context("fhdbetween / HDB and fhdwithin / HDW") if(!is.null(attributes(identical(FALSE, TRUE)))) stop("OECD label issue") # rm(list = ls()) # TODO: Sort out why certain tests fail... failtests = FALSE options(warn = -1) set.seed(101) x <- rnorm(100) w <- abs(100*rnorm(100)) wdat <- abs(100*rnorm(32)) xNA <- x wNA <- w wdatNA <- wdat xNA[,20)] <- NA wNA[,20)] <- NA wdatNA[, 5)] <- NA f <- as.factor(rep(1:10, each = 10)) g <- as.factor(rep(c(1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10))) mtcNA <- na_insert(mtcars) mtcNA[1,1] <- NA # single group NA !! m <- as.matrix(mtcars) mNA <- as.matrix(mtcNA) mNAc <- mNA storage.mode(mNAc) <- "character" baseresid <- function(y, X, na.rm = FALSE) { y <- qM(y) if(is.list(X)) X <-, X) X <- cbind(Intercept = 1L, X) if(na.rm) { cc <- complete.cases(y, X) y <- y[cc, , drop = FALSE] X <- X[cc, , drop = FALSE] } drop(qr.resid(qr.default(X), y)) } basefitted <- function(y, X, na.rm = FALSE) { y <- qM(y) if(is.list(X)) X <-, X) X <- cbind(Intercept = 1L, X) if(na.rm) { cc <- complete.cases(y, X) y <- y[cc, , drop = FALSE] X <- X[cc, , drop = FALSE] } drop(qr.fitted(qr.default(X), y)) } # fhdbetween and fhdwithin test_that("fhdbetween with one factor performs like fbetween", { expect_equal(fhdbetween(x, f), fbetween(x, f)) expect_equal(fhdbetween(x, f, na.rm = FALSE), fbetween(x, f, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fhdbetween(xNA, f, na.rm = FALSE), fbetween(xNA, f, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(`attributes<-`(fhdbetween(xNA, f, fill = TRUE), NULL), fbetween(xNA, f)) expect_equal(fhdbetween(m, g), fbetween(m, g)) expect_equal(fhdbetween(m, g, na.rm = FALSE), fbetween(m, g, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fhdbetween(mNA, g, na.rm = FALSE), fbetween(mNA, g, na.rm = FALSE)) # expect_equal(fhdbetween(mNA, g, fill = TRUE), fbetween(mNA, g)) # not matching, fhdbetween matrix is not variable.wise expect_equal(fhdbetween(mtcars, g), fbetween(mtcars, g)) expect_equal(fhdbetween(mtcars, g, na.rm = FALSE), fbetween(mtcars, g, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fhdbetween(mtcNA, g, na.rm = FALSE), fbetween(mtcNA, g, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fhdbetween(mtcNA, g, variable.wise = TRUE), fbetween(mtcNA, g)) # with weights expect_equal(fhdbetween(x, f, w), fbetween(x, f, w)) expect_equal(fhdbetween(x, f, w, na.rm = FALSE), fbetween(x, f, w, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fhdbetween(xNA, f, w, na.rm = FALSE), fbetween(xNA, f, w, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(`attributes<-`(fhdbetween(xNA, f, w, fill = TRUE), NULL), fbetween(xNA, f, w)) expect_equal(fhdbetween(m, g, wdat), fbetween(m, g, wdat)) expect_equal(fhdbetween(m, g, wdat, na.rm = FALSE), fbetween(m, g, wdat, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fhdbetween(mNA, g, wdat, na.rm = FALSE), fbetween(mNA, g, wdat, na.rm = FALSE)) # expect_equal(fhdbetween(mNA, g, fill = TRUE), fbetween(mNA, g)) # not matching, fhdbetween matrix is not variable.wise expect_equal(fhdbetween(mtcars, g, wdat), fbetween(mtcars, g, wdat)) expect_equal(fhdbetween(mtcars, g, wdat, na.rm = FALSE), fbetween(mtcars, g, wdat, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fhdbetween(mtcNA, g, wdat, na.rm = FALSE), fbetween(mtcNA, g, wdat, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fhdbetween(mtcNA, g, wdat, variable.wise = TRUE), fbetween(mtcNA, g, wdat)) }) test_that("fhdwithin with one factor performs like fwithin", { expect_equal(fhdwithin(x, f), fwithin(x, f)) expect_equal(fhdwithin(x, f, na.rm = FALSE), fwithin(x, f, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fhdwithin(xNA, f, na.rm = FALSE), fwithin(xNA, f, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(`attributes<-`(fhdwithin(xNA, f, fill = TRUE), NULL), fwithin(xNA, f)) expect_equal(fhdwithin(m, g), fwithin(m, g)) expect_equal(fhdwithin(m, g, na.rm = FALSE), fwithin(m, g, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fhdwithin(mNA, g, na.rm = FALSE), fwithin(mNA, g, na.rm = FALSE)) # expect_equal(fhdwithin(mNA, g, fill = TRUE), fwithin(mNA, g)) # not matching, fhdwithin matrix is not variable.wise expect_equal(fhdwithin(mtcars, g), fwithin(mtcars, g)) expect_equal(fhdwithin(mtcars, g, na.rm = FALSE), fwithin(mtcars, g, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fhdwithin(mtcNA, g, na.rm = FALSE), fwithin(mtcNA, g, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fhdwithin(mtcNA, g, variable.wise = TRUE), fwithin(mtcNA, g)) # with weights expect_equal(fhdwithin(x, f, w), fwithin(x, f, w)) expect_equal(fhdwithin(x, f, w, na.rm = FALSE), fwithin(x, f, w, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fhdwithin(xNA, f, w, na.rm = FALSE), fwithin(xNA, f, w, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(`attributes<-`(fhdwithin(xNA, f, w, fill = TRUE), NULL), fwithin(xNA, f, w)) expect_equal(fhdwithin(m, g, wdat), fwithin(m, g, wdat)) expect_equal(fhdwithin(m, g, wdat, na.rm = FALSE), fwithin(m, g, wdat, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fhdwithin(mNA, g, wdat, na.rm = FALSE), fwithin(mNA, g, wdat, na.rm = FALSE)) # expect_equal(fhdwithin(mNA, g, wdat, fill = TRUE), fwithin(mNA, g)) # not matching, wdat, fhdwithin matrix is not variable.wise expect_equal(fhdwithin(mtcars, g, wdat), fwithin(mtcars, g, wdat)) expect_equal(fhdwithin(mtcars, g, wdat, na.rm = FALSE), fwithin(mtcars, g, wdat, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fhdwithin(mtcNA, g, wdat, na.rm = FALSE), fwithin(mtcNA, g, wdat, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_equal(fhdwithin(mtcNA, g, wdat, variable.wise = TRUE), fwithin(mtcNA, g, wdat)) }) set.seed(101) f2 <- qF(, 100, TRUE)) fl <- list(f, f2) g2 <- qF(, 32, TRUE)) gl <- list(g, g2) # This is to fool very silly checks on CRAN scanning the code of the tests if(identical(Sys.getenv("LOCAL"), "TRUE")) demeanlist <- eval(parse(text = paste0("lfe", ":", ":", "demeanlist"))) tol <- if(identical(Sys.getenv("LOCAL"), "TRUE")) 1e-5 else 1e-4 if(requireNamespace("fixest", quietly = TRUE)) { demean <- fixest::demean # eval(parse(text = paste0("fixest", ":", ":", "demean"))) # lfe is back on CRAN: This now also seems to produce a warning !!!!!!! if(identical(Sys.getenv("LOCAL"), "TRUE")) test_that("fhdbetween with two factors performs like demeanlist", { expect_equal(fhdbetween(x, fl), demeanlist(x, fl, means = TRUE), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdbetween(xNA, fl), demeanlist(xNA, fl, means = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE), tolerance = tol) expect_visible(fhdbetween(xNA, fl, fill = TRUE)) expect_equal(fhdbetween(m, gl), demeanlist(m, gl, means = TRUE), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdbetween(mNA, gl, na.rm = FALSE), demeanlist(mNA, gl, means = TRUE), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdbetween(mNA, gl), demeanlist(mNA, gl, means = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE), tolerance = tol) expect_visible(fhdbetween(mNA, gl, fill = TRUE)) expect_equal(fhdbetween(mtcars, gl), demeanlist(mtcars, gl, means = TRUE), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdbetween(mtcNA, gl, na.rm = FALSE), demeanlist(mtcNA, gl, means = TRUE), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(setRownames(fhdbetween(mtcNA, gl)), demeanlist(mtcNA, gl, means = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE), tolerance = tol) expect_visible(fhdbetween(mtcNA, gl, fill = TRUE)) expect_visible(fhdbetween(mtcNA, gl, variable.wise = TRUE)) # With weights expect_equal(fhdbetween(x, fl, w), drop(x - demean(x, fl, weights = w)), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(unattrib(fhdbetween(xNA, fl, w)), drop(na_rm(xNA) - demean(xNA, fl, weights = w, na.rm = TRUE)), tolerance = tol) expect_visible(fhdbetween(xNA, fl, w, fill = TRUE)) expect_equal(fhdbetween(m, gl, wdat), m - demean(m, gl, weights = wdat), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdbetween(mNA, gl, wdat, na.rm = FALSE), demeanlist(mNA, gl, weights = wdat, means = TRUE), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(unattrib(fhdbetween(mNA, gl, wdat)), unattrib(na_omit(mNA) - demean(mNA, gl, weights = wdat, na.rm = TRUE)), tolerance = tol) expect_visible(fhdbetween(mNA, gl, wdat, fill = TRUE)) # This one is a bug in demean and will be fixed soon... expect_equal(fhdbetween(mtcars, gl, wdat), mtcars %c-% demean(mtcars, gl, weights = wdat), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdbetween(mtcNA, gl, na.rm = FALSE), demeanlist(mtcNA, gl, weights = wdat, means = TRUE), tolerance = tol) # Same here expect_equal(unattrib(fhdbetween(mtcNA, gl, wdat)), unattrib(na_omit(mtcNA) %c-% demean(mtcNA, gl, weights = wdat, na.rm = TRUE)), tolerance = tol) expect_visible(fhdbetween(mtcNA, gl, wdat, fill = TRUE)) expect_visible(fhdbetween(mtcNA, gl, wdat, variable.wise = TRUE)) }) test_that("fhdwithin with two factors performs like demean", { expect_equal(fhdwithin(x, fl), drop(demean(x, fl)), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(unattrib(fhdwithin(xNA, fl)), unattrib(demean(xNA, fl, na.rm = TRUE)), tolerance = tol) expect_identical(length(fhdwithin(xNA, fl, fill = TRUE)), length(xNA)) expect_equal(unattrib(fhdwithin(m, gl)), unattrib(demean(m, gl)), tolerance = tol) # expect_equal(fhdwithin(mNA, gl, na.rm = FALSE), demean(mNA, gl), tolerance = tol) # can break R expect_equal(unattrib(fhdwithin(mNA, gl)), unattrib(demean(mNA, gl, na.rm = TRUE)), tolerance = tol) expect_identical(nrow(fhdwithin(mNA, gl, fill = TRUE)), nrow(mNA)) expect_equal(unattrib(fhdwithin(mtcars, gl)), unattrib(demean(mtcars, gl)), tolerance = tol) # expect_equal(fhdwithin(mtcNA, gl, na.rm = FALSE), demean(mtcNA, gl), tolerance = tol) # can break R expect_equal(unattrib(fhdwithin(mtcNA, gl)), unattrib(demean(mtcNA, gl, na.rm = TRUE)), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fnrow(fhdwithin(mtcNA, gl, fill = TRUE)), fnrow(mtcNA)) expect_identical(fnrow(fhdwithin(mtcNA, gl, variable.wise = TRUE)), fnrow(mtcNA)) # With weights expect_equal(fhdwithin(x, fl, w), drop(demean(x, fl, weights = w)), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(unattrib(fhdwithin(xNA, fl, w)), unattrib(demean(xNA, fl, weights = w, na.rm = TRUE)), tolerance = tol) expect_identical(length(fhdwithin(xNA, fl, w, fill = TRUE)), length(xNA)) expect_equal(unattrib(fhdwithin(m, gl, wdat)), unattrib(demean(m, gl, weights = wdat)), tolerance = tol) # expect_equal(fhdwithin(mNA, gl, wdat, na.rm = FALSE), demean(mNA, gl, weights = wdat), tolerance = tol) # can break R cc <- complete.cases(mNA) expect_equal(unattrib(fhdwithin(mNA, gl, wdat)), unattrib(demean(mNA[cc, ], lapply(gl, .subset, cc), weights = wdat[cc])), tolerance = tol) expect_identical(nrow(fhdwithin(mNA, gl, wdat, fill = TRUE)), nrow(mNA)) # Smae here, bug to be fixed in demean() expect_equal(unattrib(fhdwithin(mtcars, gl, wdat)), unattrib(demean(mtcars, gl, weights = wdat)), tolerance = tol) # expect_equal(fhdwithin(mtcNA, gl, wdat, na.rm = FALSE), demean(mtcNA, gl, weights = wdat), tolerance = tol) # can break R # Also bug expect_equal(unattrib(fhdwithin(mtcNA, gl, wdat)), unattrib(demean(mtcNA, gl, weights = wdat, na.rm = TRUE)), tolerance = 1e-3) expect_equal(fnrow(fhdwithin(mtcNA, gl, wdat, fill = TRUE)), fnrow(mtcNA)) expect_identical(fnrow(fhdwithin(mtcNA, gl, wdat, variable.wise = TRUE)), fnrow(mtcNA)) }) } x2 <- 3 * x + rnorm(100) test_that("fhdbetween with only continuous variables performs like basefitted (defined above)", { expect_equal(fhdbetween(x, x2), basefitted(x, x2), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(`attr<-`(fhdbetween(xNA, x2), "na.rm", NULL), basefitted(xNA, x2, na.rm = TRUE), tolerance = tol) expect_visible(fhdbetween(xNA, x2, fill = TRUE)) expect_equal(fhdbetween(m, m), fhdbetween(m, mtcars), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdbetween(m, m), basefitted(m, m), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(`attr<-`(fhdbetween(mNA, m, lm.method = "qr"), "na.rm", NULL), basefitted(mNA, m, na.rm = TRUE), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdbetween(mNA, m, fill = TRUE, lm.method = "qr"), fhdbetween(mNA, mtcars, fill = TRUE, lm.method = "qr"), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdbetween(mtcars, mtcars), fhdbetween(mtcars, m), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdbetween(mtcars, mtcars), qDF(basefitted(mtcars, mtcars)), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(`attr<-`(fhdbetween(mtcNA, mtcars, lm.method = "qr"), "na.rm", NULL), qDF(basefitted(mtcNA, mtcars, na.rm = TRUE)), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdbetween(mtcNA, mtcars, fill = TRUE, lm.method = "qr"), fhdbetween(mtcNA, m, fill = TRUE, lm.method = "qr"), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdbetween(mtcNA, mtcars, variable.wise = TRUE), fhdbetween(mtcNA, m, variable.wise = TRUE), tolerance = tol) }) test_that("fhdwithin with only continuous variables performs like baseresid (defined above)", { expect_equal(fhdwithin(x, x2), baseresid(x, x2), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(`attr<-`(fhdwithin(xNA, x2), "na.rm", NULL), baseresid(xNA, x2, na.rm = TRUE), tolerance = tol) expect_visible(fhdwithin(xNA, x2, fill = TRUE)) expect_equal(fhdwithin(m, m), fhdwithin(m, mtcars), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdwithin(m, m), baseresid(m, m), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(`attr<-`(fhdwithin(mNA, m, lm.method = "qr"), "na.rm", NULL), baseresid(mNA, m, na.rm = TRUE), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdwithin(mNA, m, fill = TRUE, lm.method = "qr"), fhdwithin(mNA, mtcars, fill = TRUE, lm.method = "qr"), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdwithin(mtcars, mtcars), fhdwithin(mtcars, m), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdwithin(mtcars, mtcars), qDF(baseresid(mtcars, mtcars)), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(`attr<-`(fhdwithin(mtcNA, mtcars, lm.method = "qr"), "na.rm", NULL), qDF(baseresid(mtcNA, mtcars, na.rm = TRUE)), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdwithin(mtcNA, mtcars, fill = TRUE, lm.method = "qr"), fhdwithin(mtcNA, m, fill = TRUE, lm.method = "qr"), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdwithin(mtcNA, mtcars, variable.wise = TRUE), fhdwithin(mtcNA, m, variable.wise = TRUE), tolerance = tol) }) if(requireNamespace("fixest", quietly = TRUE)) { data <- wlddev data$year <- qF(data$year) data <- get_vars(data, c("iso3c","year","region","income","PCGDP","LIFEEX","ODA")) ww <- abs(rnorm(fnrow(data))) wi <- abs(rnorm(fnrow(iris))) test_that("fhdbetween with multiple variables performs like lm", { expect_equal(fhdbetween(iris$Sepal.Length, iris[-1]), `names<-`(fitted(lm(Sepal.Length ~., iris)), NULL), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdbetween(iris[1], iris[-1])[[1]], `names<-`(fitted(lm(Sepal.Length ~., iris)), NULL), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(setRownames(qM(fhdbetween(iris[1:2], iris[-(1:2)]))), fitted(lm(cbind(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width) ~., iris)), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(`attributes<-`(fhdbetween(data$PCGDP, data[-5]), NULL), `attributes<-`(fitted(lm(PCGDP ~., data)), NULL), tolerance = tol) expect_visible(fhdbetween(data$PCGDP, data[-5], fill = TRUE)) expect_equal(`attributes<-`(fhdbetween(data[5], data[-5])[[1]], NULL), `attributes<-`(fitted(lm(PCGDP ~., data)), NULL), tolerance = tol) expect_visible(fhdbetween(data[5], data[-5], fill = TRUE)) expect_equal(setRownames(qM(fhdbetween(data[5:6], data[-(5:6)]))), setRownames(fitted(lm(cbind(PCGDP, LIFEEX) ~., data))), tolerance = tol) expect_visible(fhdbetween(data[5:6], data[-(5:6)], fill = TRUE)) expect_visible(fhdbetween(data[5:6], data[-(5:6)], variable.wise = TRUE)) expect_equal(setRownames(qM(fhdbetween(data[5:7], data[-(5:7)]))), setRownames(fitted(lm(cbind(PCGDP, LIFEEX, ODA) ~., data))), tolerance = tol) expect_visible(fhdbetween(data[5:7], data[-(5:7)], fill = TRUE)) expect_visible(fhdbetween(data[5:7], data[-(5:7)], variable.wise = TRUE)) expect_equal(setRownames(qM(fhdbetween(data[5:6], data$ODA))), setRownames(fitted(lm(cbind(PCGDP, LIFEEX) ~., data[5:7]))), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdbetween(data[5:6], data[7], fill = TRUE), fhdbetween(data[5:6], data$ODA, fill = TRUE), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdbetween(data[5:6], data[7], variable.wise = TRUE), fhdbetween(data[5:6], data$ODA, variable.wise = TRUE), tolerance = tol) # With weights expect_equal(fhdbetween(iris$Sepal.Length, iris[-1], wi), `names<-`(fitted(lm(Sepal.Length ~., iris, weights = wi)), NULL), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdbetween(iris[1], iris[-1], wi)[[1]], `names<-`(fitted(lm(Sepal.Length ~., iris, weights = wi)), NULL), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(setRownames(qM(fhdbetween(iris[1:2], iris[-(1:2)], wi))), fitted(lm(cbind(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width) ~., iris, weights = wi)), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(`attributes<-`(fhdbetween(data$PCGDP, data[-5], ww), NULL), `attributes<-`(fitted(lm(PCGDP ~., data, weights = ww)), NULL), tolerance = tol) expect_visible(fhdbetween(data$PCGDP, data[-5], ww, fill = TRUE)) expect_equal(`attributes<-`(fhdbetween(data[5], data[-5], ww)[[1]], NULL), `attributes<-`(fitted(lm(PCGDP ~., data, weights = ww)), NULL), tolerance = tol) expect_visible(fhdbetween(data[5], data[-5], ww, fill = TRUE)) expect_equal(setRownames(qM(fhdbetween(data[5:6], data[-(5:6)], ww))), setRownames(fitted(lm(cbind(PCGDP, LIFEEX) ~., data, weights = ww))), tolerance = tol) expect_visible(fhdbetween(data[5:6], data[-(5:6)], ww, fill = TRUE)) expect_visible(fhdbetween(data[5:6], data[-(5:6)], ww, variable.wise = TRUE)) expect_equal(setRownames(qM(fhdbetween(data[5:7], data[-(5:7)], ww))), setRownames(fitted(lm(cbind(PCGDP, LIFEEX, ODA) ~., data, weights = ww))), tolerance = tol) expect_visible(fhdbetween(data[5:7], data[-(5:7)], ww, fill = TRUE)) expect_visible(fhdbetween(data[5:7], data[-(5:7)], ww, variable.wise = TRUE)) expect_equal(setRownames(qM(fhdbetween(data[5:6], data$ODA, ww))), setRownames(fitted(lm(cbind(PCGDP, LIFEEX) ~., data[5:7], weights = ww))), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdbetween(data[5:6], data[7], ww, fill = TRUE), fhdbetween(data[5:6], data$ODA, ww, fill = TRUE), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdbetween(data[5:6], data[7], ww, variable.wise = TRUE), fhdbetween(data[5:6], data$ODA, ww, variable.wise = TRUE), tolerance = tol) }) test_that("fhdwithin with multiple variables performs like lm", { expect_equal(fhdwithin(iris$Sepal.Length, iris[-1]), `names<-`(resid(lm(Sepal.Length ~., iris)), NULL), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdwithin(iris[1], iris[-1])[[1]], `names<-`(resid(lm(Sepal.Length ~., iris)), NULL), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(setRownames(qM(fhdwithin(iris[1:2], iris[-(1:2)]))), resid(lm(cbind(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width) ~., iris)), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(`attributes<-`(fhdwithin(data$PCGDP, data[-5]), NULL), `attributes<-`(resid(lm(PCGDP ~., data)), NULL), tolerance = tol) expect_visible(fhdwithin(data$PCGDP, data[-5], fill = TRUE)) expect_equal(`attributes<-`(fhdwithin(data[5], data[-5])[[1]], NULL), `attributes<-`(resid(lm(PCGDP ~., data)), NULL), tolerance = tol) expect_visible(fhdwithin(data[5], data[-5], fill = TRUE)) expect_equal(setRownames(qM(fhdwithin(data[5:6], data[-(5:6)]))), setRownames(resid(lm(cbind(PCGDP, LIFEEX) ~., data))), tolerance = tol) expect_visible(fhdwithin(data[5:6], data[-(5:6)], fill = TRUE)) expect_visible(fhdwithin(data[5:6], data[-(5:6)], variable.wise = TRUE)) expect_equal(setRownames(qM(fhdwithin(data[5:7], data[-(5:7)]))), setRownames(resid(lm(cbind(PCGDP, LIFEEX, ODA) ~., data))), tolerance = tol) expect_visible(fhdwithin(data[5:7], data[-(5:7)], fill = TRUE)) expect_visible(fhdwithin(data[5:7], data[-(5:7)], variable.wise = TRUE)) expect_equal(setRownames(qM(fhdwithin(data[5:6], data$ODA))), setRownames(resid(lm(cbind(PCGDP, LIFEEX) ~., data[5:7]))), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdwithin(data[5:6], data[7], fill = TRUE), fhdwithin(data[5:6], data$ODA, fill = TRUE), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdwithin(data[5:6], data[7], variable.wise = TRUE), fhdwithin(data[5:6], data$ODA, variable.wise = TRUE), tolerance = tol) # With weights expect_equal(fhdwithin(iris$Sepal.Length, iris[-1], wi), `names<-`(resid(lm(Sepal.Length ~., iris, weights = wi)), NULL), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdwithin(iris[1], iris[-1], wi)[[1]], `names<-`(resid(lm(Sepal.Length ~., iris, weights = wi)), NULL), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(setRownames(qM(fhdwithin(iris[1:2], iris[-(1:2)], wi))), resid(lm(cbind(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width) ~., iris, weights = wi)), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(`attributes<-`(fhdwithin(data$PCGDP, data[-5], ww), NULL), `attributes<-`(resid(lm(PCGDP ~., data, weights = ww)), NULL), tolerance = tol) expect_visible(fhdwithin(data$PCGDP, data[-5], ww, fill = TRUE)) expect_equal(`attributes<-`(fhdwithin(data[5], data[-5], ww)[[1]], NULL), `attributes<-`(resid(lm(PCGDP ~., data, weights = ww)), NULL), tolerance = tol) expect_visible(fhdwithin(data[5], data[-5], ww, fill = TRUE)) expect_equal(setRownames(qM(fhdwithin(data[5:6], data[-(5:6)], ww))), setRownames(resid(lm(cbind(PCGDP, LIFEEX) ~., data, weights = ww))), tolerance = tol) expect_visible(fhdwithin(data[5:6], data[-(5:6)], ww, fill = TRUE)) expect_visible(fhdwithin(data[5:6], data[-(5:6)], ww, variable.wise = TRUE)) expect_equal(setRownames(qM(fhdwithin(data[5:7], data[-(5:7)], ww))), setRownames(resid(lm(cbind(PCGDP, LIFEEX, ODA) ~., data, weights = ww))), tolerance = tol) expect_visible(fhdwithin(data[5:7], data[-(5:7)], ww, fill = TRUE)) expect_visible(fhdwithin(data[5:7], data[-(5:7)], ww, variable.wise = TRUE)) expect_equal(setRownames(qM(fhdwithin(data[5:6], data$ODA, ww))), setRownames(resid(lm(cbind(PCGDP, LIFEEX) ~., data[5:7], weights = ww))), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdwithin(data[5:6], data[7], ww, fill = TRUE), fhdwithin(data[5:6], data$ODA, ww, fill = TRUE), tolerance = tol) expect_equal(fhdwithin(data[5:6], data[7], ww, variable.wise = TRUE), fhdwithin(data[5:6], data$ODA, ww, variable.wise = TRUE), tolerance = tol) }) } test_that("fhdbetween produces errors for wrong input", { expect_visible(fhdbetween(1:2,1:2)) expect_error(fhdbetween("a", 1)) expect_error(fhdbetween(mNAc, f)) expect_error(fhdbetween(1:2,1:3)) expect_error(fhdbetween(m,1:31)) expect_error(fhdbetween(mNA,1:31)) expect_error(fhdbetween(mtcars,1:31)) # expect_warning(fhdbetween(1:2, 1:2, bla = 1)) expect_error(fhdbetween(wlddev, list(wlddev$iso3c, wlddev$income[1:10000]))) expect_visible(fhdbetween(1:2,1:2, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_error(fhdbetween("a", 1, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_error(fhdbetween(mNAc, f, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_error(fhdbetween(1:2,1:3, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_error(fhdbetween(m,1:31, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_error(fhdbetween(mNA,1:31, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_error(fhdbetween(mtcars,1:31, na.rm = FALSE)) # expect_warning(fhdbetween(1:2, 1:2, bla = 1, na.rm = FALSE)) # expect_error(fhdbetween(wlddev, list(wlddev$iso3c, wlddev$income[1:10000]), na.rm = FALSE)) # breaks R }) test_that("fhdwithin produces errors for wrong input", { expect_visible(fhdwithin(1:2,1:2)) expect_error(fhdwithin("a", 1)) expect_error(fhdwithin(mNAc, f)) expect_error(fhdwithin(1:2,1:3)) expect_error(fhdwithin(m,1:31)) expect_error(fhdwithin(mNA,1:31)) expect_error(fhdwithin(mtcars,1:31)) # expect_warning(fhdwithin(1:2, 1:2, bla = 1)) expect_error(fhdwithin(wlddev, list(wlddev$iso3c, wlddev$income[1:10000]))) expect_visible(fhdwithin(1:2,1:2, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_error(fhdwithin("a", 1, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_error(fhdwithin(mNAc, f, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_error(fhdwithin(1:2,1:3, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_error(fhdwithin(m,1:31, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_error(fhdwithin(mNA,1:31, na.rm = FALSE)) expect_error(fhdwithin(mtcars,1:31, na.rm = FALSE)) # expect_warning(fhdwithin(1:2, 1:2, bla = 1, na.rm = FALSE)) # expect_error(fhdwithin(wlddev, list(wlddev$iso3c, wlddev$income[1:10000]), na.rm = FALSE)) # segfault !!! }) if(identical(Sys.getenv("NCRAN"), "TRUE")) { # HDB and HDW test_that("HDW data.frame method (formula input) performs properly", { # simple lm, continuous vars expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ carb + gear + wt, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + carb + gear + wt, mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # continuous interaction expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ carb*gear + wt, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + carb*gear + wt, mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # continuous 3-way interaction expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ carb*gear*wt, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + carb*gear*wt, mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # factor expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ qF(cyl), stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + qF(cyl), mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # factor - continuous without including factor expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ qF(cyl):carb, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + qF(cyl):carb, mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # multiple factors - continuous without including factor expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ qF(cyl):carb + qF(vs):carb, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + qF(cyl):carb + qF(vs):carb, mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # multiple factors - continuous without including factor 2 expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ qF(cyl):carb + qF(vs):wt, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + qF(cyl):carb + qF(vs):wt, mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # multiple factors - continuous without including factor 3 expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ am + qF(cyl):carb + qF(vs):wt, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + am + qF(cyl):carb + qF(vs):wt, mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # factor - continuous including factor expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ qF(cyl):carb + qF(cyl), stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + qF(cyl):carb + qF(cyl), mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # factor - continuous full interaction expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ qF(cyl)*carb, stub = FALSE, lm.method = "qr")))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + qF(cyl)*carb, mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs) + factor(am), stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl) + factor(vs) + factor(am), mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects + factor interaction expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs) + factor(am), stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):factor(vs) + factor(am), mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # 3 way factor interaction expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs):factor(am), stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):factor(vs):factor(am), mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs):factor(am), stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp , W(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects and continuous variable expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs) + factor(am) + carb + gear + wt, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl) + factor(vs) + factor(am) + carb + gear + wt, mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects and continuous variables and factor-continuous interactions expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs):gear + factor(am):carb + wt, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl) + factor(vs):gear + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects and continuous variables and full interactions expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs)*gear + factor(am):carb + wt, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl) + factor(vs)*gear + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects and continuous variables and factor-continuous interactions + factor interactions expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs) + factor(am):carb + wt, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):factor(vs) + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects and continuous variables and polynomaial interactions expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs):poly(gear,2) + factor(am):carb + wt, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl) + factor(vs):poly(gear,2) + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # 3-way interaction continuous-factor expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl):vs:gear + factor(am):carb + wt, stub = FALSE, lm.method = "qr")))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):vs:gear + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcars))[2:3]) # 3-way interaction factor-continuous expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs):gear + factor(am):carb + wt, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):factor(vs):gear + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcars))[2:3]) # With weights # simple lm, continuous vars expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ carb + gear + wt, wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + carb + gear + wt, mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # continuous interaction expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ carb*gear + wt, wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + carb*gear + wt, mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # continuous 3-way interaction expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ carb*gear*wt, wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + carb*gear*wt, mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # factor expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ qF(cyl), wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + qF(cyl), mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # factor - continuous without including factor expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ qF(cyl):carb, wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + qF(cyl):carb, mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # factor - continuous including factor expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ qF(cyl):carb + qF(cyl), wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + qF(cyl):carb + qF(cyl), mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # factor - continuous full interaction if(failtests) expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ qF(cyl)*carb, wdat, stub = FALSE, lm.method = "qr"), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + qF(cyl)*carb, mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs) + factor(am), wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl) + factor(vs) + factor(am), mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects + factor interaction expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs) + factor(am), wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):factor(vs) + factor(am), mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # 3 way factor interaction expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs):factor(am), wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):factor(vs):factor(am), mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs):factor(am), wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp , W(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am, wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects and continuous variable expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs) + factor(am) + carb + gear + wt, wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl) + factor(vs) + factor(am) + carb + gear + wt, mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects and continuous variables and factor-continuous interactions expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs):gear + factor(am):carb + wt, wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl) + factor(vs):gear + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects and continuous variables and full interactions expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs)*gear + factor(am):carb + wt, wdat, stub = FALSE, lm.method = "qr"), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl) + factor(vs)*gear + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects and continuous variables and factor-continuous interactions + factor interactions expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs) + factor(am):carb + wt, wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):factor(vs) + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects and continuous variables and polynomaial interactions expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs):poly(gear,2) + factor(am):carb + wt, wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl) + factor(vs):poly(gear,2) + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # 3-way interaction continuous-factor expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl):vs:gear + factor(am):carb + wt, wdat, stub = FALSE, lm.method = "qr"), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):vs:gear + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3]) # 3-way interaction factor-continuous expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs):gear + factor(am):carb + wt, wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):factor(vs):gear + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3]) }) test_that("HDW data.frame method (formula input) with 2-sided formula performs properly", { # simple lm, continuous vars expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ carb + gear + wt, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + carb + gear + wt, mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # continuous interaction expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ carb*gear + wt, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + carb*gear + wt, mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # continuous 3-way interaction expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ carb*gear*wt, stub = FALSE, lm.method = "qr")))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + carb*gear*wt, mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # factor expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ qF(cyl), stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + qF(cyl), mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # factor - continuous without including factor expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ qF(cyl):carb, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + qF(cyl):carb, mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # factor - continuous including factor expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ qF(cyl):carb + qF(cyl), stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + qF(cyl):carb + qF(cyl), mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # factor - continuous full interaction expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ qF(cyl)*carb, stub = FALSE, lm.method = "qr")))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + qF(cyl)*carb, mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs) + factor(am), stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl) + factor(vs) + factor(am), mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects + factor interaction expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs) + factor(am), stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):factor(vs) + factor(am), mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # 3 way factor interaction expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs):factor(am), stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):factor(vs):factor(am), mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs):factor(am), stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp , W(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs + am, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects and continuous variable expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs) + factor(am) + carb + gear + wt, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl) + factor(vs) + factor(am) + carb + gear + wt, mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects and continuous variables and factor-continuous interactions expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs):gear + factor(am):carb + wt, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl) + factor(vs):gear + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects and continuous variables and full interactions expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs)*gear + factor(am):carb + wt, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl) + factor(vs)*gear + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects and continuous variables and factor-continuous interactions + factor interactions expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs) + factor(am):carb + wt, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):factor(vs) + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects and continuous variables and polynomaial interactions expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs):poly(gear,2) + factor(am):carb + wt, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl) + factor(vs):poly(gear,2) + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcars))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # 3-way interaction continuous-factor expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl):vs:gear + factor(am):carb + wt, stub = FALSE, lm.method = "qr")))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):vs:gear + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcars))[2:3]) # 3-way interaction factor-continuous expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs):gear + factor(am):carb + wt, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):factor(vs):gear + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcars))[2:3]) # With weights # simple lm, continuous vars expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ carb + gear + wt, wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + carb + gear + wt, mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # continuous interaction expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ carb*gear + wt, wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + carb*gear + wt, mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # continuous 3-way interaction expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ carb*gear*wt, wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + carb*gear*wt, mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # factor expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ qF(cyl), wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + qF(cyl), mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # factor - continuous without including factor expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ qF(cyl):carb, wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + qF(cyl):carb, mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # factor - continuous including factor expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ qF(cyl):carb + qF(cyl), wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + qF(cyl):carb + qF(cyl), mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # factor - continuous full interaction if(failtests) expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ qF(cyl)*carb, wdat, stub = FALSE, lm.method = "qr"), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + qF(cyl)*carb, mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs) + factor(am), wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl) + factor(vs) + factor(am), mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects + factor interaction expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs) + factor(am), wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):factor(vs) + factor(am), mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # 3 way factor interaction expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs):factor(am), wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):factor(vs):factor(am), mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs):factor(am), wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp , W(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ cyl + vs + am, wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects and continuous variable expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs) + factor(am) + carb + gear + wt, wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl) + factor(vs) + factor(am) + carb + gear + wt, mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects and continuous variables and factor-continuous interactions expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs):gear + factor(am):carb + wt, wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl) + factor(vs):gear + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects and continuous variables and full interactions expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs)*gear + factor(am):carb + wt, wdat, stub = FALSE, lm.method = "qr"), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl) + factor(vs)*gear + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects and continuous variables and factor-continuous interactions + factor interactions expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs) + factor(am):carb + wt, wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):factor(vs) + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects and continuous variables and polynomaial interactions expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs):poly(gear,2) + factor(am):carb + wt, wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl) + factor(vs):poly(gear,2) + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # 3-way interaction continuous-factor expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl):vs:gear + factor(am):carb + wt, wdat, stub = FALSE, lm.method = "qr"), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):vs:gear + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3]) # 3-way interaction factor-continuous expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs):gear + factor(am):carb + wt, wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):factor(vs):gear + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcars, weights = wdat))[2:3]) }) test_that("HDW data.frame method (formula input) with 2-sided formula and missing values performs properly", { # simple lm, continuous vars expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ carb + gear + wt, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + carb + gear + wt, mtcNA))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # continuous interaction expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ carb*gear + wt, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + carb*gear + wt, mtcNA))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # continuous 3-way interaction expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ carb*gear*wt, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + carb*gear*wt, mtcNA))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # factor expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ qF(cyl), stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + qF(cyl), mtcNA))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # factor - continuous without including factor expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ qF(cyl):carb, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + qF(cyl):carb, mtcNA))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # factor - continuous including factor expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ qF(cyl):carb + qF(cyl), stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + qF(cyl):carb + qF(cyl), mtcNA))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # factor - continuous full interaction expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ qF(cyl)*carb, stub = FALSE, lm.method = "qr")))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + qF(cyl)*carb, mtcNA))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs) + factor(am), stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl) + factor(vs) + factor(am), mtcNA))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects + factor interaction expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs) + factor(am), stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):factor(vs) + factor(am), mtcNA))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # 3 way factor interaction expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs):factor(am), stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):factor(vs):factor(am), mtcNA))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects and continuous variable expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs) + factor(am) + carb + gear + wt, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl) + factor(vs) + factor(am) + carb + gear + wt, mtcNA))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects and continuous variables and factor-continuous interactions : Somestimes test fails, I don't know why (maybe demeanlist numeric problem) expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs):gear + factor(am):carb + wt, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl) + factor(vs):gear + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcNA))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects and continuous variables and full interactions expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs)*gear + factor(am):carb + wt, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl) + factor(vs)*gear + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcNA))[2:3], tolerance = 1) # faile R CMD Arch i386 (32 Bit) # HD fixed effects and continuous variables and factor-continuous interactions + factor interactions expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs) + factor(am):carb + wt, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):factor(vs) + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcNA))[2:3], tolerance = 1e-2) # 3-way interaction continuous-factor: error if(failtests) expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, ~ factor(cyl):vs:gear + factor(am):carb + wt, stub = FALSE, lm.method = "qr")))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):vs:gear + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcNA))[2:3]) # 3-way interaction factor-continuous: error if(failtests) expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs):gear + factor(am):carb + wt, stub = FALSE)))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):factor(vs):gear + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcNA))[2:3]) # With weights # simple lm, continuous vars expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ carb + gear + wt, wdat, stub = FALSE, fill = TRUE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + carb + gear + wt, mtcNA, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # continuous interaction expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ carb*gear + wt, wdat, stub = FALSE, fill = TRUE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + carb*gear + wt, mtcNA, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # continuous 3-way interaction expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ carb*gear*wt, wdat, stub = FALSE, fill = TRUE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + carb*gear*wt, mtcNA, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # factor expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ qF(cyl), wdat, stub = FALSE, fill = TRUE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + qF(cyl), mtcNA, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # factor - continuous without including factor expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ qF(cyl):carb, wdat, stub = FALSE, fill = TRUE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + qF(cyl):carb, mtcNA, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # factor - continuous including factor expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ qF(cyl):carb + qF(cyl), wdat, stub = FALSE, fill = TRUE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + qF(cyl):carb + qF(cyl), mtcNA, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # factor - continuous full interaction if(failtests) expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ qF(cyl)*carb, wdat, stub = FALSE, fill = TRUE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + qF(cyl)*carb, mtcNA, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs) + factor(am), wdat, stub = FALSE, fill = TRUE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl) + factor(vs) + factor(am), mtcNA, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects + factor interaction expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs) + factor(am), wdat, stub = FALSE, fill = TRUE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):factor(vs) + factor(am), mtcNA, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # 3 way factor interaction expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs):factor(am), wdat, stub = FALSE, fill = TRUE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):factor(vs):factor(am), mtcNA, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) if(failtests) expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs):factor(am), wdat, stub = FALSE, fill = TRUE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp , W(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ cyl + vs + am, wdat, stub = FALSE), weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects and continuous variable expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs) + factor(am) + carb + gear + wt, wdat, stub = FALSE, fill = TRUE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl) + factor(vs) + factor(am) + carb + gear + wt, mtcNA, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects and continuous variables and factor-continuous interactions expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs):gear + factor(am):carb + wt, wdat, stub = FALSE, fill = TRUE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl) + factor(vs):gear + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcNA, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects and continuous variables and full interactions if(failtests) expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs)*gear + factor(am):carb + wt, wdat, stub = FALSE, fill = TRUE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl) + factor(vs)*gear + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcNA, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects and continuous variables and factor-continuous interactions + factor interactions expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs) + factor(am):carb + wt, wdat, stub = FALSE, fill = TRUE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):factor(vs) + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcNA, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # HD fixed effects and continuous variables and polynomaial interactions if(failtests) expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs):poly(gear,2) + factor(am):carb + wt, wdat, stub = FALSE, fill = TRUE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl) + factor(vs):poly(gear,2) + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcNA, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) # 3-way interaction continuous-factor expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl):vs:gear + factor(am):carb + wt, wdat, stub = FALSE, fill = TRUE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):vs:gear + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcNA, weights = wdat))[2:3]) # 3-way interaction factor-continuous expect_equal(coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp, HDW(mtcNA, mpg + hp + disp ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs):gear + factor(am):carb + wt, wdat, stub = FALSE, fill = TRUE), weights = wdat))[2:3], coef(lm(mpg ~ hp + disp + factor(cyl):factor(vs):gear + factor(am):carb + wt, mtcNA, weights = wdat))[2:3], tolerance = tol) }) test_that("HDW weighted computations work like lm", { # ... if(failtests) expect_equal( unname(resid(lm(mpg ~ factor(cyl)*carb + factor(vs) + hp + gear, weights = wt, mtcars))), HDW(mtcars, mpg ~ factor(cyl)*carb + factor(vs) + hp + gear, mtcars$wt)[, 1], tolerance = 1e-4) if(failtests) expect_equal( unname(resid(lm(mpg ~ factor(cyl)*carb + factor(vs) + hp + gear, mtcars))), HDW(mtcars, mpg ~ factor(cyl)*carb + factor(vs) + hp + gear, lm.method = "qr")[, 1], tolerance = 1e-4) expect_equal( unname(resid(lm(mpg ~ factor(vs) + hp + gear, weights = wt, mtcars))), HDW(mtcars, mpg ~ factor(vs) + hp + gear, mtcars$wt)[, 1], tolerance = 1e-4) expect_equal( unname(resid(lm(mpg ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs) + hp + gear, weights = wt, mtcars))), HDW(mtcars, mpg ~ factor(cyl) + factor(vs) + hp + gear, mtcars$wt)[, 1], tolerance = 1e-4) expect_equal( unname(resid(lm(mpg ~ hp + gear, weights = wt, mtcars))), HDW(mtcars, mpg ~ hp + gear, mtcars$wt)[, 1], tolerance = 1e-4) }) } test_that("HDB data.frame method (formula input) throw errors", { expect_error(HDB(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs1)) expect_error(HDB(mtcars, mpg1 + hp ~ cyl + vs)) expect_error(HDB(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs, cols = 13)) expect_error(HDB(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs, cols = "mpg2")) }) test_that("HDW data.frame method (formula input) throw errors", { expect_error(HDW(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs1)) expect_error(HDW(mtcars, mpg1 + hp ~ cyl + vs)) expect_error(HDW(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs, cols = 13)) expect_error(HDW(mtcars, ~ cyl + vs, cols = "mpg2")) }) if(identical(Sys.getenv("NCRAN"), "TRUE")) test_that("Indexed data methods", { wldi = findex_by(wlddev, iso3c, year) expect_true(inherits(HDW(wldi$PCGDP), "indexed_series")) expect_true(inherits(HDW(wldi$PCGDP, fill = FALSE), "indexed_series")) expect_true(inherits(HDB(wldi$PCGDP), "indexed_series")) expect_true(inherits(HDB(wldi$PCGDP, fill = FALSE), "indexed_series")) expect_true(inherits(HDW(wldi$date), "indexed_series")) expect_true(inherits(HDW(wldi$date, fill = FALSE), "indexed_series")) expect_true(inherits(HDB(wldi$date), "indexed_series")) expect_true(inherits(HDB(wldi$date, fill = FALSE), "indexed_series")) fl <- unclass(findex(wldi)) expect_equal(unattrib(HDW(wldi$PCGDP)), unattrib(HDW(wlddev$PCGDP, fl, fill = TRUE))) expect_equal(unattrib(HDW(wldi$PCGDP, fill = FALSE)), unattrib(HDW(wlddev$PCGDP, fl))) expect_equal(unattrib(HDB(wldi$PCGDP)), unattrib(HDB(wlddev$PCGDP, fl, fill = TRUE))) expect_equal(unattrib(HDB(wldi$PCGDP, fill = FALSE)), unattrib(HDB(wlddev$PCGDP, fl))) for(f in c("HDW", "HDB")) { # print(f) FUN <- cdat = FUN(wldi, stub = FALSE) expect_equal(lapply(cdat, unattrib), lapply(FUN(wlddev, ~ iso3c + qF(year), variable.wise = TRUE, stub = FALSE), unattrib)) expect_equal(lapply(slt(cdat, PCGDP:POP), unattrib), lapply(FUN(slt(wlddev, PCGDP:POP), fl, variable.wise = TRUE, stub = FALSE), unattrib)) expect_true(inherits(cdat, "indexed_frame")) expect_true(inherits(cdat$PCGDP, "indexed_series")) expect_true(fnrow(cdat) == fnrow(wldi)) expect_identical(findex(cdat), findex(wldi)) expect_true(fnrow(findex(cdat)) == fnrow(findex(cdat$PCGDP))) cdat = FUN(wldi, variable.wise = FALSE, stub = FALSE) expect_equal(lapply(cdat, unattrib), lapply(FUN(wlddev, ~ iso3c + qF(year), fill = TRUE, stub = FALSE), unattrib)) expect_equal(lapply(slt(cdat, PCGDP:POP), unattrib), lapply(FUN(slt(wlddev, PCGDP:POP), fl, fill = TRUE, stub = FALSE), unattrib)) expect_true(inherits(cdat, "indexed_frame")) expect_true(inherits(cdat$PCGDP, "indexed_series")) expect_true(fnrow(cdat) == fnrow(wldi)) expect_identical(findex(cdat), findex(wldi)) expect_true(fnrow(findex(cdat)) == fnrow(findex(cdat$PCGDP))) cdat = FUN(wldi, fill = FALSE, stub = FALSE) expect_equal(lapply(cdat, unattrib), lapply(FUN(wlddev, ~ iso3c + qF(year), stub = FALSE), unattrib)) expect_equal(lapply(slt(cdat, PCGDP:POP), unattrib), lapply(FUN(slt(wlddev, PCGDP:POP), fl, stub = FALSE), unattrib)) expect_true(inherits(cdat, "indexed_frame")) expect_true(inherits(cdat$PCGDP, "indexed_series")) expect_false(fnrow(cdat) == fnrow(wldi)) expect_true(fnrow(findex(cdat)) == fnrow(cdat)) expect_true(fnrow(findex(cdat)) == fnrow(findex(cdat$PCGDP))) } }) options(warn = 1)