context("ssh proxy") has_localhost = has_connectivity("") # in the following 2 tests, passing the context is deactivated because running # the first test twice leads to a segfault; not sure why, fix this eventually test_that("simple forwarding works", { skip_if_not(has_localhost) m = methods::new(CMQMaster) p = methods::new(CMQProxy)#, m$context()) w = methods::new(CMQWorker)#, m$context()) addr1 = m$listen("tcp://*")#"inproc://master") addr2 = p$listen("tcp://*")#"inproc://proxy") m$add_pending_workers(1L) p$connect(addr1, 500L) w$connect(addr2, 500L) expect_true(p$process_one()) expect_null(m$recv(500L)) # worker up m$send(5 + 2) expect_true(p$process_one()) expect_true(w$process_one()) expect_true(p$process_one()) result = m$recv(500L) expect_equal(result, 7) w$close() p$close(0L) m$close(0L) }) test_that("proxy communication yields submit args", { skip_if_not(has_localhost) m = methods::new(CMQMaster) p = methods::new(CMQProxy)#, m$context()) addr1 = m$listen("tcp://*")#"inproc://master") addr2 = p$listen("tcp://*")#"inproc://proxy") # direct connection, no ssh forward here p$connect(addr1, 500L) p$proxy_request_cmd() m$proxy_submit_cmd(list(n_jobs=1), 500L) args = p$proxy_receive_cmd() expect_true(inherits(args, "list")) expect_true("n_jobs" %in% names(args)) p$close(0L) m$close(0L) }) test_that("using the proxy without pool and forward", { skip("using 1 worker: Error: Resource temporarily unavailable @m$recv (L63)") skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") skip_if_not(has_localhost) m = methods::new(CMQMaster) addr = m$listen("tcp://*") p = parallel::mcparallel(ssh_proxy(sub(".*:", "", addr))) m$proxy_submit_cmd(list(n_jobs=1), 1000L) expect_null(m$recv(1000L)) # worker 1 up m$send(5 + 2) expect_equal(m$recv(500L), 7) # collect results m$send_shutdown() m$close(500L) pr = parallel::mccollect(p, wait=TRUE, timeout=0.5) expect_equal(names(pr), as.character(p$pid)) }) test_that("using the proxy without pool and forward, 2 workers", { skip("using 2 workers: Assertion failed: check () (src/msg.cpp:414) on CI") skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") skip_if_not(has_localhost) m = methods::new(CMQMaster) addr = m$listen("tcp://*") p = parallel::mcparallel(ssh_proxy(sub(".*:", "", addr))) m$proxy_submit_cmd(list(n_jobs=2), 1000L) expect_null(m$recv(1000L)) # worker 1 up m$send({ Sys.sleep(0.5); 5 + 2 }) expect_null(m$recv(500L)) # worker 2 up m$send({ Sys.sleep(0.5); 3 + 1 }) r1 = m$recv(1000L) m$send_shutdown() r2 = m$recv(500L) m$send_shutdown() expect_equal(sort(c(r1,r2)), c(4,7)) m$close(500L) pr = parallel::mccollect(p, wait=TRUE, timeout=0.5) expect_equal(names(pr), as.character(p$pid)) }) test_that("full SSH connection", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") skip_if_not(has_localhost) skip_if_not(has_ssh_cmq("")) # 'LOCAL' mode (default) will not set up required sockets # 'SSH' mode would lead to circular connections # schedulers may have long delay (they start in fresh session, so no path) sched = getOption("clustermq.scheduler", qsys_default) skip_if(is.null(sched) || toupper(sched) != "MULTICORE", message="options(clustermq.scheduler') must be 'MULTICORE'") options(clustermq.template = "SSH","") w = workers(n_jobs=1, qsys_id="ssh", reuse=FALSE, log_worker=T) result = Q(identity, 42, n_jobs=1, timeout=10L, workers=w) expect_equal(result, list(42)) })