library(cluster) options(digits = 6) data(votes.repub) ## IGNORE_RDIFF_BEGIN source(system.file("test-tools.R", package = "cluster"), keep.source = FALSE) ## IGNORE_RDIFF_END ## -> showProc.time() ... & doExtras agn1 <- agnes(votes.repub, metric = "manhattan", stand = TRUE) summary(agn1) Dvr <- daisy(votes.repub) agn2 <- agnes(Dvr, method = "complete") summary(agn2) ## almost same: (ag2. <- agnes(Dvr, method= "complete", keep.diss=FALSE)) ag22 <- agnes(votes.repub, method= "complete", keep.diss=FALSE, stopifnot(identical(agn2[-5:-6], ag2.[-5:-6]), identical(Dvr, daisy(votes.repub)), # DUP=FALSE (!) identical(ag2.[-6], ag22[-6]) ) data(agriculture) summary(agnes(agriculture)) data(ruspini) summary(ar0 <- agnes(ruspini, keep.diss=FALSE, summary(ar1 <- agnes(ruspini, metric = "manhattan")) str(ar1) showProc.time() summary(ar2 <- agnes(ruspini, metric="manhattan", method = "weighted")) print (ar3 <- agnes(ruspini, metric="manhattan", method = "flexible", par.meth = 0.5)) stopifnot(all.equal(ar2[1:4], ar3[1:4], tol=1e-12)) showProc.time() ## Small example, testing "flexible" vs "single" i8 <- -c(1:2, 9:10) dim(agr8 <- agriculture[i8, ]) i5 <- -c(1:2, 8:12) dim(agr5 <- agriculture[i5, ]) ##' Check equivalence of method "flexible" (par=...) with one ##' of ("single", "complete", "weighted") chk <- function(d, method=c("single", "complete", "weighted"), trace.lev = 1, iC = -(6:7), # <- not using 'call' and 'method' for comparisons doplot = FALSE, tol = 1e-12) { if(!inherits(d, "dist")) d <- daisy(d, "manhattan") method <- match.arg(method) par.meth <- list("single" = c(.5, .5, 0, -.5), "complete"= c(.5, .5, 0, +.5), "weighted"= c(0.5)) a.s <- agnes(d, method=method, trace.lev=trace.lev) ## From theory, this should give the same, but it does not --- why ??? a.f <- agnes(d, method="flex", par.method = par.meth[[method]], trace.lev=trace.lev) if(doplot) { op <- par(mfrow = c(2,2), mgp = c(1.6, 0.6, 0), mar = .1 + c(4,4,2,1)) on.exit(par(op)) plot(a.s) plot(a.f) } structure(all.equal(a.s[iC], a.f[iC], tolerance = tol), fits = list(s = a.s, f = a.f)) } chk(agr5, trace = 3) stopifnot(chk(agr5), chk(agr5, "complete", trace = 2), chk(agr5, "weighted"), chk(agr8), chk(agr8, "complete"), chk(agr8, "weighted", trace.lev=2), chk(agriculture), chk(agriculture, "complete"), chk(ruspini), chk(ruspini, "complete"), chk(ruspini, "weighted")) showProc.time() ## an invalid "flexible" case - now must give error early: x <- rbind(c( -6, -9), c( 0, 13), c(-15, 6), c(-14, 0), c(12,-10)) (dx <- daisy(x, "manhattan")) a.x <- tryCatch(agnes(dx, method="flexible", par = -.2), error = function(e)e) ## agnes(method=6, par.method=*) lead to invalid merge; step 4, D(.,.)=-26.1216 if(!inherits(a.x, "error")) stop("invalid 'par' in \"flexible\" did not give error") if(!all(vapply(c("par[.]method", "merge"), grepl, NA, x=a.x$message))) stop("error message did not contain expected words")