply(nwld, group), lapply(nwld %c*% -1, group)) expect_visible(group(nwld %c*% -1)) expect_visible(group(nwld[c(4,2,3)] %c*% -1)) expect_equal(group(0), base_group(0)) expect_equal(group(1), base_group(1)) expect_equal(group(0L), base_group(0L)) expect_equal(group(1L), base_group(1L)) expect_equal(group(Inf), base_group(Inf)) expect_equal(group(-Inf), base_group(-Inf)) expect_equal(group(c(NaN, NA, 0, 1, Inf, -Inf)), base_group(c(NaN, NA, 0, 1, Inf, -Inf))) expect_equal(group(NA_integer_), base_group(NA_integer_)) expect_equal(group(NA_real_), base_group(NA_real_)) expect_equal(group(NaN), base_group(NaN)) expect_equal(group(NA), base_group(NA)) expect_equal(group(NA_character_), base_group(NA_character_)) }) GRP2 <- function(x) { g <- GRP.default(x, sort = TRUE, return.groups = FALSE, call = FALSE) r <- g[[2]] attr(r, "N.groups") <- g[[1]] attr(r, "group.sizes") <- g[[3]] r } qG2 <- function(x, method = "auto", sort = TRUE) unclass(qG(x, na.exclude = FALSE, sort = sort, method = method)) test_that("GRP2() and qG2 work as intended", { wlduo <- wlddev[order(rnorm(nrow(wldNA))), ] dlist <- c(mtcNA, wlddev, wlduo, GGDCNA, airquality) # Single grouping variable expect_identical(lapply(dlist, GRP2), lapply(dlist, base_group, sort = TRUE, group.sizes = TRUE)) bgres <- lapply(dlist, base_group, sort = TRUE) expect_identical(lapply(dlist, qG2), bgres) expect_identical(lapply(dlist, qG2, method = "hash"), bgres) expect_identical(lapply(dlist, qG2, method = "radix"), bgres) expect_true(all_identical(qG2(wlduo$country, method = "radix", sort = FALSE), qG2(wlduo$country, method = "hash", sort = FALSE), unclass(base_group(wlduo$country, sort = FALSE)))) # Multiple grouping variables g <- replicate(50,,, 1)), simplify = FALSE) expect_identical(lapply(g, function(i) GRP2(.subset(mtcars, i))), lapply(g, function(i) base_group(.subset(mtcars, i), sort = TRUE, group.sizes = TRUE))) g <- replicate(30,,, 1)), simplify = FALSE) expect_identical(lapply(g, function(i) GRP2(.subset(wlduo, i))), lapply(g, function(i) base_group(.subset(wlduo, i), sort = TRUE, group.sizes = TRUE))) g <- replicate(30,, 3, replace = TRUE), simplify = FALSE) expect_identical(lapply(g, function(i) GRP2(.subset(wlduo, i))), lapply(g, function(i) base_group(.subset(wlduo, i), sort = TRUE, group.sizes = TRUE))) }) test_that("GRP2() works as intended", { wlduo <- wlddev[order(rnorm(nrow(wldNA))), ] dlist <- c(mtcNA, wlddev, wlduo, GGDCNA, airquality) # Single grouping variable expect_identical(lapply(dlist, GRP2), lapply(dlist, base_group, sort = TRUE, group.sizes = TRUE)) # Multiple grouping variables g <- replicate(50,,, 1)), simplify = FALSE) expect_identical(lapply(g, function(i) GRP2(.subset(mtcars, i))), lapply(g, function(i) base_group(.subset(mtcars, i), sort = TRUE, group.sizes = TRUE))) g <- replicate(30,,, 1)), simplify = FALSE) expect_identical(lapply(g, function(i) GRP2(.subset(wlduo, i))), lapply(g, function(i) base_group(.subset(wlduo, i), sort = TRUE, group.sizes = TRUE))) g <- replicate(30,, 3, replace = TRUE), simplify = FALSE) expect_identical(lapply(g, function(i) GRP2(.subset(wlduo, i))), lapply(g, function(i) base_group(.subset(wlduo, i), sort = TRUE, group.sizes = TRUE))) }) # This is a bit odd test, but there have been some issues here in the past... test_that("Single groups works correctly", { g <- replicate(30, qG(rep(1, 10)), simplify = FALSE) expect_true(all_identical(g)) expect_true(all(sapply(g, attr, "N.groups") == 1L)) g <- replicate(30, qG(rep(1, 10), na.exclude = FALSE), simplify = FALSE) expect_true(all_identical(g)) expect_true(all(sapply(g, attr, "N.groups") == 1L)) g <- replicate(30, qG(replace(rep(1, 10), 3:4, NA_real_)), simplify = FALSE) expect_true(all_identical(g)) expect_true(all(sapply(g, attr, "N.groups") == 1L)) g <- replicate(30, qG(replace(rep(1, 10), 3:4, NA_real_), na.exclude = FALSE), simplify = FALSE) expect_true(all_identical(g)) expect_true(all(sapply(g, attr, "N.groups") == 2L)) }) if(identical(Sys.getenv("NCRAN"), "TRUE")) { # This is to fool very silly checks on CRAN scanning the code of the tests pwlddev <- eval(parse(text = paste0("plm", ":", ":", "pdata.frame(wlddev, index = c('iso3c', 'year'))"))) iso3c <- eval(parse(text = paste0("plm", ":", ":", "index(pwlddev, 1L)"))) year <- eval(parse(text = paste0("plm", ":", ":", "index(pwlddev, 2L)"))) test_that("GRP pseries and pdata.frame methods work as intended", { expect_equal(GRP(pwlddev, call = FALSE), GRP(iso3c, call = FALSE)) expect_equal(GRP(pwlddev$PCGDP, call = FALSE), GRP(pwlddev, call = FALSE)) expect_equal(GRP(pwlddev, effect = "year", call = FALSE), GRP(year, call = FALSE)) expect_equal(GRP(pwlddev$PCGDP, effect = "year", call = FALSE), GRP(pwlddev, effect = "year", call = FALSE)) }) } fl <- slt(wlddev, region, income) set.seed(101) flNA <- na_insert(fl) test_that("finteraction works as intended", { expect_equal(`oldClass<-`(finteraction(fl), "factor"), base::interaction(fl, drop = TRUE, lex.order = TRUE)) expect_equal(`oldClass<-`(finteraction(ss(fl, 1:300)), "factor"), base::interaction(ss(fl, 1:300), drop = TRUE, lex.order = TRUE)) # missing levels expect_equal(unattrib(finteraction(fl, factor = FALSE, sort = TRUE)), unattrib(base::interaction(fl, drop = TRUE, lex.order = TRUE))) expect_equal(unattrib(finteraction(fl, factor = FALSE, sort = FALSE)), unattrib(group(fl))) # Missing value behavior is always different !! # expect_equal(`oldClass<-`(finteraction(flNA), "factor"), factor(base::interaction(flNA, drop = TRUE, lex.order = TRUE), exclude = NULL)) # expect_equal(`oldClass<-`(finteraction(ss(flNA, 1:300)), "factor"), base::interaction(ss(flNA, 1:300), drop = TRUE, lex.order = TRUE)) }) wld150 <- ss(wlddev, 1:150) vlabels(wld150) <- NULL set.seed(101) wldNA150 <- na_insert(ss(wlddev, 1:150)) vlabels(wldNA150) <- NULL test_that("fdroplevels works as intended", { expect_identical(fdroplevels(wld150), droplevels(wld150)) expect_identical(fdroplevels(wldNA150), droplevels(wldNA150)) expect_identical(fdroplevels(wld150$iso3c), droplevels(wld150$iso3c)) expect_identical(fdroplevels(wldNA150$iso3c), droplevels(wldNA150$iso3c)) expect_message(fdroplevels(1:3)) # expect_warning(fdroplevels(wld150, bla = 1)) # expect_warning(fdroplevels(wld150$iso3c, bla = 1)) expect_error(fdroplevels.factor(wld150$country)) }) # Note: Should extend with other than just character data.. rctry <- wlddev$country[order(rnorm(length(wlddev$country)))] set.seed(101) rctryNA <- na_insert(rctry) rdat <- sbt(GGDC10S, order(rnorm(length(Variable))), Variable, Country) vlabels(rdat) <- NULL vlabels(rdat, "format.stata") <- NULL set.seed(101) rdatNA <- na_insert(rdat) test_that("funique works well", { expect_equal(funique(rctry), unique(rctry)) expect_equal(funique(rctry, sort = TRUE), sort(unique(rctry))) expect_equal(funique(rctryNA), unique(rctryNA)) expect_equal(funique(rctryNA, sort = TRUE), c(sort(unique(rctryNA)), NA)) expect_equal(funique(mtcars[.c(cyl, vs, am)]), unique(mtcars[.c(cyl, vs, am)])) expect_equal(funique(mtcNA[.c(cyl, vs, am)]), unique(mtcNA[.c(cyl, vs, am)])) expect_equal(funique(rdat), setRownames(unique(rdat))) expect_equal(funique(rdat, sort = TRUE), roworderv(unique(rdat))) expect_equal(funique(rdatNA), setRownames(unique(rdatNA))) expect_equal(funique(rdatNA, sort = TRUE), roworderv(unique(rdatNA))) expect_equal(lapply(wlddev, function(x) unattrib(base::unique(x))), lapply(wlddev, function(x) unattrib(funique(x)))) expect_equal(lapply(wldNA, function(x) unattrib(base::unique(x))), lapply(wldNA, function(x) unattrib(funique(x)))) expect_equal(lapply(GGDC10S, function(x) unattrib(base::unique(x))), lapply(GGDC10S, function(x) unattrib(funique(x)))) })