context("robu objects") set.seed(20190513) skip_if_not_installed("robumeta") library(robumeta, quietly=TRUE) data(corrdat) test_that("methods work with intercept-only model.", { obj <- robu(effectsize ~ 1, studynum = studyid, var.eff.size = var, small = FALSE, data = corrdat) N <- obj$M k <- obj$N expect_equal(as.numeric(vcovCR(obj, type = "CR0")), as.numeric(obj$VR.r)) expect_identical(as.numeric(clubSandwich:::coef_CS.robu(obj)), as.numeric(obj$b.r)) expect_identical(length(clubSandwich:::residuals_CS.robu(obj)), N) expect_identical(dim(clubSandwich:::model_matrix.robu(obj)), c(N, 1L)) expect_identical(dim(clubSandwich:::bread.robu(obj)), c(1L, 1L)) V_list <- clubSandwich:::targetVariance.robu(obj, cluster = obj$study_orig_id) expect_identical(as.integer(sapply(V_list, nrow)), obj$k) W_list <- clubSandwich:::weightMatrix.robu(obj, cluster = obj$study_orig_id) expect_identical(as.integer(sapply(W_list, nrow)), obj$k) }) corr_large <- robu(effectsize ~ males + college + binge, data = corrdat, modelweights = "CORR", studynum = studyid, var.eff.size = var, small = FALSE) test_that("CR0 z-tests agree with robumeta for correlated effects", { p <- length(coef_CS(corr_large)) N <- corr_large$N robu_CR0 <- vcovCR(corr_large, type = "CR0") ztests <- coef_test(corr_large, vcov = robu_CR0 * N / (N - p), test = "z") expect_equivalent(corr_large$VR.r, as.matrix(robu_CR0)) expect_equivalent(corr_large$reg_table$SE, ztests$SE) expect_equal(with(corr_large$reg_table, 2 * pnorm(abs(b.r / SE),lower.tail=FALSE)), ztests$p_z) }) corr_small <- robu(effectsize ~ males + college + binge, data = corrdat, modelweights = "CORR", studynum = studyid, var.eff.size = var) test_that("CR2 t-tests agree with robumeta for correlated effects", { robu_CR2 <- vcovCR(corr_small, type = "CR2") expect_true(check_CR(corr_small, vcov = robu_CR2)) # expect_true(check_CR(corr_small, vcov = "CR4")) CR2_ttests <- coef_test(corr_small, vcov = robu_CR2, test = "Satterthwaite") expect_equivalent(corr_small$VR.r, as.matrix(robu_CR2)) expect_equal(corr_small$dfs, CR2_ttests$df) expect_equal(corr_small$reg_table$prob, CR2_ttests$p_Satt) }) data(hierdat) hier_large <- robu(effectsize ~ binge + followup + sreport + age, data = hierdat, studynum = studyid, var.eff.size = var, modelweights = "HIER", small = FALSE) test_that("CR0 z-tests agree with robumeta for hierarchical effects", { p <- length(coef_CS(hier_large)) N <- hier_large$N robu_CR0 <- vcovCR(hier_large, type = "CR0") ztests <- coef_test(hier_large, vcov = robu_CR0 * N / (N - p), test = "z") expect_equivalent(hier_large$VR.r, as.matrix(robu_CR0)) expect_equivalent(hier_large$reg_table$SE, ztests$SE) expect_equal(with(hier_large$reg_table, 2 * pnorm(abs(b.r / SE),lower.tail=FALSE)), ztests$p_z) }) hier_small <- robu(effectsize ~ binge + followup + sreport + age, data = hierdat, studynum = studyid, var.eff.size = var, modelweights = "HIER") test_that("CR2 t-tests agree with robumeta for hierarchical effects", { robu_CR2 <- vcovCR(hier_small, type = "CR2") expect_true(check_CR(hier_small, vcov = robu_CR2)) # expect_true(check_CR(hier_small, vcov = "CR4")) CR2_ttests <- coef_test(hier_small, vcov = robu_CR2, test = "Satterthwaite") expect_equivalent(hier_small$VR.r, as.matrix(robu_CR2)) expect_equal(hier_small$dfs, CR2_ttests$df) expect_equal(hier_small$reg_table$prob, CR2_ttests$p_Satt) }) hierdat$user_wt <- 1 + rpois(nrow(hierdat), lambda = 1.2) user_large <- robu(effectsize ~ binge + followup + sreport + age, data = hierdat, studynum = studyid, var.eff.size = var, userweights = user_wt, small = FALSE) test_that("CR0 z-tests agree with robumeta for user weighting", { p <- length(coef_CS(user_large)) N <- user_large$N robu_CR0 <- vcovCR(user_large, type = "CR0") ztests <- coef_test(user_large, vcov = robu_CR0 * N / (N - p), test = "z") expect_equivalent(user_large$VR.r, as.matrix(robu_CR0)) expect_equivalent(user_large$reg_table$SE, ztests$SE) expect_equal(with(user_large$reg_table, 2 * pnorm(abs(b.r / SE),lower.tail=FALSE)), ztests$p_z) }) user_small <- robu(effectsize ~ binge + followup + sreport + age, data = hierdat, studynum = studyid, var.eff.size = var, userweights = user_wt) test_that("CR2 t-tests agree with robumeta for user weighting", { user_lm <- lm(effectsize ~ binge + followup + sreport + age, data = hierdat, weights = user_wt) expect_equivalent(coef_CS(user_lm), coef(user_lm)) robu_CR2 <- vcovCR(user_small, type = "CR2") expect_true(check_CR(user_small, vcov = robu_CR2)) expect_equivalent(user_small$VR.r, as.matrix(robu_CR2)) target <- user_small$data.full$avg.var.eff.size lm_CR2 <- vcovCR(user_lm, cluster = hierdat$studyid, type = "CR2", target = target) expect_equivalent(robu_CR2, lm_CR2) CR2_ttests <- coef_test(user_small, vcov = robu_CR2, test = "Satterthwaite", p_values = FALSE) # expect_equal(user_small$dfs, CR2_ttests$df) # expect_equal(user_small$reg_table$prob, CR2_ttests$p_Satt) lm_CR2_ttests <- coef_test(user_lm, vcov = "CR2", cluster = hierdat$studyid, target = user_small$data.full$avg.var.eff.size, test = "Satterthwaite", p_values = FALSE) compare_ttests(CR2_ttests, lm_CR2_ttests) }) test_that("bread works", { vcov_corr_large <- with(corr_large, chol2inv(chol(crossprod(Xreg, data.full$r.weights * Xreg)))) expect_equal(vcov_corr_large, bread(corr_large) / v_scale(corr_large)) vcov_corr_small <- with(corr_small, chol2inv(chol(crossprod(Xreg, data.full$r.weights * Xreg)))) expect_equal(vcov_corr_small, bread(corr_small) / v_scale(corr_small)) vcov_hier_large <- with(hier_large, chol2inv(chol(crossprod(Xreg, data.full$r.weights * Xreg)))) expect_equal(vcov_hier_large, bread(hier_large) / v_scale(hier_large)) vcov_hier_small <- with(hier_small, chol2inv(chol(crossprod(Xreg, data.full$r.weights * Xreg)))) expect_equal(vcov_hier_small, bread(hier_small) / v_scale(hier_small)) vcov_user_large <- with(user_large, chol2inv(chol(crossprod(Xreg, data.full$userweights * Xreg)))) expect_equal(vcov_user_large, bread(user_large) / v_scale(user_large)) vcov_user_small <- with(user_small, chol2inv(chol(crossprod(Xreg, data.full$userweights * Xreg)))) expect_equal(vcov_user_small, bread(user_small) / v_scale(user_small)) }) data(dropoutPrevention) test_that("dropoutPrevention tests replicate Tipton & Pustejovsky (2015) - full sample", { skip_on_cran() m3_hier <- robu(LOR1 ~ study_design + attrition + group_equivalence + adjusted + outcome + evaluator_independence + male_pct + white_pct + average_age + implementation_quality + program_site + duration + service_hrs, data = dropoutPrevention, studynum = studyID, var.eff.size = varLOR, modelweights = "HIER") m3_hier_CR2 <- vcovCR(m3_hier, cluster = dropoutPrevention$studyID, type = "CR2") expect_true(check_CR(m3_hier, vcov = m3_hier_CR2)) # expect_true(check_CR(m3_hier, vcov = "CR4")) CR2_ttests <- coef_test(m3_hier, vcov = m3_hier_CR2, test = "Satterthwaite") expect_equivalent(m3_hier$VR.r, as.matrix(m3_hier_CR2)) expect_equal(m3_hier$dfs, CR2_ttests$df) expect_equal(m3_hier$reg_table$prob, CR2_ttests$p_Satt) contrast_list <- list("Study design" = 2:3, "Outcome measure" = 7:9, "Evaluator independence" = 10:12, "Implmentation quality" = 16:17, "Program format" = 18:20) dropout_tests <- Wald_test(m3_hier, constraints = constrain_zero(contrast_list), vcov = m3_hier_CR2, test = c("Naive-F","HTZ")) Fstat_club <- sapply(dropout_tests, function(x) x$Fstat) attr(Fstat_club, "dimnames") <- NULL Fstat_paper <- matrix(c(0.23, 0.22, 0.91, 0.84, 3.11, 2.78, 14.15, 13.78, 3.85, 3.65), nrow = 2) expect_equivalent(Fstat_paper, round(Fstat_club, 2)) df_club <- sapply(dropout_tests, function(x) x$df_denom[2]) df_paper <- c(42.9, 21.5, 16.8, 36.9, 37.5) attr(df_club, "names") <- NULL expect_equivalent(df_paper, round(df_club, 1)) }) test_that("dropoutPrevention tests replicate Tipton & Pustejovsky (2015) - reduced sample", { skip_on_cran() dp_subset <- subset(dropoutPrevention, big_study==TRUE) m3_hier <- robu(LOR1 ~ study_design + attrition + group_equivalence + adjusted + outcome + evaluator_independence + male_pct + white_pct + average_age + implementation_quality + program_site + duration + service_hrs, data = dp_subset, studynum = studyID, var.eff.size = varLOR, modelweights = "HIER") m3_hier_CR2 <- vcovCR(m3_hier, cluster = dp_subset$studyID, type = "CR2") expect_true(check_CR(m3_hier, vcov = m3_hier_CR2)) CR2_ttests <- coef_test(m3_hier, vcov = m3_hier_CR2, test = "Satterthwaite") expect_equivalent(m3_hier$VR.r, as.matrix(m3_hier_CR2)) expect_equal(m3_hier$dfs, CR2_ttests$df) expect_equal(m3_hier$reg_table$prob, CR2_ttests$p_Satt) contrast_list <- list("Study design" = 2:3, "Outcome measure" = 7:9, "Evaluator independence" = 10:11, "Implmentation quality" = 15:16, "Program format" = 17:19) dropout_tests <- Wald_test(m3_hier, constraints = constrain_zero(contrast_list), vcov = "CR2", test = c("Naive-F","HTZ")) Fstat_club <- sapply(dropout_tests, function(x) x$Fstat) Fstat_paper <- matrix(c(3.19, 2.93, 1.05, 0.84, 0.32, 0.26, 4.02, 3.69, 1.19, 0.98), nrow = 2) attr(Fstat_club, "dimnames") <- NULL expect_equivalent(Fstat_paper, round(Fstat_club, 2)) df_club <- sapply(dropout_tests, function(x) x$df_denom[2]) df_paper <- c(11.0, 7.7, 4.6, 11.0, 9.1) attr(df_club, "names") <- NULL expect_equivalent(df_paper, round(df_club, 1)) }) CR_types <- paste0("CR",0:4) test_that("order doesn't matter", { skip_on_cran() dat_scramble <- corrdat[sample(nrow(corrdat)),] corr_scramble <- robu(effectsize ~ males + college + binge, data = dat_scramble, modelweights = "CORR", studynum = studyid, var.eff.size = var) CR_fit <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) vcovCR(corr_small, type = x)) CR_scramble <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) vcovCR(corr_scramble, type = x)) expect_equivalent(CR_fit, CR_scramble) test_fit <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) coef_test(corr_small, vcov = x, test = "All", p_values = FALSE)) test_scramble <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) coef_test(corr_scramble, vcov = x, test = "All", p_values = FALSE)) compare_ttests(test_fit, test_scramble) constraints <- combn(length(coef_CS(corr_small)), 2, simplify = FALSE) Wald_fit <- Wald_test(corr_small, constraints = constrain_zero(constraints), vcov = "CR2", test = "All") Wald_scramble <- Wald_test(corr_scramble, constraints = constrain_zero(constraints), vcov = "CR2", test = "All") compare_Waldtests(Wald_fit, Wald_scramble) }) test_that("clubSandwich works with dropped observations", { dat_miss <- hierdat dat_miss$binge[, size = round(nrow(hierdat) / 10))] <- NA dat_miss$followup[, size = round(nrow(hierdat) / 20))] <- NA hier_drop <- robu(effectsize ~ binge + followup + sreport + age, data = dat_miss, studynum = studyid, var.eff.size = var, modelweights = "HIER") dat_complete <- subset(dat_miss, ! & ! hier_complete <- robu(effectsize ~ binge + followup + sreport + age, data = dat_complete, studynum = studyid, var.eff.size = var, modelweights = "HIER") CR_drop <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) vcovCR(hier_drop, type = x)) CR_complete <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) vcovCR(hier_complete, type = x)) expect_equal(CR_drop, CR_complete) test_drop <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) coef_test(hier_drop, vcov = x, test = "All", p_values = FALSE)) test_complete <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) coef_test(hier_complete, vcov = x, test = "All", p_values = FALSE)) expect_equal(test_drop, test_complete) }) test_that("vcovCR options work for CR2", { dp_subset <- subset(dropoutPrevention, big_study==TRUE) m3_hier <- robu(LOR1 ~ study_design + attrition + group_equivalence + adjusted + outcome + evaluator_independence + male_pct + white_pct + average_age + implementation_quality + program_site + duration + service_hrs, data = dp_subset, studynum = studyID, var.eff.size = varLOR, modelweights = "HIER") iv <- mean(m3_hier$data.full$r.weights) / m3_hier$data.full$r.weights CR2_iv <- vcovCR(m3_hier, type = "CR2") expect_equal(vcovCR(m3_hier, type = "CR2", inverse_var = TRUE), CR2_iv) expect_equal(vcovCR(m3_hier, type = "CR2", target = iv, inverse_var = TRUE), CR2_iv) CR2_not <- vcovCR(m3_hier, type = "CR2", inverse_var = FALSE) attr(CR2_iv, "inverse_var") <- FALSE attr(CR2_iv, "target") <- attr(CR2_not, "target") expect_equal(CR2_not, CR2_iv) expect_equal(vcovCR(m3_hier, type = "CR2", target = iv), CR2_not) expect_equal(vcovCR(m3_hier, type = "CR2", target = iv, inverse_var = FALSE), CR2_not) expect_false(identical(vcovCR(m3_hier, type = "CR2", target = m3_hier$data.full$var.eff.size), CR2_not)) }) test_that("Wald test problem.", { mod0 <- robu(formula = effectsize ~ 0 + factor(binge), data = hierdat, var.eff.size = var, studynum = studyid, modelweights = "HIER", small = TRUE) Wald0 <- Wald_test(mod0, constraints = constrain_equal(1:2), vcov = "CR2", test = "All") mod1 <- robu(formula = effectsize ~ binge, data = hierdat, var.eff.size = var, studynum = studyid, modelweights = "HIER", small = TRUE) Wald1 <- Wald_test(mod1, constraints = constrain_zero(2), vcov = "CR2", test = "All") compare_Waldtests(Wald0, Wald1) }) test_that("CR0 and CR2 agree with robumeta for user weighting with some zeros.", { hierdat$user_wt <- rpois(nrow(hierdat), lambda = 1.2) table(hierdat$user_wt) user_large <- robu(effectsize ~ binge + followup + sreport + age, data = hierdat, studynum = studyid, var.eff.size = var, userweights = user_wt, small = FALSE) p <- length(coef_CS(user_large)) N <- user_large$N robu_CR0 <- vcovCR(user_large, type = "CR0") ztests <- coef_test(user_large, vcov = robu_CR0 * N / (N - p), test = "z") expect_equivalent(user_large$VR.r, as.matrix(robu_CR0)) expect_equivalent(user_large$reg_table$SE, ztests$SE) expect_equal(with(user_large$reg_table, 2 * pnorm(abs(b.r / SE),lower.tail=FALSE)), ztests$p_z) user_small <- robu(effectsize ~ binge + followup + sreport + age, data = hierdat, studynum = studyid, var.eff.size = var, userweights = user_wt) user_lm <- lm(effectsize ~ binge + followup + sreport + age, data = hierdat, weights = user_wt) expect_equivalent(coef_CS(user_lm), coef(user_lm)) robu_CR2 <- vcovCR(user_small, type = "CR2") expect_true(check_CR(user_small, vcov = robu_CR2)) target <- user_small$data.full$avg.var.eff.size lm_CR2 <- vcovCR(user_lm, cluster = hierdat$studyid, type = "CR2", target = target) expect_equivalent(robu_CR2, lm_CR2) CR2_ttests <- coef_test(user_small, vcov = robu_CR2, test = "Satterthwaite", p_values = FALSE) lm_CR2_ttests <- coef_test(user_lm, vcov = "CR2", cluster = hierdat$studyid, target = user_small$data.full$avg.var.eff.size, test = "Satterthwaite", p_values = FALSE) compare_ttests(CR2_ttests, lm_CR2_ttests) }) test_that("clubSandwich works with weights of zero (kind of).", { hierdat$user_wt <- rpois(nrow(hierdat), lambda = 1.2) table(hierdat$user_wt) user_full <- robu(effectsize ~ binge + followup + sreport + age, data = hierdat, studynum = studyid, var.eff.size = var, userweights = user_wt, small = FALSE) hierdat_sub <- subset(hierdat, user_wt > 0) user_sub <- robu(effectsize ~ binge + followup + sreport + age, data = hierdat_sub, studynum = studyid, var.eff.size = var, userweights = user_wt) CR_full <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) vcovCR(user_full, type = x)) CR_sub <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) vcovCR(user_sub, type = x)) expect_equal(CR_full[c(1,2,4)], CR_sub[c(1,2,4)], check.attributes = FALSE) dat_miss <- hierdat miss_indicator <-, size = round(nrow(hierdat) / 10)) dat_miss$binge[miss_indicator] <- NA with(dat_miss, table(user_wt, user_dropped <- robu(effectsize ~ binge + followup + sreport + age, data = dat_miss, studynum = studyid, var.eff.size = var, userweights = user_wt) dat_complete <- subset(dat_miss, ! user_complete <- robu(effectsize ~ binge + followup + sreport + age, data = dat_complete, studynum = studyid, var.eff.size = var, userweights = user_wt) CR_drop <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) vcovCR(user_dropped, type = x)) CR_complete <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) vcovCR(user_complete, type = x)) expect_equal(CR_drop, CR_complete) test_drop <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) coef_test(user_dropped, vcov = x, test = "All", p_values = FALSE)) test_complete <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) coef_test(user_complete, vcov = x, test = "All", p_values = FALSE)) expect_equal(test_drop, test_complete, tolerance = 1e-6) })