context("SumStat iHS") seg_sites <- create_segsites(matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), 4, 5, byrow = TRUE), c(0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9)) model <- coal_model(4, 1, 337) pos <- get_snp_positions(list(seg_sites), model, relative = FALSE)[[1]] test_that("snp masks are generated corretly", { skip_if_not_installed("rehh") stat_ihh <- sumstat_ihh(population = 1) expect_equal(stat_ihh$create_snp_mask(seg_sites), rep(TRUE, 5)) stat_ihh <- sumstat_ihh(population = 1, max_snps = 2) for (i in 1:10) { snp_mask <- stat_ihh$create_snp_mask(seg_sites) expect_true(all(snp_mask %in% 1:5)) expect_equal(length(snp_mask), 2) expect_equal(sort(snp_mask), snp_mask) } }) test_that("generation of rehh data works", { skip_if_not_installed("rehh") stat_ihh <- sumstat_ihh(population = 1) rehh_data <- stat_ihh$create_rehh_data(seg_sites, 1:4, model) expect_equivalent(rehh_data@haplo, as.matrix(seg_sites)) expect_equal(rehh_data@positions, pos) rehh_data <- stat_ihh$create_rehh_data(create_empty_segsites(5), 1:5, model) expect_equal(dim(rehh_data@haplo), c(5, 0)) rehh_data <- stat_ihh$create_rehh_data(seg_sites, numeric(), model) expect_equal(dim(rehh_data@haplo), c(0, 0)) }) test_that("rehh data does not contain duplicated positions", { skip_if_not_installed("rehh") stat_ihh <- sumstat_ihh(population = 1) rehh_data <- stat_ihh$create_rehh_data(seg_sites, 1:4, model) expect_equivalent(rehh_data@haplo, as.matrix(seg_sites)) expect_equal(rehh_data@positions, pos) rehh_data <- stat_ihh$create_rehh_data(create_empty_segsites(5), 1:5, model) expect_equal(dim(rehh_data@haplo), c(5, 0)) rehh_data <- stat_ihh$create_rehh_data(seg_sites, numeric(), model) expect_equal(dim(rehh_data@haplo), c(0, 0)) }) test_that("SNPs not segregating in individuals are removed from rehh_data", { skip_if_not_installed("rehh") stat_ihh <- sumstat_ihh(population = 1) rehh_data <- stat_ihh$create_rehh_data(seg_sites, 1:2, model) expect_equivalent(rehh_data@haplo, as.matrix(seg_sites[1:2, c(2, 4, 5)])) expect_equal(rehh_data@positions, pos[c(2, 4, 5)]) }) test_that("selection of snps works", { stat_ihh <- sumstat_ihh(population = 1, max_snps = 2) rehh_data <- stat_ihh$create_rehh_data(seg_sites, 1:4, model) expect_equal(dim(rehh_data@haplo), c(4, 2)) stat_ihh <- sumstat_ihh(population = 1, max_snps = 3) rehh_data <- stat_ihh$create_rehh_data(seg_sites, 1:4, model) expect_equal(dim(rehh_data@haplo), c(4, 3)) stat_ihh <- sumstat_ihh(population = 1, max_snps = 2) rehh_data <- stat_ihh$create_rehh_data(seg_sites, 1:2, model) expect_equal(dim(rehh_data@haplo), c(2, 2)) }) test_that("calculation of ihh works", { skip_if_not_installed("rehh") stat_ihh <- sumstat_ihh() ihh <- stat_ihh$calculate(list(seg_sites), NULL, NULL, model) expect_that(ihh, is_a("data.frame")) expect_equal(dim(ihh), c(5, 10)) expect_equal(ihh$POSITION, pos) ihh <- stat_ihh$calculate(list(seg_sites, seg_sites), NULL, NULL, coal_model(4, 2, 337)) expect_that(ihh, is_a("data.frame")) expect_equal(dim(ihh), c(10, 10)) expect_equal(ihh$POSITION, c(pos, pos)) }) test_that("ihh can be calculated for all populations", { skip_if_not_installed("rehh") stat_ihh <- sumstat_ihh(population = "all") expect_equal(stat_ihh$calculate(list(seg_sites), NULL, NULL, coal_model(c(2, 2), 1, 337)), stat_ihh$calculate(list(seg_sites), NULL, NULL, coal_model(4, 1, 337))) }) test_that("calculation of ihs works", { skip_if_not_installed("rehh") stat_ihh <- sumstat_ihh(calc_ihs = TRUE) ihh <- stat_ihh$calculate(list(seg_sites), NULL, NULL, model) expect_that(ihh, is_a("list")) expect_that(ihh[[1]], is_a("data.frame")) expect_that(ihh[[2]], is_a("data.frame")) expect_equal(nrow(ihh[[1]]), 5) expect_equal(ncol(ihh[[2]]), 3) model2 <- coal_model(50, 2, 1000) + feat_mutation(10) + sumstat_seg_sites() seg_sites2 <- simulate(model2)$seg_sites stat_ihh <- sumstat_ihh(calc_ihs = TRUE) ihh <- stat_ihh$calculate(seg_sites2, NULL, NULL, model2) expect_that(ihh, is_a("list")) expect_that(ihh[[1]], is_a("data.frame")) expect_that(ihh[[2]], is_a("data.frame")) expect_true(all(ihh$CHR %in% 1:2)) }) test_that("calculation of iHS works with few SNPS", { skip_if_not_installed("rehh") seg_sites2 <- create_segsites(matrix(c(1, 0, 1, 0), 4, 1), 0.5) model2 <- coal_model(4, 1, 337) stat_ihh <- sumstat_ihh(calc_ihs = TRUE) ihh <- stat_ihh$calculate(list(seg_sites2), NULL, NULL, model2) expect_that(ihh, is_a("list")) expect_that(ihh[[1]], is_a("data.frame")) expect_that(ihh[[2]], is_a("data.frame")) expect_equal(dim(ihh[[2]]), c(1, 3)) expect_true([[2]][1, 3])) }) test_that("ihh works with trios", { skip_if_not_installed("rehh") model <- model_trios() stats <- simulate(model) ihh <- sumstat_ihh(population = 1) stat <- ihh$calculate(stats$seg_sites, NULL, NULL, model) expect_that(stat, is_a("data.frame")) }) test_that("ihh works with empty segsites", { skip_if_not_installed("rehh") model <- model_trios() seg_sites <- list(seg_sites, create_segsites(matrix(0, 5, 0), numeric(0))) ihh <- sumstat_ihh(population = 1) stat <- ihh$calculate(seg_sites, NULL, NULL, coal_model(4, 2, 337)) expect_that(stat, is_a("data.frame")) expect_equal(nrow(stat), 5) seg_sites <- list(create_segsites(matrix(0, 0, 0), numeric(0))) stat <- ihh$calculate(seg_sites, NULL, NULL, model) expect_that(stat, is_a("data.frame")) expect_equal(nrow(stat), 0) seg_sites <- list(create_segsites(matrix(1, 5, 10), 1:10 / 11)) stat <- ihh$calculate(seg_sites, NULL, NULL, model) expect_that(stat, is_a("data.frame")) expect_equal(nrow(stat), 0) ihh <- sumstat_ihh(population = 1, calc_ihs = TRUE) stat <- ihh$calculate(seg_sites, NULL, NULL, model) expect_that(stat, is_a("list")) expect_that(stat[[1]], is_a("data.frame")) expect_that(stat[[2]], is_a("data.frame")) })