context("Misc") # rm(list = ls()) set.seed(101) m <- na_insert(qM(mtcars)) F <- getNamespace("collapse")$F test_that("descr, pwcor, pwcov, pwnobs", { expect_visible(descr(wlddev)) expect_equal(lapply(wlddev, descr) %>% get_elem("i") %>% unattrib(), unattrib(descr(wlddev))) expect_visible( expect_output(print(descr(wlddev))) expect_visible(descr(GGDC10S)) expect_output(print(pwcor(nv(wlddev)))) expect_output(print(pwcor(nv(wlddev), N = TRUE))) expect_output(print(pwcor(nv(wlddev), P = TRUE))) expect_output(print(pwcor(nv(wlddev), N = TRUE, P = TRUE))) expect_output(print(pwcor(nv(wlddev), N = TRUE, P = TRUE, use = "complete.obs"))) expect_visible(pwcor(nv(GGDC10S))) expect_visible(pwcov(nv(wlddev))) expect_output(print(pwcov(nv(wlddev)))) expect_output(print(pwcov(nv(wlddev), N = TRUE))) expect_output(print(pwcov(nv(wlddev), P = TRUE))) expect_output(print(pwcov(nv(wlddev), N = TRUE, P = TRUE))) expect_output(print(pwcov(nv(wlddev), N = TRUE, P = TRUE, use = "complete.obs"))) expect_visible(pwnobs(wlddev)) expect_visible(pwnobs(GGDC10S)) expect_visible(descr(m)) expect_visible(pwcor(m)) expect_visible(pwcov(m)) expect_visible(pwnobs(m)) }) if(identical(Sys.getenv("NCRAN"), "TRUE")) { if(identical(Sys.getenv("LOCAL"), "TRUE")) test_that("weighted correlations are correct", { # This is to fool very silly checks on CRAN scanning the code of the tests wtd.cors <- eval(parse(text = paste0("weights", ":", ":", "wtd.cors"))) wtd.cor <- eval(parse(text = paste0("weights", ":", ":", "wtd.cor"))) w <- abs(rnorm(fnrow(wlddev))) cc <- which(!missing_cases(nv(wlddev))) expect_equal(unclass(pwcor(nv(wlddev), w = w)), wtd.cors(nv(wlddev), w = w)) expect_equal(unclass(pwcor(nv(wlddev), w = w)), cov2cor(unclass(pwcov(nv(wlddev), w = w)))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(unclass(pwcor(ss(nv(wlddev), cc), w = w[cc])), cov2cor(unclass(pwcov(ss(nv(wlddev), cc), w = w[cc]))), unclass(pwcor(nv(wlddev), w = w, use = "complete.obs")), wtd.cors(ss(nv(wlddev), cc), w = w[cc]), cov.wt(ss(nv(wlddev), cc), w[cc], cor = TRUE)$cor)) suppressWarnings( expect_true(all_obj_equal(replace_NA(pwcor(ss(nv(wlddev), cc), w = w[cc], P = TRUE, array = FALSE)$P, 0), replace_NA(pwcov(ss(nv(wlddev), cc), w = w[cc], P = TRUE, array = FALSE)$P, 0), replace_NA(pwcor(ss(nv(wlddev), cc), w = w[cc], P = TRUE, array = FALSE, use = "complete.obs")$P, 0), replace_NA(pwcov(ss(nv(wlddev), cc), w = w[cc], P = TRUE, array = FALSE, use = "complete.obs")$P, 0), wtd.cor(ss(nv(wlddev), cc), w = w[cc])$p.value))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(unclass(pwcov(ss(nv(wlddev), cc), w = w[cc])), unclass(pwcov(nv(wlddev), w = w, use = "complete.obs")))) expect_equal(cov.wt(ss(nv(wlddev), cc), w[cc])$cov, unclass(pwcov(nv(wlddev), w = w, use = "complete.obs")), tolerance = 1e-3) }) test_that("na_rm works well", { set.seed(101) expect_equal(sapply(na_insert(wlddev), function(x) vtypes(na_rm(x))), vtypes(wlddev)) expect_equal(sapply(na_insert(wlddev), function(x) vlabels(na_rm(x))), vlabels(wlddev)) expect_equal(sapply(na_insert(wlddev), function(x) vclasses(na_rm(x))), vclasses(wlddev)) wldNA <- na_insert(wlddev) expect_equal(lengths(lapply(wldNA, na_rm)), fnobs(wldNA)) expect_equal(lapply(wldNA, na_rm), lapply(wldNA, function(x) copyMostAttrib(x[!], x))) rm(wldNA) expect_equal(na_rm(list(list(), 1,2,3)), list(1,2,3)) expect_equal(na_rm(list(1,2,NULL,3)), list(1,2,3)) }) } test_that("vlabels works well", { expect_equal(wlddev, setLabels(wlddev, vlabels(wlddev))) }) test_that("adding and removing stubs works", { expect_identical(rm_stub(add_stub(iris, "df"), "df"), iris) expect_identical(rm_stub(add_stub(iris, "df", pre = FALSE), "df", pre = FALSE), iris) expect_identical(rm_stub(add_stub(iris, "df", pre = FALSE), "df", regex = TRUE), iris) expect_identical(rm_stub(names(iris), "Sepal")[1], ".Length") expect_identical(rm_stub(names(iris), "Width", pre = FALSE)[4], "Petal.") expect_identical(rm_stub(names(iris), "Width", regex = TRUE)[4], "Petal.") }) test_that("zoo dispatch works well", { skip_if_not_installed("zoo") tsm <- zoo::as.zoo(EuStockMarkets) set.seed(101) f <- qF(, nrow(tsm), TRUE)) NCOL2 <- function(x) if(length(d <- dim(x)) > 1L) d[2L] else length(x) for(i in setdiff(c(.FAST_FUN, .OPERATOR_FUN), c("fnth","flag","L","F", "fdiff","D","Dlog", "fgrowth","G"))) expect_equal(NCOL2(, f)), 4L) expect_equal(NCOL2(fnth(tsm, 0.5, f)), 4L) expect_equal(NCOL2(BY(tsm, f, sum)), 4L) expect_equal(nrow(qsu(tsm)), 4L) for(i in c("flag", "L", "fdiff", "D", "Dlog", "fgrowth", "G")) expect_true(all([1L, ]))) }) test_that("units support works well", { v = abs(rnorm(5)) m = abs(matrix(rnorm(25), 5)) g = qF(c(1,1,2,3,3)) attributes(v) <- list(units = structure(list(numerator = "m", denominator = character(0)), class = "symbolic_units"), class = "units") attributes(m) <- list(dim = c(5L, 5L), units = structure(list(numerator = "m", denominator = character(0)), class = "symbolic_units"), class = "units") for (f in setdiff(c(.FAST_FUN, .OPERATOR_FUN), c("fnobs", "fndistinct", "F"))) { # print(f) FUN = if (!startsWith(f, "fhd") && !startsWith(f, "HD")) { expect_true(inherits(FUN(v), "units")) expect_true(inherits(FUN(m), "units")) } if (f %in% c("fnth","flag","L","fdiff","D","Dlog", "fgrowth","G")) { expect_true(inherits(FUN(v, g = g), "units")) expect_true(inherits(FUN(m, g = g), "units")) } else { expect_true(inherits(FUN(v, g), "units")) expect_true(inherits(FUN(m, g), "units")) } } }) m <- qM(mtcars) v <- mtcars$mpg f <- qF(mtcars$cyl) fcc <- qF(mtcars$cyl, na.exclude = FALSE) g <- GRP(mtcars, ~ cyl) gl <- mtcars["cyl"] gmtc <- fgroup_by(mtcars, cyl) test_that("fast functions give same result using different grouping mechanisms", { for(i in .FAST_STAT_FUN) { # print(i) FUN <- expect_true(all_obj_equal(FUN(v, g = mtcars$cyl), FUN(v, g = f), FUN(v, g = fcc), FUN(v, g = g), FUN(v, g = gl))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(FUN(v, g = mtcars$cyl, use.g.names = FALSE), FUN(v, g = f, use.g.names = FALSE), FUN(v, g = fcc, use.g.names = FALSE), FUN(v, g = g, use.g.names = FALSE), FUN(v, g = gl, use.g.names = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(FUN(m, g = mtcars$cyl), FUN(m, g = f), FUN(m, g = fcc), FUN(m, g = g), FUN(m, g = gl))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(FUN(m, g = mtcars$cyl, use.g.names = FALSE), FUN(m, g = f, use.g.names = FALSE), FUN(m, g = fcc, use.g.names = FALSE), FUN(m, g = g, use.g.names = FALSE), FUN(m, g = gl, use.g.names = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(FUN(mtcars, g = mtcars$cyl), FUN(mtcars, g = f), FUN(mtcars, g = fcc), FUN(mtcars, g = g), FUN(mtcars, g = gl))) if(Sys.getenv("NCRAN") == "TRUE") expect_true(all_obj_equal(FUN(mtcars, g = mtcars$cyl, use.g.names = FALSE), FUN(mtcars, g = f, use.g.names = FALSE), FUN(mtcars, g = fcc, use.g.names = FALSE), FUN(mtcars, g = g, use.g.names = FALSE), FUN(mtcars, g = gl, use.g.names = FALSE))) if(Sys.getenv("NCRAN") == "TRUE") expect_true(all_obj_equal(gv(FUN(mtcars, g = mtcars$cyl, use.g.names = FALSE), -2), gv(FUN(gmtc), -1), gv(FUN(gv(gmtc,-2)), -1), FUN(gv(gmtc,-2), keep.group_vars = FALSE), FUN(gmtc, keep.group_vars = FALSE))) expect_equal(FUN(v, TRA = 2L), TRA(v, FUN(v), 2L)) expect_true(all_obj_equal(FUN(v, g = mtcars$cyl, TRA = 1L), TRA(v, FUN(v, g = mtcars$cyl), 1L, mtcars$cyl), FUN(v, g = f, TRA = 1L), TRA(v, FUN(v, g = f), 1L, f), FUN(v, g = fcc, TRA = 1L), TRA(v, FUN(v, g = fcc), 1L, fcc), FUN(v, g = g, TRA = 1L), TRA(v, FUN(v, g = g), 1L, g), FUN(v, g = gl, TRA = 1L), TRA(v, FUN(v, g = gl), 1L, gl))) expect_equal(FUN(m, TRA = 2L), TRA(m, FUN(m), 2L)) expect_true(all_obj_equal(FUN(m, g = mtcars$cyl, TRA = 1L), TRA(m, FUN(m, g = mtcars$cyl), 1L, mtcars$cyl), FUN(m, g = f, TRA = 1L), TRA(m, FUN(m, g = f), 1L, f), FUN(m, g = fcc, TRA = 1L), TRA(m, FUN(m, g = fcc), 1L, fcc), FUN(m, g = g, TRA = 1L), TRA(m, FUN(m, g = g), 1L, g), FUN(m, g = gl, TRA = 1L), TRA(m, FUN(m, g = gl), 1L, gl))) expect_equal(FUN(mtcars, TRA = 2L), TRA(mtcars, FUN(mtcars), 2L)) expect_true(all_obj_equal(FUN(mtcars, g = mtcars$cyl, TRA = 1L), TRA(mtcars, FUN(mtcars, g = mtcars$cyl), 1L, mtcars$cyl), FUN(mtcars, g = f, TRA = 1L), TRA(mtcars, FUN(mtcars, g = f), 1L, f), FUN(mtcars, g = fcc, TRA = 1L), TRA(mtcars, FUN(mtcars, g = fcc), 1L, fcc), FUN(mtcars, g = g, TRA = 1L), TRA(mtcars, FUN(mtcars, g = g), 1L, g), FUN(mtcars, g = gl, TRA = 1L), TRA(mtcars, FUN(mtcars, g = gl), 1L, gl))) expect_equal(colorder(FUN(gmtc, TRA = 1L), mpg, cyl), TRA(gmtc, FUN(gmtc), 1L)) expect_equal(FUN(fselect(gmtc, -cyl), TRA = 1L), TRA(fselect(gmtc, -cyl), FUN(gmtc, keep.group_vars = FALSE), 1L)) } for(i in setdiff(.FAST_FUN, c(.FAST_STAT_FUN, "fhdbetween", "fhdwithin"))) { FUN <- expect_true(all_obj_equal(FUN(v, g = mtcars$cyl), FUN(v, g = f), FUN(v, g = fcc), FUN(v, g = g), FUN(v, g = gl))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(FUN(m, g = mtcars$cyl), FUN(m, g = f), FUN(m, g = fcc), FUN(m, g = g), FUN(m, g = gl))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(FUN(mtcars, g = mtcars$cyl), FUN(mtcars, g = f), FUN(mtcars, g = fcc), FUN(mtcars, g = g), FUN(mtcars, g = gl))) } for(i in c("STD", "B", "W", "L", "D", "Dlog", "G")) { FUN <- expect_true(all_obj_equal(FUN(v, g = mtcars$cyl), FUN(v, g = f), FUN(v, g = fcc), FUN(v, g = g), FUN(v, g = gl))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(FUN(m, g = mtcars$cyl), FUN(m, g = f), FUN(m, g = fcc), FUN(m, g = g), FUN(m, g = gl))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(FUN(mtcars, by = mtcars$cyl), FUN(mtcars, by = f), FUN(mtcars, by = fcc), FUN(mtcars, by = g), FUN(mtcars, by = gl))) } }) l <- as.list(mtcars) test_that("list and df methods give same results", { for (i in setdiff(c(.FAST_FUN, .OPERATOR_FUN), c("fhdbetween", "fhdwithin", "HDB", "HDW"))) { FUN <- expect_equal(unattrib(FUN(mtcars)), unattrib(FUN(l))) } }) w <- mtcars$wt wFUNs <- c("fmean","fmedian","fsum","fprod","fmode","fvar","fsd","fscale","STD","fbetween","B","fwithin","W") test_that("fast functions give appropriate warnings", { for (i in setdiff(c(.FAST_FUN, .OPERATOR_FUN, "qsu"), c("fhdbetween", "fhdwithin", "HDB", "HDW"))) { FUN <- expect_warning(FUN(v, bla = 1)) expect_warning(FUN(m, bla = 1)) expect_warning(FUN(mtcars, bla = 1)) expect_warning(FUN(gmtc, bla = 1)) if(i %in% wFUNs) { expect_warning(FUN(gmtc, bla = 1)) expect_error(FUN(gmtc, cyl)) # weight same as grouping variable if(i %in% .FAST_STAT_FUN) expect_true(names(FUN(gmtc, wt))[2L] == if(i == "fprod") "prod.wt" else "sum.wt") # weight same as grouping variable } } }) test_that("fselect and fsubset cannot easily be confuesed", { # expect_error(suppressWarnings(fsubset(mtcars, mpg:vs, wt))) expect_error(fselect(mtcars, mpg == 1)) }) test_that("frange works well", { xd <- rnorm(1e5) xdNA <- na_insert(xd) xi <- as.integer(xd*1000) xiNA <- na_insert(xi) expect_equal(frange(xd, na.rm = FALSE), range(xd)) expect_equal(frange(xd), range(xd, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(frange(xdNA, na.rm = FALSE), range(xdNA)) expect_equal(frange(xdNA), range(xdNA, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(frange(xi, na.rm = FALSE), range(xi)) expect_equal(frange(xi), range(xi, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(frange(xiNA, na.rm = FALSE), range(xiNA)) expect_equal(frange(xiNA), range(xiNA, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_identical(frange(numeric(0)), rep(NA_real_, 2L)) expect_identical(frange(integer(0)), rep(NA_integer_, 2L)) }) # TODO: Test other cols options and formula options !!! options(warn = -1) test_that("operator methods column selection since v1.8.1 works as intended", { nnvw <- names(nv(wlddev)) wldi <- colorder(iby(wlddev, iso3c, year), year, pos = "end") wld1i <- colorder(iby(sbt(wlddev, iso3c %==% "DEU"), year), year, pos = "end") nnvg <- names(nv(GGDC10S)) ggdc3i <- findex_by(GGDC10S, Variable, Country, Year, interact.ids = FALSE) ggdc3ii <- findex_by(GGDC10S, Variable, Country, Year) for(op in list(L, F, D, Dlog, G, B, W, STD)) { expect_equal(names(op(wlddev, stub = FALSE)), nnvw) expect_equal(names(op(wlddev, by = ~ iso3c, stub = FALSE)), c("iso3c", nnvw)) expect_equal(names(op(wlddev, by = ~ iso3c, stub = FALSE, = FALSE, keep.ids = FALSE)), nnvw) expect_equal(names(op(wlddev, by = ~ decade, stub = FALSE)), c("decade", nnvw[nnvw != "decade"])) expect_equal(names(op(wlddev, by = ~ decade, stub = FALSE, = FALSE, keep.ids = FALSE)), nnvw[nnvw != "decade"]) expect_equal(names(op(wldi, stub = FALSE)), c("iso3c", nnvw)) expect_equal(names(op(wldi, stub = FALSE, = FALSE, keep.ids = FALSE)), nnvw[nnvw != "year"]) expect_equal(names(op(wld1i, stub = FALSE)), nnvw) expect_equal(names(op(wld1i, stub = FALSE, = FALSE, keep.ids = FALSE)), nnvw[nnvw != "year"]) expect_equal(names(op(ggdc3i, stub = FALSE)), c("Country", "Variable", nnvg)) expect_equal(names(op(ggdc3i, stub = FALSE, = FALSE, keep.ids = FALSE)), nnvg[-1L]) expect_equal(names(op(ggdc3ii, stub = FALSE)), c("Country", "Variable", nnvg)) expect_equal(names(op(ggdc3ii, stub = FALSE, = FALSE, keep.ids = FALSE)), nnvg[-1L]) } wlduo <- colorder(wlddev, year, pos = "end") wld1uo <- sbt(wlduo, iso3c %==% "DEU") for(op in list(L, F, D, Dlog, G)) { expect_equal(names(op(wld1uo, t = ~ year, stubs = FALSE)), nnvw) expect_equal(names(op(wld1uo, t = ~ year, stubs = FALSE, keep.ids = FALSE)), nnvw[-1L]) expect_equal(names(op(wld1uo, by = ~ iso3c, t = ~ year, stubs = FALSE)), c("iso3c", nnvw)) expect_equal(names(op(wld1uo, by = ~ iso3c, t = ~ year, stubs = FALSE, keep.ids = FALSE)), nnvw[-1L]) } for(op in list(B, W, STD)) { expect_equal(names(op(wld1uo, w = ~ year, stub = FALSE)), nnvw) expect_equal(names(op(wld1uo, w = ~ year, stub = FALSE, keep.w = FALSE)), nnvw[-1L]) expect_equal(names(op(wld1uo, by = ~ iso3c, w = ~ year, stub = FALSE)), c("iso3c", nnvw)) expect_equal(names(op(wld1uo, by = ~ iso3c, w = ~ year, stub = FALSE, = FALSE)), nnvw) expect_equal(names(op(wld1uo, by = ~ iso3c, w = ~ year, stub = FALSE, keep.w = FALSE)), c("iso3c", nnvw[-1L])) expect_equal(names(op(wld1uo, by = ~ iso3c, w = ~ year, stub = FALSE, = FALSE, keep.w = FALSE)), nnvw[-1L]) expect_equal(names(op(wldi, w = ~POP, stub = FALSE)), c("iso3c", "year", "POP", nnvw[-c(1, 7)])) expect_equal(names(op(wldi, w = ~POP, stub = FALSE, keep.ids = FALSE)), c("POP", nnvw[-c(1, 7)])) expect_equal(names(op(wldi, w = ~POP, stub = FALSE, keep.w = FALSE)), c("iso3c", "year", nnvw[-c(1, 7)])) expect_equal(names(op(wldi, w = ~POP, stub = FALSE, keep.ids = FALSE, keep.w = FALSE)), nnvw[-c(1, 7)]) expect_equal(names(op(wld1i, w = ~POP, stub = FALSE)), c("year", "POP", nnvw[-c(1, 7)])) expect_equal(names(op(wld1i, w = ~POP, stub = FALSE, keep.ids = FALSE)), c("POP", nnvw[-c(1, 7)])) expect_equal(names(op(wld1i, w = ~POP, stub = FALSE, keep.w = FALSE)), c("year", nnvw[-c(1, 7)])) expect_equal(names(op(wld1i, w = ~POP, stub = FALSE, keep.ids = FALSE, keep.w = FALSE)), nnvw[-c(1, 7)]) } for(op in list(HDB, HDW)) { expect_equal(names(op(wlddev, wlddev$iso3c, stub = FALSE)), nnvw) expect_equal(names(op(wlddev, ~ iso3c, stub = FALSE)), nnvw) expect_equal(names(op(wlddev, ~ year, stub = FALSE)), nnvw[-1]) if(identical(Sys.getenv("NCRAN"), "TRUE")) expect_equal(names(op(wldi, stub = FALSE)), nnvw[-1]) } }) options(warn = 1) test_that("all_funs works properly", { expect_identical(all_funs(quote(fmean(vars, na.rm = FALSE))), "fmean") expect_identical(all_funs(quote(fmean(vars, g = col, w = col, na.rm = FALSE))), "fmean") expect_identical(all_funs(quote(fmean(vars, g = col, w = col, na.rm = FALSE)- fmode(var2))), c("-", "fmean", "fmode")) expect_identical(all_funs(quote(q/p)), "/") expect_identical(all_funs(quote(q-p)), "-") expect_identical(all_funs(quote(b-c/i(u))), c("-", "/", "i")) expect_identical(all_funs(quote(i/f(j/p(k/g(h))))), c("/", "f", "/", "p", "/", "g")) expect_identical(all_funs(quote(1-f(1-j/p(1-k/g(h))))), c("-","f", "-", "/", "p", "-", "/", "g")) expect_identical(all_funs(quote(i(u)-b/p(z-u/log(a)))), c("-", "i", "/", "p", "-", "/", "log")) expect_identical(all_funs(quote(sum(x) + fmean(x) * e - 1 / fmedian(z))), c("-", "+", "sum", "*", "fmean", "/", "fmedian")) expect_identical(all_funs(quote(sum(z)/2+4+e+g+h+(p/sum(u))+(q-y))), c("+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "/", "sum", "(", "/", "sum", "(", "-")) expect_identical(all_funs(quote(mean(fmax(min(fmode(mpg))))/fmean(mpg) + e + f + 1 + fsd(hp) + sum(bla) / 20)), c("+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "/", "mean", "fmax", "min", "fmode", "fmean", "fsd", "/", "sum")) }) test_that("fdist works properly", { expect_equal(fdist(m), fdist(mtcars)) expect_equal(fdist(m), fdist(m, method = 1L)) expect_equal(fdist(m, method = "euclidean_squared"), fdist(m, method = 2L)) expect_equal(fdist(m), `attr<-`(dist(m), "call", NULL)) expect_equal(unattrib(fdist(m, method = "euclidean_squared")), unattrib(dist(m))^2) expect_equal(fdist(m, fmean(m)), unattrib(sqrt(colSums((t(m) - fmean(m))^2)))) expect_equal(fdist(m, fmean(m), method = "euclidean_squared"), unattrib(colSums((t(m) - fmean(m))^2))) expect_equal(fdist(m[, 1], m[, 3]), sqrt(sum((m[, 1] - m[, 3])^2))) expect_equal(fdist(m[, 1], m[, 3], method = "euclidean_squared"), sum((m[, 1] - m[, 3])^2)) if(Sys.getenv("OMP") == "TRUE") { oldopts = set_collapse(nthreads = 2) expect_equal(fdist(m), fdist(mtcars)) expect_equal(fdist(m), fdist(m, method = 1L)) expect_equal(fdist(m, method = "euclidean_squared"), fdist(m, method = 2L)) expect_equal(fdist(m), `attr<-`(dist(m), "call", NULL)) expect_equal(unattrib(fdist(m, method = "euclidean_squared")), unattrib(dist(m))^2) expect_equal(fdist(m, fmean(m)), unattrib(sqrt(colSums((t(m) - fmean(m))^2)))) expect_equal(fdist(m, fmean(m), method = "euclidean_squared"), unattrib(colSums((t(m) - fmean(m))^2))) expect_equal(fdist(m[, 1], m[, 3]), sqrt(sum((m[, 1] - m[, 3])^2))) expect_equal(fdist(m[, 1], m[, 3], method = "euclidean_squared"), sum((m[, 1] - m[, 3])^2)) set_collapse(oldopts) } }) test_that("rowbind", { expect_equal(rowbind(mtcars, mtcars), setRownames(rbind(mtcars, mtcars))) expect_equal(rowbind(list(mtcars, mtcars)), setRownames(rbind(mtcars, mtcars))) expect_equal(rowbind(mtcars, mtcars), unlist2d(list(mtcars, mtcars), idcols = FALSE)) expect_equal(rowbind(mtcars, mtcars, idcol = "id"), unlist2d(list(mtcars, mtcars), idcols = "id")) expect_equal(rowbind(mtcars, mtcars, row.names = "car"), unlist2d(list(mtcars, mtcars), idcols = FALSE, row.names = "car")) expect_equal(rowbind(mtcars, mtcars, idcol = "id", row.names = "car"), unlist2d(list(mtcars, mtcars), idcols = "id", row.names = "car")) expect_equal(rowbind(a = mtcars, b = mtcars, idcol = "id"), unlist2d(list(a = mtcars, b = mtcars), idcols = "id", id.factor = TRUE)) expect_equal(rowbind(a = mtcars, b = mtcars, idcol = "id", id.factor = FALSE), unlist2d(list(a = mtcars, b = mtcars), idcols = "id")) }) if (requireNamespace("bit64", quietly = TRUE)) test_that("rowbind + integer64", { # x <- data.frame(a = bit64::as.integer64(1)) xi <- data.frame(a = 1L) xd <- data.frame(a = 1) expect_equal(rowbind(x, xi), setRownames(rbind(x, x))) expect_equal(rowbind(x, xd), setRownames(rbind(x, x))) })