library(cluster) ## generate 1500 objects, divided into 2 clusters. suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) # << as long as we don't have R >= 3.6.0 set.seed(144) x <- rbind(cbind(rnorm(700, 0,8), rnorm(700, 0,8)), cbind(rnorm(800,50,8), rnorm(800,10,8))) isEq <- function(x,y, epsF = 100) is.logical(r <- all.equal(x,y, tol = epsF * .Machine$double.eps)) && r .proctime00 <- proc.time() ## full size sample {should be = pam()}: n0 <- length(iSml <- c(1:70, 701:720)) summary(clara0 <- clara(x[iSml,], k = 2, sampsize = n0)) pam0 <- pam (x[iSml,], k = 2) stopifnot(identical(clara0$clustering, pam0$clustering) , isEq(clara0$objective, unname(pam0$objective[2])) ) summary(clara2 <- clara(x, 2)) clInd <- c("objective", "", "medoids", "clusinfo") clInS <- c(clInd, "sample") ## clara() {as original code} always draws the *same* random samples !!!! clara(x, 2, samples = 50)[clInd] for(i in 1:20) print(clara(x[sample(nrow(x)),], 2, samples = 50)[clInd]) clara(x, 2, samples = 101)[clInd] clara(x, 2, samples = 149)[clInd] clara(x, 2, samples = 200)[clInd] ## Note that this last one is practically identical to the slower pam() one (ii <- sample(length(x), 20)) ## This was bogous (and lead to seg.faults); now properly gives error. ## but for these, now see ./clara-NAs.R if(FALSE) { ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ x[ii] <- NA try( clara(x, 2, samples = 50) ) } ###-- Larger example: 2000 objects, divided into 5 clusters. x5 <- rbind(cbind(rnorm(400, 0,4), rnorm(400, 0,4)), cbind(rnorm(400,10,8), rnorm(400,40,6)), cbind(rnorm(400,30,4), rnorm(400, 0,4)), cbind(rnorm(400,40,4), rnorm(400,20,2)), cbind(rnorm(400,50,4), rnorm(400,50,4))) ## plus 1 random dimension x5 <- cbind(x5, rnorm(nrow(x5))) clara(x5, 5) summary(clara(x5, 5, samples = 50)) ## 3 "half" samples: clara(x5, 5, samples = 999) clara(x5, 5, samples = 1000) clara(x5, 5, samples = 1001) clara(x5, 5, samples = 2000)#full sample ###--- Start a version of example(clara) ------- ## xclara : artificial data with 3 clusters of 1000 bivariate objects each. data(xclara) (clx3 <- clara(xclara, 3)) ## Plot similar to Figure 5 in Struyf et al (1996) plot(clx3) ## The rngR = TRUE case is currently in the non-strict tests ## ./clara-ex.R ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ###--- End version of example(clara) ------- ## small example(s): data(ruspini) clara(ruspini,4) rus <- data.matrix(ruspini); storage.mode(rus) <- "double" ru2 <- rus[c(1:7,21:28, 45:51, 61:69),] ru3 <- rus[c(1:4,21:25, 45:48, 61:63),] ru4 <- rus[c(1:2,21:22, 45:47),] ru5 <- rus[c(1:2,21, 45),] daisy(ru5, "manhattan") ## Dissimilarities : 11 118 143 107 132 89 ## no problem anymore, since 2002-12-28: ## sampsize >= k+1 is now enforced: ## clara(ru5, k=3, met="manhattan", sampsize=3,trace=2)[clInS] clara(ru5, k=3, met="manhattan", sampsize=4,trace=1)[clInS] daisy(ru4, "manhattan") ## this one (k=3) gave problems, from ss = 6 on ___ still after 2002-12-28 ___ : for(ss in 4:nrow(ru4)){ cat("---\n\nsample size = ",ss,"\n") print(clara(ru4,k=3,met="manhattan",sampsize=ss)[clInS]) } for(ss in 5:nrow(ru3)){ cat("---\n\nsample size = ",ss,"\n") print(clara(ru3,k=4,met="manhattan",sampsize=ss)[clInS]) } ## Last Line: cat('Time elapsed: ', proc.time() - .proctime00,'\n') ## Lynne (P IV, 1.6 GHz): 18.81; then (no NA; R 1.9.0-alpha): 15.07 ## nb-mm (P III,700 MHz): 27.97