context("fquantile, and quantiles with fnth") probs1 <- c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1) probs2 <- c(0, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 1) for(x in mtcars) { for(o in list(NULL, radixorder(x))) { for(Qprobs in list(probs1, probs2)) { for(t in 5:9) { expect_true(all_obj_equal( fquantile(x, Qprobs, type = t, o = o), fquantile(x, Qprobs, type = t, o = o, na.rm = FALSE), quantile(x, Qprobs, type = t))) for(j in 1:3) { w = rep(j + rnorm(1, sd = 0.05), 32) expect_true(all_obj_equal( .quantile(x, Qprobs, type = t), .quantile(x, Qprobs, type = t, w = w, o = o, na.rm = FALSE), .quantile(x, Qprobs, type = t, w = w, o = o))) } } } } } expect_equal(.quantile(1:2), c(1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00)) expect_equal(.quantile(1:3), c(1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0)) expect_equal(.quantile(1:2, na.rm = FALSE), c(1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00)) expect_equal(.quantile(1:3, na.rm = FALSE), c(1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0)) for(na_rm in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { for(t in 5:9) { expect_equal(.quantile(0, type = t, na.rm = na_rm), c(0,0,0,0,0)) expect_equal(.quantile(c(0, 0), type = t, na.rm = na_rm), c(0,0,0,0,0)) expect_equal(.quantile(c(0, 0, 0), type = t, na.rm = na_rm), c(0,0,0,0,0)) expect_equal(.quantile(0L, type = t, na.rm = na_rm),, 5)) expect_equal(.quantile(c(0L, 0L), type = t, na.rm = na_rm),, 5)) expect_equal(.quantile(c(0L, 0L, 0L), type = t, na.rm = na_rm),, 5)) expect_equal(.quantile(0, w = 1, type = t, na.rm = na_rm), c(0,0,0,0,0)) expect_equal(.quantile(c(0, 0), w = c(1, 1), type = t, na.rm = na_rm), c(0,0,0,0,0)) expect_equal(.quantile(c(0, 0, 0), w = c(1, 1, 1), type = t, na.rm = na_rm), c(0,0,0,0,0)) expect_equal(.quantile(0L, w = 1, type = t, na.rm = na_rm),, 5)) expect_equal(.quantile(c(0L, 0L), w = c(1, 1), type = t, na.rm = na_rm),, 5)) expect_equal(.quantile(c(0L, 0L, 0L), w = c(1, 1, 1), type = t, na.rm = na_rm),, 5)) expect_equal(.quantile(numeric(0), type = t, na.rm = na_rm), rep(NA_real_, 5)) expect_equal(.quantile(integer(0), type = t, na.rm = na_rm), rep(NA_real_, 5)) expect_equal(.quantile(NA_real_, type = t, na.rm = na_rm), rep(NA_real_, 5)) expect_equal(.quantile(NA_integer_, type = t, na.rm = na_rm), rep(NA_real_, 5)) expect_equal(.quantile(NA_real_, w = NA_real_, type = t, na.rm = na_rm), rep(NA_real_, 5)) expect_equal(.quantile(NA_integer_, w = NA_real_, type = t, na.rm = na_rm), rep(NA_real_, 5)) expect_equal(.quantile(1, w = 0, type = t, na.rm = na_rm), rep(NA_real_, 5)) expect_equal(.quantile(1L, w = 0, type = t, na.rm = na_rm), rep(NA_real_, 5)) expect_error(.quantile(1, w = NA_real_, type = t, na.rm = na_rm)) expect_error(.quantile(1L, w = NA_real_, type = t, na.rm = na_rm)) } } for(x in na_insert(airquality, 0.05)) { for(o in list(NULL, radixorder(x))) { for(Qprobs in list(probs1, probs2)) { for(t in 5:9) { expect_equal(fquantile(x, Qprobs, type = t, o = o), quantile(x, Qprobs, type = t, na.rm = TRUE)) for(j in 1:3) { w = rep(j + rnorm(1, sd = 0.05), 153) expect_equal(.quantile(x, Qprobs, type = t), .quantile(x, Qprobs, type = t, w = w, o = o)) } } } } } # Testing behavior with zero weights for(x in mtcars) { for(o in list(NULL, radixorder(x))) { for(Qprobs in list(probs1, probs2)) { for(t in 5:9) { w = na_insert(abs(rnorm(32)), value = 0) wn0 = w[w > 0] xn0 = x[w > 0] on0 = if(length(o)) radixorder(xn0) else NULL expect_true(all_obj_equal( .quantile(x, Qprobs, type = t, w = w, o = o), .quantile(x, Qprobs, type = t, w = w, o = o, na.rm = FALSE), .quantile(xn0, Qprobs, type = t, w = wn0, o = on0), .quantile(xn0, Qprobs, type = t, w = wn0, o = on0, na.rm = FALSE) )) } } } } # Zero weights and NA's for(x in na_insert(mtcars)) { for(o in list(NULL, radixorder(x))) { for(Qprobs in list(probs1, probs2)) { for(t in 5:9) { w = na_insert(abs(rnorm(32)), value = 0) wn0 = w[w > 0] xn0 = x[w > 0] on0 = if(length(o)) radixorder(xn0) else NULL expect_equal(.quantile(x, Qprobs, type = t, w = w, o = o), .quantile(xn0, Qprobs, type = t, w = wn0, o = on0)) } } } } # Testing with fnth: .nthquantile <- function(x, probs = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75), w = NULL, o = NULL, na.rm = TRUE, type = 7L, check.o = is.null(attr(o, "sorted")), ...) { vapply(probs, fnth.default, 1.0, x = x, w = w, ties = type, o = o, na.rm = na.rm, check.o = check.o, USE.NAMES = FALSE, use.g.names = FALSE, ...) } probs <- c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99) gmtc = GRP(rep(1L, 32)) gmtcus = gmtc gmtcus$ordered %-=% 1L for(g in list(NULL, gmtc, gmtcus)) { for(x in mtcars) { for(o in list(NULL, radixorder(x))) { for(t in 5:9) { expect_true(all_obj_equal( .quantile(x, probs, type = t, o = o), .nthquantile(x, probs, type = t, o = o, g = g), .nthquantile(x, probs, type = t, o = o, na.rm = FALSE, g = g))) for(j in 1:2) { w = rep(j + rnorm(1, sd = 0.05), 32) expect_true(all_obj_equal( .quantile(x, probs, type = t), .nthquantile(x, probs, type = t, w = w, o = o, na.rm = FALSE, g = g), .nthquantile(x, probs, type = t, w = w, o = o, g = g))) } } } } } for(g in list(NULL, rep(1L, 3L))) { expect_equal(.nthquantile(1:3, na.rm = FALSE), c(1.5, 2.0, 2.5), g = g) expect_equal(.nthquantile(1:3), c(1.5, 2.0, 2.5), g = g) for(na_rm in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { for(t in 5:9) { expect_equal(.nthquantile(c(0, 0, 0), type = t, na.rm = na_rm, g = g), c(0,0,0)) expect_equal(.nthquantile(c(0L, 0L, 0L), type = t, na.rm = na_rm, g = g),, 3)) expect_equal(.nthquantile(c(0, 0, 0), w = c(1, 1, 1), type = t, na.rm = na_rm, g = g), c(0,0,0)) expect_equal(.nthquantile(c(0L, 0L, 0L), w = c(1, 1, 1), type = t, na.rm = na_rm, g = g),, 3)) } } } for(g in list(NULL, rep(1L, 2L))) { expect_equal(.nthquantile(1:2), c(1.25, 1.50, 1.75), g = g) expect_equal(.nthquantile(1:2, na.rm = FALSE), c(1.25, 1.50, 1.75), g = g) for(na_rm in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { for(t in 5:9) { expect_equal(.nthquantile(c(0, 0), type = t, na.rm = na_rm, g = g), c(0,0,0)) expect_equal(.nthquantile(c(0L, 0L), type = t, na.rm = na_rm, g = g),, 3)) expect_equal(.nthquantile(c(0, 0), w = c(1, 1), type = t, na.rm = na_rm, g = g), c(0,0,0)) expect_equal(.nthquantile(c(0L, 0L), w = c(1, 1), type = t, na.rm = na_rm, g = g),, 3)) } } } for(g in list(NULL, 1L)) { for(na_rm in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { for(t in 5:9) { expect_equal(.nthquantile(0, type = t, na.rm = na_rm, g = g), c(0,0,0)) expect_equal(.nthquantile(0L, type = t, na.rm = na_rm, g = g),, 3)) expect_equal(.nthquantile(0, w = 1, type = t, na.rm = na_rm, g = g), c(0,0,0)) expect_equal(.nthquantile(0L, w = 1, type = t, na.rm = na_rm, g = g),, 3)) expect_equal(.nthquantile(NA_real_, type = t, na.rm = na_rm, g = g), rep(NA_real_, 3)) expect_equal(.nthquantile(NA_integer_, type = t, na.rm = na_rm, g = g), rep(NA_real_, 3)) expect_equal(.nthquantile(NA_real_, w = NA_real_, type = t, na.rm = na_rm, g = g), rep(NA_real_, 3)) expect_equal(.nthquantile(NA_integer_, w = NA_real_, type = t, na.rm = na_rm, g = g), rep(NA_real_, 3)) # expect_equal(.nthquantile(1, w = 0, type = t, na.rm = na_rm, g = g), rep(NA_real_, 3)) # expect_equal(.nthquantile(1L, w = 0, type = t, na.rm = na_rm, g = g), rep(NA_real_, 3)) # expect_error(.nthquantile(1, w = NA_real_, type = t, na.rm = na_rm, g = g)) # expect_error(.nthquantile(1L, w = NA_real_, type = t, na.rm = na_rm, g = g)) } } } gaq = GRP(rep(1L, fnrow(airquality))) gaqus = gaq gaqus$ordered %-=% 1L for(g in list(NULL, gaq, gaqus)) { for(x in na_insert(airquality, 0.05)) { for(o in list(NULL, radixorder(x))) { for(t in 5:9) { expect_equal(.quantile(x, probs, type = t, o = o), .nthquantile(x, probs, type = t, o = o, g = g)) for(j in 1:3) { w = rep(j + rnorm(1, sd = 0.05), 153) expect_equal(.quantile(x, probs, type = t, o = o), .nthquantile(x, probs, type = t, w = w, o = o, g = g)) } } } } } # Testing behavior with zero weights for(g in list(NULL, gmtc, gmtcus)) { for(x in mtcars) { for(o in list(NULL, radixorder(x))) { for(t in c(1:3, 5:9)) { w = fbetween(na_insert(abs(rnorm(32)), 0.15, value = 0), x) # averaging because R's quicksort is not stable wn0 = w[w > 0] xn0 = x[w > 0] on0 = if(length(o)) radixorder(xn0) else NULL if(t > 4L) { expect_true(all_obj_equal( .quantile(x, probs, type = t, w = w, o = o), .nthquantile(x, probs, type = t, w = w, o = o, g = g), .nthquantile(x, probs, type = t, w = w, o = o, na.rm = FALSE, g = g), .nthquantile(xn0, probs, type = t, w = wn0, o = on0), .nthquantile(xn0, probs, type = t, w = wn0, o = on0, na.rm = FALSE) )) } else { expect_true(all_obj_equal( .nthquantile(x, probs, type = t, w = w, o = o), .nthquantile(x, probs, type = t, w = w, o = o, g = g), .nthquantile(x, probs, type = t, w = w, o = o, na.rm = FALSE, g = g), .nthquantile(xn0, probs, type = t, w = wn0, o = on0), .nthquantile(xn0, probs, type = t, w = wn0, o = on0, na.rm = FALSE) )) } } } } } # Zero weights and NA's for(g in list(NULL, gmtc, gmtcus)) { for(x in na_insert(mtcars)) { for(o in list(NULL, radixorder(x))) { for(t in c(1:3, 5:9)) { w = fbetween(na_insert(abs(rnorm(32)), 0.15, value = 0), x) # averaging because R's quicksort is not stable wn0 = w[w > 0] xn0 = x[w > 0] on0 = if(length(o)) radixorder(xn0) else NULL if(t > 4L) { expect_true(all_obj_equal( .quantile(x, probs, type = t, w = w, o = o), .nthquantile(x, probs, type = t, w = w, o = o, g = g), .nthquantile(xn0, probs, type = t, w = wn0, o = on0))) } else { expect_true(all_obj_equal( .nthquantile(x, probs, type = t, w = w, o = o), .nthquantile(x, probs, type = t, w = w, o = o, g = g), .nthquantile(xn0, probs, type = t, w = wn0, o = on0))) } } } } }