start_app() on.exit(stop_app(), add = TRUE) test_that_cli( configs = c("plain", "ansi"), "quoting phrases that don't start or end with letter or number", { expect_snapshot(local({ x0 <- "good-name" cli_text("The name is {.file {x0}}.") x <- "weird-name " cli_text("The name is {.file {x}}.") cli_text("The name is {.path {x}}.") cli_text("The name is {.email {x}}.") })) } ) test_that_cli(configs = c("plain", "ansi"), "quoting weird names, still", { nb <- function(x) gsub("\u00a0", " ", x, fixed = TRUE) expect_snapshot(local({ cat_line(nb(quote_weird_name("good"))) cat_line(nb(quote_weird_name(" bad"))) cat_line(nb(quote_weird_name("bad "))) cat_line(nb(quote_weird_name(" bad "))) })) }) test_that_cli(configs = c("ansi"), "~/ files are not weird", { nb <- function(x) gsub("\u00a0", " ", x, fixed = TRUE) expect_snapshot(local({ cat_line(nb(quote_weird_name("~/good"))) cat_line(nb(quote_weird_name("~~bad"))) cat_line(nb(quote_weird_name("bad~ "))) cat_line(nb(quote_weird_name(" ~ bad ~ "))) })) }) test_that_cli("custom truncation", { expect_snapshot({ x <- cli_vec(1:100, list("vec-trunc" = 5)) cli_text("Some numbers: {x}.") cli_text("Some numbers: {.val {x}}.") }) }) test_that_cli(configs = c("plain", "ansi"), "collapsing class names", { expect_snapshot(local({ cc <- c("one", "two") cli_text("this is a class: {.cls myclass}") cli_text("multiple classes: {.cls {cc}}") })) }) test_that_cli(configs = c("plain", "ansi"), "transform", { expect_snapshot(local({ cli_text("This is a {.field field} (before)") foo <- function(x) toupper(x) cli_div(theme = list(span.field = list(transform = foo))) cli_text("This is a {.field field} (during)") cli_end() cli_text("This is a {.field field} (after)") })) }) test_that("cli_format", { expect_snapshot( cli_format(1:4/7, list(digits = 2)) ) }) test_that("cli_format() is used for .val", { withr::local_options(cli.width = 60) withr::local_rng_version("3.3.0") set.seed(42) expect_snapshot(local({ cli_div(theme = list(.val = list(digits = 2))) cli_text("Some random numbers: {.val {runif(4)}}.") })) }) test_that(".q always double quotes", { expect_snapshot( cli_text("just a {.q string}, nothing more") ) }) test_that(".or", { expect_snapshot( cli_text("{.or {letters[1:5]}}") ) expect_snapshot( cli_text("{.or {letters[1:2]}}") ) }) test_that("line breaks", { txt <- paste( "Cupidatat deserunt culpa enim deserunt minim aliqua tempor fugiat", "cupidatat laboris officia esse ex aliqua. Ullamco mollit adipisicing", "anim." ) txt2 <- paste0(txt, "\f", txt) expect_snapshot(ansi_strwrap(txt2, width = 60)) }) test_that_cli(configs = "ansi", "double ticks", { x <- c("a", "`x`", "b") cli_div(theme = list( .code = list(color = "red"), .fun = list(color = "red") )) expect_snapshot(format_inline("{.code {x}}")) expect_snapshot(format_inline("{.fun {x}}")) }) test_that("do not inherit 'transform' issue #422", { expect_snapshot({ d <- deparse(c("cli", "glue")) cli::cli_alert_info("To install, run {.code install.packages({d})}") }) expect_snapshot({ cli::cli_text("{.code foo({1+1})}") }) }) test_that_cli(configs = c("ansi", "plain"), "no inherit color, issue #474", { expect_snapshot({ cli::cli_text("pre {.val x {'foo'} y} post") }) }) test_that_cli(configs = c("ansi", "plain"), "\\f at the end, issue #491", { expect_snapshot({ cli_fmt(cli::cli_text("{.val a}{.val b}")) cli_fmt(cli::cli_text("\f{.val a}{.val b}")) cli_fmt(cli::cli_text("\f\f{.val a}{.val b}")) cli_fmt(cli::cli_text("{.val a}\f{.val b}")) cli_fmt(cli::cli_text("{.val a}\f\f{.val b}")) cli_fmt(cli::cli_text("{.val a}{.val b}\f")) cli_fmt(cli::cli_text("{.val a}{.val b}\f\f")) cli_fmt(cli::cli_text("\f\f\f{.val a}\f\f\f{.val b}\f\f\f")) }) }) test_that("truncate vectors at 20", { expect_snapshot( cli::cli_text("Some letters: {letters}") ) }) test_that_cli(configs = "ansi", "brace expresssion edge cases", { foo <- "foo" bar <- "bar" expect_snapshot({ cli_text("{.code {foo} and {bar}}") cli_text("{.emph {foo} and {bar}}") cli_text("{.q {foo} and {bar}}") }) }) test_that("various errors", { expect_snapshot_error( cli_text("xx {.foobar} yy") ) expect_snapshot_error( cli_text("xx {.someverylong+expression} yy") ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, cli_text("xx {__cannot-parse-this__} yy"), transform = sanitize_srcref, variant = if (getRversion() < "4.2.0") "old-r" else "new-r" ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, cli_text("xx {1 + 'a'} yy"), transform = function(x) sanitize_call(sanitize_srcref(x)) ) }) test_that("format_inline and newlines", { expect_snapshot({ format_inline("foo\nbar") format_inline("\nfoo\n\nbar\n") format_inline("foo\fbar") format_inline("\ffoo\f\fbar\f") }) expect_snapshot({ format_inline("foo\nbar", keep_whitespace = FALSE) format_inline("\nfoo\n\nbar\n", keep_whitespace = FALSE) format_inline("foo\fbar", keep_whitespace = FALSE) format_inline("\ffoo\f\fbar\f", keep_whitespace = FALSE) }) })