context("Test report skeleton") library(tools) test_that("Example xpt files are correctly extracted to the specified folder", { dirData <- tempfile("data") clinDataReview:::moveXpt(dirData) res <- list.files(dirData) expect_length(res, 8) expect_setequal(object = file_ext(res), expected = "xpt") }) test_that("An example metadata file is correctly created", { dirData <- tempfile("data") clinDataReview:::createExampleMetadata(dirData) res <- list.files(dirData) expect_length(res, 1) expect_equal(object = basename(res), expected = "metadata.yml") }) test_that("Report skeleton files are correctly copied to the specified folder", { dirSkeletonFiles <- tempfile("skeleton") tmp <- clinDataReview:::moveSkeletonFiles(dirSkeletonFiles) res <- list.files(dirSkeletonFiles) expect_setequal( object = res, expected = c("config", "figures", "index.Rmd") ) resConfig <- list.files(file.path(dirSkeletonFiles, "config")) expect_setequal(object = file_ext(resConfig), expected = "yml") resFigures <- list.files(file.path(dirSkeletonFiles, "figures")) expect_setequal(object = file_ext(resFigures), expected = c("svg", "png")) }) test_that("Example of the main config file is correctly created", { dirSkeleton <- tempfile("config") clinDataReview:::createMainConfigSkeleton( dir = dirSkeleton, dirData = tempfile("data") ) res <- list.files(dirSkeleton) expect_equal(object = res, expected = "config.yml") }) test_that("A report skeleton, consisting of config files, XPT datasets, figures and index file is correctly created", { dirSkeleton <- tempfile("skeleton") expect_message( createClinDataReviewReportSkeleton(dirSkeleton), "The skeleton of the report is ready!" ) res <- list.files(dirSkeleton) expect_identical( object = res, expected = c("config", "data", "figures", "index.Rmd") ) }) test_that("A warning is generated during the skeleton creation when the specified folder is not empty", { dirSkeleton <- tempfile("skeleton") createClinDataReviewReportSkeleton(dirSkeleton) expect_warning( createClinDataReviewReportSkeleton(dirSkeleton), ".+ is not empty." ) }) test_that("A skeleton report is successfully executed", { skip_on_cran() # fix for: 'Using anchor_sections requires Pandoc 2.0+' skip_if_not( condition = rmarkdown::pandoc_available(version = "2.0"), message = "pandoc 2.0 is not available" ) dirSkeleton <- tempfile("skeleton") createClinDataReviewReportSkeleton(dirSkeleton) # Track warnings during execution of example report: warn <- NULL resReport <- withCallingHandlers( expr = render_clinDataReviewReport( inputDir = dirSkeleton, outputDir = file.path(dirSkeleton, "report"), intermediateDir = file.path(dirSkeleton, "interim"), quiet = TRUE, # suppress printing of pandoc cmd line verbose = FALSE ), warning = function(w){ warn <<- append(warn, conditionMessage(w)) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } ) expect_true(file.exists(resReport)) # check that import parameters is successful & all chapters are successfully created expect_false(any( grepl( "Extraction of the parameters.*failed|Rendering of the.*report failed", warn ) )) }) test_that("A skeleton report is successfully executed in parallel", { skip_on_cran() # fix for: 'Using anchor_sections requires Pandoc 2.0+' skip_if_not( condition = rmarkdown::pandoc_available(version = "2.0"), message = "pandoc 2.0 is not available" ) dirSkeleton <- tempfile("skeleton") createClinDataReviewReportSkeleton(dirSkeleton) outputDir <- file.path(dirSkeleton, "report") resReport <- render_clinDataReviewReport( inputDir = dirSkeleton, outputDir = outputDir, intermediateDir = file.path(dirSkeleton, "interim"), quiet = TRUE, # suppress printing of pandoc cmd line verbose = FALSE, nCores = max(floor(parallel::detectCores()/2), 2) ) resReport <- file.path(dirSkeleton, "report", "1-introduction.html") expect_true(file.exists(resReport)) })