start_app() on.exit(stop_app(), add = TRUE) test_that("collapsing without formatting, n>3", { expect_snapshot({ pkgs <- paste0("pkg", 1:5) cli_text("Packages: {pkgs}.") }) }) test_that("collapsing without formatting, n<3", { expect_snapshot({ pkgs <- paste0("pkg", 1:2) cli_text("Packages: {pkgs}.") }) }) test_that("collapsing with formatting", { expect_snapshot(local({ cli_div(theme = list(".pkg" = list(fmt = function(x) paste0(x, " (P)")))) pkgs <- paste0("pkg", 1:5) cli_text("Packages: {.pkg {pkgs}}.") })) }) test_that("collapsing with formatting, custom seps", { expect_snapshot(local({ cli_div(theme = list(div = list("vec-sep" = " ... "))) pkgs <- paste0("pkg", 1:5) cli_text("Packages: {.pkg {pkgs}}.") })) }) test_that("collapsing a cli_vec", { expect_snapshot({ pkgs <- cli_vec( paste0("pkg", 1:5), style = list("vec-sep" = " & ", "vec-last" = " & ") ) cli_text("Packages: {pkgs}.") }) }) test_that_cli(configs = c("plain", "ansi"), "collapsing a cli_vec with styling", { expect_snapshot(local({ cli_div(theme = list(body = list("vec-sep" = " ... "))) pkgs <- cli_vec( paste0("pkg", 1:5), style = list("vec-sep" = " & ", "vec-last" = " & ", color = "blue") ) cli_text("Packages: {pkgs}.") })) }) test_that("head", { v <- function(n, t = 5) { cli_vec( seq_len(n), style = list("vec-trunc-style" = "head", "vec-trunc" = t) ) } expect_snapshot({ cli_text("{v(0,1)}") cli_text("{v(1,1)}") cli_text("{v(2,1)}") cli_text("{v(3,1)}") cli_text("{v(4,1)}") cli_text("{v(0,2)}") cli_text("{v(1,2)}") cli_text("{v(2,2)}") cli_text("{v(3,2)}") cli_text("{v(4,2)}") cli_text("{v(0,3)}") cli_text("{v(1,3)}") cli_text("{v(2,3)}") cli_text("{v(3,3)}") cli_text("{v(4,3)}") cli_text("{v(0,4)}") cli_text("{v(1,4)}") cli_text("{v(2,4)}") cli_text("{v(3,4)}") cli_text("{v(4,4)}") cli_text("{v(0,5)}") cli_text("{v(1,5)}") cli_text("{v(2,5)}") cli_text("{v(3,5)}") cli_text("{v(4,5)}") cli_text("{v(10,5)}") }) }) test_that("both-ends", { v <- function(n, t = 5) { cli_vec( seq_len(n), style = list("vec-trunc-style" = "both-ends", "vec-trunc" = t) ) } expect_snapshot({ cli_text("{v(0,1)}") cli_text("{v(1,1)}") cli_text("{v(2,1)}") cli_text("{v(3,1)}") cli_text("{v(4,1)}") cli_text("{v(5,1)}") cli_text("{v(6,1)}") cli_text("{v(7,1)}") cli_text("{v(10,1)}") }) }) test_that_cli(configs = c("plain", "ansi"), "both-ends with formatting", { v <- function(n, t = 5) { cli_vec( seq_len(n), style = list("vec-trunc-style" = "both-ends", "vec-trunc" = t) ) } expect_snapshot({ cli_text("{.val {v(0,1)}}") cli_text("{.val {v(1,1)}}") cli_text("{.val {v(2,1)}}") cli_text("{.val {v(3,1)}}") cli_text("{.val {v(4,1)}}") cli_text("{.val {v(5,1)}}") cli_text("{.val {v(6,1)}}") cli_text("{.val {v(7,1)}}") cli_text("{.val {v(10,1)}}") cli_text("{.val {v(10,6)}}") cli_text("{.val {v(10,10)}}") cli_text("{.val {v(11,10)}}") }) }) test_that("ansi_collapse", { l10 <- letters[1:10] expect_snapshot({ ansi_collapse(l10) ansi_collapse(l10, trunc = 6) ansi_collapse(l10, trunc = 5) ansi_collapse(l10, trunc = 4) ansi_collapse(l10, trunc = 1) ansi_collapse(l10, sep = "; ") ansi_collapse(l10, sep = "; ", last = "; or ") ansi_collapse(l10, sep = "; ") ansi_collapse(l10, sep = "; ", last = "; or ", trunc = 6) ansi_collapse(l10, style = "head") ansi_collapse(l10, trunc = 6, style = "head") ansi_collapse(l10, trunc = 5, style = "head") ansi_collapse(l10, trunc = 4, style = "head") ansi_collapse(l10, trunc = 1, style = "head") ansi_collapse(l10, sep = "; ", style = "head") ansi_collapse(l10, sep = "; ", last = "; or ", style = "head") ansi_collapse(l10, sep = "; ", last = "; or ", trunc = 6, style = "head") }) }) test_that("ansi_collapse with width trimming", { l10 <- letters[1:10] expect_snapshot({ ansi_collapse(l10, width = 1, style = "head") ansi_collapse(l10, width = 2, style = "head") ansi_collapse(l10, width = 3, style = "head") ansi_collapse(l10, width = 4, style = "head") ansi_collapse(l10, width = 5, style = "head") ansi_collapse(l10, width = 6, style = "head") ansi_collapse(l10, width = 7, style = "head") ansi_collapse(l10, width = 8, style = "head") ansi_collapse(l10, width = 9, style = "head") ansi_collapse(l10, width = 30, style = "head") ansi_collapse(l10, width = 31, style = "head") ansi_collapse(l10, width = 32, style = "head") ansi_collapse(l10, width = 40, style = "head") }) expect_snapshot({ ansi_collapse(l10, width = 10, style = "both-ends") }) }) test_that("ansi_collapse produces consistent truncation results", { expect_equal(ansi_collapse(1:2, trunc = 1, style = "head"), ansi_collapse(1:2, trunc = 0, style = "head")) }) test_that("ansi_collapse uses `sep2` for length-two inputs", { expect_equal(ansi_collapse(1:2), "1 and 2") expect_equal(ansi_collapse(1:2, trunc = 2, style = "head"), "1 and 2") }) test_that("Avoid duplication of length 1 vecs when width set (#590)", { expect_equal(ansi_collapse(1), "1") expect_equal(ansi_collapse(1, style = "head"), "1") expect_equal(ansi_collapse(1, style = "head", width = 70), "1") expect_equal(ansi_collapse(1, style = "head", last = " and again "), "1") expect_equal(ansi_collapse(1, style = "head", width = 70, last = " and again "), "1") }) test_that("Issue #681", { # sep2 takes precedence expect_equal(ansi_collapse(1:2, sep2 = " and ", last = " or "), "1 and 2") expect_equal(ansi_collapse(1:2, sep2 = " xor ", last = " or "), "1 xor 2") # default for sep2 is last without the Oxford comma expect_equal(ansi_collapse(1:3, last = ", or "), "1, 2, or 3") expect_equal(ansi_collapse(1:2, last = ", or "), "1 or 2") expect_equal(ansi_collapse(1:2, last = " or "), "1 or 2") expect_snapshot({ v <- cli::cli_vec( c("foo", "bar", "foobar"), style = list("vec-last" = ", or ") ) cli::cli_text("Must be one of: {v}.") v <- cli::cli_vec( c("foo", "bar"), style = list("vec-last" = " or ") ) cli::cli_text("Must be one of: {v}.") v <- cli::cli_vec( c("foo", "bar"), style = list("vec-last" = " or ", "vec-sep2" = " xor ") ) cli::cli_text("Must be one of: {v}.") }) })