context("fmin and fmax") if(!is.null(attributes(identical(FALSE, TRUE)))) stop("OECD label issue") bmin <- base::min bmax <- base::max # rm(list = ls()) set.seed(101) x <- rnorm(100) * 10000 xNA <- x xNA[,20)] <- NA f <- as.factor(, 100, TRUE)) g <- GRP(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am) mtcNA <- na_insert(mtcars) mtcNA[27,1] <- NA # single group NA !! m <- as.matrix(mtcars) mNA <- as.matrix(mtcNA) mNAc <- mNA storage.mode(mNAc) <- "character" inf2NA <- function(x) { if(is.atomic(x)) { x[is.infinite(x)] <- NA } else { x[, lapply(x, is.infinite))] <- NA } x } options(warn = -1) # fmin double test_that("fmin performs like base::min", { expect_equal(fmin(NA), bmin(NA)) expect_equal(fmin(NA, na.rm = FALSE), bmin(NA)) expect_equal(fmin(1), bmin(1, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmin(1:3), bmin(1:3, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmin(-1:1), bmin(-1:1, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmin(1, na.rm = FALSE), bmin(1)) expect_equal(fmin(1:3, na.rm = FALSE), bmin(1:3)) expect_equal(fmin(-1:1, na.rm = FALSE), bmin(-1:1)) expect_equal(fmin(x), bmin(x, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmin(x, na.rm = FALSE), bmin(x)) expect_equal(fmin(xNA, na.rm = FALSE), bmin(xNA)) expect_equal(fmin(xNA), bmin(xNA, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmin(mtcars), fmin(m)) expect_equal(fmin(m), dapply(m, bmin, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmin(m, na.rm = FALSE), dapply(m, bmin)) expect_equal(fmin(mNA, na.rm = FALSE), dapply(mNA, bmin)) expect_equal(fmin(mNA), dapply(mNA, bmin, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmin(mtcars), dapply(mtcars, bmin, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmin(mtcars, na.rm = FALSE), dapply(mtcars, bmin)) expect_equal(fmin(mtcNA, na.rm = FALSE), dapply(mtcNA, bmin)) expect_equal(fmin(mtcNA), dapply(mtcNA, bmin, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmin(x, f), BY(x, f, bmin, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmin(x, f, na.rm = FALSE), BY(x, f, bmin)) expect_equal(fmin(xNA, f, na.rm = FALSE), BY(xNA, f, bmin)) expect_equal(fmin(xNA, f), inf2NA(BY(xNA, f, bmin, na.rm = TRUE))) expect_equal(fmin(m, g), BY(m, g, bmin, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmin(m, g, na.rm = FALSE), BY(m, g, bmin)) expect_equal(fmin(mNA, g, na.rm = FALSE), BY(mNA, g, bmin)) expect_equal(fmin(mNA, g), inf2NA(BY(mNA, g, bmin, na.rm = TRUE))) # bmin(NA, na.rm = TRUE) gives Inf expect_equal(fmin(mtcars, g), BY(mtcars, g, bmin, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmin(mtcars, g, na.rm = FALSE), BY(mtcars, g, bmin)) expect_equal(fmin(mtcNA, g, na.rm = FALSE), BY(mtcNA, g, bmin)) expect_equal(fmin(mtcNA, g), inf2NA(BY(mtcNA, g, bmin, na.rm = TRUE))) # bmin(NA, na.rm = TRUE) gives Inf }) test_that("fmin performs numerically stable", { expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmin(1), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmin(NA), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmin(NA, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmin(x), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmin(x, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmin(xNA, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmin(xNA), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmin(m), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmin(m, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmin(mNA, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmin(mNA), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmin(mtcars), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmin(mtcars, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmin(mtcNA, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmin(mtcNA), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmin(x, f), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmin(x, f, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmin(xNA, f, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmin(xNA, f), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmin(m, g), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmin(m, g, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmin(mNA, g, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmin(mNA, g), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmin(mtcars, g), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmin(mtcars, g, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmin(mtcNA, g, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmin(mtcNA, g), simplify = FALSE))) }) test_that("fmin handles special values in the right way", { expect_equal(fmin(NA), NA_real_) expect_equal(fmin(NaN), NaN) expect_equal(fmin(Inf), Inf) expect_equal(fmin(-Inf), -Inf) expect_equal(fmin(TRUE), 1) expect_equal(fmin(FALSE), 0) expect_equal(fmin(NA, na.rm = FALSE), NA_real_) expect_equal(fmin(NaN, na.rm = FALSE), NaN) expect_equal(fmin(Inf, na.rm = FALSE), Inf) expect_equal(fmin(-Inf, na.rm = FALSE), -Inf) expect_equal(fmin(TRUE, na.rm = FALSE), 1) expect_equal(fmin(FALSE, na.rm = FALSE), 0) }) test_that("fmin produces errors for wrong input", { expect_error(fmin("a")) expect_error(fmin(NA_character_)) expect_error(fmin(mNAc)) expect_error(fmin(mNAc, f)) expect_error(fmin(1:2,1:3)) expect_error(fmin(m,1:31)) expect_error(fmin(mtcars,1:31)) expect_error(fmin(wlddev)) expect_error(fmin(wlddev, wlddev$iso3c)) }) # fmax double test_that("fmax performs like base::max", { expect_equal(fmax(NA), bmax(NA)) expect_equal(fmax(NA, na.rm = FALSE), bmax(NA)) expect_equal(fmax(1), bmax(1, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmax(1:3), bmax(1:3, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmax(-1:1), bmax(-1:1, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmax(1, na.rm = FALSE), bmax(1)) expect_equal(fmax(1:3, na.rm = FALSE), bmax(1:3)) expect_equal(fmax(-1:1, na.rm = FALSE), bmax(-1:1)) expect_equal(fmax(x), bmax(x, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmax(x, na.rm = FALSE), bmax(x)) expect_equal(fmax(xNA, na.rm = FALSE), bmax(xNA)) expect_equal(fmax(xNA), bmax(xNA, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmax(mtcars), fmax(m)) expect_equal(fmax(m), dapply(m, bmax, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmax(m, na.rm = FALSE), dapply(m, bmax)) expect_equal(fmax(mNA, na.rm = FALSE), dapply(mNA, bmax)) expect_equal(fmax(mNA), dapply(mNA, bmax, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmax(mtcars), dapply(mtcars, bmax, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmax(mtcars, na.rm = FALSE), dapply(mtcars, bmax)) expect_equal(fmax(mtcNA, na.rm = FALSE), dapply(mtcNA, bmax)) expect_equal(fmax(mtcNA), dapply(mtcNA, bmax, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmax(x, f), BY(x, f, bmax, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmax(x, f, na.rm = FALSE), BY(x, f, bmax)) expect_equal(fmax(xNA, f, na.rm = FALSE), BY(xNA, f, bmax)) expect_equal(fmax(xNA, f), inf2NA(BY(xNA, f, bmax, na.rm = TRUE))) expect_equal(fmax(m, g), BY(m, g, bmax, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmax(m, g, na.rm = FALSE), BY(m, g, bmax)) expect_equal(fmax(mNA, g, na.rm = FALSE), BY(mNA, g, bmax)) expect_equal(fmax(mNA, g), inf2NA(BY(mNA, g, bmax, na.rm = TRUE))) # bmax(NA, na.rm = TRUE) gives -Inf expect_equal(fmax(mtcars, g), BY(mtcars, g, bmax, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(fmax(mtcars, g, na.rm = FALSE), BY(mtcars, g, bmax)) expect_equal(fmax(mtcNA, g, na.rm = FALSE), BY(mtcNA, g, bmax)) expect_equal(fmax(mtcNA, g), inf2NA(BY(mtcNA, g, bmax, na.rm = TRUE))) # bmax(NA, na.rm = TRUE) gives -Inf }) test_that("fmax performs numerically stable", { expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmax(1), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmax(NA), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmax(NA, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmax(x), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmax(x, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmax(xNA, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmax(xNA), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmax(m), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmax(m, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmax(mNA, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmax(mNA), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmax(mtcars), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmax(mtcars, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmax(mtcNA, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmax(mtcNA), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmax(x, f), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmax(x, f, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmax(xNA, f, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmax(xNA, f), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmax(m, g), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmax(m, g, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmax(mNA, g, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmax(mNA, g), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmax(mtcars, g), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmax(mtcars, g, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmax(mtcNA, g, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_obj_equal(replicate(50, fmax(mtcNA, g), simplify = FALSE))) }) test_that("fmax handles special values in the right way", { expect_equal(fmax(NA), NA_real_) expect_equal(fmax(NaN), NaN) expect_equal(fmax(Inf), Inf) expect_equal(fmax(-Inf), -Inf) expect_equal(fmax(TRUE), 1) expect_equal(fmax(FALSE), 0) expect_equal(fmax(NA, na.rm = FALSE), NA_real_) expect_equal(fmax(NaN, na.rm = FALSE), NaN) expect_equal(fmax(Inf, na.rm = FALSE), Inf) expect_equal(fmax(-Inf, na.rm = FALSE), -Inf) expect_equal(fmax(TRUE, na.rm = FALSE), 1) expect_equal(fmax(FALSE, na.rm = FALSE), 0) }) test_that("fmax produces errors for wrong input", { expect_error(fmax("a")) expect_error(fmax(NA_character_)) expect_error(fmax(mNAc)) expect_error(fmax(mNAc, f)) expect_error(fmax(1:2,1:3)) expect_error(fmax(m,1:31)) expect_error(fmax(mtcars,1:31)) expect_error(fmax(wlddev)) expect_error(fmax(wlddev, wlddev$iso3c)) }) # fmin int x <- as.integer(x) xNA <- as.integer(xNA) mtcNA <- dapply(mtcNA, as.integer) mtcars <- dapply(mtcars, as.integer) storage.mode(m) <- "integer" storage.mode(mNA) <- "integer" toint <- function(x) { storage.mode(x) <- "integer" x } test_that("fmin with integers performs like base::min", { expect_identical(fmin(x), bmin(x, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_identical(fmin(x, na.rm = FALSE), bmin(x)) expect_identical(fmin(xNA, na.rm = FALSE), bmin(xNA)) expect_identical(fmin(xNA), bmin(xNA, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_identical(toint(fmin(mtcars)), fmin(m)) expect_identical(fmin(m), dapply(m, bmin, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_identical(fmin(m, na.rm = FALSE), dapply(m, bmin)) expect_identical(fmin(mNA, na.rm = FALSE), dapply(mNA, bmin)) expect_identical(fmin(mNA), dapply(mNA, bmin, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_identical(toint(fmin(mtcars)), dapply(mtcars, bmin, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_identical(toint(fmin(mtcars, na.rm = FALSE)), dapply(mtcars, bmin)) expect_identical(toint(fmin(mtcNA, na.rm = FALSE)), dapply(mtcNA, bmin)) expect_identical(toint(fmin(mtcNA)), dapply(mtcNA, bmin, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_identical(fmin(x, f), BY(x, f, bmin, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_identical(fmin(x, f, na.rm = FALSE), BY(x, f, bmin)) expect_identical(fmin(xNA, f, na.rm = FALSE), BY(xNA, f, bmin)) expect_identical(fmin(xNA, f), inf2NA(BY(xNA, f, bmin, na.rm = TRUE))) expect_identical(fmin(m, g), BY(m, g, bmin, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_identical(fmin(m, g, na.rm = FALSE), BY(m, g, bmin)) expect_identical(fmin(mNA, g, na.rm = FALSE), BY(mNA, g, bmin)) expect_identical(fmin(mNA, g), toint(inf2NA(BY(mNA, g, bmin, na.rm = TRUE)))) # bmin(NA, na.rm = TRUE) gives Inf expect_identical(fmin(mtcars, g), BY(mtcars, g, bmin, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_identical(fmin(mtcars, g, na.rm = FALSE), BY(mtcars, g, bmin)) expect_identical(fmin(mtcNA, g, na.rm = FALSE), BY(mtcNA, g, bmin)) expect_identical(fmin(mtcNA, g), dapply(inf2NA(BY(mtcNA, g, bmin, na.rm = TRUE)), toint)) # bmin(NA, na.rm = TRUE) gives Inf }) test_that("fmin with integers performs numerically stable", { expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmin(x), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmin(x, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmin(xNA, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmin(xNA), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmin(m), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmin(m, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmin(mNA, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmin(mNA), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmin(mtcars), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmin(mtcars, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmin(mtcNA, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmin(mtcNA), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmin(x, f), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmin(x, f, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmin(xNA, f, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmin(xNA, f), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmin(m, g), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmin(m, g, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmin(mNA, g, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmin(mNA, g), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmin(mtcars, g), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmin(mtcars, g, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmin(mtcNA, g, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmin(mtcNA, g), simplify = FALSE))) }) test_that("fmin with integers produces errors for wrong input", { expect_error(fmin(m,1:31)) expect_error(fmin(mtcars,1:31)) }) # fmax int test_that("fmax with integers performs like base::max", { expect_identical(fmax(x), bmax(x, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_identical(fmax(x, na.rm = FALSE), bmax(x)) expect_identical(fmax(xNA, na.rm = FALSE), bmax(xNA)) expect_identical(fmax(xNA), bmax(xNA, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_identical(toint(fmax(mtcars)), fmax(m)) expect_identical(fmax(m), dapply(m, bmax, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_identical(fmax(m, na.rm = FALSE), dapply(m, bmax)) expect_identical(fmax(mNA, na.rm = FALSE), dapply(mNA, bmax)) expect_identical(fmax(mNA), dapply(mNA, bmax, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_identical(toint(fmax(mtcars)), dapply(mtcars, bmax, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_identical(toint(fmax(mtcars, na.rm = FALSE)), dapply(mtcars, bmax)) expect_identical(toint(fmax(mtcNA, na.rm = FALSE)), dapply(mtcNA, bmax)) expect_identical(toint(fmax(mtcNA)), dapply(mtcNA, bmax, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_identical(fmax(x, f), BY(x, f, bmax, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_identical(fmax(x, f, na.rm = FALSE), BY(x, f, bmax)) expect_identical(fmax(xNA, f, na.rm = FALSE), BY(xNA, f, bmax)) expect_identical(fmax(xNA, f), inf2NA(BY(xNA, f, bmax, na.rm = TRUE))) expect_identical(fmax(m, g), BY(m, g, bmax, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_identical(fmax(m, g, na.rm = FALSE), BY(m, g, bmax)) expect_identical(fmax(mNA, g, na.rm = FALSE), BY(mNA, g, bmax)) expect_identical(fmax(mNA, g), toint(inf2NA(BY(mNA, g, bmax, na.rm = TRUE)))) # bmax(NA, na.rm = TRUE) gives -Inf expect_identical(fmax(mtcars, g), BY(mtcars, g, bmax, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_identical(fmax(mtcars, g, na.rm = FALSE), BY(mtcars, g, bmax)) expect_identical(fmax(mtcNA, g, na.rm = FALSE), BY(mtcNA, g, bmax)) expect_identical(fmax(mtcNA, g), dapply(inf2NA(BY(mtcNA, g, bmax, na.rm = TRUE)), toint)) # bmax(NA, na.rm = TRUE) gives -Inf }) test_that("fmax with integers performs numerically stable", { expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmax(x), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmax(x, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmax(xNA, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmax(xNA), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmax(m), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmax(m, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmax(mNA, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmax(mNA), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmax(mtcars), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmax(mtcars, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmax(mtcNA, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmax(mtcNA), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmax(x, f), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmax(x, f, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmax(xNA, f, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmax(xNA, f), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmax(m, g), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmax(m, g, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmax(mNA, g, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmax(mNA, g), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmax(mtcars, g), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmax(mtcars, g, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmax(mtcNA, g, na.rm = FALSE), simplify = FALSE))) expect_true(all_identical(replicate(50, fmax(mtcNA, g), simplify = FALSE))) }) test_that("fmax with integers produces errors for wrong input", { expect_error(fmax(m,1:31)) expect_error(fmax(mtcars,1:31)) }) options(warn = 1)