library(testthat) scrub_environment_code <- function(x) { # macos: 9 # linux: 12 # windows: 16 m <- regexpr("(?<=)", x, perl = TRUE) regmatches(x, m) <- strrep("0", max(0, 12L)) x } test_documentation <- function() { skip_if_not_installed("here") cwd <- setwd(here::here()) on.exit(setwd(cwd)) dir <- tempfile("cnd_dir_") on.exit(unlink(dir, TRUE), add = TRUE) dir.create(dir, showWarnings = FALSE) # path to where the documentation will be sent path <- tempfile("cnd_documentation_", dir, ".R") # extra file to trigger cleanup temp <- tempfile("cnd_auto_generated_", dir, ".R") writeLines("# % Generated by cnd: do not edit by hand", temp) suppress_cnd_conditions( expect_message( expect_condition( expect_identical(cnd_document(package = "cnd", file = path), path), class = "cnd:cnd_generated_write" ), class = "cnd:cnd_generated_cleanup" ) ) is_ci_windows <-[["sysname"]] == "Windows" && # GitHub should set CI to 'true' isTRUE(as.logical(Sys.getenv("CI", "false"))) # no changes expect_no_condition( withCallingHandlers( cnd_document(package = "cnd", file = path), # line endings on CI Windows might be throwing off the check. For now, # these are simply going to be muffled "cnd:cnd_generated_cleanup" = function(c) { if (is_ci_windows) tryInvokeRestart("muffleMessage") }, "cnd:cnd_generated_write" = function(c) { if (is_ci_windows) tryInvokeRestart("muffleCondition") } ) ) skip_if_not_installed("roxygen2") parsed <- roxygen2::parse_text(readLines(path)[-1:-2], test_env()) expect_failure(expect_identical(parsed, list())) } local_registry <- function(name = basename(tempfile(""))) { registrar$add(name) do <- registrar$remove(name))), list(do), envir = parent.frame()) registrar$get(name) }