context("Wald tests") set.seed(20190513) skip_if_not_installed("carData") data(Duncan, package = "carData") Duncan$cluster <- sample(LETTERS[1:8], size = nrow(Duncan), replace = TRUE) Duncan_int <- lm(prestige ~ type * (income + education), data=Duncan) coefs_int <- coef(Duncan_int) coef_names_int <- names(coefs_int) Duncan_int_CR2 <- vcovCR(Duncan_int, type = "CR2", cluster = Duncan$cluster) Duncan_sep <- lm(prestige ~ 0 + type + type:(income + education), data=Duncan) coefs_sep <- coef(Duncan_sep) coef_names_sep <- names(coefs_sep) Duncan_sep_CR2 <- vcovCR(Duncan_sep, type = "CR2", cluster = Duncan$cluster) test_that("constrain_equal expressions are equivalent", { constraints_lgl <- grepl(":education", coef_names_sep) constraints_int <- which(constraints_lgl) constraints_num <- as.numeric(constraints_int) constraints_char <- coef_names_sep[constraints_lgl] constraints_mat <- cbind(matrix(0L, 2, 6), matrix(c(-1L, -1L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 1L), 2, 3)) expect_identical(constrain_equal(":education", coefs_sep, reg_ex = TRUE), constraints_mat) expect_identical(constrain_equal(constraints_lgl, coefs_sep), constraints_mat) expect_identical(constrain_equal(constraints_int, coefs_sep), constraints_mat) expect_identical(constrain_equal(constraints_num, coefs_sep), constraints_mat) expect_identical(constrain_equal(constraints_char, coefs_sep), constraints_mat) expect_type(constrain_equal(":education", reg_ex = TRUE), "closure") expect_identical(constrain_equal(":education", reg_ex = TRUE)(coefs_sep), constraints_mat) expect_identical(constrain_equal(constraints_lgl)(coefs_sep), constraints_mat) expect_identical(constrain_equal(constraints_int)(coefs_sep), constraints_mat) expect_identical(constrain_equal(constraints_num)(coefs_sep), constraints_mat) expect_identical(constrain_equal(constraints_char)(coefs_sep), constraints_mat) constraint_list <- constrain_equal(list(type = 1:3, income = 4:6, edu = 7:9), coefs = coefs_sep) constraint_func <- constrain_equal(list(type = 1:3, income = 4:6, edu = 7:9)) expect_identical(constraint_list, constraint_func(coefs_sep)) Wald_A <- Wald_test(Duncan_sep, constraints = constraint_list, vcov = Duncan_sep_CR2, type = "All") Wald_B <- Wald_test(Duncan_sep, constraints = constraint_func, vcov = Duncan_sep_CR2, type = "All") expect_identical(Wald_A, Wald_B) }) test_that("constrain_pairwise expressions are equivalent", { constraints_lgl <- grepl(":education", coef_names_sep) constraints_int <- which(constraints_lgl) constraints_num <- as.numeric(constraints_int) constraints_char <- coef_names_sep[constraints_lgl] constraints_mat <- constrain_pairwise(":education", coefs_sep, reg_ex = TRUE) expect_identical(length(constraints_mat), sum(constraints_lgl)) expect_identical(constrain_pairwise(constraints_lgl, coefs_sep), constraints_mat) expect_identical(constrain_pairwise(constraints_int, coefs_sep), constraints_mat) expect_identical(constrain_pairwise(constraints_num, coefs_sep), constraints_mat) expect_identical(constrain_pairwise(constraints_char, coefs_sep), constraints_mat) expect_type(constrain_pairwise(":education", reg_ex = TRUE), "closure") expect_identical(constrain_pairwise(constraints_lgl)(coefs_sep), constraints_mat) expect_identical(constrain_pairwise(constraints_int)(coefs_sep), constraints_mat) expect_identical(constrain_pairwise(constraints_num)(coefs_sep), constraints_mat) expect_identical(constrain_pairwise(constraints_char)(coefs_sep), constraints_mat) constraint_list <- constrain_pairwise(list(type = 1:3, income = 4:6, edu = 7:9), coefs = coefs_sep) constraint_func <- constrain_pairwise(list(type = 1:3, income = 4:6, edu = 7:9)) expect_identical(constraint_list, constraint_func(coefs_sep)) Wald_A <- Wald_test(Duncan_sep, constraints = constraint_list, vcov = Duncan_sep_CR2, type = "All") Wald_B <- Wald_test(Duncan_sep, constraints = constraint_func, vcov = Duncan_sep_CR2, type = "All") expect_identical(Wald_A, Wald_B) }) test_that("constrain_zero expressions are equivalent", { constraints_lgl <- grepl("typeprof:", coef_names_int) constraints_int <- which(constraints_lgl) constraints_num <- as.numeric(constraints_int) constraints_char <- coef_names_int[constraints_lgl] constraints_mat <- diag(1L, nrow = length(coef_names_int))[constraints_lgl,,drop=FALSE] expect_equal(constrain_zero("typeprof:", coefs_int, reg_ex = TRUE), constraints_mat) expect_equal(constrain_zero(constraints_lgl, coefs_int), constraints_mat) expect_equal(constrain_zero(constraints_int, coefs_int), constraints_mat) expect_equal(constrain_zero(constraints_num, coefs_int), constraints_mat) expect_equal(constrain_zero(constraints_char, coefs_int), constraints_mat) expect_type(constrain_zero("typeprof:", reg_ex = TRUE), "closure") expect_equal(constrain_zero("typeprof:", reg_ex = TRUE)(coefs_int), constraints_mat) expect_equal(constrain_zero(constraints_lgl)(coefs_int), constraints_mat) expect_equal(constrain_zero(constraints_int)(coefs_int), constraints_mat) expect_equal(constrain_zero(constraints_num)(coefs_int), constraints_mat) expect_equal(constrain_zero(constraints_char)(coefs_int), constraints_mat) constraint_list <- constrain_zero(list(type = 2:3, income = 6:7, edu = 8:9), coefs = coefs_int) constraint_func <- constrain_zero(list(type = 2:3, income = 6:7, edu = 8:9)) expect_equal(constraint_list, constraint_func(coefs_int)) Wald_A <- Wald_test(Duncan_int, constraints = constraint_list, vcov = Duncan_int_CR2, type = "All") Wald_B <- Wald_test(Duncan_int, constraints = constraint_func, vcov = Duncan_int_CR2, type = "All") expect_equal(Wald_A, Wald_B) }) test_that("constraint expressions are equivalent across specifications", { skip_on_cran() skip_if(R.version$major < "4", "Skip for R versions below 4.") constraints_eq <- constrain_equal( list(type = 1:3, income = 4:6, edu = 7:9), coefs = coefs_sep ) # constraints_eq$all <-, constraints_eq) constraints_null <- constrain_zero( list(type = 2:3, income = 6:7, edu = 8:9), coefs = coefs_int ) # constraints_null$all <-, constraints_null) Wald_eq <- Wald_test(Duncan_sep, constraints_eq, vcov = Duncan_sep_CR2, test = c("Naive-F","HTZ","EDF"), tidy = TRUE) Wald_zero <- Wald_test(Duncan_int, constraints_null, vcov = Duncan_int_CR2, test = c("Naive-F","HTZ","EDF"), tidy = TRUE) compare_Waldtests(Wald_eq, Wald_zero) pairwise_sep <- constrain_pairwise( list(type = 1:3, income = 4:6, edu = 7:9), coefs = coefs_sep ) pairwise_int <- constrain_pairwise( list(type = 2:3, income = 6:7, edu = 8:9), coefs = coefs_int, with_zero = TRUE ) pairwise_sep <- Wald_test(Duncan_sep, pairwise_sep, vcov = Duncan_sep_CR2, tidy = TRUE) pairwise_int <- Wald_test(Duncan_int, pairwise_int, vcov = Duncan_int_CR2, tidy = TRUE) compare_Waldtests(pairwise_sep, pairwise_int) }) test_that("Wald test is equivalent to Satterthwaite for q = 1.", { skip_on_cran() t_tests_sep <- coef_test(Duncan_sep, vcov = Duncan_sep_CR2) constraints_sep <- as.list(1:9) names(constraints_sep) <- coef_names_sep F_tests_sep <- Wald_test(Duncan_sep, vcov = Duncan_sep_CR2, constraints = constrain_zero(constraints_sep), tidy = TRUE) expect_equal(t_tests_sep$tstat^2, F_tests_sep$Fstat, tol = 10^-5) expect_equal(rep(1, 9), F_tests_sep$df_num, tol = 10^-5) expect_equal(t_tests_sep$df, F_tests_sep$df_denom, tol = 10^-5) expect_equal(t_tests_sep$p_Satt, F_tests_sep$p_val, tol = 10^-5) t_tests_int <- coef_test(Duncan_int, vcov = Duncan_int_CR2) constraints_int <- as.list(1:9) names(constraints_int) <- coef_names_int F_tests_int <- Wald_test(Duncan_int, vcov = Duncan_int_CR2, constraints = constrain_zero(constraints_int), tidy = TRUE) expect_equal(t_tests_int$tstat^2, F_tests_int$Fstat, tol = 10^-5) expect_equal(rep(1, 9), F_tests_int$df_num, tol = 10^-5) expect_equal(t_tests_int$df, F_tests_int$df_denom, tol = 10^-5) expect_equal(t_tests_int$p_Satt, F_tests_int$p_val, tol = 10^-5) }) skip_if_not_installed("AER") data(STAR, package = "AER") # clean up a few variables levels(STAR$stark)[3] <- "aide" levels(STAR$schoolk)[1] <- "urban" STAR <- subset(STAR, !, select = c(schoolidk, schoolk, stark, gender, ethnicity, math1, lunchk)) lm_urbanicity <- lm(math1 ~ schoolk * stark + gender + ethnicity + lunchk, data = STAR) V_urbanicity <- vcovCR(lm_urbanicity, cluster = STAR$schoolidk, type = "CR2") test_that("Wald_test works with lists.", { test_A <- Wald_test(lm_urbanicity, constraints = constrain_zero("schoolk.+:stark", reg_ex = TRUE), vcov = V_urbanicity) test_B <- Wald_test(lm_urbanicity, constraints = constrain_zero("schoolk.+:starksmall", reg_ex = TRUE), vcov = V_urbanicity) C_list <- list( `Any interaction` = constrain_zero("schoolk.+:stark", coef(lm_urbanicity), reg_ex = TRUE), `Small vs regular` = constrain_zero("schoolk.+:starksmall", coef(lm_urbanicity), reg_ex = TRUE) ) D_list <- constrain_zero(constraints = list( `Any interaction` = "schoolk.+:stark", `Small vs regular` = "schoolk.+:starksmall" ), reg_ex = TRUE) test_C <- Wald_test(lm_urbanicity, constraints = C_list, vcov = V_urbanicity) test_D <- Wald_test(lm_urbanicity, constraints = D_list, vcov = V_urbanicity) test_E <- Wald_test( lm_urbanicity, constraints = list( `Any interaction` = constrain_zero("schoolk.+:stark", reg_ex = TRUE), `Small vs regular` = constrain_zero("schoolk.+:starksmall", reg_ex = TRUE) ), vcov = V_urbanicity ) expect_identical(test_A, test_C$`Any interaction`) expect_identical(test_A, test_D$`Any interaction`) expect_identical(test_A, test_E$`Any interaction`) expect_identical(test_B, test_C$`Small vs regular`) expect_identical(test_B, test_D$`Small vs regular`) expect_identical(test_B, test_E$`Small vs regular`) }) test_that("Wald_test has informative error messages.", { expect_error( Wald_test(lm_urbanicity, constraints = constrain_zero("schoolk.+:stark", reg_ex = TRUE), vcov = V_urbanicity, test = "none" ) ) A <- Wald_test(lm_urbanicity, constraints = constrain_zero("schoolk.+:stark", reg_ex = TRUE), vcov = V_urbanicity, test = c("none","HTA") ) B <- Wald_test(lm_urbanicity, constraints = constrain_zero("schoolk.+:stark", reg_ex = TRUE), vcov = V_urbanicity, test = "All" ) expect_equal(A, subset(B, test == "HTA"), check.attributes = FALSE) }) test_that("Wald_test works for intercept-only models.", { lm_int <- lm(math1 ~ 1, data = STAR) vcov_int <- vcovCR(lm_int, cluster = STAR$schoolidk, type = "CR2") F_test <- Wald_test(lm_int, constraints = constrain_zero(1), vcov = vcov_int, test = c("HTZ","HTA","HTB")) t_test <- coef_test(lm_int, vcov = vcov_int) expect_equal(F_test$Fstat, rep(t_test$tstat^2, 3L)) expect_equal(F_test$df_denom, rep(t_test$df, 3L)) expect_equal(F_test$p_val, rep(t_test$p_Satt, 3L)) lm_sep <- lm(math1 ~ 0 + schoolk, data = STAR) vcov_sep <- vcovCR(lm_sep, cluster = STAR$schoolidk, type = "CR2") F_test <- Wald_test(lm_sep, constraints = constrain_pairwise(1:3, with_zero = TRUE), vcov = vcov_sep, test = "HTZ", tidy = TRUE) t_test <- coef_test(lm_sep, vcov = vcov_sep) expect_equal(F_test$Fstat[1:3], t_test$tstat^2) expect_equal(F_test$df_denom[1:3], t_test$df) expect_equal(F_test$p_val[1:3], t_test$p_Satt) }) test_that("Wald_test fails gracefully when between-cluster variance of coefficients isn't identified.", { skip_if_not_installed("metafor") suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(metafor)) dat <- dat <- escalc(measure="RR", ai=tpos, bi=tneg, ci=cpos, di=cneg, data=dat, subset=-5) res <- rma(yi, vi, data=dat, mods = ~ 0 + alloc) Vmat <- vcovCR(res, cluster=dat$trial, type="CR2") expect_equal(Vmat[1,1], 0) t_tests <- coef_test(res, cluster=dat$trial, vcov="CR2") expect_true($df_Satt[1])) expect_true($p_Satt[1])) CI <- conf_int(res, cluster=dat$trial, vcov="CR2") expect_true($CI_L[1])) expect_true($CI_U[1])) Wald1 <- Wald_test( res, cluster=dat$trial, vcov="CR2", constraints=constrain_equal(1:3), test = "All" ) expect_s3_class(Wald1, "Wald_test_clubSandwich") expect_error( Wald_test( res, cluster=dat$trial, vcov="CR2", constraints=constrain_zero(1:3) ), regexp = "not positive definite" ) Wald2 <- Wald_test( res, cluster=dat$trial, vcov="CR2", constraints = list(A = constrain_equal(1:3), B = constrain_zero(1:3)), test = "All" ) expect_s3_class(Wald2$A, "Wald_test_clubSandwich") expect_s3_class(Wald2$B, "Wald_test_clubSandwich") expect_identical(Wald1, Wald2$A) expect_true(all($B$Fstat))) expect_true(all($B$p_val))) Wald3 <- Wald_test( res, cluster=dat$trial, vcov="CR2", constraints = list(A = constrain_equal(1:3), B = constrain_zero(1:3)), tidy = TRUE ) expect_s3_class(Wald3, "Wald_test_clubSandwich") expect_equivalent(Wald1[Wald1$test=="HTZ",], Wald3[1,-1]) expect_true([2,"Fstat"])) expect_true([2,"p_val"])) Wald4 <- Wald_test( res, cluster=dat$trial, vcov="CR2", constraints=constrain_pairwise(1:3, with_zero = TRUE), tidy = TRUE ) expect_s3_class(Wald4, "Wald_test_clubSandwich") expect_true([1,"Fstat"])) expect_true([1,"p_val"])) })