library(stringi) CLOCKIFY_API_KEY <- Sys.getenv("CLOCKIFY_API_KEY") # This is the "{clockify} sandbox" workspace that was specifically created for testing {clockify}. CLOCKIFY_WORKSPACE <- "630c61ba9c3a3c3112812332" USER_ID_AUTHENTICATED <- "5f227e0cd7176a0e6e754409" # Andrew USER_ID_MISSING_NAME <- "630f16ab90cfd878937a7997" # USER_ID_BOB <- "630f17f04a05b20faf7e0afc" # Bob USER_ID_ALICE <- "630f15d3b59c366b0e3ae2e6" # Alice USER_ID_CAROL <- "630f1cb9cb18da61cfd58659" # Carol # These projects are assumed to already exist. # PROJECT_ID_CLOCKIFY <- "630ce53290cfd8789366fd49" PROJECT_ID_EMAYILI <- "630ce53cb59c366b0e27743f" # The RStudio client is assumed to already exist. # CLIENT_ID_RSTUDIO <- "63a55695db26c25e9d4e2d02" CLIENT_NAME_PSF <- "Python Software Foundation" NO_API_KEY_IN_ENVIRONMENT <- CLOCKIFY_API_KEY == "" random_string <- function(length = 24) { stri_rand_strings(1, length) } random_integer <- function(min = 0, max = 100) { round(runif(1) * (max - min) + min) } TAG_NAME <- random_string() TAG_ID <- NULL TAG_NAME_UPDATED <- random_string() TASK_NAME <- random_string() TASK_ID <- NULL TASK_NAME_UPDATED <- random_string() TIME_CURRENT <- Sys.time() options(duration.units = "secs")