context("rma.uni objects") set.seed(20190513) skip_if_not_installed("robumeta") skip_if_not_installed("metafor") library(robumeta, quietly=TRUE) suppressMessages(library(metafor, quietly=TRUE)) data(corrdat) corr_robu <- robu(effectsize ~ males + college + binge, data = corrdat, modelweights = "CORR", studynum = studyid, var.eff.size = var) corrdat$wt <- corr_robu$data.full$r.weights corr_meta <- rma(effectsize ~ males + college + binge, data = corrdat, weights = wt, vi = var, method = "FE") test_that("CR2 t-tests agree with robumeta for correlated effects", { robu_CR2 <- vcovCR(corr_meta, cluster = corrdat$studyid, target = 1 / corrdat$wt, type = "CR2") expect_true(check_CR(corr_meta, vcov = robu_CR2)) # expect_true(check_CR(corr_meta, vcov = "CR4", cluster = corrdat$studyid)) expect_equivalent(as.matrix(robu_CR2), corr_robu$VR.r) expect_equivalent(as.matrix(vcovCR(corr_meta, cluster = corrdat$studyid, inverse_var = TRUE, type = "CR2")), corr_robu$VR.r) CR2_ttests <- coef_test(corr_meta, vcov = robu_CR2, test = "Satterthwaite") expect_equal(corr_robu$dfs, CR2_ttests$df) expect_equal(corr_robu$reg_table$prob, CR2_ttests$p_Satt) }) data(hierdat) hier_meta <- rma(effectsize ~ binge + followup + sreport + age, data = hierdat, vi = var, method = "REML") hierdat$wt <- with(hier_meta, 1 / (vi + tau2)) hier_robu <- robu(effectsize ~ binge + followup + sreport + age, data = hierdat, studynum = studyid, var.eff.size = var, userweights = wt) test_that("CR2 t-tests agree with robumeta for user weighting", { robu_CR2_iv <- vcovCR(hier_meta, type = "CR2", cluster = hierdat$studyid) robu_CR2_not <- vcovCR(hier_meta, type = "CR2", cluster = hierdat$studyid, target = hier_robu$data.full$avg.var.eff.size) expect_true(check_CR(hier_meta, vcov = robu_CR2_iv)) # expect_true(check_CR(hier_meta, vcov = "CR4", cluster = hierdat$studyid)) expect_true(check_CR(hier_meta, vcov = robu_CR2_not)) # expect_true(check_CR(hier_meta, vcov = "CR4", cluster = hierdat$studyid, # target = hier_robu$data.full$avg.var.eff.size)) expect_that(all.equal(hier_robu$VR.r, as.matrix(robu_CR2_iv)), is_a("character")) expect_equivalent(hier_robu$VR.r, as.matrix(robu_CR2_not)) # CR2_ttests <- coef_test(hier_meta, vcov = robu_CR2_not, test = "Satterthwaite") # expect_equal(hier_robu$dfs, CR2_ttests$df) # expect_equal(hier_robu$reg_table$prob, CR2_ttests$p_Satt) }) test_that("bread works", { expect_true(check_bread(corr_meta, cluster = corrdat$studyid, y = corrdat$effectsize)) X <- model_matrix(corr_meta) W <- corr_meta$weights V <- corr_meta$vi vcov_corr <- crossprod((sqrt(V) * W * X) %*% bread(corr_meta) / nobs(corr_meta)) attr(vcov_corr, "dimnames") <- attr(vcov(corr_meta), "dimnames") expect_equal(vcov(corr_meta), vcov_corr) expect_true(check_bread(hier_meta, cluster = hierdat$studyid, y = hierdat$effectsize)) expect_equal(vcov(hier_meta), bread(hier_meta) / nobs(hier_meta)) }) CR_types <- paste0("CR",0:4) test_that("order doesn't matter", { skip_on_cran() check_sort_order(hier_meta, hierdat, cluster = "studyid") }) test_that("clubSandwich works with dropped covariates", { dat_miss <- hierdat dat_miss$binge[, size = round(nrow(hierdat) / 10))] <- NA dat_miss$followup[, size = round(nrow(hierdat) / 20))] <- NA expect_warning(hier_drop <- rma(effectsize ~ binge + followup + sreport + age, data = dat_miss, vi = var, method = "REML")) subset_ind <- with(dat_miss, ! & ! hier_complete <- rma(effectsize ~ binge + followup + sreport + age, subset = ! & !, data = dat_miss, vi = var, method = "REML") expect_error(vcovCR(hier_complete, type = "CR0", cluster = dat_miss$studyid)) CR_drop_A <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) vcovCR(hier_drop, type = x, cluster = dat_miss$studyid)) CR_drop_B <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) vcovCR(hier_drop, type = x, cluster = hierdat$studyid)) CR_complete <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) vcovCR(hier_complete, type = x, cluster = dat_miss$studyid[subset_ind])) expect_equal(CR_drop_A, CR_complete) expect_equal(CR_drop_B, CR_complete) test_drop_A <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) coef_test(hier_drop, vcov = x, cluster = dat_miss$studyid, test = "All", p_values = FALSE)) test_drop_B <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) coef_test(hier_drop, vcov = x, cluster = hierdat$studyid, test = "All", p_values = FALSE)) test_complete <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) coef_test(hier_complete, vcov = x, cluster = dat_miss$studyid[subset_ind], test = "All", p_values = FALSE)) compare_ttests(test_drop_A, test_complete) compare_ttests(test_drop_B, test_complete) }) test_that("clubSandwich works with missing variances", { dat_miss <- hierdat dat_miss$var[, size = round(nrow(hierdat) / 10))] <- NA expect_warning(hier_drop <- rma(effectsize ~ binge + followup + sreport + age, data = dat_miss, vi = var, method = "REML")) subset_ind <- with(dat_miss, ! hier_complete <- rma(effectsize ~ binge + followup + sreport + age, subset = !, data = dat_miss, vi = var, method = "REML") expect_error(vcovCR(hier_complete, type = "CR0", cluster = dat_miss$studyid)) CR_drop_A <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) vcovCR(hier_drop, type = x, cluster = dat_miss$studyid)) CR_drop_B <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) vcovCR(hier_drop, type = x, cluster = hierdat$studyid)) CR_complete <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) vcovCR(hier_complete, type = x, cluster = dat_miss$studyid[subset_ind])) expect_equal(CR_drop_A, CR_complete) expect_equal(CR_drop_B, CR_complete) }) test_that("vcovCR options work for CR2", { RE_var <- hier_meta$tau2 + hierdat$var CR2_iv <- vcovCR(hier_meta, type = "CR2", cluster = hierdat$studyid) expect_equal(vcovCR(hier_meta, type = "CR2", cluster = hierdat$studyid, inverse_var = TRUE), CR2_iv) CR2_not <- vcovCR(hier_meta, type = "CR2", cluster = hierdat$studyid, inverse_var = FALSE) attr(CR2_iv, "inverse_var") <- FALSE attr(CR2_iv, "target") <- attr(CR2_not, "target") expect_equal(CR2_not, CR2_iv) expect_equal(vcovCR(hier_meta, type = "CR2", cluster = hierdat$studyid, target = RE_var), CR2_not) expect_equal(vcovCR(hier_meta, type = "CR2", cluster = hierdat$studyid, target = RE_var, inverse_var = FALSE), CR2_not) expect_false(identical(vcovCR(hier_meta, type = "CR2", cluster = hierdat$studyid, target = hierdat$var), CR2_not)) }) test_that("vcovCR works with intercept-only model and user-specified weights.", { dat <- escalc(measure="RR", ai=tpos, bi=tneg, ci=cpos, di=cneg, dat$wt <- sample(1:3, size = nrow(dat), replace = TRUE) res <- rma(yi, vi, weights = wt, data=dat) meta_rob <- robust(res, cluster=dat$trial) club_rob <- coef_test(res, vcov="CR1", cluster=dat$trial, test = "naive-t") expect_equal(meta_rob$se, club_rob$SE) expect_equal(meta_rob$zval, club_rob$tstat) expect_equal(meta_rob$dfs, club_rob$df_t) expect_equal(meta_rob$pval, club_rob$p_t) expect_true(check_CR(res, vcov = "CR2", cluster = dat$trial)) test_uni <- coef_test(res, vcov="CR2", cluster=dat$trial, test = "All") res <-, vi, W = wt, random = ~ 1 | trial, data=dat) meta_rob <- robust(res, cluster=dat$trial) club_rob <- coef_test(res, vcov="CR1", test = "naive-t") expect_equal(meta_rob$se, club_rob$SE) expect_equal(meta_rob$zval, club_rob$tstat) expect_equal(meta_rob$dfs, club_rob$df_t) expect_equal(meta_rob$pval, club_rob$p_t) expect_true(check_CR(res, vcov = "CR2")) test_mv <- coef_test(res, vcov="CR2", test = "All") expect_equal(test_uni, test_mv, tolerance = 10^-5) V_club <- vcovCR(res, type = "CR2") k <- res$k yi <- res$yi wi <- diag(res$W) W <- sum(wi) wi <- wi / W vi <- diag(res$M) V <- sum(vi) ei <- residuals_CS(res) M <- sum(wi^2 * vi) ai <- 1 / sqrt(1 - 2 * wi + M / vi) V_hand <- sum(wi^2 * ai^2 * ei^2) expect_equal(V_hand, as.numeric(V_club)) pi_theta_pj <- diag(vi) - tcrossprod(rep(1,k), wi * vi) - tcrossprod(wi * vi, rep(1, k)) + M df <- M^2 / sum(tcrossprod(ai^2 * wi^2) * (pi_theta_pj^2)) expect_equal(Inf, test_uni$df_z) expect_equal(k - 1, test_uni$df_t) expect_equal(df, test_uni$df_Satt, tolerance = 10^-5) }) test_that("clubSandwich agrees with metafor::robust() for CR0.", { test_CR0 <- conf_int(corr_meta, vcov = "CR0", cluster = corrdat$studyid, test = "naive-tp", p_values = TRUE) meta_CR0 <- robust(corr_meta, cluster = corrdat$studyid, adjust = FALSE) rob_CR0 <- conf_int(meta_CR0, vcov = "CR0", cluster = corrdat$studyid, test = "naive-tp", p_values = TRUE) expect_equal(test_CR0$SE, meta_CR0$se) expect_equal(test_CR0$df, rep(meta_CR0$df, length(test_CR0$df))) expect_equal(rob_CR0, test_CR0) club_F_CR0 <- Wald_test(corr_meta, constraints = constrain_zero(2:4), vcov = "CR0", cluster = corrdat$studyid, test = "Naive-Fp") rob_F_CR0 <- Wald_test(meta_CR0, constraints = constrain_zero(2:4), vcov = "CR0", cluster = corrdat$studyid, test = "Naive-Fp") expect_equal(club_F_CR0$Fstat, meta_CR0$QM) expect_equal(club_F_CR0$df_num, meta_CR0$QMdf[1]) expect_equal(club_F_CR0$df_denom, meta_CR0$QMdf[2]) expect_equal(club_F_CR0$p_val, meta_CR0$QMp) expect_equal(club_F_CR0, rob_F_CR0) }) test_that("clubSandwich agrees with metafor::robust() for CR1p.", { test_CR1 <- conf_int(corr_meta, vcov = "CR1p", cluster = corrdat$studyid, test = "naive-tp", p_values = TRUE) meta_CR1 <- robust(corr_meta, cluster = corrdat$studyid, adjust = TRUE) rob_CR1 <- conf_int(meta_CR1, vcov = "CR1p", cluster = corrdat$studyid, test = "naive-tp", p_values = TRUE) expect_equal(test_CR1$SE, meta_CR1$se) expect_equal(test_CR1$df, rep(meta_CR1$df, length(test_CR1$df))) expect_equal(rob_CR1, test_CR1) club_F_CR1 <- Wald_test(corr_meta, constraints = constrain_zero(2:4), vcov = "CR1p", cluster = corrdat$studyid, test = "Naive-Fp") rob_F_CR1 <- Wald_test(meta_CR1, constraints = constrain_zero(2:4), vcov = "CR1p", cluster = corrdat$studyid, test = "Naive-Fp") expect_equal(club_F_CR1$Fstat, meta_CR1$QM) expect_equal(club_F_CR1$df_num, meta_CR1$QMdf[1]) expect_equal(club_F_CR1$df_denom, meta_CR1$QMdf[2]) expect_equal(club_F_CR1$p_val, meta_CR1$QMp) expect_equal(club_F_CR1, rob_F_CR1) }) test_that("clubSandwich agrees with metafor::robust() for CR2.", { skip_if(packageVersion('metafor') < "3.1.31") test_CR2 <- conf_int(corr_meta, vcov = "CR2", cluster = corrdat$studyid, p_values = TRUE) meta_CR2 <- robust(corr_meta, cluster = corrdat$studyid, clubSandwich = TRUE) rob_CR2 <- conf_int(meta_CR2, vcov = "CR2", cluster = corrdat$studyid, p_values = TRUE) expect_equal(test_CR2$SE, meta_CR2$se) expect_equal(rob_CR2, test_CR2) club_F_CR2 <- Wald_test(corr_meta, constraints = constrain_zero(2:4), vcov = "CR2", cluster = corrdat$studyid, test = "All") rob_F_CR2 <- Wald_test(meta_CR2, constraints = constrain_zero(2:4), vcov = "CR2", cluster = corrdat$studyid, test = "All") expect_equal(subset(club_F_CR2, test == "HTZ")$Fstat, meta_CR2$QM) expect_equal(subset(club_F_CR2, test == "HTZ")$df_num, meta_CR2$QMdf[1]) expect_equal(subset(club_F_CR2, test == "HTZ")$df_denom, meta_CR2$QMdf[2]) expect_equal(subset(club_F_CR2, test == "HTZ")$p_val, meta_CR2$QMp) expect_equal(club_F_CR2, rob_F_CR2) }) test_that("clubSandwich methods work on robust.rma objects.", { hier_robust <- robust(hier_meta, cluster = hierdat$studyid, adjust = TRUE) expect_equal(residuals_CS(hier_meta), residuals_CS(hier_robust)) expect_equal(coef_CS(hier_meta), coef_CS(hier_robust)) expect_equal(model_matrix(hier_meta), model_matrix(hier_robust)) expect_equal(bread(hier_meta), bread(hier_robust)) expect_equal(v_scale(hier_meta), v_scale(hier_robust)) expect_equal(targetVariance(hier_meta, cluster = hierdat$studyid), targetVariance(hier_robust, cluster = hierdat$studyid)) expect_equal(weightMatrix(hier_meta, cluster = hierdat$studyid), weightMatrix(hier_robust, cluster = hierdat$studyid)) hier_club <- robust(hier_meta, cluster = hierdat$studyid, adjust = FALSE, clubSandwich = TRUE) expect_equal(residuals_CS(hier_meta), residuals_CS(hier_club)) expect_equal(coef_CS(hier_meta), coef_CS(hier_club)) expect_equal(model_matrix(hier_meta), model_matrix(hier_club)) expect_equal(bread(hier_meta), bread(hier_club)) expect_equal(v_scale(hier_meta), v_scale(hier_club)) expect_equal(targetVariance(hier_meta, cluster = hierdat$studyid), targetVariance(hier_club, cluster = hierdat$studyid)) expect_equal(weightMatrix(hier_meta, cluster = hierdat$studyid), weightMatrix(hier_club, cluster = hierdat$studyid)) }) test_that("clubSandwich works with weights of zero.", { data("SATcoaching") n_SAT <- nrow(SATcoaching) SATcoaching$wt <- rpois(n_SAT, lambda = 0.8) table(SATcoaching$wt) rma_full <- rma.uni(yi = d, vi = V, weights = wt, mods = ~ year + test, data = SATcoaching, method = "FE") SAT_sub <- subset(SATcoaching, wt > 0) rma_sub <- rma.uni(yi = d, vi = V, weights = wt, mods = ~ year + test, data = SAT_sub, method = "FE") # Note that this only works for method = "FE" because # tau.sq estimators differ between rma_full and rma_sub CR_full <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) vcovCR(rma_full, cluster = SATcoaching$study, type = x)) CR_sub <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) vcovCR(rma_sub, cluster = SAT_sub$study, type = x)) expect_equal(CR_full, CR_sub, check.attributes = FALSE) test_full <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) coef_test(rma_full, vcov = x, cluster = SATcoaching$study, test = c("z","naive-t","Satterthwaite"), p_values = TRUE)) test_sub <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) coef_test(rma_sub, vcov = x, cluster = SAT_sub$study, test = c("z","naive-t","Satterthwaite"), p_values = TRUE)) expect_equal(test_full, test_sub, check.attributes = FALSE) dat_miss <- SATcoaching miss_indicator <-, size = round(n_SAT / 10)) dat_miss$year[miss_indicator] <- NA with(dat_miss, table(wt, expect_warning( rma_dropped <- rma.uni(yi = d, vi = V, weights = wt, mods = ~ year + test, data = dat_miss, method = "FE") ) dat_complete <- subset(dat_miss, ! rma_complete <- rma.uni(yi = d, vi = V, weights = wt, mods = ~ year + test, data = dat_complete, method = "FE") CR_drop <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) vcovCR(rma_dropped, cluster = dat_miss$study, type = x)) CR_complete <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) vcovCR(rma_complete, cluster = dat_complete$study, type = x)) expect_equal(CR_drop, CR_complete) test_drop <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) coef_test(rma_dropped, vcov = x, cluster = dat_miss$study, test = "All", p_values = FALSE)) test_complete <- lapply(CR_types, function(x) coef_test(rma_complete, vcov = x, cluster = dat_complete$study, test = "All", p_values = FALSE)) expect_equal(test_drop, test_complete) })