test_that_cli("format_error", { expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, local({ n <- "boo" stop(format_error(c( "{.var n} must be a numeric vector", "x" = "You've supplied a {.cls {class(n)}} vector." ))) })) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, local({ len <- 26 idx <- 100 stop(format_error(c( "Must index an existing element:", "i" = "There {?is/are} {len} element{?s}.", "x" = "You've tried to subset element {idx}." ))) })) }) test_that_cli("format_warning", { expect_snapshot({ n <- "boo" warning(format_warning(c( "{.var n} must be a numeric vector", "x" = "You've supplied a {.cls {class(n)}} vector." ))) }) expect_snapshot(local({ len <- 26 idx <- 100 warning(format_warning(c( "Must index an existing element:", "i" = "There {?is/are} {len} element{?s}.", "x" = "You've tried to subset element {idx}." ))) })) }) test_that_cli("format_message", { expect_snapshot({ n <- "boo" message(format_message(c( "{.var n} must be a numeric vector", "x" = "You've supplied a {.cls {class(n)}} vector." ))) }) expect_snapshot(local({ len <- 26 idx <- 100 message(format_message(c( "Must index an existing element:", "i" = "There {?is/are} {len} element{?s}.", "x" = "You've tried to subset element {idx}." ))) })) }) test_that_cli(configs = "ansi", "color in RStudio", { local_mocked_bindings( rstudio_detect = function() list(type = "rstudio_console", num_colors = 256), get_rstudio_theme = function() list(foreground = "rgb(0, 0, 0)") ) expect_snapshot({ col <- get_rstudio_fg_color0() cat(col("this is the new color")) }) local_mocked_bindings(get_rstudio_theme = function() list()) expect_null(get_rstudio_fg_color0()) local_mocked_bindings( rstudio_detect = function() list(type = "rstudio_console", num_colors = 1) ) expect_null(get_rstudio_fg_color0()) }) test_that_cli(configs = "ansi", "update_rstudio_color", { local_mocked_bindings( get_rstudio_fg_color = function() make_ansi_style("#008800") ) expect_snapshot(cat(update_rstudio_color("color me interested"))) }) test_that("named first element", { expect_snapshot( format_error(c("*" = "foo", "*" = "bar")) ) expect_snapshot( format_warning(c("*" = "foo", "*" = "bar")) ) }) test_that("no cli conditions are thrown", { cnd <- NULL withCallingHandlers({ format_error("error") format_warning("warning") format_message("message") }, cli_message = function(cnd_) cnd <<- cnd_) expect_null(cnd) }) test_that("cli.condition_width", { withr::local_options(cli.condition_width = 40, cli.num_colors = 1) msg <- strrep("1234567890 ", 8) expect_snapshot({ format_error(msg) format_warning(msg) format_message(msg) }) withr::local_options(cli.condition_width = Inf) expect_snapshot({ format_error(msg) format_warning(msg) format_message(msg) }) }) test_that_cli("suppressing Unicode bullets", { withr::local_options(cli.condition_unicode_bullets = FALSE) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, local({ n <- "boo" stop(format_error(c( "{.var n} must be a numeric vector", "x" = "You've supplied a {.cls {class(n)}} vector.", "v" = "Success.", "i" = "Info.", "*" = "Bullet", ">" = "Arrow" ))) })) }) test_that("edge cases", { expect_equal(cli::format_error(""), "") expect_equal(cli::format_error(NULL), "") expect_equal(cli::format_error(character()), "") expect_equal(cli::format_warning(""), "") expect_equal(cli::format_warning(NULL), "") expect_equal(cli::format_warning(character()), "") expect_equal(cli::format_message(""), "") expect_equal(cli::format_message(NULL), "") expect_equal(cli::format_message(character()), "") })