test_that("cli_progress_along crud", { fun <- function() { sapply(cli_progress_along(letters), function(i) i) } capture_cli_messages(ret <- fun()) expect_identical(ret, seq_along(letters)) }) test_that("progress bar terminated at mapping function exit", { fun <- function() { snap <- as.character(names(clienv$progress)) sapply(cli_progress_along(letters), function(i) i) expect_identical(as.character(names(clienv$progress)), snap) } capture_cli_messages(fun()) }) test_that("interpolation uses the right env", { if (getRversion() < "3.5.0") skip("Needs ALTREP") fun <- function() { withr::local_options( cli.ansi = TRUE, cli.dynamic = TRUE, cli.progress_show_after = 0, cli.progress_handlers_only = "cli" ) x <- 10 sapply(cli_progress_along(1:5, format = "x: {x}"), function(i) i) } out <- capture_cli_messages(cli_with_ticks(fun())) expect_snapshot(out) }) test_that("cli_progress_along", { if (getRversion() < "3.5.0") skip("Needs ALTREP") withr::local_envvar(CLI_NO_THREAD = "1") fun <- function() { withr::local_options( cli.ansi = TRUE, cli.dynamic = TRUE, cli.progress_show_after = 0, cli.progress_handlers_only = "logger" ) vapply(cli::cli_progress_along(1:10), function(i) i, integer(1)) } lines <- fix_logger_output(capture.output(cli_with_ticks(fun()))) expect_snapshot(lines) }) test_that("cli_progress_along error", { if (getRversion() < "3.5.0") skip("Needs ALTREP") withr::local_envvar(CLI_NO_THREAD = "1") fun <- function() { withr::local_options( cli.ansi = TRUE, cli.dynamic = TRUE, cli.progress_show_after = 0, cli.progress_handlers_only = "logger" ) suppressWarnings(testthat::local_reproducible_output()) lapply( cli::cli_progress_along(1:10, clear = FALSE), function(i) { if (i == 5) stop("oops") } ) } outfile <- tempfile() expect_error(callr::r(fun, stdout = outfile, stderr = outfile)) lines <- fix_logger_output(readLines(outfile)) expect_snapshot(lines) }) test_that("old R is just seq_along", { # It is tricky to check that we get seq_along(), because # identical(cli_progress_along(1:10), seq_along(1:10)) holds, # so we just check that no progress bar is created. local_mocked_bindings(getRversion = function() package_version("3.4.0")) snapshot <- names(clienv$progress) it <- cli_progress_along(1:10) expect_identical(snapshot, names(clienv$progress)) expect_identical(it, seq_along(1:10)) }) test_that("error in handler is a single warning", { if (getRversion() < "3.5.0") skip("Needs ALTREP") fun <- function() { withr::local_options( cli.ansi = TRUE, cli.dynamic = TRUE, cli.progress_show_after = 0, cli.progress_handlers_only = "cli" ) x <- 10 sapply(cli_progress_along(1:5, format = "{1+''}"), function(i) i) } expect_snapshot( cli_with_ticks(fun()), transform = sanitize_srcref ) }) test_that("length 1 seq", { fun <- function() { sapply(cli_progress_along(1L), function(i) i) } capture_cli_messages(ret <- cli_with_ticks(fun())) expect_identical(ret, 1L) }) test_that("ALTREP methods", { if (getRversion() < "3.5.0") skip("Needs ALTREP") seq <- cli_progress_along(1:10) expect_output(.Internal(inspect(seq)), "progress_along") expect_equal(is.unsorted(seq), FALSE) expect_equal(sum(seq), sum(1:10)) seq <- cli_progress_along(letters) expect_equal(min(seq), 1L) expect_equal(max(seq), length(letters)) z <- cli_progress_along(character()) expect_equal(min(z), Inf) seq <- cli_progress_along(letters) expect_equal(.Call(clic_dataptr, seq), seq_along(letters) * 2) seq2 <- seq expect_silent(seq2[1] <- 100) })