context("fmedian and fnth") if(!is.null(attributes(identical(FALSE, TRUE)))) stop("OECD label issue") bmean <- base::mean bsum <- base::sum bmin <- base::min bmax <- base::max bmedian <- stats::median # rm(list = ls()) set.seed(101) x <- rnorm(100) w <- as.integer(round(10*abs(rnorm(100)))) # -> Numeric precision issues in R wdat <- as.integer(round(10*abs(rnorm(32)))) xNA <- x wNA <- w xNA[,20)] <- NA wNA[] <- NA # only missing weights if x also missing f <- as.factor(, 100, TRUE)) g <- GRP(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am) gf <- as_factor_GRP(g) mtcNA <- na_insert(mtcars) mtcNA[27, 1] <- NA # single group NA !! m <- as.matrix(mtcars) mNA <- as.matrix(mtcNA) mNAc <- mNA storage.mode(mNAc) <- "character" nth <- function(x, n, na.rm = FALSE) { if(na.rm) { if(n > 1) n <- (n-1)/(length(x)-1L) x <- na_rm(x) if(!length(x)) return(NA_real_) } else { if(anyNA(x)) return(NA_real_) } if(n < 1) { n <- as.integer((length(x)-1L)*n)+1L if(n < 2L) return(bmin(x)) } sort(x, partial = n)[n] } wnth <- function(x, n = 0.5, w, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "mean") { cc <- complete.cases(x, w) if(na.rm) { x <- x[cc] w <- w[cc] if(!length(x)) return(NA_real_) } else if(!all(cc)) return(NA_real_) sumwh <- bsum(w) * n if(sumwh == 0) return(NA_real_) if(length(x) < 2L) return(x) lp1 <- function(x) if(length(x)) x[length(x)] + 1L else 1L mean2 <- function(x) bsum(x) / length(x) o <- radixorder(x) csumw <- base::cumsum(w[o]) if(csumw[1L] > sumwh) return(x[o[1L]]) switch(ties, mean = mean2(x[o[lp1(which(csumw < sumwh)):lp1(which(csumw <= sumwh))]]), min = x[o[lp1(which(csumw < sumwh))]], max = x[o[lp1(which(csumw <= sumwh))]]) } wmedian <- function(x, w, na.rm = FALSE) wnth(x, 0.5, w, na.rm, "mean") # matrixStats::weightedMedian(x, w, ties = ties) -> doesn't always properly average if ties = "mean"... for (FUN in 1:2) { if(FUN == 2L) { if(Sys.getenv("OMP") == "TRUE") { fmedian <- function(x, ...) collapse::fmedian(x, ..., nthreads = 2L) } else break } test_that("fmedian performs like base::median", { for(t in c(1L, 5:9)) { # All quantile methods should give the same median value estimate expect_equal(fmedian(NA, ties = t), as.double(bmedian(NA))) expect_equal(fmedian(NA, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), as.double(bmedian(NA))) expect_equal(fmedian(1, ties = t), bmedian(1, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmedian(1:3, ties = t), bmedian(1:3, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmedian(-1:1, ties = t), bmedian(-1:1, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmedian(1, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), bmedian(1)) expect_equal(fmedian(1:3, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), bmedian(1:3)) expect_equal(fmedian(-1:1, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), bmedian(-1:1)) expect_equal(fmedian(x, ties = t), bmedian(x, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmedian(x, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), bmedian(x)) expect_equal(fmedian(xNA, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), bmedian(xNA)) expect_equal(fmedian(xNA, ties = t), bmedian(xNA, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmedian(mtcars, ties = t), fmedian(m)) expect_equal(fmedian(m, ties = t), dapply(m, bmedian, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmedian(m, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), dapply(m, bmedian)) expect_equal(fmedian(mNA, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), dapply(mNA, bmedian)) expect_equal(fmedian(mNA, ties = t), dapply(mNA, bmedian, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmedian(mtcars, ties = t), dapply(mtcars, bmedian, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmedian(mtcars, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), dapply(mtcars, bmedian)) expect_equal(fmedian(mtcNA, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), dapply(mtcNA, bmedian)) expect_equal(fmedian(mtcNA, ties = t), dapply(mtcNA, bmedian, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmedian(x, f, ties = t), BY(x, f, bmedian, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmedian(x, f, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), BY(x, f, bmedian)) expect_equal(fmedian(xNA, f, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), BY(xNA, f, bmedian)) expect_equal(fmedian(xNA, f, ties = t), BY(xNA, f, bmedian, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmedian(m, g, ties = t), BY(m, g, bmedian, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmedian(m, g, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), BY(m, g, bmedian)) expect_equal(fmedian(mNA, g, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), BY(mNA, g, bmedian)) expect_equal(fmedian(mNA, g, ties = t), BY(mNA, g, bmedian, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmedian(mtcars, g, ties = t), BY(mtcars, g, bmedian, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmedian(mtcars, g, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), BY(mtcars, g, bmedian)) expect_equal(fmedian(mtcNA, g, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), BY(mtcNA, g, bmedian)) expect_equal(fmedian(mtcNA, g, ties = t), BY(mtcNA, g, bmedian, na.rm = TRUE)) } }) test_that("fmedian performs like fmedian with weights all equal", { expect_equal(fmedian(NA), fmedian(NA, w = 1)) expect_equal(fmedian(NA, na.rm = FALSE), fmedian(NA, w = 1, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fmedian(1), fmedian(1, w = 3)) expect_equal(fmedian(1:3), fmedian(1:3, w = rep(1,3))) expect_equal(fmedian(-1:1), fmedian(-1:1, w = rep(4.2,3))) expect_equal(fmedian(1, na.rm = FALSE), fmedian(1, w = 5, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fmedian(1:3, na.rm = FALSE), fmedian(1:3, w = rep(1, 3), na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fmedian(-1:1, na.rm = FALSE), fmedian(-1:1, w = rep(12, 3), na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fmedian(x), fmedian(x, w = rep(1,100))) expect_equal(fmedian(x, na.rm = FALSE), fmedian(x, w = rep(1, 100), na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fmedian(xNA, na.rm = FALSE), fmedian(xNA, w = rep(5, 100), na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fmedian(xNA), fmedian(xNA, w = rep(4, 100))) expect_equal(fmedian(m), fmedian(m, w = rep(6587, 32))) expect_equal(fmedian(m, na.rm = FALSE), fmedian(m, w = rep(6587, 32), na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fmedian(mNA, na.rm = FALSE), fmedian(mNA, w = rep(6587, 32), na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fmedian(mNA), fmedian(mNA, w = rep(6587, 32))) expect_equal(fmedian(mtcars), fmedian(mtcars, w = rep(6787, 32))) expect_equal(fmedian(mtcars, na.rm = FALSE), fmedian(mtcars, w = rep(6787, 32), na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fmedian(mtcNA, na.rm = FALSE), fmedian(mtcNA, w = rep(6787, 32), na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fmedian(mtcNA), fmedian(mtcNA, w = rep(6787, 32))) expect_equal(fmedian(x, f), fmedian(x, f, rep(547,100))) expect_equal(fmedian(x, f, na.rm = FALSE), fmedian(x, f, rep(6, 100), na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fmedian(xNA, f, na.rm = FALSE), fmedian(xNA, f, rep(52,100), na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fmedian(xNA, f), fmedian(xNA, f, rep(5997456,100))) expect_equal(fmedian(m, g), fmedian(m, g, rep(546,32))) expect_equal(fmedian(m, g, na.rm = FALSE), fmedian(m, g, rep(1,32), na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fmedian(mNA, g, na.rm = FALSE), fmedian(mNA, g, rep(5,32), na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fmedian(mNA, g), fmedian(mNA, g, rep(1,32))) expect_equal(fmedian(mtcars, g), fmedian(mtcars, g, rep(53,32))) expect_equal(fmedian(mtcars, g, na.rm = FALSE), fmedian(mtcars, g, rep(546,32), na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fmedian(mtcNA, g, na.rm = FALSE), fmedian(mtcNA, g, rep(1,32), na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fmedian(mtcNA, g), fmedian(mtcNA, g, rep(999,32))) }) test_that("fmedian with weights performs like wmedian (defined above)", { # complete weights expect_equal(fmedian(NA, w = 1), wmedian(NA_real_, 1)) expect_equal(fmedian(NA, w = 1, na.rm = FALSE), wmedian(NA_real_, 1)) expect_equal(fmedian(1, w = 1), wmedian(1, w = 1)) expect_equal(fmedian(1:3, w = 1:3), wmedian(1:3, 1:3)) expect_equal(fmedian(-1:1, w = 1:3), wmedian(-1:1, 1:3)) expect_equal(fmedian(1, w = 1, na.rm = FALSE), wmedian(1, 1)) expect_equal(fmedian(1:3, w = c(0.99,3454,1.111), na.rm = FALSE), wmedian(1:3, c(0.99,3454,1.111))) expect_equal(fmedian(-1:1, w = 1:3, na.rm = FALSE), wmedian(-1:1, 1:3)) expect_equal(fmedian(x, w = w), wmedian(x, w)) expect_equal(fmedian(x, w = w, na.rm = FALSE), wmedian(x, w)) expect_equal(fmedian(xNA, w = w, na.rm = FALSE), wmedian(xNA, w)) expect_equal(fmedian(xNA, w = w), wmedian(xNA, w, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmedian(mtcars, w = wdat), fmedian(m, w = wdat)) expect_equal(fmedian(m, w = wdat), dapply(m, wmedian, wdat, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmedian(m, w = wdat, na.rm = FALSE), dapply(m, wmedian, wdat)) expect_equal(fmedian(mNA, w = wdat, na.rm = FALSE), dapply(mNA, wmedian, wdat)) expect_equal(fmedian(mNA, w = wdat), dapply(mNA, wmedian, wdat, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmedian(mtcars, w = wdat), dapply(mtcars, wmedian, wdat, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmedian(mtcars, w = wdat, na.rm = FALSE), dapply(mtcars, wmedian, wdat)) expect_equal(fmedian(mtcNA, w = wdat, na.rm = FALSE), dapply(mtcNA, wmedian, wdat)) expect_equal(fmedian(mtcNA, w = wdat), dapply(mtcNA, wmedian, wdat, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmedian(x, f, w), BY(x, f, wmedian, w)) expect_equal(fmedian(x, f, w, na.rm = FALSE), BY(x, f, wmedian, w)) expect_equal(fmedian(xNA, f, w, na.rm = FALSE), BY(xNA, f, wmedian, w)) expect_equal(fmedian(xNA, f, w), BY(xNA, f, wmedian, w, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmedian(m, g, wdat), BY(m, gf, wmedian, wdat)) expect_equal(fmedian(m, g, wdat, na.rm = FALSE), BY(m, gf, wmedian, wdat)) expect_equal(fmedian(mNA, g, wdat, na.rm = FALSE), BY(mNA, gf, wmedian, wdat)) expect_equal(fmedian(mNA, g, wdat), BY(mNA, gf, wmedian, wdat, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmedian(mtcars, g, wdat), BY(mtcars, gf, wmedian, wdat)) expect_equal(fmedian(mtcars, g, wdat, na.rm = FALSE), BY(mtcars, gf, wmedian, wdat)) expect_equal(fmedian(mtcNA, g, wdat, na.rm = FALSE), BY(mtcNA, gf, wmedian, wdat)) expect_equal(fmedian(mtcNA, g, wdat), BY(mtcNA, gf, wmedian, wdat, na.rm = TRUE)) # missing weights: Only supported if x is also missing... expect_equal(fmedian(NA, w = NA), wmedian(NA_real_, NA_real_)) expect_equal(fmedian(NA, w = NA, na.rm = FALSE), wmedian(NA_real_, NA_real_)) expect_equal(fmedian(xNA, w = wNA, na.rm = FALSE), wmedian(xNA, wNA)) expect_equal(fmedian(xNA, w = wNA), wmedian(xNA, wNA, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmedian(xNA, f, wNA, na.rm = FALSE), BY(xNA, f, wmedian, wNA)) expect_equal(fmedian(xNA, f, wNA), BY(xNA, f, wmedian, wNA, na.rm = TRUE)) }) test_that("fmedian performs numerically stable", { expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(1), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(NA), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(NA, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(x), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(x, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(xNA, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(xNA), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(m), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(m, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(mNA, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(mNA), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(mtcars), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(mtcars, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(mtcNA, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(mtcNA), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(x, f), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(x, f, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(xNA, f, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(xNA, f), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(m, g), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(m, g, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(mNA, g, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(mNA, g), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(mtcars, g), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(mtcars, g, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(mtcNA, g, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(mtcNA, g), simplify = FALSE))) }) test_that("fmedian with complete weights performs numerically stable", { expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(1, w = 1), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(NA, w = 1), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(NA, w = 1, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(x, w = w), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(x, w = w, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(xNA, w = w, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(xNA, w = w), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(m, w = wdat), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(m, w = wdat, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(mNA, w = wdat, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(mNA, w = wdat), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(mtcars, w = wdat), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(mtcars, w = wdat, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(mtcNA, w = wdat, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(mtcNA, w = wdat), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(x, f, w), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(x, f, w, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(xNA, f, w, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(xNA, f, w), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(m, g, wdat), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(m, g, wdat, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(mNA, g, wdat, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(mNA, g, wdat), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(mtcars, g, wdat), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(mtcars, g, wdat, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(mtcNA, g, wdat, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(mtcNA, g, wdat), simplify = FALSE))) }) test_that("fmedian with missing weights performs numerically stable", { expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(NA, w = NA), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(NA, w = NA, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(xNA, w = wNA, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(xNA, w = wNA), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(xNA, f, wNA, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmedian(xNA, f, wNA), simplify = FALSE))) }) test_that("fmedian handles special values in the right way", { expect_equal(fmedian(NA), NA_real_) expect_equal(fmedian(NaN), NaN) expect_equal(fmedian(Inf), Inf) expect_equal(fmedian(-Inf), -Inf) expect_equal(fmedian(TRUE), 1) expect_equal(fmedian(FALSE), 0) expect_equal(fmedian(NA, na.rm = FALSE), NA_real_) expect_equal(fmedian(NaN, na.rm = FALSE), NaN) expect_equal(fmedian(Inf, na.rm = FALSE), Inf) expect_equal(fmedian(-Inf, na.rm = FALSE), -Inf) expect_equal(fmedian(TRUE, na.rm = FALSE), 1) expect_equal(fmedian(FALSE, na.rm = FALSE), 0) expect_equal(fmedian(c(1,NA)), 1) expect_equal(fmedian(c(1,NaN)), 1) expect_equal(fmedian(c(1,Inf)), Inf) expect_equal(fmedian(c(1,-Inf)), -Inf) expect_equal(fmedian(c(FALSE,TRUE)), 0.5) expect_equal(fmedian(c(FALSE,FALSE)), 0) expect_equal(fmedian(c(1,Inf), na.rm = FALSE), Inf) expect_equal(fmedian(c(1,-Inf), na.rm = FALSE), -Inf) expect_equal(fmedian(c(FALSE,TRUE), na.rm = FALSE), 0.5) expect_equal(fmedian(c(FALSE,FALSE), na.rm = FALSE), 0) }) test_that("fmedian with weights handles special values in the right way", { expect_equal(fmedian(NA, w = 1), NA_real_) expect_equal(fmedian(NaN, w = 1), NaN) expect_equal(fmedian(Inf, w = 1), Inf) expect_equal(fmedian(-Inf, w = 1), -Inf) expect_equal(fmedian(TRUE, w = 1), 1) expect_equal(fmedian(FALSE, w = 1), 0) expect_equal(fmedian(NA, w = 1, na.rm = FALSE), NA_real_) expect_equal(fmedian(NaN, w = 1, na.rm = FALSE), NaN) expect_equal(fmedian(Inf, w = 1, na.rm = FALSE), Inf) expect_equal(fmedian(-Inf, w = 1, na.rm = FALSE), -Inf) expect_equal(fmedian(TRUE, w = 1, na.rm = FALSE), 1) expect_equal(fmedian(FALSE, w = 1, na.rm = FALSE), 0) expect_equal(fmedian(NA, w = NA), NA_real_) expect_equal(fmedian(NaN, w = NA), NA_real_) expect_equal(fmedian(Inf, w = NA), NA_real_) expect_equal(fmedian(-Inf, w = NA), NA_real_) expect_equal(fmedian(TRUE, w = NA), NA_real_) expect_equal(fmedian(FALSE, w = NA), NA_real_) expect_equal(fmedian(NA, w = NA, na.rm = FALSE), NA_real_) expect_equal(fmedian(NaN, w = NA, na.rm = FALSE), NA_real_) expect_equal(fmedian(Inf, w = NA, na.rm = FALSE), NA_real_) expect_equal(fmedian(-Inf, w = NA, na.rm = FALSE), NA_real_) expect_equal(fmedian(TRUE, w = NA, na.rm = FALSE), NA_real_) expect_equal(fmedian(FALSE, w = NA, na.rm = FALSE), NA_real_) # expect_equal(fmedian(1:3, w = c(1,Inf,3)), 2) # wmedian gives 2 !!!!!! # expect_equal(fmedian(1:3, w = c(1,-Inf,3)), 1) # wmedian gives 3 !!!!!! # expect_equal(fmedian(1:3, w = c(1,Inf,3), na.rm = FALSE), 2) # expect_equal(fmedian(1:3, w = c(1,-Inf,3), na.rm = FALSE), 3) }) test_that("fmedian produces errors for wrong input", { expect_warning(fmedian("a")) expect_equal(fmedian(NA_character_), NA_real_) expect_error(fmedian(mNAc)) expect_error(fmedian(mNAc, f)) expect_error(fmedian(1:2,1:3)) expect_error(fmedian(m,1:31)) expect_error(fmedian(mtcars,1:31)) expect_error(fmedian(mtcars, w = 1:31)) expect_warning(fmedian("a", w = 1)) expect_error(fmedian(1:2, w = 1:3)) expect_equal(fmedian(NA_character_, w = 1), NA_real_) expect_error(fmedian(mNAc, w = wdat)) expect_error(fmedian(mNAc, f, wdat)) expect_error(fmedian(mNA, w = 1:33)) expect_error(fmedian(1:2,1:2, 1:3)) expect_error(fmedian(m,1:32,1:20)) expect_error(fmedian(mtcars,1:32,1:10)) expect_error(fmedian(1:2, w = c("a","b"))) expect_error(fmedian(wlddev)) expect_error(fmedian(wlddev, w = wlddev$year)) expect_error(fmedian(wlddev, wlddev$iso3c)) expect_error(fmedian(wlddev, wlddev$iso3c, wlddev$year)) }) } # fnth g <- GRP(mtcars, ~ cyl) gf <- as_factor_GRP(g) for (FUN in 1:2) { if(FUN == 2L) { if(Sys.getenv("OMP") == "TRUE") { fnth <- function(x, ...) collapse::fnth(x, ..., nthreads = 2L) } else break } test_that("fnth gives a proper lower/upper/average weighted median on complete data", { expect_equal(fnth(1:3, w = c(3,1,1), ties = "mean"), 1) expect_true(all_identical( fnth(1:3, w = c(3,1,1), ties = "mean"), fnth(1:3, w = c(3,1,1), ties = "min"), fnth(1:3, w = c(3,1,1), ties = "max"), fnth(1:3, w = c(3,1,1), ties = "mean", na.rm = FALSE), fnth(1:3, w = c(3,1,1), ties = "min", na.rm = FALSE), fnth(1:3, w = c(3,1,1), ties = "max", na.rm = FALSE), fnth(1:3, g = rep(1,3), w = c(3,1,1), use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "mean"), fnth(1:3, g = rep(1,3), w = c(3,1,1), use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "min"), fnth(1:3, g = rep(1,3), w = c(3,1,1), use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "max"), fnth(1:3, g = rep(1,3), w = c(3,1,1), use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "mean", na.rm = FALSE), fnth(1:3, g = rep(1,3), w = c(3,1,1), use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "min", na.rm = FALSE), fnth(1:3, g = rep(1,3), w = c(3,1,1), use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "max", na.rm = FALSE))) expect_identical(fnth(1:3, w = c(1,1,3), ties = "mean"), 3) expect_true(all_identical( fnth(1:3, w = c(1,1,3), ties = "mean"), fnth(1:3, w = c(1,1,3), ties = "min"), fnth(1:3, w = c(1,1,3), ties = "max"), fnth(1:3, w = c(1,1,3), ties = "mean", na.rm = FALSE), fnth(1:3, w = c(1,1,3), ties = "min", na.rm = FALSE), fnth(1:3, w = c(1,1,3), ties = "max", na.rm = FALSE), fnth(1:3, g = rep(1,3), w = c(1,1,3), use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "mean"), fnth(1:3, g = rep(1,3), w = c(1,1,3), use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "min"), fnth(1:3, g = rep(1,3), w = c(1,1,3), use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "max"), fnth(1:3, g = rep(1,3), w = c(1,1,3), use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "mean", na.rm = FALSE), fnth(1:3, g = rep(1,3), w = c(1,1,3), use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "min", na.rm = FALSE), fnth(1:3, g = rep(1,3), w = c(1,1,3), use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "max", na.rm = FALSE))) w = c(0.15, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.25) y = seq_len(5) # [order(rnorm(5))] expect_identical(fnth(y, w = w, ties = "mean"), 4) expect_true(all_identical(4, fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "mean"), fnth(y, w = w, ties = "min"), fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "min"), fnth(y, w = w, ties = "max"), fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "max"), fnth(y, w = w, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "mean"), fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "mean"), fnth(y, w = w, ties = "min", na.rm = FALSE), fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "min", na.rm = FALSE), fnth(y, w = w, ties = "max", na.rm = FALSE), fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "max", na.rm = FALSE))) w = c(0.15, 0.2, 0.3, 0.25) y = seq_len(4) # [order(rnorm(4))] expect_identical(fnth(y, w = w, ties = "mean"), 3) expect_true(all_identical(3, fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "mean"), fnth(y, w = w, ties = "min"), fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "min"), fnth(y, w = w, ties = "max"), fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "max"), fnth(y, w = w, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "mean"), fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "mean"), fnth(y, w = w, ties = "min", na.rm = FALSE), fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "min", na.rm = FALSE), fnth(y, w = w, ties = "max", na.rm = FALSE), fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "max", na.rm = FALSE))) w = rep(0.25, 4) expect_identical(fnth(y, w = w, ties = "mean"), 2.5) expect_identical(2.5, fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "mean")) expect_identical(fnth(y, w = w, ties = "min"), 2) expect_identical(2, fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "min")) expect_identical(fnth(y, w = w, ties = "max"), 3) expect_identical(3, fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "max")) expect_identical(fnth(y, w = w, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "mean"), 2.5) expect_identical(2.5, fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "mean")) expect_identical(fnth(y, w = w, ties = "min", na.rm = FALSE), 2) expect_identical(2, fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "min", na.rm = FALSE)) expect_identical(fnth(y, w = w, ties = "max", na.rm = FALSE), 3) expect_identical(3, fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "max", na.rm = FALSE)) w = rep(0.25, 5) y = seq_len(5) #[order(rnorm(5))] expect_identical(fnth(y, w = w), 3) expect_true(all_identical(3, fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "mean"), fnth(y, w = w, ties = "min"), fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "min"), fnth(y, w = w, ties = "max"), fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "max"), fnth(y, w = w, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "mean"), fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "mean"), fnth(y, w = w, ties = "min", na.rm = FALSE), fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "min", na.rm = FALSE), fnth(y, w = w, ties = "max", na.rm = FALSE), fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "max", na.rm = FALSE))) w = c(0.25, 0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.25) expect_identical(fnth(y, w = w, ties = "mean"), 3) expect_identical(3, fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "mean")) expect_identical(fnth(y, w = w, ties = "min"), 2) expect_identical(2, fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "min")) expect_identical(fnth(y, w = w, ties = "max"), 4) expect_identical(4, fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "max")) expect_identical(fnth(y, w = w, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "mean"), 3) expect_identical(3, fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "mean")) expect_identical(fnth(y, w = w, ties = "min", na.rm = FALSE), 2) expect_identical(2, fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "min", na.rm = FALSE)) expect_identical(fnth(y, w = w, ties = "max", na.rm = FALSE), 4) expect_identical(4, fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "max", na.rm = FALSE)) w = c(0.25, 0.25, 0, 0, 0.25, 0.25) y = seq_len(6) # [order(rnorm(6))] expect_identical(fnth(y, w = w, ties = "mean"), 3.5) expect_identical(3.5, fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "mean")) expect_identical(fnth(y, w = w, ties = "min"), 2) expect_identical(2, fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "min")) expect_identical(fnth(y, w = w, ties = "max"), 5) expect_identical(5, fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "max")) expect_identical(fnth(y, w = w, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "mean"), 3.5) expect_identical(3.5, fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "mean")) expect_identical(fnth(y, w = w, ties = "min", na.rm = FALSE), 2) expect_identical(2, fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "min", na.rm = FALSE)) expect_identical(fnth(y, w = w, ties = "max", na.rm = FALSE), 5) expect_identical(5, fnth(y, g = rep(1, length(y)), w = w, use.g.names = FALSE, ties = "max", na.rm = FALSE)) }) test_that("fnth performs like nth (defined above)", { n = 2 expect_error(fnth(NA, n)) expect_error(fnth(NA, n, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_error(fnth(1, n)) expect_equal(fnth(1:3, n), nth(1:3, n, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fnth(-1:1, n), nth(-1:1, n, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fnth(1:3, n, na.rm = FALSE), nth(1:3, n)) expect_equal(fnth(-1:1, n, na.rm = FALSE), nth(-1:1, n)) expect_equal(fnth(x, n), nth(x, n, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fnth(x, n, na.rm = FALSE), nth(x, n)) expect_equal(fnth(xNA, n, na.rm = FALSE), nth(xNA, n)) expect_equal(fnth(xNA, n), nth(xNA, n, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcars, n), fnth(m, n)) expect_equal(fnth(m, n), dapply(m, nth, n, na.rm = TRUE)) # failed on oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 expect_equal(fnth(m, n, na.rm = FALSE), dapply(m, nth, n)) # failed on oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 expect_equal(fnth(mNA, n, na.rm = FALSE), dapply(mNA, nth, n)) expect_equal(fnth(mNA, n), dapply(mNA, nth, n, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcars, n), dapply(mtcars, nth, n, na.rm = TRUE)) # failed on oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 expect_equal(fnth(mtcars, n, na.rm = FALSE), dapply(mtcars, nth, n)) # failed on oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 expect_equal(fnth(mtcNA, n, na.rm = FALSE), dapply(mtcNA, nth, n)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcNA, n), dapply(mtcNA, nth, n, na.rm = TRUE)) f2 <- as.factor(rep(1:10, each = 10)[order(rnorm(100))]) expect_equal(fnth(x, n, f2), BY(x, f2, nth, n, na.rm = TRUE)) # failed on oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 expect_equal(fnth(x, n, f2, na.rm = FALSE), BY(x, f2, nth, n)) # failed on oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 g2 <- GRP(rep(1:2, each = 16)[order(rnorm(32))]) expect_equal(fnth(m, n, g2), BY(m, g2, nth, n, na.rm = TRUE)) # failed on oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 expect_equal(fnth(m, n, g2, na.rm = FALSE), BY(m, g2, nth, n)) # failed on oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 expect_equal(fnth(mtcars, n, g2), BY(mtcars, g2, nth, n, na.rm = TRUE)) # failed on oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 expect_equal(fnth(mtcars, n, g2, na.rm = FALSE), BY(mtcars, g2, nth, n)) # failed on oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 for(i in 1:5) { n = runif(1, min = 1, max = 999) / 1000 # Probability needed for nth to work with groups expect_equal(fnth(1:3, n, ties = "min"), nth(1:3, n, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fnth(-1:1, n, ties = "min"), nth(-1:1, n, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fnth(1:3, n, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "min"), nth(1:3, n)) expect_equal(fnth(-1:1, n, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "min"), nth(-1:1, n)) expect_equal(fnth(x, n, ties = "min"), nth(x, n, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fnth(x, n, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "min"), nth(x, n)) expect_equal(fnth(xNA, n, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "min"), nth(xNA, n)) expect_equal(fnth(xNA, n, ties = "min"), nth(xNA, n, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcars, n, ties = "min"), fnth(m, n, ties = "min")) expect_equal(fnth(m, n, ties = "min"), dapply(m, nth, n, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fnth(m, n, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "min"), dapply(m, nth, n)) expect_equal(fnth(mNA, n, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "min"), dapply(mNA, nth, n)) expect_equal(fnth(mNA, n, ties = "min"), dapply(mNA, nth, n, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcars, n, ties = "min"), dapply(mtcars, nth, n, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcars, n, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "min"), dapply(mtcars, nth, n)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcNA, n, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "min"), dapply(mtcNA, nth, n)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcNA, n, ties = "min"), dapply(mtcNA, nth, n, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fnth(xNA, n, f2, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "min"), BY(xNA, f2, nth, n)) expect_equal(fnth(xNA, n, f2, ties = "min"), BY(xNA, f2, nth, n, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fnth(m, n, g, ties = "min"), BY(m, g, nth, n, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fnth(m, n, g, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "min"), BY(m, g, nth, n)) expect_equal(fnth(mNA, n, g, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "min"), BY(mNA, g, nth, n)) expect_equal(fnth(mNA, n, g, ties = "min"), BY(mNA, g, nth, n, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcars, n, g, ties = "min"), BY(mtcars, g, nth, n, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcars, n, g, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "min"), BY(mtcars, g, nth, n)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcNA, n, g, na.rm = FALSE, ties = "min"), BY(mtcNA, g, nth, n)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcNA, n, g, ties = "min"), BY(mtcNA, g, nth, n, na.rm = TRUE)) } }) test_that("fnth matrix and data.frame method work alike", { for(i in 1:3) { n = runif(1, min = 1, max = 999) / 1000 expect_equal(fnth(mtcars, n, ties = "min"), fnth(m, n, ties = "min")) expect_equal(fnth(mtcars, n), fnth(m, n)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcars, n, ties = "max"), fnth(m, n, ties = "max")) expect_equal(fnth(mtcNA, n, ties = "min"), fnth(mNA, n, ties = "min")) expect_equal(fnth(mtcNA, n), fnth(mNA, n)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcNA, n, ties = "max"), fnth(mNA, n, ties = "max")) expect_equal(qM(fnth(mtcars, n, g, ties = "min")), fnth(m, n, g, ties = "min")) expect_equal(qM(fnth(mtcars, n, g)), fnth(m, n, g)) expect_equal(qM(fnth(mtcars, n, g, ties = "max")), fnth(m, n, g, ties = "max")) expect_equal(qM(fnth(mtcNA, n, g, ties = "min")), fnth(mNA, n, g, ties = "min")) expect_equal(qM(fnth(mtcNA, n, g)), fnth(mNA, n, g)) expect_equal(qM(fnth(mtcNA, n, g, ties = "max")), fnth(mNA, n, g, ties = "max")) expect_equal(fnth(mtcars, n, w = wdat, ties = "min"), fnth(m, n, w = wdat, ties = "min")) expect_equal(fnth(mtcars, n, w = wdat), fnth(m, n, w = wdat)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcars, n, w = wdat, ties = "max"), fnth(m, n, w = wdat, ties = "max")) expect_equal(fnth(mtcNA, n, w = wdat, ties = "min"), fnth(mNA, n, w = wdat, ties = "min")) expect_equal(fnth(mtcNA, n, w = wdat), fnth(mNA, n, w = wdat)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcNA, n, w = wdat, ties = "max"), fnth(mNA, n, w = wdat, ties = "max")) expect_equal(qM(fnth(mtcars, n, g, wdat, ties = "min")), fnth(m, n, g, wdat, ties = "min")) expect_equal(qM(fnth(mtcars, n, g, wdat)), fnth(m, n, g, wdat)) expect_equal(qM(fnth(mtcars, n, g, wdat, ties = "max")), fnth(m, n, g, wdat, ties = "max")) expect_equal(qM(fnth(mtcNA, n, g, wdat, ties = "min")), fnth(mNA, n, g, wdat, ties = "min")) expect_equal(qM(fnth(mtcNA, n, g, wdat)), fnth(mNA, n, g, wdat)) expect_equal(qM(fnth(mtcNA, n, g, wdat, ties = "max")), fnth(mNA, n, g, wdat, ties = "max")) } }) test_that("fnth performs like fnth with weights all equal", { for(t in c("min","max")) { # "mean", # already tested above.. # for(i in 1:3) { n = 0.5 # round(runif(1, min = 1, max = 999) / 1000, 3) # other numbers than 0.5 do not work and cannot work.. expect_equal(fnth(NA, n, ties = t), fnth(NA, n, w = 1, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(NA, n, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), fnth(NA, n, w = 1, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(1, n, ties = t), fnth(1, n, w = 3, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(1:3, n, ties = t), fnth(1:3, n, w = rep(1,3), ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(-1:1, n, ties = t), fnth(-1:1, n, w = rep(4.2,3), ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(1, n, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), fnth(1, n, w = 5, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(1:3, n, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), fnth(1:3, n, w = rep(1, 3), na.rm = FALSE, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(-1:1, n, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), fnth(-1:1, n, w = rep(12, 3), na.rm = FALSE, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(x, n, ties = t), fnth(x, n, w = rep(1,100), ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(x, n, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), fnth(x, n, w = rep(1, 100), na.rm = FALSE, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(xNA, n, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), fnth(xNA, n, w = rep(5, 100), na.rm = FALSE, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(xNA, n, ties = t), fnth(xNA, n, w = rep(4, 100), ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(m, n, ties = t), fnth(m, n, w = rep(6587, 32), ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(m, n, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), fnth(m, n, w = rep(6587, 32), na.rm = FALSE, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(mNA, n, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), fnth(mNA, n, w = rep(6587, 32), na.rm = FALSE, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(mNA, n, ties = t), fnth(mNA, n, w = rep(6587, 32), ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcars, n, ties = t), fnth(mtcars, n, w = rep(6787, 32), ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcars, n, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), fnth(mtcars, n, w = rep(6787, 32), na.rm = FALSE, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcNA, n, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), fnth(mtcNA, n, w = rep(6787, 32), na.rm = FALSE, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcNA, n, ties = t), fnth(mtcNA, n, w = rep(6787, 32), ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(x, n, f, ties = t), fnth(x, n, f, rep(547,100), ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(x, n, f, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), fnth(x, n, f, rep(6, 100), na.rm = FALSE, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(xNA, n, f, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), fnth(xNA, n, f, rep(52,100), na.rm = FALSE, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(xNA, n, f, ties = t), fnth(xNA, n, f, rep(5997456,100), ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(m, n, g, ties = t), fnth(m, n, g, rep(546,32), ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(m, n, g, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), fnth(m, n, g, rep(1,32), na.rm = FALSE, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(mNA, n, g, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), fnth(mNA, n, g, rep(5,32), na.rm = FALSE, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(mNA, n, g, ties = t), fnth(mNA, n, g, rep(1,32), ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcars, n, g, ties = t), fnth(mtcars, n, g, rep(53,32), ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcars, n, g, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), fnth(mtcars, n, g, rep(546,32), na.rm = FALSE, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcNA, n, g, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), fnth(mtcNA, n, g, rep(1,32), na.rm = FALSE, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcNA, n, g, ties = t), fnth(mtcNA, n, g, rep(999,32), ties = t)) #} } }) test_that("fnth with weights performs like wnth (defined above)", { for(t in c("mean","min","max")) { # print(t) for(i in 1:3) { n = round(runif(1, min = 1, max = 999) / 1000, 3) # complete weights expect_equal(fnth(NA, n, w = 1, ties = t), wnth(NA_real_, n, 1, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(NA, n, w = 1, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), wnth(NA_real_, n, 1, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(1, n, w = 1, ties = t), wnth(1, n, w = 1, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(1:3, n, w = 1:3, ties = t), wnth(1:3, n, 1:3, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(-1:1, n, w = 1:3, ties = t), wnth(-1:1, n, 1:3, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(1, n, w = 1, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), wnth(1, n, 1, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(1:3, n, w = c(0.99,3454,1.111), na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), wnth(1:3, n, c(0.99,3454,1.111), ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(-1:1, n, w = 1:3, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), wnth(-1:1, n, 1:3, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(x, n, w = w, ties = t), wnth(x, n, w, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(x, n, w = w, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), wnth(x, n, w, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(xNA, n, w = w, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), wnth(xNA, n, w, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(xNA, n, w = w, ties = t), wnth(xNA, n, w, na.rm = TRUE, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcars, n, w = wdat, ties = t), fnth(m, n, w = wdat, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(m, n, w = wdat, ties = t), dapply(m, wnth, n, wdat, na.rm = TRUE, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(m, n, w = wdat, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), dapply(m, wnth, n, wdat, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(mNA, n, w = wdat, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), dapply(mNA, wnth, n, wdat, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(mNA, n, w = wdat, ties = t), dapply(mNA, wnth, n, wdat, na.rm = TRUE, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcars, n, w = wdat, ties = t), dapply(mtcars, wnth, n, wdat, na.rm = TRUE, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcars, n, w = wdat, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), dapply(mtcars, wnth, n, wdat, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcNA, n, w = wdat, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), dapply(mtcNA, wnth, n, wdat, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcNA, n, w = wdat, ties = t), dapply(mtcNA, wnth, n, wdat, na.rm = TRUE, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(x, n, f, w, ties = t), BY(x, f, wnth, n = n, w = w, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(x, n, f, w, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), BY(x, f, wnth, n = n, w = w, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(xNA, n, f, w, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), BY(xNA, f, wnth, n = n, w = w, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(xNA, n, f, w, ties = t), BY(xNA, f, wnth, n = n, w = w, na.rm = TRUE, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(m, n, g, wdat, ties = t), BY(m, gf, wnth, n = n, w = wdat, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(m, n, g, wdat, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), BY(m, gf, wnth, n = n, w = wdat, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(mNA, n, g, wdat, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), BY(mNA, gf, wnth, n = n, w = wdat, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(mNA, n, g, wdat, ties = t), BY(mNA, gf, wnth, n = n, w = wdat, na.rm = TRUE, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcars, n, g, wdat, ties = t), BY(mtcars, gf, wnth, n = n, w = wdat, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcars, n, g, wdat, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), BY(mtcars, gf, wnth, n = n, w = wdat, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcNA, n, g, wdat, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), BY(mtcNA, gf, wnth, n = n, w = wdat, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(mtcNA, n, g, wdat, ties = t), BY(mtcNA, gf, wnth, w = wdat, n = n, na.rm = TRUE, ties = t)) # missing weights: Only supported if x is also missing... expect_equal(fnth(NA, n, w = NA, ties = t), wnth(NA_real_, n, NA_real_, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(NA, n, w = NA, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), wnth(NA_real_, n, NA_real_, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(xNA, n, w = wNA, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), wnth(xNA, n, wNA, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(xNA, n, w = wNA, ties = t), wnth(xNA, n, wNA, na.rm = TRUE, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(xNA, n, f, wNA, na.rm = FALSE, ties = t), BY(xNA, f, wnth, n = n, w = w, ties = t)) expect_equal(fnth(xNA, n, f, wNA, ties = t), BY(xNA, f, wnth, n = n, w = w, na.rm = TRUE, ties = t)) } } }) test_that("fnth properly deals with missing data", { expect_equal(fnth(NA), NA_real_) expect_equal(fnth(NA, na.rm = FALSE), NA_real_) expect_equal(fnth(rep(NA, 2), w = 1:2), NA_real_) expect_equal(fnth(rep(NA, 2), w = 1:2), NA_real_) expect_equal(fnth(NA, w = 1), NA_real_) expect_equal(fnth(NA, w = 1, na.rm = FALSE), NA_real_) expect_equal(fnth(1), 1) expect_equal(fnth(1, na.rm = FALSE), 1) expect_error(fnth(1:2, w = rep(NA, 2))) expect_error(fnth(1:2, w = c(1, NA))) expect_error(fnth(1:2, w = c(NA, 1))) }) }